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What is better Lings or Mikoto mod?

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Sorry, no matter how good one might be over the other in opinion. It comes down to which mods you wish to use. That is unless you create a bashed patch or merge them together and then you have to deal with various issues that might arise from that. ;)


True. I have heard people have problems when they merge them together.

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 I could probably suffer in silence with Lings if it didn't add 800 stupid anime hairs and whatnot.. at least I think that was lings. ;)


That applies to both of them, if memory serves. But i like to screw realism and lore ^_^


Personally i use Lings, for the aforementioned reason that many other mods require it.

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Aren't mod requirements based on the mod name? So if you prefer one over the other, but your favorite mods require the opposite one, couldn't you just duplicate the esp/m and rename it?


Of course you'd also have to rename features within the mod to match requirements... Hm.

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Aren't mod requirements based on the mod name? So if you prefer one over the other, but your favorite mods require the opposite one, couldn't you just duplicate the esp/m and rename it?


Of course you'd also have to rename features within the mod to match requirements... Hm.

That only works if the refIDs are the same for all the form types as well, and that all of them exist.


xx123456 might be a hat in one mod and a quest (or nothing at all) in the other.



edit: also all the script variable offsets (like referencing quest vars) would be wrong / not work / crash.

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They you would likely use lings.. however if you start playing around with GECK you could import the hairs ( ids and such) then remove the dependency if that is all you needed. You could essentially do like Doctor Sax stated and smash up all the good stuff and just open GECK and use your " resource esm" as the source for all the hairs and such from any mod you used. If you prefer lings this for a character or a such you can just change it. It is easy, even I changed the eyes on Sexout store when I found they were purple because they needed some other resource I didn't' have. I just clicked on the eyes of the character ( from the GBO command to get the reference id etc) then clicked on the available eyes and choose something close to the original missing requirements.

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Ya I could learn how to mash them together. It would be a good way to learn about the GECK more. :shy:

Yes. Indeed. Lean and collect various armors and hairs and such and create your own "Resource" folder and ESM that you can call upon to fill in the game the way you want. It is very advance for users however basic for moder. Good way to get to learn GECK not to mention various aspects of basic modding like structure ( game) and general how to ( what is needed, what it does and where it goes).

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