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Finally released my little quest mod


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I finally released my first mod ever.


It's a quest mod I did to learn how to use the GECK and start modding. I never did something like that before but I really feel I would spend again and again all the time I spent in this mod, modding Fallout is really an amazing fun. I thank you all the people here that found a minute to answer my (often dumb, I know, sorry...) questions.


So, well, I hope you can enjoy it ^_^




Merry Xmas to everyone!

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Guest carywinton

Well gee, what a nice Christmas gift, yaaa! :D I hope you will release it on "LL" as well. Downloading and installing now...


Update Edit...Oh poopy it's for New Vegas, oh well, guess I will get around to playing that again anyway. :P

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Thank you very much for your kind words!

I'll be sincere and I'll put all my efforts to not be misunderstood in my bad english knowledge...

It's on Nexus mainly for a visibility reason. I really would like that more people possible will be able to enjoy that mod. I really have put a lot of efforts on it and I would say a lie if I tell that I did it for me. I mean, you can do a mesh for yourself, a weapon, a follower, or whatever... but a quest mod, definetely no... Testing it, I played it so many times that I really hate it *laughs*

Also, I don't know if it's good to place the same mod also in LL, but please if you think it is a good thing just tell me and I'll do it, I'm really grateful to all the people that helped me here.

There's a thing I wanted to do in LL: releasing all the assets for LL users. But I wasn't definetely sure since my assets are very bad (as that silly pink thing in my avatar). If someone will try the mod and thinks the contrary, I'll be very glad to release some package avaiable for LL users.

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You've got the right attitude for modding A.J, that much is sure.


Well, the beauty of LL is that we're not jealous - it's not an "us or them" scenario, you could upload if both here and there. If you are there though, be careful not to link to us as that is a bannable offence, for whatever reason. On the other hand, you'll find it is quite hard to get banned here, so do as you please (within reason!)  ;)


I haven't had a chance to take a look at the quest yet, but from the screenshots, I'd say your assets are more than welcome here. As I said earlier, attitude goes a long way - if you want to share, we won't stop you, the more assets the merrier! 


Anyway, thanks for the mod, and your English is by no means bad.


Merry Christmas, and a happy new year  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

AJ:  I haven't played through it yet.  I've been too busy hating working on my own mods. ; )


Unless a subject is beyond my realm of comfort (and since this is on the Nexus, I think that it is safe to assume that there is 0 rape in this  ; )  ), I'm always down to do dialogue help and female adult voice acting.  Let me know.

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Awww thank you! But since the begin I thought it wasn't really possible for me... too many dialogue lines, it really would require such an effort I wouldn't ask to anyone... but on the other side, I can't stand to half works, or I'll voice completely or I will never do it.. So I arrived at the conclusion that for now it's perfect as it is :) excluding typos... -_-


And yes nyaalich, you assumed right, it's classified as Adult just because some things are quite "dark" and I wouldn't recommend it to youngs...

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