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[Sims 4] Incest, Teen-Adult romance, Same Sex Pregnancy (FF target only), and Polygamy NOT UPDATED FOR LATEST PATCH!


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Incest is currently enabled for the updated version. Polygamy is a more fickle beast though with the way the buffs and jealousy work. From what I've tested so far, it can be enabled, but your sims are basically sad sacks all the time because jealousy applies negative buffs from spouses cheating, even with the Player trait on. I'm trying to work out the best way to filter it, whether that's just making a new filter or pointing a few buffs in different places, but right now it just breaks jealousy completely, which I assume people will want as a core piece of the game. If I figure anything out, I'll post a newer version here. Right now I'm still trying to figure out why it says that WooHoo is the first time every time. From what I can see in the xml, the buff *should* be applying if they've done WooHoo, but I think the interactions are maybe ignoring it somehow. If you have any other requests though, I'll be happy to look into them as well.

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So will you be posting the version that outright breaks jealousy? I'd probably just end up asking for a mod that does that anyway. :P


Also, the new version; the one that adds preggers to everyone...does that include same-sex/Teen-Adult/Elder(?)/Teen< Preg/Try for Baby for all? Just...everything?


Looking forward to losing jealousy altogether. ;) It'll be necessary in TS4, since your "special someone" will walk up and just kiss you, out of the blue, every once in a while, regardless of who else is in the room. :-/ Busted!

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I can certainly make a full on everything go at this, it'll be a bit to fiddle with the jealousy/polygamy pieces to make sure they don't completely break events, like weddings for one. Also be aware that what jealousy applies to sims is a super sad buff, which is one of the only ways I've found so far to get that emotion outside of the gloomy trait. So, if you're going for the achievement where you go through every emotion, it'll be just a little bit more difficult. Same sex pregnancy might also act a bit strange, since I don't know if there's a model change that will apply to males, similar to the female belly model. I'll take a crack at it when I have a bit more time this weekend and see what I can get it to do without wrecking the gender filters on the events.


In the meantime, I figured out what was causing the first time message repeating, and I feel quite dumb for it. One of the things removed from the originals was a blacklist trait 101389, which is what tells the game sims have had WooHoo with each other. My guess is because it causes a small bug when you load into a game where it disables the options for WooHoo. The fix for that is to just do a scene transition, like go on a date, or have a sim travel somewhere and back. Once you've done that it should be fixed until you load another game.


I've also corrected some minor interface issues with some of the chat options being repeated when you have a Teen/Teen conversation. It was just adding the adult versions as well so you had two copies of a couple romance options. That has been fixed, so Teen/Teen options will only have the adult versions of the duplicate actions, while keeping the Teen only options such as Kiss Neck. Teen/Teen relationships also only have the option to exchange promise rings until one of them hits Young Adult, since I didn't want to accidentally break the filters for other events.


Interesting facts: The current patch already includes same sex relationships, just not the same sex pregnancy piece. The functions for Elders to have babies are already in the game, since you can age a sim from Adult to Elder while pregnant. All that was required was adding Elder to the age filter for the Try For Baby interactions.


The current feature list is as follows:

IncTeen - Incest, Teen/Adult Romance, Teen Jobs (Note that taking an adult job will replace the High School job that they default with), Teen Pregnancy

IncTeen+BFE - Adds babies for Elders



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When I add the latest version of the mod to my fully updated game I get a 'lastException' text file created. It basically states that "ValueError: TunableReference is set to a value that is not allowed by its class restriction."


Have you any idea what is causing this? I have tried removing all other mods, just in case of a clash, but its still creates the exception.



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Hi! Sorry for my English, I write with an electronic translator. All mods in this thread have a conflict with PTME - Emotional Overcharge (Social Interaction Tuning), insert link I was not allowed. Mod has conflicts with all teens sex modes. Eliminates incest, and removes the "Try to baby" all teens,

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1. Are you using the regular or BFE version of the mod?

2. Did you replace another mod that did the same thing, and load a previous game with that custom content?

3. Can you pm me the full text file, or is it just the one line? (If it's just that line, Maxis basically just gave you the middle finger on troubleshooting it.)

4. Is there anything in your Documents\Electronics Arts\Sims 4\Mods folder that isn't a .package file? (If there is, the game used to require an extra script file to load, and the update patched that away.)


The error is basically just saying that something has a value it shouldn't, like a True/False value having an age identifier or something. As of right now, both versions that are in my last post are working for me, even with both in the folder, since one just adds a couple of extra files. My first suggestion is to try the Check for Updates, or Repair Game option in Origin, just to double check that it downloaded and updated everything correctly. If it still gives you trouble, I'll keep an eye on the thread and try to get back to you ASAP.




Unfortunately, the Emotional Overcharge mod probably uses some of the same interaction scripts as this one to increase things like jealousy, etc. For the moment, you'll have to stick to one or the other, until I can get my hands on the Emotional Overcharge mod and dig into what they changed. That's the unfortunate side effect of people working on similar projects for different effects. It shouldn't be too hard to combine the two into one big file, just a little time consuming to do all the comparison, since this mod is already at 325 files that were edited to get everything enabled. Let me know if you have any other requests, and I'll jump on them this weekend when I get around to this stuff again.

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Unfortunately, the Emotional Overcharge mod probably uses some of the same interaction scripts as this one to increase things like jealousy, etc. For the moment, you'll have to stick to one or the other, until I can get my hands on the Emotional Overcharge mod and dig into what they changed. That's the unfortunate side effect of people working on similar projects for different effects. It shouldn't be too hard to combine the two into one big file, just a little time consuming to do all the comparison, since this mod is already at 325 files that were edited to get everything enabled. Let me know if you have any other requests, and I'll jump on them this weekend when I get around to this stuff again.

In this topic, there is a common request among many, it is Autonomous sex. Emotional Overcharge modes increases this possibility. This is what has fashion appeal. If you consider this is a general desire to make autonomous sex, we'll be very grateful. Thanks. Once again, sorry for my bad English.
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Same sex pregnancy might also act a bit strange, since I don't know if there's a model change that will apply to males, similar to the female belly model. I'll take a crack at it when I have a bit more time this weekend and see what I can get it to do without wrecking the gender filters on the events.


I was more referring to F/F preg. :P

Teen Jobs (Note that taking an adult job will replace the High School job that they default with)


So, they "drop out of school" to go to work? ^_^ Good enough! Would have been a bitch trying to balance school and homework with a full-time job. Sims would be dying! :D

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Oddly enough, the Teen jobs are still taking priority for the majority of slots, so you can make your sims go to school, then slave away doing hard construction labor until midnight the same day. I think this is mostly just limited by the game only displaying a few jobs at a time when you go job hunting, so I'll do a little more testing to see if the Teen jobs are preventing multiple adult jobs from showing up permanently.


I'll grab Emotional Overcharge this weekend and see what I can slam together to make it at least not crash when they're together. From the sound of it Petr54, the largest feature that was added is the sims activating WooHoo through the autonomy actions. Changes to Autonomy would definitely be the reason the two mods are clashing, since this one has additional interactions enabled for Teens that are normally for Young Adults.


I did a little more looking into the way jealousy interactions are activated and such. Everything is line of sight based, so putting sims in a room in pairs or less is generally the best practice for prevention on that front. This of course won't stop NPCs from just walking in your house and kissing someone, or walking in mid WooHoo to talk to someone, because they sure did leave some mentally handicapped sims in the autonomy actions. I think the best solution I've come up with is making the jealousy track apply positive modifiers instead of negative to relationship scores and buffs. That way your sims only get happier the more WooHoo they walk in on!

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There we go! Swing, everyone! It's...Woodstock! :lol:


You should add the 'flirty' emotion to it. :) They walk in on their sim banging someone, and gotta go rub one out. :D Or, if at all possible, 'very flirty'. We'll let other modders handle the masturbation mods. Then that could be what the reaction could trigger. ;)


Would be neat if they could start cheering or clapping or something, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people will see that "going too far". I'd love it, though. :blush:

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Alright, so here are a few updates to the mod as requested, as well as a couple of additional files for those that are interested. Still working combining this with PTME. It's not that it's hard, it's just a boatload of tuning to update, one number at a time. I should have that project out by the end of the week, provided the new content coming out doesn't involve a patch that changes things. If you guys have any other requests, let me know. Shout out to Darkpool for having jealousy figured out, since I managed to finally find old copies of his mods that weren't on zippyfile. Polygamy turned out to be a couple of prohibited traits that I missed the first time I went through the Propose interaction.


Also caught a bug with the relationship menu and asking people on dates/inviting them places. Working on fixing that, just a case of duplicates for Teen/Teen again, so it shouldn't be a tough fix. If you do see it in this version, invite the person to hang out, and you can ask them on a date by clicking on them in person.


Versions are as follows:


Darkpool No Jealousy - Disables Jealousy only

Enable Polygamy - Enables Polygamy only

BFE - Babies For Everyone

NJ - No Jealousy

P - Polygamy

So if you put them together, BFENJP is Babies For Everyone, No Jealousy, and Polygamy, all slammed together.


Darkpool No Jealousy

Enable Polygamy







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I am still working on the PTME compatibility. The reason it is taking so much time is the number of changes to each file that I have to make to match all of the tuning. I'll be knocking that piece out tonight when I get off work. It's thankfully not too many files, so it should just be a matter of sitting down long enough to do it all in one go.


On a side note, if anyone knows of a mod that can get your household size over 8 without borking the CAS system up, I would be much obliged. The only thing I've located to date is TwistedMexi's over at MtS, but it isn't full fledged due to an inability to get all of the scripting files from the look of it.

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Alright, so here are a few updates to the mod as requested, as well as a couple of additional files for those that are interested. Still working combining this with PTME. It's not that it's hard, it's just a boatload of tuning to update, one number at a time. I should have that project out by the end of the week, provided the new content coming out doesn't involve a patch that changes things. If you guys have any other requests, let me know. Shout out to Darkpool for having jealousy figured out, since I managed to finally find old copies of his mods that weren't on zippyfile. Polygamy turned out to be a couple of prohibited traits that I missed the first time I went through the Propose interaction.


Also caught a bug with the relationship menu and asking people on dates/inviting them places. Working on fixing that, just a case of duplicates for Teen/Teen again, so it shouldn't be a tough fix. If you do see it in this version, invite the person to hang out, and you can ask them on a date by clicking on them in person.


Versions are as follows:


Darkpool No Jealousy - Disables Jealousy only

Enable Polygamy - Enables Polygamy only

BFE - Babies For Everyone

NJ - No Jealousy

P - Polygamy

So if you put them together, BFENJP is Babies For Everyone, No Jealousy, and Polygamy, all slammed together.


BFENJP is mostly working, I can make family sins behave in naughty ways. But the babies for everyone portion seems to not be working.


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Right. So a small bout of idiocy on my part. I overwrote the BFE files with the originals when I added the jealousy and polygamy files without thinking. These should have everything added and working properly. Gonna start hitting the PTME integration now, so I should have something up within a few hours if it isn't too many changes.




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If you're using no Jealousy, then yes, swing away, otherwise, they'll still give you the back of the hand. If you've ever seen photos of a polygamist family in real life and they look all happy, it's not true. The women usually hate each other or the husband, or both, and just put up with it because of the environment they're trapped in. Not to say there aren't rare cases where it can work, but generally speaking, people are selfish and want to keep their spouse to themselves. And yes, the version number is the same since there aren't any major changes to the base IncTeen files on this one, just additions. Should only be a few more hours and we'll have a PTME version up here. Working on testing it right now to make sure nothing randomly breaks or crashes.

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Sounds like you've had some interesting RL experiences ;)


I didn't see Try for Baby for F/F yet...tried earlier :-/ Is my s*** just f***ed up? I used a save that was previously using InTeen... :mellow:


I'm having the same issue with try for baby with F/F, and I just updated to the lastest version put up on this.


Maybe some other mod is conflicting, I dunno.

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The same sex stuff isn't active in the versions I updated yet. I'm testing it right now to make sure it's working, and I have F/F going. The M/M one is giving me a little trouble though. Not sure if it's just the chance of it happening, or a trait blocking it somewhere, but I'll have it figured out in a bit and get some updated versions up.


Also, Maxis put out an updated patch today, which doesn't seem to affect this mod as it stands, but man, that timing. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

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Related to this issue, what is anyone using for naked woohoo now?  I am only aware of 2 such mods: Darkpool's (which is unsupported) and one from MTS (which can also be said to be unsupported given that it was not updated with the last patch and probably won't be with this current one).  Neither mod seems work with this version of Incteen - which is the best yet (I am using the current poly version without BFE and love it.)    They may be conflicting with IncTeen or the mods are conflicting with the current patch not sure which.  

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For me personally I just use a no-mosaic and invisible clothing combination, then set the sleepwear to naked. I'm assuming you're just referring to the clothing used for the act, and not the actual animation. For the moment, animations are difficult to alter just due to a lack of full knowledge on scripting procedures for them. It looks like you can edit the xml to call specific animations, but I'm not sure what the process is for object interaction. Theoretically, you could get a combination of positions to happen on top of the bed, similar to the nap interaction, but the actual coding is a bit over my current knowledge base on this game.


From what I saw of those other two mods, all they do is edit the clothing options so that the interaction for WooHoo makes them use the naked template, similar to the shower, which this mod should have already unless I'm overlooking something. But again, since I wanted options outside of just one interaction, I went with the invisible clothing, which is working well for me right now. Still testing the M/M pregnancy to find out what is blocking it. I have the pregnancy test working, just trying to figure out what isn't applying correctly to give a man a baby belly.


Update: I was overlooking something. My game is only using the invisible clothing mod, not the xml for the naked WooHoo. That's something I can edit in though.


Update 2: I had it working for one pass, and now it's gone again. It seems the chance is just very, very low on getting a man filled with a baby. Once I figure out what I did to make it work I'll throw up the updated versions.

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The same sex stuff isn't active in the versions I updated yet. I'm testing it right now to make sure it's working, and I have F/F going. The M/M one is giving me a little trouble though. Not sure if it's just the chance of it happening, or a trait blocking it somewhere, but I'll have it figured out in a bit and get some updated versions up.


Also, Maxis put out an updated patch today, which doesn't seem to affect this mod as it stands, but man, that timing. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Actually, your mod keeps the bug where the world is inundated with twins and triplets, which the patch was supposed to address (I don't think I've seen a single instance of only one child being born), so it does seem to affect it in a small way.


Do you think you might make a separate thread for this mod?  I am used to monitoring my mods by the OP.


Also, is it intentional that you can impregnate beyond the 8 sim limit, because you can, and it can cause some problems if you move sims around between families as the limit is still there for the manage worlds options.


Also, also, if you decide to add naked woohoo, please make it a flavor that I can avoid.  I am not interested in seeing ken dolls, limp dicks, or perm-erections on my male sims, so I would rather not have naked woohoo until more work has been done on the male sim's members.  Invisible clothes works fine for me.


Thanks for the work on this.  I had stopped playing the sims when Malfus's mod stopped being updated, now I'm playing again.

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