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No Vampire Lord Form, Concept Mod


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Once again I'm back to my roots of Skyrim, after taking a break with DAI.  As you can see from the title, I want to make a mod without a vampire lord form at all.  In fact, I've worked with the vampire lord before on my own custom mod that was stolen years ago and uploaded to the nexus without credits:  



This was the thread I started on with it, if you check my post date it was around the time dawnguard was "released".


Which is probably one reason I decided to ignore its existence, and not try and do more with it.


The original vampire lord mod I made simply just made it so it swapped out the bat mutant form with a version of your character with face gen intact.  Though, I only did that because I was unable to achieve my original plan.  My original plan was to make a player like vampire lord.  As in being able to use gear, fast travel, etc.  


Now I did see there is a werewolf mod that's very old that exists, that apparently was capable of this.  Though, for the life of me can't figure out how he pulled it off.  I dived into the scripts, and well that just spelled an entire new nightmare lol.


Here's the werewolf mod:



So after all this wasted effort I decided, why is there even a need for a vampire lord form?  I mean I love the hovering, and what not..but I'm not a fan of a mutant vampire lol (reminded me of the movie underworld 3).  


So I was trying to find a way to reassign all of the vampire lord abilities to just be used as if you were similar to someone infected with Sanguinare Vampiris.  I was trying to make as little impact on the game assets as possible to achieve this.  I could in fact just make an entire new strand of a virus for an entirely new vampire race...but I wanted to use the vampirelord race as a base.


I've been able to change the behavior file of the vampire lord to a regular player default one.  Though, you still are instanced into the "vampire quest".  Which pretty much seemed to work identically to the werewolf instance.  


The vampire lord quest is named DLC1PlayerVampireQuest, and it uses the two scripts DLC1PlayerVampireChangeScript and DLC1_QF_DLC1PlayerVampireQues_010071D0.  What's extremely odd and funny is the 2nd script has the werewolf feeding perks @_@  The first script basically has all of the perk/ability/spells that the vampire lord gets.


I've also tried things such as adding ActorTypeNPC to the DLC1VampireBeastRace, and even manually used Tes5Edit to add all of the attack data that a regular pc would have (was painful to do all slow and manual lol).  There's also a couple keywords I found that refer to both the player and vampires..but still didn't change anything ;/


So I'm basically curious if anyone else has tampered with this kind of stuff being that the game has now been out for several years ;p  If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for me to look at I would appreciate it as well.  Thank you ^^



I actually really like this idea, I hated the design of the vampire lord when I first saw it.
Those little chicken wings did make me laugh though, If you could use all the abilities as just powers you have because you're a vampire I might actually be one for once.


Alright, so after messing around for a while I was able to make the vampire lord like a typical player character.  I still haven't figured out how to get the map/menu/inventory/spells back..but the character uses the standard animations.  You can also loot, pickpocket, craft, talk to npcs, lock picking, travel between areas (without a map..just by like a door or zone), and even sit down.  While changing into it, it still registers you as a threat...so you get a bounty and such.


I have to test the spells more, but you loose the automatic spells equipped in your hands.  Like the drain and the raise dead.  You can use the bats, but it seems the function is broken now..and all it does it make a bunch of bats fly around you lol.  


I was pointed to a couple mods by suggestion, and have also messaged the creator of vampiric thirst in hopes of learning information about scripting.  It seems like most of the vampire lord form is in the script, and can't really be changed in the CK..without scripting.  


Biggest annoyance I have with vampire lord is it forces you into 3rd person, I hate 3rd person mode in games like this.


Though wouldn't it just be replacing the vampire lord meshes and textures with whatever the current player is using? or is that too easy or not the way it works?


Just took a look at you're previous post on the re-placer, very nice. And I completely agree with one of the above posters the hovering is damn annoying, as it seems to change the pathing of the player slightly when going through doors and narrow spots.


@Varithina - Yea, I completely agree about the 3rd person.  That's another thing I was trying to do away with.  In terms of replacing what the vampire lord uses with what the player is using is essentially what I was trying to do.  Sadly, its not as easy to do as it seems.


When you transform into a vampire lord you are thrown into what's called the "DLC1vampirequest".  Its like a mode that restricts most of the character, and only gives you the ability to hover/fight on the ground/use vampire lord abilities only.  It was probably designed with the intention of being the easiest way to add all of the stuff the vampire lord has. 


I actually got in touch with the author of the Vampiric Thirst mod, and she gave me some suggestions on what I could do.  One option is to completely remove the vampire lord form, and find a way to add the vampire perks to the regular perk list.  I would try and get those perks to only show up to vampires.  Then I'd have to find a way to get the vampire lord spells to be useable outside of the form.  That's yet another thing I've had an issue figuring out, because they don't behave like regular spells.  I could perhaps make them learnable through a book or spell book...but I'd rather have it be a natural process.  


If you remove the third person and had it instead be first person and your vampire lord had wings etc that would move .. etc etc. you would have to create different models for first person as well so that the wings could come into view properly. Much like the files from first person is different from the entire body shown in third person. This I became aware of with those mods that allow you to change first person "view". At least as far as I understand the process.


@RitualClarity - I see exactly where the 3rd person lock is, same with all of the other unusable functions in vampire lord form.  In fact this is the line of code:



PlayerActor.SetActorValue("GrabActorOffset", 70)

Game.DisablePlayerControls(abMovement = false, abFighting = false, abCamSwitch = true, abMenu = false, abActivate = false, abJournalTabs = false, aiDisablePOVType = 1)
; SendShrinesIsPlayerVampireLord(true)


The issue is mainly I can't compile the script in the CK, because the Ck rejects my changes lol.  In fact it just simply hates most of the vanilla unmodified dawnguard scripts.  Such as I compiled one with no changes, and it still had an error.  There is one simple script from Dawnguard I found that will compile properly, but the complex ones have errors.  What's funny is the errors have nothing to do with my changes.  The compiler spits out error lines, that aren't even related.  Which is why failing to compile on a vanilla script the game already uses is hilarious (I'm wondering if the dev's used a work around, since there own tool rejected the script)


As for the 1st person models, that's extremely easy.  I've done alot of armor mods, and you could basically just use the entire mesh from 3rd person in first person.  Most modders that "even" add 1st person meshes to their mods, will most likely cut up the upperbody so you only have what's needed.  Such as just arms with shoulders, no full torso.  Though, depending on the angle and the FOV or distance used on the mesh...it could work or look very awkward.  


@Varithina - Yea, I completely agree about the 3rd person.  That's another thing I was trying to do away with.  In terms of replacing what the vampire lord uses with what the player is using is essentially what I was trying to do.  Sadly, its not as easy to do as it seems.


When you transform into a vampire lord you are thrown into what's called the "DLC1vampirequest".  Its like a mode that restricts most of the character, and only gives you the ability to hover/fight on the ground/use vampire lord abilities only.  It was probably designed with the intention of being the easiest way to add all of the stuff the vampire lord has. 


I actually got in touch with the author of the Vampiric Thirst mod, and she gave me some suggestions on what I could do.  One option is to completely remove the vampire lord form, and find a way to add the vampire perks to the regular perk list.  I would try and get those perks to only show up to vampires.  Then I'd have to find a way to get the vampire lord spells to be useable outside of the form.  That's yet another thing I've had an issue figuring out, because they don't behave like regular spells.  I could perhaps make them learnable through a book or spell book...but I'd rather have it be a natural process.  


I did not think it would be as easy as I though, but there again most of my cs work was getting player made armour and weapons into the npc/vendor lists, well until I found lootification that is then I pretty much use it to tidy up other peoples armour mods.


Vampiric thirst is a nice mod I use that myself, with one of the vampire lord replacers from here, mind you fast traveling then insta death on arrival tends to put me off playing a vampire, except for the standard version.


Though I am looking forward to how things work out with your mod, especially if you can get away from the 3rd person mode when in vampire lord mode.


@Varithina - I've made some small progress, but the biggest hold up is getting the script to compile properly.  I found a new tool someone made for compiling outside of the CK, so hopefully it'll do what I need it to.  I actually found a mod from here:




That essentially lets you add code to equip gear in vampire lord form.  While its not what I'm trying to do exactly, it still showed me some valuable information.  Hopefully I'll make some decent progress this weekend.


As for vampiric thirst, I use it in conjunction with Requiem.  There is no fast traveling in Requiem, though you can use the carts to travel between towns.  Unless you can react extremely fast when you are at the stage of "child" in vampirism...you'll burn to a cinder lol (if you use the carts near daylight).


There is tricks around it though.  If you can heal yourself while taking sun damage, you can keep yourself alive.  The issue with doing that in Requiem is you cannot heal a vampire outside of using the vampire drain.  Though, I found requiem has a spell made for healing undead that you can buy at Castle Volk in the dawnguard expansion (costs a truck load like 2k..well in Requiem making gold isn't exactly easy lol).  Unlike a regular healing spell, it scales off of your summoning magic.


Also if you are at 100% blood in vampiric thirst, you will not take sun damage.  If you are still in the "child" state of vampirism, your blood pool goes very fast..probably goes from 100 to 90 in a couple min.  In emergencies you can carry blood potions, which you make by having an empty bottle in your inventory while feeding (which gives you a new option while feeding to make a bottle of blood).  These don't give that many blood points like 10, but can save you in bad situations (like me in the Soul Cairn..stupid invisible stalkers...).


I've never been a fan of the 3rd person werewolf and vampire, because it almost makes me feel like I'm not playing an Elder Scrolls game at all.  I tend to switch back and forth between the views depending on what I'm doing.  I find having that a must, which is why I love most Tes games.

  • 1 month later...


Once again I'm back to my roots of Skyrim, after taking a break with DAI.  As you can see from the title, I want to make a mod without a vampire lord form at all.  In fact, I've worked with the vampire lord before on my own custom mod that was stolen years ago and uploaded to the nexus without credits:  


I know you are talking about me but let me tell you this:


1. Well, i also made my mod alone. But lost interest in it a long time ago.

2. I never stole your mod. In fact, i don't even know that there was a somehow similar mod on another site when i uploaded my mod.

3. I never steal mods. I make a mod if i want it and i will never steal someone else's mod and take all the credit.

4. Don't make false accusations if you don't have any evidence.


I hope this will clear all the misunderstanding.


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