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Shared Serana Dialogue - Modder's Resource

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Shared Serana Dialogue




Author TheDudeGuy (TDG)



v 1.1






Shared Serana Dialogue is a modder's resource that allows you to easily use Serana's default voice files in your own mod, for a more natural experience. Includes 93 of her voiced dialogue lines.


To access her dialogue, add SharedSeranaDialogue.esm as a master of your own mod, create your dialogue topics, click the "Share Response Data From Info" drop-down in the Topic Info window, and select the ID of the line you'd like to use. Of course, make sure to conditionalize your dialogue appropriately so that the lines will only be spoken by Serana (GetIsVoiceType DLC1SeranaVoice == 1.00, etc)


An attempt was made to preserve all of the original facial Emotion values from the original lines. Lines were included on the basis that they had some universal appeal or utility that was not directly related to the Dawnguard main quest line. Lines specific to the plot were not (and will not be) considered to be added.





  • Skyrim
  • Dawnguard


EditorIDs / Lines



Use or search the list below to find the line you want and then look up the Editor ID for that line in the CK Share Response Data From Info list.



Lines Already Shared


These are lines that are shared by Dawnguard *by default* and do not require this mod to access. They are listed below for reference.



EditorID Line


DLC1SeranaTurnPlayerDeny3 That makes sense.

DLC1SeranaTurnPlayerDeny2 Figured.

DLC1SeranaTurnPlayerDeny1 You're all talk.

DLC1SeranaTurnPlayerAffirm2 Don't say I didn't warn you.

DLC1SeranaTurnPlayerAffirm1 All right, then. Hold still.

DLC1SeranaPlayerTurnTooGood I don't think that's something you want. You're a little... I just don't think you're the type.

DLC1SeranaPlayerTurnYouSure Are you sure that's something you want? This isn't like picking out a new outfit. You'll be a creature of the night, like me.

DLC1VQ03SeranaRejoinNM Suit yourself.

DLC1VQ03SeranaRejoinYes Of course! Let's go.

DLC1VQ03SeranaRejoinOpening Were you looking for me?

DLC1VQ03SeranaRejoinRebuff If you want me to come along, it has to just be me and you.

DLC1VQ03SeranaFollowerSegue I'd... well, I'd come with you, but I don't know if I can trust your friend. | Let me know if you want me along.



Lines Shared By Shared Serana Dialogue


These lines are made available by this master resource.



EditorID Line




_Serana_ReallySurprised Really?

_Serana_SorryHadToBeThisWay Sorry it had to be this way!

_Serana_KnewIHeardSomething I knew I heard something!

_Serana_WheredYouComeFrom Where'd you come from?!

_Serana_ThatsIt That's it? All right.

_Serana_NothingElse Nothing else?

_Serana_Finished Finished?

_Serana_CantDoEverything I can't do everything for you.

_Serana_DontThinkSo I don't think so.




_Serana_ThisIsThePlace So... this is the place.

_Serana_LeadOn Lead on.

_Serana_NotAGoodTime This isn't really a good time.

_Serana_WhereHaveYouBeen Where have you been?

_Serana_ALittleNervous I'm a little nervous about all of this.

_Serana_Yes Yes?

_Serana_WhatIsIt Oh, what is it?

_Serana_WasGoingToSayTheSameThing I was going to say the same thing to you.

_Serana_ReadyWhenYouAre I'm ready when you are.

_Serana_HereWeGo All right, here we go.

_Serana_Incredible Incredible. Simply incredible.

_Serana_DifficultChoice I know this isn't an easy choice. Take your time.

_Serana_NervousQuestion Nervous?

_Serana_Nooo Nooo!

_Serana_WontFallForTricks I won't fall for your tricks!

_Serana_WontEndWell This won't end well for you!

_Serana_NotLikeThis Not like this...

_Serana_NoMore No, no more!

_Serana_HandsToYourself Hands to yourself.

_Serana_IfYouSaySo If you say so.

_Serana_IfYouSaySo2 All right. If you say so.

_Serana_AlwaysSpeakYourMind You... always say what you think, don't you?

_Serana_IThinkYouKnow I think you know.

_Serana_Delusional And I thought my father was the delusional one.

_Serana_DoesntSurpriseMe I can't say it surprises me. I kind of figured we were heading for this some day. | I just didn't know when.

_Serana_MeToo Me too.

_Serana_YouHaveOneMore Well, I guess now you have one more.

_Serana_WhatIWantedToHear That's what I wanted to hear.

_Serana_MissMe I knew you'd miss me.

_Serana_ThoughtYoudNeverAsk Thought you'd never ask.

_Serana_Disagree I disagree.

_Serana_ProbablyNot Probably not.

_Serana_Impressed I have to admit, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had the spirit for it.

_Serana_NotGoingToHappen Not going to happen.

_Serana_ThatsTooBad That's too bad.

_Serana_YeahSarcastic Yeah.

_Serana_IHopeSo I hope so.

_Serana_WhatAboutYou But... what about you?

_Serana_IThinkItIs I think it is, actually.

_Serana_NotManyUnderstand Not many people understand the appeal. You keep surprising me.

_Serana_GiveMeALittleTime I will be. Just give me a little time.

_Serana_LeaveMeAloneABit Don't... | Just leave me alone for a bit.

_Serana_IllSeeYouSoonSad I'll see you soon.

_Serana_IllSeeYouSoonSad2 I'll see you again. Soon._Serana_IllSeeYouSoonNeutral I'll see you soon._Serana_NoWhy No... why?

_Serana_BroughtThisUpBefore You brought that up before... I think I was a little short with you.

_Serana_NotTalkingAboutThis I'm not talking about this with you any more.

_Serana_ForgetIt Forget it.

_Serana_Understand I understand.

_Serana_YouKnowWhereToFindMe Oh. All right then. You know where to find me.

_Serana_YouKnowWhereToFindMe2 You know where to find me if you change your mind.

_Serana_HopefullyIllSeeYouAgain Good luck out there. Hopefully I'll see you again soon.

_Serana_Goodbye Oh. All right. Goodbye, then.

_Serana_CantGetRidOfMeThatEasily You can't get rid of me that easily.

_Serana_ItIs It is.

_Serana_NotAsMuch Not as much.

_Serana_OhISee Oh. I... I see.

_Serana_ThreesACrowd Three's a crowd. Get rid of your other friend, and I'm yours.

_Serana_ThreesACrowd2 Not until you get rid of whoever your other friend is.

_Serana_MakeSomeStories Let's make some more stories.

_Serana_WheneverYoureReady Whenever you're ready.

_Serana_LetsGo Let's go.

_Serana_Exactly Exactly!

_Serana_CeremonyDegrading The ceremony was... degrading.

_Serana_NobodyEverAsked Nobody's ever asked me that before. I... I don't know.

_Serana_NothingIfNotPersuasive Well, let's move then. I'm nothing if not persuasive.

_Serana_NotForUs Look, you're great. Really. But I just don't think that's for us.

_Serana_NotSure I'm not sure.

_Serana_LetsNotRevisitThat Let's not revisit that.

_Serana_PropositionDecline1 You're sweet. And... I'm not stupid. I can see what you're getting at.

_Serana_PropositionDecline2 But... that's just not something I'm going to be able to do. Ever.

_Serana_TalkedEnoughAboutThat I think we've talked about that enough. Come on, now.

_Serana_AmuletOfMara Oh, I get it. Is that why you're wearing an Amulet of Mara?

_Serana_LetsPretendThatYouDidnt Let's just pretend that you didn't, all right?

_Serana_ReadyForHelp If you need some help, I'm ready.

_Serana_VeryTouching Anyway, this is all very touching, but don't we have some more important things to worry about right now?

_Serana_TradeReject I think I'll hang on to my things, thank you.

_Serana_TradeReject2 Why don't you keep your things, and I'll keep mine.

_Serana_Naive Don't tell me you're that naive.

_Serana_YouWouldntLikeIt You wouldn't like it.

_Serana_LetsGetThisOverWith Let's just get this over with.

_Serana_LetsGetThisOverWith2 Just... try to make it quick.

_Serana_ThinkingAboutThis I've been thinking about this for a long time.

_Serana_OutOfYourMind Are you out of your mind?

_Serana_ThanksForUnderstanding Thank you. Somehow I knew you'd understand.

_Serana_MarriageDialogue1 Don't you already have someone at home waiting for you?

_Serana_MarriageDialogue2 I thought you said you were happy together.

_Serana_MarriageDialogue3 I'm not going to be the one to destroy a marriage. I'm sorry.

_Serana_MarriageDialogue4 If you're not happy with things... that's not my business.

_Serana_MarriageDialogue5 I'm not going to be blamed for whatever happens.

_Serana_MarriageDialogue6 You're sweet to say that, but you need to sort things out on your own. It's not something I'm going to get involved with.



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  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • Requires
    Skyrim, Dawnguard
  • Special Edition Compatible


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Nice! I'll probably grab it soon and start to play with it over the weekend, build in the alternate voiced dialogs for her into Submit. :)  I was going to start to do similar for some of the other custom NPCs (Vex, Karliah, etc) and then realized 2 things:


1) Other than Serana, most custom voiced NPCs don't have enough 'generic' dialog (i.e. not specific to a quest/service type thing) to really support a full set of alternate dialogs.

2) ZOMG getting EACH line is a tedious process! Why the hell didn't they just let you directly reference ALL dialogs like they were shared.  Seriously, WTF Beth? <_<


Now I just need to figure out a clever way to add soft support for this, and I'm in business. :)

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Nice! I'll probably grab it soon and start to play with it over the weekend, build in the alternate voiced dialogs for her into Submit. :)  I was going to start to do similar for some of the other custom NPCs (Vex, Karliah, etc) and then realized 2 things:


1) Other than Serana, most custom voiced NPCs don't have enough 'generic' dialog (i.e. not specific to a quest/service type thing) to really support a full set of alternate dialogs.

2) ZOMG getting EACH line is a tedious process! Why the hell didn't they just let you directly reference ALL dialogs like they were shared.  Seriously, WTF Beth? <_<


Now I just need to figure out a clever way to add soft support for this, and I'm in business. :)

The way I'm doing this is by conditionalizing all of my dialogue in my "main" mod (SpousesEnhanced.esp) with the condition


GetIsVoiceType _SE_SpecialVoices != 1.0

on any dialogues that don't already use a more specific voicetype filter (like VoicesMarriageArgonian). _SE_SpecialVoices is a formlist that I leave blank. Then at start-up I run a script (my compatibility script) that runs


if bIsDawnguardInstalled
    VoiceType SeranaVoice = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x02002b6f, "Dawnguard.esm") as VoiceType
    if !_SE_SpecialVoices.HasForm(SeranaVoice)

which adds Serana's voicetype to my list at runtime.


Then, in my "sub" mod (SpousesEnhanced_Serana.esp, which requires SpousesEnhanced.esp (added it as an ESP master using Wrye Bash)) I just conditionalize her dialogue for 

GetIsVoiceType DLC1SeranaVoice == 1.0
and it works like a charm. Normal stuff works without Serana, and Serana works herself if SpousesEnhanced_Serana.esp is loaded.
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Super! Question, since I'm at work at can't check the CK and such.


You need this .ESM loaded in order to reference the shared dialogs.  Doesn't that then make the .ESP a dependency of that .ESM?


My dependency looks like such:



-- Skyrim.esm

-- Update.esm

-- SexLab.esm




-- Skyrim.esm

-- Update.esm

-- Dawnguard.esm

-- SharedSeranaDialogue.esm

-- SpousesEnhanced.esp

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So does that mean you are keeping up two separate versions of SpousesEnhanced, one with and one without the Serana stuff?  Hrm, I would prefer not to have to worry about upkeep on two versions, one is a pain enough of an ass.


But, that does indeed answer my question!

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So does that mean you are keeping up two separate versions of SpousesEnhanced, one with and one without the Serana stuff?  Hrm, I would prefer not to have to worry about upkeep on two versions, one is a pain enough of an ass.


But, that does indeed answer my question!


I am keeping up a separate ESP that has ONLY the changes / additions for Serana, not the rest of the mod. they can be developed independently. I agree that would be a pain in the ass.

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It seems a good solution for Serana's problem but ...


What about non-english localized versions of the game?

Bethesda did a big disservice regarding accessing non-shared dialogs.


Instead of being able to easily reference any string of any recorded dialog and making custom conversations out of all available resources, you can only easily do this with the shared dialogs, which are very limited in scope.


For EVERY other dialog, you have to follow an unbelievably cumbersome, tedious, and time consuming process to extract each and every line you want, then effectively create your own shared dialog entry.


And this has to be done for EACH and EVERY line.  And that is just for the language you are working with.  You'd probably have to repeat this process for all languages.


As you can imagine, that is a very tall order for a hobby.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...


For EVERY other dialog, you have to follow an unbelievably cumbersome, tedious, and time consuming process to extract each and every line you want, then effectively create your own shared dialog entry.


And this has to be done for EACH and EVERY line.  And that is just for the language you are working with.  You'd probably have to repeat this process for all languages.


As you can imagine, that is a very tall order for a hobby.


You don't happen to have a how-to for doing this process (using the fuz-es, I'd like to keep the lip-anims)?

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I don't have time to make those, sorry. It was very time-consuming just to put this together.


Hi, I am trying to share some non-shared dialogue using the CK, but I am having an issue getting it to work.  When I go to the dialogue line, I right click it and select "Make Shared Info" and then a window pops up where I give it an ID, and then a second window pops up that says "select form."  I am not sure what to select here, but I tried selecting the quest that I want to use the shared dialogue for.  When I go to that quest, the shared dialogue shows up in the Misc tab, but when I go to a dialogue option, the ID does not show up in the shared info dropdown.  Any advice?

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