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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Two: For Power 3 (Carciel)


She must overcome the terror...

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Current Arc:







Part One


“IF we make it out of this, I WILL kill you,” Eolri said once the two Bretons had distanced themselves from the bandit. “Why can’t you listen? Why must you always hesitate—”


“What’s going on? Why are we being chased by another of Hircine’s followers?”


“Huntsmen,” Eolri corrected. “And it’s your fault! I set everything up perfectly! I killed Galof, became the alpha in my pack, became Hircine’s Champion, and I was already the Champion of Clavicus Vile. All you had to do was kill me, and everything would have been fine. But noooo, you want to have vengeance AND compassion. Damn everything to Oblivion!!!”


“So,” Carciel said as she dodged Bazogra’s swift and deadly swat at her. “How do we kill him? I’ve got no silver anywhere on me.”


Eolri shook her head. “We don’t.”


Again and again the sisters dodged and deflected Bazogra’s furious attacks, and again and again the beast’s temper rose. Scratching, clawing, roaring, jawing, the werewolf kept at it until it and the sisters began to get visibly tired.














Ducking behind a large rock, the Syliel’s sat down and tried to catch their breath momentarily. After a while Carciel let out a sigh and said, “This is insane… We can’t win by running, Eoly!”


“And we can’t win by fighting, Ciel!” Eolri gave her a vicious stare. “If I could turn into a werewolf, maybe… but Bazogra…” Eolri looked around and didn’t see the beast anywhere. “There were four contenders for the title of Hircine’s Champion. I killed one, he was an elf a sly fucker, went by the name Shade. He was the quickest of the four. Galof, the strongest of us, beat Bazogra but wasn’t able to kill him. And as I said, I killed Galof.”


“Why are you telling me this right n—”


“Bazogra is the most feral of us all. He won’t stop until either us or him are dead, and now that he’s transformed, there’s nothing either of us can do to stop him!”


Carciel sighed and got to her feet. “There’s probably something we could do…”


“Time isn’t on our side Ciel,” Eolri said getting to her feet as well. “We’re overpowered and it’s only a matter of time before he finds us. I may be called Hircine’s Champion, but I’ve yet to receive his boon…”


Carciel sulked, but then an idea came into her head. “You’re Clavicus Vile’s Champion as well, right?”




Carciel smiled at her mischievously. “Grant me two wishes and I’ll save us both. I promise.”


Eolir narrowed her eyes. “Do you understand what you’re asking me?”


Carciel nodded. “Just trust me. It’s either this or trying to outrun that werewolf until daybreak, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t hold out for that long.”


Eolri frowned and looked away from Carciel. “I can’t—”


Suddenly the beast’s roars filled the air and Carciel could tell that he was close. “Eolri!”


“F-fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Eolri sighed and then looked at Carciel with a peculiar smile on her face. “So, what's your heart's desire? What kind of deal can we strike?”




“I need you to make it so the werewolf can’t smell me or see me unless he’s looking directly at me.”


Eolri got up and began to stretch. “Figures you’d want an out for yourself. Now then—”


“Wait that’s only one!” Eolri raised an eyebrow at Carciel’s words, but the younger sister continued unfazed, “My second wish is for you to give me a bottle the most delicious, intoxicating, mead that will get me liquored up with a single drop.”


“A… whole bottle of the stuff?”


“The quicker I get drunk, the better!”


Eolri looked at Carciel quizzically and then smiled. “You are the weirdest little sister anyone could have, you know that.” Carciel nodded. “Anyway, done and done.”


“Really?” Carciel said sniffing herself. “I don’t feel or smell any different. Also, the mead—”


“You’ll see it when I leave. I don’t want to see an inebriated Ciel, especially in a not so joyous occasion.” Eolri looked toward the moon and said, “So sister, what is my role in this wild plan of yours?”


“Distract Bazogra.”


Eolri nodded and hugged Carciel, causing the younger Breton to blush. “I’ve missed you so, Ciel. Let’s go home after this and do some catching up.”


“Yeah… lets…”



Part Two


Eolri ran out of their cover and began making a bunch of noise. Soon the werewolf was on her and the two were tangled up in a deadly duel many would have loved to witness… but not Carciel. She took her eyes off of them once she realized Eolri would be okay, and immediately looked for the mead.












“Aha! There you go.” It looked like any normal bottle of mead but Carciel knew it was exactly what she wanted. Immediately the Breton popped the bottle open and downed the whole thing straightaway.




“Aaaaah… That was better than anything I’ve ever had in my life!” Carciel tossed the bottle to the ground. “I’ve got to get Eolri to get me another one—“


Suddenly Carciel’s vision blurred and her thinking stopped. She felt good, too good, but it was too much. She tried to just sit back and watch her sister and the werewolf go at it, but even that was a chore. She tripped over her own doing so, and then the fight…


In her stupor, the fight seemed to be going at light speed and in slow motion at the same time. When she just tried to look at the fight in passing, she couldn’t keep up. It was just a blur of claws and swords that were indistinguishable from one another. But if she focused as best as she could, she could notice how fast her sister was breathing, how she would squint ever so slightly and tighten her arm muscles whenever she went for a power attack, how the werewolf seemed to favor his left leg any time he ran or attacked…


 “Dash ib!” Carciel shouted accidentally gaining the werewolf and her sister’s attention. She saw the werewolf glare at her noticing her inebriated state and could literally hear his heartbeat hasten in anticipation. “Aww fuuuuggg…”




Eolri tried to deter him, but the werewolf swatted her out the way and rushed at Carciel full force.  Staring into his eyes, Carciel could see him wince every time he took a step and knew that he probably didn’t even notice it. “Haaaaaaaaaa… Poo beesh… Joo unly gonna hert ert erself runnin ah me like dat—”




“Carciel get out of the way!!”


Carciel shook herself sober and could feel her heart almost explode now that the werewolf was within lunging distance of her. Seeing the beast dive straight for her, Carciel tried her best to dodge and luckily was able to get out of the way before the beast crashed into where she’d previously been.


While it was in a daze, Eolri came over and helped her sister up. “You’re insane you know that you mammoth! Gods, stop putting all your weight on me Ciel!”


Ciel pushed herself off Eolri and fell to the ground. “Lisssen Eoly, id’s leeh! A-tack da beeshes lef leeh!”


“We don’t have time for this, get up and—”


Carciel swatted her sister’s hand away and stared her dead in the eye. “Go. For. Leff. Leehg.”


Eolri saw the beast returning to its feet and sighed. “If this doesn’t work, I’ll scour the daedric realms until I find you and beat the crap out of you… dear sister.” Carciel smiled at her last words and nodded like a little kid. “Alright Hircine, don’t bait me now…”


As soon as Bazogra was back to his feet, Eolri went for a low attack that made the beast howl in pain for the first time since they’d been fighting. Again and again she went low making sure to dodge and duck his counter assault, and after some repetitions of this she could see it working.




Bazogra was wounded, and wasn’t moving around nearly as much as he had been. In fact, he wasn’t moving from his spot at all.  That coupled with the fact that being transformed made his body much more durable to a point, Bazorgra knew he couldn’t take much more damage without it being irreparable and possibly fatal. Unlucky for him, Eolri wasn’t so forgiving.






Now that he couldn’t move about as much Eolri was relentless, giving the beast bruises all over his body.  Bolder and bolder, Eolri stopped seeing Bazorgra as an entity that could possibly kill her and saw him only as prey. And just like all prey that she caught in her sights, Eolri separated Bazogra’s soul from his body.






When it was over Eolri dropped to her knees and began breathing haggardly. She’d won, she’d proven herself to be the best once more, but at what cost? Feeling the presence of another, she glanced in its direction and saw a stag standing there staring right at her. To her surprise, it nodded at her and then disappeared leaving Eolri awestruck.






“…ly? Eoly?” Getting over her shock, Eolri turned and saw her inebriated sister grinning foolishly at her. “Ish kay now, you wun.”


Slowly a grin crept upon Eolri’s face and she was overcome with emotion. She dropped her weapon and semi-tackled Carciel with tear filled eyes. “Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! I… I didn’t mean… you’re not a backup plan Ciel! You’re not! YOU’RE NOT!”


Carciel brushed her sister’s hair and brought her close. “I know… I know…” (Thank the Gods… thank the Gods…)




Post Chapter Banter:


Fucking werewolves...

It was a mess trying to have a werewolf fight Eolri without attacking Carciel. Then when I got that to happen, the damn werewolf kept flinging Eolri around like a ragdoll... It was rough...

So, sorry the action shots weren't top notch this go around... My bad mates.


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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Three: Overcoming the Past


Help can come from the weirdest of places...

Links to Past Chapters:

Link to Part One:

Link to Previous Chapters:

Current Arc:







Part One


“Concentrate! Stop letting your thoughts linger to other things and just focus on yourself!”


Niyleen stood and glared at Trineiya. “How in the heck am I supposed to concentrate when you’re constantly bothering me like this!”


Trineiya sighed and turned her back on Niyleen. “You see, this… this is why you’ve made no progress in the last week! You’ve got five days until you face Alishondra, and you’re mad at me for trying to help you? How are you supposed to learn anything from me if you don’t want to listen to my instructions?”


“Learn? You haven’t taught me ANYTHING! Coming here was a mistake, a big mistake!”


The Altmer looked at Niyleen and shook her head sadly. “If you honestly believe that, then go. I told you I wouldn’t have any patience for this, especially since I’m essentially helping out… Nega. Just know, that when you lose to Ruby, it’ll be because of your own stubbornness, and NOT my ineptitude when it comes to teaching.”


Niyleen gave Trineiya the finger and ran off. She still had no idea where she was or how she’d get back to Skyrim, but anywhere was better than being with that Altmer. Eventually she got tired and stopped to rest under a tree, the sun’s rays bathing her in a warm embrace.








“Haaa… I can’t believe she thought sitting still was going to help me overcome Alishondra… No amount of that’s going to help me fight that Dunmer! Why can’t she see that?”


You’re not even trying…


Niyleen blinked. Other than her coming out, Nega hadn’t said a word since they arrived here so her suddenly speaking was a shock. “Wha-what do you mean I’m not trying? I did the whole song and dance! I sat still, arms and legs crossed, eyes closed—”


You put forth zero effort. You’re afraid to be okay with your past. And that’s fine if you’d just admit it.


“Who in Oblivion do you think you are! This mess… this WHOLE mess is your fucking fault! From the start of the cycles, to the Altmer hating you, to me being here! If I would have just stayed at the lair none of this would be happening!”


And you would have put both your sister and Carciel in great danger. They would have been underpowered facing Teresa and her forces. Do you really think that that would have been wise?


Niyleen tried to make a comeback, but Nega was right at least for their sakes. “So what, you were right about them. But I don’t need this training! Killing Ruby isn’t going to help me fight Lucari! They’re two completely different entities!”


And yet for you, fighting them is going to be exactly the same battle. Although for different reasons, you don’t wish to fight either of them. If you can’t overcome that, then you won’t survive these ordeals.


Niyleen grit her teeth and kicked the tree she’d been resting against in frustration. “If you’re so damned knowledgeable about everything, then why don’t you fight them both. Heck, I’ll even let you have permanent control of this body!”



“Exactly, so shut up.” Niyleen sat down and put her head into her knees. “…Just shut up and leave me alone.”


And so for the next three days Niyleen was utter alone. It’d been a while since she was alone by choice and not necessity. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. With each passing hour, Niyleen could feel Ruby’s presence draw nearer, and with her shunning both Nega and Trineiya, she didn’t see how she was going to beat her.




(So this is it? I’m just supposed to lose to her?) Niyleen let out a frustrated shout and did her best to stop herself from crying. “This isn’t fair! This isn’t right! Why am I even caught up in this conflict? I’m just a thief! That’s it! I’ve tried to be a hero, and each time I got exactly what I deserved, so why do I have to be caught up in the Daedric Princes’ plot? This isn’t fair, THIS ISN’T FAIR!!”




“Life isn’t fair girl, but if you don’t do your damnedest to try and change it, aren’t you just selling yourself short?”


Niyleen turned whipped around and saw an old man standing there dressed in some old clanky armor. “Who… are you?”




“I’m just a relic of the past child,” the man said warmly. “I’m someone who’s seen too much, and yet refuses to let it distort him. Don’t worry girl, we’ve all got problems that seem too much for us to bare.”


“Heh, you say that, but you’ve never had the fate of the world resting on your shoulders…”


The old man laughed and took a seat. “Girl, you couldn’t imagine the battles… the fights I’ve been through. The Fate of the world you say? Bah! I’ve seen the gates of Oblivion here on Nirn and fought off the worst the darkness had to offer.”


Niyleen’s eyes lit up. “Really?”


“Indeed, I’ve seen doom and despair more times than I’d like, and yet as long as there’s hope… Oho! Who am I kidding, a little thing such as yourself doesn’t want to hear the tales of an old man such as myself.”




“Wh-what? I’d love to!”


“No you wouldn’t,” he said firmly, catching Niyleen off guard. “I can sense unease and urgency in you. My tales would be a momentary reprieve, but ultimately a destructive distraction.”


“Then what should I do,” Niyleen said with a sigh.


“When we can’t find the answers outside, sometimes it’s best to look within.”


“You… you mean meditate?” The old man nodded and Niyleen felt her heart ache. “That’s what got me into this mess in the first place! I… I just can’t…”


“Afraid of what you may see?” Niyleen nodded. “We all have our demons child. For some it’s drinking, others it’s something more. Death of a loved one, rape, betrayal. All sorts of wrongdoing that was done, all sorts of things that made you feel vulnerable, weak, and defenseless. Sometimes it’s things we did that we wish we could take back. But unless we tackle them head on, no matter how far we try to run from our demons, they’ll always catch up.”


“I… you… dammit…” Niyleen didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help it. (Sorry Nega. You… were right. I know I told you to leave me alone, but I’m really sorry for how I treated you.)


…You’re so weird you know that? Why apologize to me? Me! The person trying to take over your body.


(Because you mean well and you’ve had numerous times to take control and haven’t. Since I’m still in control, I know it’s because you don’t want to be.)


Haaa… it’s not like I care about you. It’s just a hassle to be in control. Or maybe I’ve grown accustomed to going along for the ride. I don’t know…


“Ha! You’re so dishonest,” Niyleen looked over and saw the old man looking at her like she was crazy. “Uh… sorry, I’m… a bit weird.”






He gave her a soft smile. “It’s alright child. If anyone were normal, they’d be the most boring person in the world.”


Niyleen couldn’t help it when a smile crept on her face. (This old man knows exactly what to say to make me feel better… kinda like the granddad I never had…) “So old man, what should I do? How do people typically meditate?”


“Just sit down, close your eyes, breathe calmly and clear your mind. After that,” he shrugged, “You’ll get what you need. I’ve come to realize that not everything can be put into words, and not everything should be put into words. Realizing things for yourself, does more than you’ll ever realize.”


“Okay, seriously. Who are you?”


“Just an old man that’s lived too long.”


Niyleen rolled her eyes and smiled. “If you say so.” She waited a few moments before deciding to actually give the whole meditation thing one more go. Taking a deep breath, Niyleen closed her eyes, crossed her legs, and cleared her mind.



Part Two



The rustling of the trees, the crashing of the waves, the birds, the insects, the old man’s gruff breathing… she closed it all out and what was left was her looking back at herself. It was like before when she’d met Nega face to face, but this wasn’t Nega… This… this girl was really and truly Niyleen.






“Hello? Niyleen?” Niyleen went to touch this other her and found her to be cold, almost inhumanly so. “Listen, I don’t know if this is normal, but I don’t think this is what everyone meant when they said know myself, you know?”


The other her fluttered her eyes and soon was staring back at Niyleen. Where… where am I?


Niyleen reached out to comfort the girl. “It’s alright now, no one’s going to hurt you—”


No! Get away from me! She pushed Niyleen away and distanced herself. Where’s my mother? What did you do to her? Answer me!!


Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “Mom? How would I know where she is? It’s been years since I heard anything from her. She stopped sending me postcards the moment I sent back her scimitar.”


The other Niyleen glared at her. What do you mean you sent it back? I have it right here!” She pulled out a silver ornate scimitar from seeming nowhere, and immediately Niyleen understood what was going on.


“How about your father? Do you care about him?”


I DON’T HAVE A FATHER! Now where’s mother! The girl had flames in one hand and a scimitar in the other.


(This isn’t good.) There was a major issue with fighting herself. The basics that Niyleen had thrown away were going to be ingrained in this younger version of herself. This meant that her combat skills would indefinitely outclass Niyleen’s.


Don’t let her overcome you. You know what must be done.


Niyleen sighed, and began charging up a sparks and frost spell, one for each hand. W-what are you doing!?


“Do you know what is most essential in battle,” Niyleen spoke in a firm tone, which was unlike her.


Who do you think you—


“DO YOU!!”


The younger minded her flinched and said, Y-yeah… to be calm, resolute. Fear is the number one cause of loss in battle.


“You would say that…” Niyleen dispelled both spells and replaced them both with flames. “You follow your mother’s teachings, and yet you use magic taught to you by your father?”


The younger her immediately dispersed the flames in her hand. W-w-what do you know? Tell me where my mother is now, before I—


“You’ve only faced your mother in combat, but it even proves true there. But it is not fear that causes battles to be lost, but weakness.” The younger her gripped her chest and shook her head, begging Niyleen to stop… but she did not. “It wasn’t weakness of the body, but of the heart, of the mind. That’s why you were taken advantage of, that’s why your father—”




 “What was I supposed to do!”


The words echoed around her and the younger her was nowhere to be found. It took her a moment to realize that the words had come from her mouth.  “I was a child, he was my father! I thought that he’d ultimately have my best intentions in mind, I thought—”


No you didn’t. You were too preoccupied with disappointing him that you purposely ignored the signs…


“N-no… I didn’t! I…”





“Father,” Niyleen said as the two finally stopped in the middle of a road. “Why are we out here again?”


Niyleen looked around again and there was nothing, not even a rabbit around as far as she could see.  “N-no father. But it seems a bit far from camp… And the last time we did magic training—”


(You made me eat rabbit hearts telling me it’d would expand my Magicka pool and had me kill my pet wolf pup so I could embrace the darkness… NO I DON’T TRUST YOU!) “Y-yeah father,” she said as she fidgeted with her thumbs. “Of... of course.”





“You thought,” Niyleen said aloud to no one in particular. “You thought closing your mind off… taking solace in the fact that this history wasn’t true in Nega’s life would somehow benefit you?”


“But it’s the past. I… I’ll never forgive my father for what he did to me and how he raised Nyleine… I’ll never be able to understand why, no how he could do such a thing to his own child… But, in some weird twisted way, if he didn’t do what he did, I wouldn’t have Nyleine in my life. So… I don’t know…”


But what about Nyleine, asked a voice mockingly. Do you even love her? Her, the product of your father’s betrayal?


Her thoughts lingered to her sister and Niyleen could feel her heart shattering. On one hand, she knew for a fact that Nyleine was her actual sister, and she loved her deeply because of it, but that wasn’t Niyleen’s reality. That was from a reality outside the scope of Niyleen’s imagination.




“Do I... love her?” Nyleine had kidnapped and tortured Niyleen, and then treated her like she was a goddess ever since. There were no ups and downs, just a down and several ups. Nyleine even chose to stay near her when it was obvious that Niyleen was, consciously, draining bits and pieces of her soul away.


But Nyleine wasn’t her mother’s daughter… she was her father’s. She is the embodiment of what would have happened had Niyleen not have died then, if her soul was split and her father took her away. But is that Nyleine’s fault? She didn’t ask to be separated… didn’t ask to be born. This was all on her father, her father who… Nyleine killed…


“Yes… I love my sister… I love Nyleine with all my heart, and I’d do anything to protect her. I’d put money on that.”





Niyleen opened her eyes and could feel her heart thumping through her chest. “So that’s meditation… intense.” She took a couple of moments to gather herself before remembering where she was. “Hey, thanks old man! It actually—” She turned to her side but there was no one there. “…worked.” (Did he just up and leave? Without a goodbye?)






Niyleen was upset, but the elderly fellow wasn’t anyone special to her, so it wasn’t right of her to feel like he was obligated to help her. She bowed in the direction she had last seen him and silently said, “Thank you.”


It was then that she felt something odd brush against her chest. She retrieved it and couldn’t believe her eyes.


“An amulet of Julianos… just like the one Eolri got me…” This time Niyleen didn’t even try to stop the tears from falling this times. She didn’t know if the old man was real or a ghost, but all the same his words had been invaluable to her. “Thank you again old man… whoever you are…”






Niyleen looked toward where she had left Trineiya and sighed. “I can’t go back… not after how I left. I swear I’ll apologize to you face to face Trineiya, and thank you.”


Niyleen sat down and once again began to meditate.




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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Four: Overcoming the Past 2


Sometimes our fears aren't quite what they seem...

Links to Past Chapters:



Part One


“I don’t know if I like the feeling of blocking everything out… I couldn’t even sense when the old man left.”


Somethings are meant to not be known. He had somewhere to go, and you know you would have only tried to stop him.


“I hate when you’re the voice of reason…” Niyleen looked around in the abyss of her mind, “Huh? There’s nothing here! I’m not going to act like I don’t know my own life. There’s no way that my only issues stem from my fath—”


Out in the distance she heard a shriek that sounded all too familiar. “Heh, another dumb bitc—” Niyleen stopped herself from completing that sentence and started running… but not to the source of the screams. She began running away as fast as she could. Regardless of her reasons for doing so, Niyleen did not want to face this again. She did now want to go through that all again.




Remember the old man’s words… unless we tackle them head on, no matter how far we try to run from our demons, they’ll always catch up.


Niyleen stopped dead in her tracks and sighed. “So what? I’ve got to see myself get fucked by Nanae and a bunch of butch Forsworn? No…  I don’t want to go through that.”


Turn…” said a low growl from behind her.


Niyleen’s skin began to crawl and she felt utterly compelled to obey. (W-wait! I know that voice.) She turned around and almost blanched when she saw a monster of a man standing before her. He resembled the man she knew, but he was no Briarheart.


Suddenly Niyleen felt fourteen years old again, and Eolri’s training immediately kicked in. She knelt before the lookalike. “I-I… I’m sorry Achinis. Please forg—”


Silence!” Niyleen looked up in shock and Achinis’s face faded and was replaced with someone foreign to her and much more terrifying.


She saw his hand moving but fear gripped her too tight, and she was struck to the ground with the Forsworn standing over her. “You know what to do…


Niyleen got back to her knees and found herself staring right at the Brairheart’s crotch with expectation. A warm sensation began to build from her loins that made her mind feel fuzzy, good, and familiar.


Niyleen! NIYLEEEN!! Snap out of it! Look at what you’re doing!!


Niyleen came to her senses just before she was about to tear off the Brairheart’s loincloth and possibly more. She backed up, got to her feet, and couldn’t still her heart. (What was I do—! Was I about to—)


Look at yourself! You are literally a slut for Forsworn! Is that why you’re afraid of them? You know what they’ll do to you, how they’ll make you feel!


(N-nooo…) Niyleen looked at the Forsworn and could feel her body get warm as thoughts of what the brute could possibly do to her began to possess her. “They d-don’t make me feel any kind of way… It’s not like I want to rip my clothes off or anything and let him do with me as he pleases.”






If you strip off another piece of clothing, I’ll permanently take over and you won’t have to worry about anything anymore!


It took everything Niyleen had to not remove her top, to keep her sanity, to not become the Forsworn’s fuck toy. She didn’t think about it before, she’d always attributed her dislike of Forsworn due to her fear of what they could do to her, but she didn’t mean it like this. “This… this isn’t happening…”




It is, and what are you going to do about it, asked that sarcastic voice once again.


Niyleen drew her weapon and stood defiant before the Forsworn who simply looked at her with a faraway look in its eyes. She could feel her body reacting to him again, but she ignored it to the best of her abilities. “This is not who I am! I’m Niyleen Flame-Child!” She ran at the Forsworn and readied her weapon to attack. “I’m the damn Raging Inferno of the Rea—”


The Forsworn stuck his hand out towards Niyleen, and the Redguard immediately crumbled. “N-Nega… I can’t do this… I need, I need help! Please! PLEASE HELP ME!!” The Forsworn gradually got closer and with each step she could feel her mind become more and more fuzzy until he was right in front of her and she could stop herself from reaching out and—





“Get off me Niyleen! This isn’t cute!”


Niyleen’s eyes snapped open and she saw that she was face to face with her companion that happened to be… “What a second, why are you naked?”


Trineiya kicked her in the face, got up, retrieved her clothes and glared at Niyleen. “What in Oblivion is wrong with you? You psycho!”




(Wait I did that? But I thought I was…) Niyleen looked up and saw Trineiya redressed, standing there with her arms cross and a pissed off look on her face. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. All I remember was that I was—”


“Meditating. I saw…” Trineiya said in an irritated tone. “If you want to call it that. What were you dreaming about that made you decide that stripping me and trying to get me off was a good idea?”


“I wasn’t sleeping! I was… dealing with my past…”


“Really?” Niyleen nodded and Trineiya’s anger dissipated. “So tell me, how did it go? It’s working right?”


“It’s…” Niyleen didn’t know if it was working or not. She was over her father’s actions, but now she’s dealing with this Forsworn thing. “I’ve got a problem.”


“Shoot straight with me, that’s what I’m here for.”


And so Niyleen did. She told Trineiya about everything. Her fight with Eolir on the bridge, her subsequent capture and enslavement, her rivalry with Nanae, her partial Ascension, and the numerous nights that Nanae and other Forsworn took to in order to break her physically and mentally.


Trineiya gave her a worried look. “How… how are you alright? After all of that, how can you even put up with everything?”


Niyleen shrugged. “I just have to. Apparently that’s all I’ve been doing throughout each cycle anyways.” She gave a weak smile. “To be honest, if it wasn’t for Eolri I wouldn’t have made it this far. I would still be getting passed around Karthspire if not dead.”


All of a sudden Trineiya wrapped Niyleen up in a hug and refused to let go. “Wha-wha-what are you doing? Let go, LET GO!”


“You poor thing,” the Altmer said soothingly. “It’s okay now, it’s all going to be okay.”


Niyleen didn’t want this, it felt more like pity than anything else, but she didn’t shy away from being babied. She needed this more than she’d ever admit, especially to Trineiya.  When the Altmer decided to stop being all mother hen to her, Trineiya gave her one last squeeze and then stared at her with a worried look on her face.


“You’re trying to deal with that alone? Why didn’t you come back to me? Why did you try to tackle this alone?”


Niyleen shook her head. “Nega’s helped me through this as best she could. I don’t believe we’d be talking here if it weren’t for her.”


Trineiya looked like she was going to chastise her but thought better of it. “So I can guess what that has to do with you coming on to me…”


Niyleen nodded her head. “Yeah… apparently I… I’m not afraid of Forsworn for the reasons I had thought…” Niyleen bit her lips as she hesitated to respond. “It… it seems like I’m attracted to them… or at least my body is.”


“You’re WHAT!?!”


“I know, I know. I didn’t think this was the case either, but… I can’t deny what’s so… obvious…”


Trineiya frowned at Niyleen’s flustered face and shook her head. “This is bad. Is there… anything else you can possibly free yourself of? Anything at all?” Niyleen let out an embarrassingly frustrated moan and Trineiya couldn’t look at her in this state any longer.  She turned from the sight and muttered, “Because I don’t know if we’ll be able to fix this in time,” before walking away and leaving Niyleen to tend for herself.





Part Two


About an hour later Trineiya returned with a change of clothes to a panting Redguard with not a shred of clothing covering her who clearly hadn’t completely satisfied her urges yet. “So, you better now?”


“Haaa… haa… y-yeah…” Niyleen knew she looked like a mess, but there wasn’t much she could while these urges gripped her so. She got to her feet but could barely stand due to her quivering.


“Here,” she said handing the clothes to Niyleen. “Just sit down, you don’t have time to act all tough.” She eased Niyleen back to the ground and after helping her into her new attire, knelt beside her. “Listen, I commend you for being able to overcome one of your past traumas, but you need to tackle all of them if you’re to stand a chance against Ruby.”


“I… I know this!” Niyleen just couldn’t calm down. She had an itch and no matter what she did, she couldn’t calm it. “I know this…”


“Then let’s think. Even if you can’t fix your bodily reaction, you should be able to control your mental state of mind.”




Trineiya’s brow furrowed. “I think because of your past experiences you believe the Forsworn to be stronger than you.”


Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean think? I know they’re stronger than me! Didn’t you hear me when I said what they did to me? I… I couldn’t do anything against them. I…”


Trineiya slapped the Redguard and looked straight into her eyes. “Yes, I heard everything. And from what I gathered, you were just a victim of circumstance.”


Niyleen’s anger trounced her arousal and it took everything she had not to punch Trineiya in the face. “A victim of circumstance? A fucking VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE!?! I was raped you bitch! Why can’t you understand—”


“You got taken advantage of at one of the weakest points in your life. You say you couldn’t make a move against the Forsworn? Of course you couldn’t. And it wasn’t because they were stronger than you, you literally simply didn’t have the strength to do so.”


Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“Your mind can only envision your past self taking on the Forsworn. You who couldn’t move a muscle after your botched Ascension. It can’t even fathom your present self breathing the same air as a Reachman.”


“That’s a lie! That a filthy—”


“There’s a Forsworn behind you,” Trineiya said completely deadpan while pointing behind Niyleen.


Niyleen visibly tensed and her breathing became haggard. She was torn between running from the spot and laying down for the Forsworn.


“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You destroyed an entire Forsworn cell by yourself and yet you not only get afraid, but you get weak at the mere hint, nay, the mere possibility that a Forsworn is near. You can’t deny this Redguard.”


“Then what am I supposed to do,” Niyleen said with tear stained eyes.


“Face your fear.” Trineiya stood up and distanced herself from Niyleen. “You ready?”


“N-now!?! I-I can’t even stand straight!”


Trineiya grinned mischievously. “This is what you get for being so difficult for this last week. Besides, you’ve got to finish this up quick. You’ve less than a day before Ruby comes.”


“Wait, what!?!”


Trineiya said no more as she summoned a Forsworn from seemingly out of nowhere. “Well then, play nice. Oh, and Forsworn, if you beat her you get to have the spoils.” The Altmer then walked off leaving the Redguard and the Reachman alone.




Niyleen unsteadily got to her feet and faced the man before her. She felt like she was being torn every which way with her emotions and how her body was reacting to his presence, but running wasn’t an option and neither was losing.


The Reachman looked around and tried to get his bearings. “Where am I? What am I doing here,” he laid eyes on Niyleen and grinned. “Well I guess I’ll deal with that later. Taking my spoils comes first!”




He rushed at Niyleen with sword in hand and as he attacked her with a flurry of attacks it was all Niyleen could do to block his onslaught and not to fall over. Little by little her guard weakened and when it had all but dwindled away, the Forsworn kicked Niyleen hard in the chest and sent her flying.














Like a predator stalking having wounded its prey, the Reachman slowly walked towards Niyleen while licking his lips. “It’s been a while since I’ve laid with a woman. The things I’m going to do to you…” He got to Niyleen and rose her to her feet. Rubbing her crotch, he laughed. “Ha, I see that you’re already good and ready for me. How sweet of you.” He continued rubbing her and as she began to squirm from arousal couldn’t stop himself from grinning. “Now don’t think about struggling girl. Unless you want me to ruin that pretty face of yours.”








Niyleen rested her head against the Forsworn’s arm and closed her eyes wanting to at least not to see what was to come. (It’s over… I really can’t do this… I’m… I’m—)


You’re a disgrace to both your mother and father. Why are you afraid of him? What has he done besides being a Forsworn to make you fear him so? Are you THAT weak?


(W-weak? But his attacks were so…) Niyleen thought back on what had occurred and realized that his strikes weren’t all that strong, in fact it was her that had put up a piss poor guard in the first place. Even the grip he had on her now wasn’t anything to write home about.


Seeing a smirk appear on her face, the Forsworn began to get a bit more confident in his victory and pushed her against the tree. “Your breathing is staggered and your face is flushed. If you’re telling me that you didn’t want this after reacting this way… you’re only lying to yourself.”


“You’re right. I must have wanted this.”


Suddenly she head-butted the Forsworn and kicked him away from her, stunning him more than anything. “Y-you bitch!” He yelled in anger. “Who in Oblivion do you think you are?!”






If she could, Nega would have palmed her forehead. Haa… Here we go again…


(You know me too well.) Niyleen’s smirk got a bit bigger as she gathered flames in her hands. “I might not be able to handle how my body feels about this,” she said as she groped herself to relieve some of her built up tension. “But, I am NOT weak. And…” She continued to draw in flames until they were surrounding her body. “And I will not be blinded by the past.”




“Who… are you,” the Forsworn asked again this time more in awe of her display of power.


“My name isn’t important, but you probably already know of me. For I am,” she showered the Forsworn in a sea of flames and within seconds he’d been reduced to ashes. “I am the Child of the Flame, destroyer of Karthspire.”




Oho! Someone’s got a new moniker? What happened to ‘The Raging Inferno of the Reach’? Too grandiose for your tastes now?


Niyleen blankly looked at where the Forsworn stood in his last moments.


Nega to Niyleen? Are you there?


She looked at her hands. “I don’t know…”


If it helps, at least your body wasn’t lusting to be ravaged by him once you realized he was weaker than you.


“I feel… like there’s something else I’m missing. Something that’s very important…” Niyleen sat down, relaxed herself, and took a deep calming breath.


You’re about to meditate? After everything that has happened!? Are you insan…



Part Three



This time Niyleen blocked off everything including Nega and when she entered the realm of her mind this time she saw the Giant Forsworn again and didn’t feel anything towards him good or bad. (Something’s off.) She continued to search for something, anything, in this sea of darkness and then finally she saw it.






It was a bright light that she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t drawn towards it. Running full speed towards it, Niyleen was surprised when she ended up coming out and was in a familiar area.










“Karthspire?” She said seeing the place and the people she’d once grown accustomed to before Nanae changed everything. “But I destroyed it. There should be nothing here… Noth—”


“Silly girl, did you forget that this was all in your mind?”


Niyleen quickly turned around and almost collapsed when she saw who was standing there. “E-Eol… Mistress!”


The Breton gave her a gentle smile. “It took you long enough to get here. But I must say, I was impressed with how you did it. One hundred points. Well, ninety points. Have to take ten off because of your tardiness.”


“This… these feelings… The reason why I was afraid of the Forsworn, why my body reacted like that to them… all of this was a test?” Eolri nodded and unable to handle it, Niyleen broken down and fell to her knees. “Why Eolri? Why would you do this to me? I thought I meant more to you than… than just being your damn slave!”


“Do you remember my promise to you?” Eolri said with a gently. “To make you strong, quick, fearless… Or to be your worst Nightmare to haunt your dreams from now until well after you reach that place the Nords think they go when they die?”


“What does that have to do with anything?”


 “I liked you Niyleen, I can even say that I loved you. I loved you so much, that I sealed part of my soul in you in order to temper the more base feelings you developed for the Forsworn while under my care; an act that ultimately cost me my life. I had hoped that I could not simply quell these feelings, but make you forget about the whole ordeal, but I guess I didn’t have enough power left in order to do so.”


 “But why Eolri? Why this…”


 “I know how you are Niyleen. If you weren’t afraid of the Forsworn you may have ended up repeating that ordeal all over again. Other camps… other cells had stronger members than me and I couldn’t bear the thought that you could possibly be defeated again, that you could be enslaved again, that you could be…”


Eolri’s words trailed off and Niyleen knew her unspoken words. “Can you tell me why I didn’t feel anything when I killed that Reachman?”


“I did as promised. You see, this fear of the Forsworn had been limiting you for so long that gradually it began to harm you as a fighter. Although you kept trying to use that flashy style of yours, you got weaker, slower, and if it kept up you were just going to get in way over your head and end up dying. But once you killed him, once you overcame your fear of my people and proved it to be baseless, you broke through.”


 “You’re lying.”


“You ever feel like you should be stronger? Faster? That your reaction time should allow you to do things people wouldn’t believe? That although you were besting your foes, that it shouldn’t require nearly as much effort?”


Niyleen nodded. “But you know I’m kinda cocky. I just passed it off as me being arrogant.”

“No, that was your body telling you that there was more to you than either you or Nega could ever realize. And now you’re ready to go and show all of Nirn who exactly you are, Child of the Flame.” Eolri stuck her palm out toward Niyleen and a soft light enveloped the Redguard. “May Julianos guide you and keep you.”




When the light dispersed, Niyleen felt lighter and her thoughts became clearer. “Wha-what did you do?”


“I gave you your future back, a future without any ties to your tragic past. A future where no one and nothing would ever take hold of your mind again.”


“E-Eolri! What’s happening to you?!”


Eolri looked at her arm and saw that she was becoming transparent. “Ah, so somehow I’m alive again. This is a wonder I’d never have imagined. Don’t worry about me pup.” Eolri pointed toward the distance. “Go, she’s waiting for you. Waiting to tell you everything you need to hear, everything that’ll make you  be a peace…” And without another word Eolri vanished.









“Come on Niyleen, you’ve got to hurry…” Trineiya paced back and forth waiting for Niyleen to come out of her meditative state. There were only eleven hours left until the show down with Ruby and there was no telling if the Redguard would be ready. “This was a mistake… I shouldn’t have sicked that Forsworn on her. I shouldn’t have—!!” Niyleen began to stir and tears started falling down the Redguard’s eyes, and moments later the Redguard was back with her.






“By the gods you gave me a scare!”


Niyleen slowly got to her feet and asked, “How many more hours do I have?”


“About eleven, but Niyleen you need to rest. You haven’t slept or eaten for so long. You’ll be at a disadvantage if you face Ruby without restoring your—”


Niyleen gave the Altmer a fierce look at shut her up instantly. “If I’m not finished by the time Ruby gets here, then I’m not going to win anyways. You should get some rest Trineiya. Thank you, and I’m sorry.”


“Sorry? Sorry for wha—”


Quicker than Trineiya could react, Niyleen punched her hard in the temple knocking the Altmer out.


Whoa! What in Oblivion happened to you?


Niyleen ignored her and sat down once more ready to delve into the depths of her mind one last time.




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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Five: Overcoming the Past 3


Once you have, then you can see the Light...

Links to Past Chapters:



Part One




After closing off everything, Niyleen didn’t end up in the dark abyss that she was used to, but someplace rather familiar.


“Here? But this is my house! Why… why am I here?”


“It’s because this is where we last met. At least… where you last met me,” said a voice from behind the Halfling.


Niyleen turned her head and her heart almost stopped. There smiling at her was the one person she so badly wanted, needed to see. “Lucari…”




“I know everything, you know. About how you lied to me, about how you are the ‘Raging Inferno of the Reach’ that I’ve been looking for.”


Niyleen’s eyes widened. “H-how do you… Where did…”


Lucari seemed somewhat pleased with Niyleen’s response. “Heh, at least you’re not denying it. I guess that doesn’t make you a total liar.”


“Lucari! I don’t want to fight you! I… please come back! We can start over! Heck, if you can never forgive me, I’ll even let you turn me in. At least you’ll be able to be the hero you always wanted to be!”


 “Hero?” Darkness and bats clouded Lucari’s visage until the woman staring back at her wasn’t the same any more. “You know what I’ve become. A monster like me could never become a hero.”




 “Cari…” Niyleen reached out to her and when she came into contact with the Nord’s skin, it was cold but it mad Niyleen feel warmer than she had ever felt. “You… you’ll never be a monster. Because as long as you’re you, you’ll be the brightest person I’ll ever know…”


 “I… I can’t help you, not like Eolri,” Lucari said unable to look at Niyleen. “Eolri actually imprinted a piece of her soul in you, I’m… just your interpretation of the real Lucari. So I can’t help you be at peace with what happened like you are with the Forsworn…”


“I know, but still—”


Lucari held a finger up to silence the Redguard. “All I can do for you is tell you this; no matter what happens, no matter what you think, don’t assume that Lucari blames you for any of this. She may not forgive you for not telling her you were the ‘Raging Inferno of the Reach’, but until you hear it from her, do NOT believe that you’re at fault for anything!”


Niyleen grabbed Lucari into her arms and pressed her lips against the Nord’s like it was the last chance she’d ever get to do so. When she separated her lips from Lucari’s and opened her eyes, the Nord was gone.








“I won’t let you down again… Never again…”





“Oh me, oh my! Sometimes I ask me why. We even try? For time is nigh! And we all will surely die!” The woman stopped and smiled. “You tempt me Niy, you really do. You make it so easy to simply kill you.” She wielded her weapon and clenched her fists. “I… it’s not supposed to be this way. One thousand is supposed to be special, difficult but satisfying. You’re… you’re always ruining EVERYTHING Niy! You’re the ONE! The one that’s supposed to end it all! The one’s that’s supposed to save everyone! But look at you?” She nudged Niyleen with the dull side of her blade. “Sleeping.”




Sighing, she raised her blade above her head. “Well then, I guess it’s just time for me to wake you up!”




The woman brought her blade down and smiled when she missed her target. “HahaHAAA! You ARE fun! So glad you’re always surprising me, dear Inferno.”


Niyleen glared at her. “You think this is a game Ruby? You think this is funny?!”


“No,” she said in an irritated tone. “I don’t think that this is funny at all. I don’t think seeing your friends die and then grieving over them only for them to be revived is any bit hilarious. You see dear Niy, you and I are different. I’ve seen the rise and fall and rise of Alduin. I’ve what happens after either the Stormcloaks or the Imperials win. I’ve been killed when I’m helping the Daedric Princes AND when I’m trying my best to fight against them.”


“And yet here you are serving those same Daedric Princes that have caught us all up in this madness. Do you honestly think it’s right, no, that it’s the right thing to do? You think serving them will end this faster? You  honestly think that being their Champion is going to end with a happy ending for you? You’re insane! You’re just a pawn in their game! Ruby, wake up!”


Ruby smiled. “You try staying sane when the only person you’ve ever truly called a friend kills you once and then leaves you for dead. Try to fucking stay sane when you come to realize that all of the people on Nirn… whether they live or die is COMPLETELY meaning less. Try TO FUCKING STAY SANE when you see the same little girl die three times in front of you and no matter what you do, no matter how you plan to save her, you just can’t! And that’s how you start the Cycles off! With a reminder!” Ruby pointed her weapon at Niyleen. “That girl’s death is a fucking reminder… Try staying sane when all that’s happened to you Little Niy. Then I think you’ll be ready to say who’s sane and who’s not.”




The women glared at each other in silence with no further words. Ruby’s ‘explanation did little persuade or move Niyleen, although she could feel a bit of a shit from Nega. (You okay?)


You don’t feel that? That… that cold, like the world’s been covered in frost?


Niyleen took a set back and got into a defensive position, never taking her gaze off of Ruby. She knew exactly what Nega was talking about. It was that cold, deadly aura that had completely gripped Niyleen in terror the last time she faced the Dunmer. But it was different this time.  (No… unlike last time I can only feel her bloodlust, her raging desire to kill me. There’s no component of fear here…)


You… Zu'u nis korah nii… You’re… different from before. What happened while you were meditating?


Niyleen didn’t have a chance to think about it as Ruby was suddenly on her, striking with an onslaught of slashes. Niyleen dodged around them as usual, but she wasn’t utilizing her unnecessarily flamboyant style. She was more grounded and only using as much movement as was necessary. It was a completely different fight than Ruby or Nega expected. Ruby quickly wearing herself out. Niyleen being precise, accurate, and optimizing ever little advantage she was presented with.





















Part Two


Are… are you mimicking Eolri?


Ruby jumped at Niyleen, but was immediately slammed viciously to the ground. (No… I’m just doing what I should have been doing from long ago.) Niyleen backed up and readied her blade again. “If you keep this up, I WILL kill you.”










“Hehehehee, ouchouchouch! Ha haaaa…” Ruby got to her feet but wasn’t as steady as before. “Not like I haven’t died before. Besides, Oblivion’s nice this time of year! But maybe you’ll soul trap me again, that was nice.”


“Alishondra…” During the course of the fight the Dunmer had become less of a threat, less menacing, and seemed to be acting more normal“If what you’ve said is true, why do we have to fight? Why not join me—join us—and try to fight them again?”


“Because it’s pointless to fight against them,” Ruby said with a monotone voice. “No matter what you do, no matter what Champions you defeat, no matter what order you do it in, it’s all pointless. Even the Daedric Princes themselves don’t know how to end this, which is why,” Ruby raised her weapon again. “…which is why even if I kill you or if you kill me, we’ll end up doing this little dance again. Until they get bored or the Cycles end on their own accord.”




“I don’t think it’s pointless!” Niyleen tossed her weapon aside and held her arms out. “Listen, we don’t have to fight. I’ve no ill will toward you, and if you will stop trying to kill me we wouldn’t have a reason to fight.”


What in Oblivion do you think you’re doing? ARE YOU INSANE!?


“This is too much… And they call me the crazy one.” Ruby straightened herself and sighed. “You know, I’d like that Niy, I really would.”


Ruby lunged at Niyleen with her sword ready to plunge Niyleen through the heart, but staying ever calm, Niyleen swiftly disarmed the Dunmer and drove her through the tree behind her with Ruby’s own weapon. Niyleen then retrieved the sword from Ruby’s chest and watched as the Dunmer slid to the ground.










“Why? Why did you do—huh?” Niyleen could feel a wetness rolling down her cheeks. (I’m crying? Over Ruby?)


It’s probably the Second. She was the closest with the Dunmer all things considered.


“Hehehe *cough* haaa…. Y-you’re too soft Light… This… is exactly…. Why…” She coughed up some blood and didn’t bother to wipe it away. “…why you were so easy… to deceive…”


“You had a chance Shony, why’d you refuse it?”


“Light? Is that really you? I… I can’t see anything anymore.”


“It’s me, Shony,” Niyleen said as she knelt down beside Ruby. “Light’s here with you.”


“I won’t apologize for betraying you… you should have seen it coming… but for Ceolrianna… I…”


Niyleen shook her head. “It’s okay. It’s over now. Hopefully, this time you’ll be able to be at peace.”


Ruby smiled and mouthed, ‘thank you’ before taking her final breath.


Indeed, thank you Niyleen.




“S-second!? When did she—”


You didn’t notice? Hmmm, well whatever. What’s done is done. Besides I think someone has something to say to you.


“Who are you talking… oh right,” Niyleen retrieved her weapon and sheathed it. “Sorry about attacking you Trineiya, but I couldn’t have you interfering with the progress I was making.”


“You better be sorry … But I’ll be damned…” Niyleen turned around and saw the Altmer there with a grin on her face. “I don’t know how you did it, but you didn’t even flinch against Alishondra. Not even when she rushed you there at the end. Ha! I guess my methods worked won—”


“Take me back,” Niyleen said abruptly.




“Take. Me. Back.” Niyleen said firmly. “I’ve no reason to be here anymore so take me back to Skyrim.”


Trineiya wanted to try to persuade Niyleen to do otherwise, but the look in the Redguard’s eyes told the Altmer that she wouldn’t be moved. “But of course.”




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  • 1 month later...

Flame-Child: Part Two
Chapter Twenty Six: Overcoming the Past 4
Resolution is necessary...
Links to Past Chapters:



Disembarking from the ship that brought her from the Summerset Isles, Niyleen couldn’t believe that she was home. It was the same sky, the same smells that she’d smelled many times before, but the drab look of Skyrim that once seemed distant now left her with a shaky feeling. “It all seems so different now…”Pt2_Chp26_001.jpg
“Are you sure that you don’t want to rest for a few days,” Trineiya asked as she also disembarked. She walked over to Niyleen and frowned. “Listen, I know you want to get back to your home as soon as possible, but all of this back to back travel—”
Niyleen suddenly bowed, an act that startled the Altmer. “Thank you for everything you did for me Trineiya, but I’ve been away for way too long.” Niyleen looked towards the southeast with a deep longing in her eyes. “All I want to do now is see my sister’s bright face and hear Carciel’s voice.”Pt2_Chp26_003.jpg


“I understand. Take care Redguard.”
“You too Inquisitor.
Parting, Niyleen started off toward Whiterun Hold. The trek was a familiar one as she’d often go from Whiterun to Solitude on mercenary work. However, soon Niyleen realized what Trineiya was talking about. Shortly after getting to Dragon Bridge a heavy wave of fatigue hit Niyleen that made her almost not want to continue on.

“Naal faal Rah, Trineiya was right. I feel like draaf,” Niyleen said as she had to stop from exhaustion.
Are… are you feeling alright?

“Me? I’m flogah,” Niyleen said as she sat down. “I mean, like I said I feel like draaf and some things just seem… off. But my head’s clear and I just feel refreshed mentally.” Niyleen smiled. “Heehee, is the big bad Nega actually caring about me? Grik fask!”

S-softy? I’m no—you know what, nevermind.

After resting up for a couple of minutes, Niyleen decided to take it easy and slow her pace. It took her a bit longer than she had planned, but when Dragonsreach was finally within her sights, Niyleen took a deep breath and did an exaggerated stretch. “Aaaaaaaah… Now there’s the view I was longing for… Although the scenery itself seems to be lacking. Aren’t there supposed to be spires throughout the landscape?”


“Yeah,” Niyleen said frowning. “Saak ved spires that most wouldn’t dare approach. Haa… Get with it Nega.”

We’re going to have to talk later.
“Whatever. All I know is that I’m finally hom—”
“Hold there Redguard!” a voice called out from behind her interrupting her thoughts. “Are you Niyleen Flame-Child?”
Niyleen sighed. It had been some time since someone had been bold enough to go after her bounty, and quite frankly she had hoped it would stay that way. (Here we go again…) She jumped off the log she’d climbed up on and saw the bounty hunter staring her down. He looked a bit weak in the knees, probably a rookie. “Halfling, and aye. I am she.”


“By the power of the Jarl of Haafingar, I’m here to take you in for your crimes against—”
(Definitely a rookie.) Niyleen rolled her eyes. Even if her bounty was an older one, Haafingar’s Jarl seemed to not think highly of her. “Listen melon nose, I don’t have time for this so run along now before I make you shit your pants. Okay?”
Niyleen turned from him and began to walk away, but upon hearing the bounty hunter’s steps and his battle cry behind her she stopped and kicked him square in the chest. Making the man fall to his knees.

Walking over to his crumpled body, she sighed again. “See, now you’re making me choose between being a liar or not. “ She smiled mischievously at him. “But it’s not that hard of a choice to be honest. So how should I—What’s that smell?” She looked at the bounty hunter who was shaking in his boots and began laughing. “No way! No freaking way! How did a chicken shit like you who shits his pants get assigned to tailing me? First milkdrinkers, now chicken shits. What’s next? Flowergirls masked as wanna-be adventurers?”


“I didn’t know you were like that,” said a quiet voice from behind Niyleen.
Niyleen knew that voice. It was a voice that had haunted her for nights on end. With everything happening she’d never imagined that she’d meet this Nord so soon. In fact, there had been times where she wasn’t sure whether or not their altercation had been but a terrible dream. Yet here she was. “Like what exactly?”
“I-I mean, I just thought… I didn’t know that you liked to bully the weak.”
(But he was after me FIRST!!) Niyleen glared at the would-be bounty hunter who was the cause of all of this and sighed. “Go and tell the rest of your boys that I’m NOT to be trifled with. Next one of you I see is certified dead, you hear me?” The bounty hunter nodded frantically. “What in Oblivion are you still doing here!? Go!”

The bounty hunter stumbled away and it took everything the Redguard had for her not to laugh at how pathetic he looked. “Happy now?” Niyleen said as she turned and faced the woman.

“I'm sorry. I know it wasn’t really any of my business…” The female Nord frowned. “Why are you so angry with me? Did I do something to you?”
(She simply beat you while you were acting arrogantly. You’re not one to keep grudges like that. So for what reason are you mad at her for? Or maybe you’re made at yourself?) “W-what!? I’m not—!!” She noticed that something looked a bit off about the Nord. “Did you get… slimmer? What in Oblivion happened to you?”

The Nord looked away embarrassingly. “I got sick.”
Niyleen laughed. She didn’t know why, but the idea that Nords could get sick from anything not combat related was absurd to her. “Nords get sick? Liar. I’ve never met a sick Nord in my life! You probably just got sick of people calling you a fatty is all.” The Nord mumbled something that Niyleen couldn’t quiet catch. “What’s that? I can’t hear you?”
Niyleen was taken back by the Nord’s sudden outburst. Sure she had been a bit curvaceous before, but she wasn’t fat by any stretch of the word. Niyleen thought that the Nord would have seen that and knew that she was only joking, but perhaps she’d been too presumptuous. “Sorry,” she said sincerely. “I didn’t know that was a touchy subject.”
The Nord averted her gaze and it was sometime before she spoke again. “You’re so strange… you seem to hate me, but then you apologize for being insensitive… Why you were looking for me?”
“What!? No I wasn’t!”

“But I heard… that a female Redguard was looking for a Lion.”
Niyleen remembered when she had told her contacts that. She was still hot about losing to the Nord and told them to spread that message around. Niyleen rolled her eyes thinking about how long she had waited to get a response, one that she wasn’t even sure she wanted. “That’s old news, Lion. What’s with you anyway? Are you stalking me?”
“I may be a lion at heart, and people may identify me with one, but it’s not my name. I forgot to properly introduce myself last time. I am Leijona, proud daughter of Rhaegar, Maiden of the Desert and Lion of the Snow.”
"Eh? Rhaegar? I remember stories about him... Savage. Didn't seem like the type to raise a child though." Niyleen grinned as she thought of how awkward it must have been for someone of his infamy to raise a child, not to mention a daughter. “And you laughed at my title. So what's your deal? Since you beat me you’re just going to act familiar with me? Is that it cub?”

Leijona frowned again. “I… just don’t get it. It’s like everything I do, or maybe it’s just me being here bothers you.”
(She’s right you know. You’re not angry at her, but with yourself…) A strong urge to punch this girl, for no reason other than to release tension, rose in Niyleen’s gut. “I said it once and I’ll say it again, you are nothing more than a measuring stick. Don’t get cocky just because you beat me once!”
Niyleen noticed Leijona’s eyes. Her beautiful emerald orbs reflecting her sadness, hurt Niyleen more than she’d ever admit. “I thought you were interesting… I only fought you before because you left me no choice. I also don't think I ever got to apologize for last time.”
“Stuff it and never appear before me again!” Niyleen started to leave and immediately stopped when an idea came into her head. “You said don’t want to fight? That you only did so because I left you no choice?” Niyleen said as she drew her sword.

Leijona shook ferociously her head. “I don’t want this! Why must we always fight?”



“Not always, just this last time. And I’ll even make it sweeter for you. If I lose, I'll do anything you want. Heck, if you want me to simply be nice to you I'll be glad to do that. IF you beat me! And I won't take no for an answer.” Leijona drew her own weapon rather reluctantly and Niyleen smiled. “I take it that you agree with my terms?”
“You didn’t exactly give me a choice,” Leijona said somberly.


Niyleen took a deep calming breath, she wanted this but somewhere deep down she knew that this wasn’t right—didn’t feel right. Before she could shake this feeling her body was already headed into the battle with the Nord. Coming off of Ruby, Leijona felt like an entirely different animal. Ruby reminded Niyleen of herself but more reckless and loose with her life, Leijona however was a mass of power and with her recent weight loss way faster than before. Niyleen couldn’t simply dodge the Nord’s attacks with minimal effort because the sheer force of Leijona’s attacks were throwing the Halfling off balance; as Niyleen learned when she almost got her head knocked off after trying that once.
The fight waged for quite some time with Leijona on constant offense, but Niyleen wasn’t losing ground. She landed landing a few glancing cuts on the Nord, but nothing significant. It wasn’t long before Niyleen knew that this would end up being a battle of attrition more than anything.
An hour had passed and neither woman was slowing. It was a completely different battle than last time. Niyleen was sharp, precise and pulled out every trick she had, where as each of Leijona’s swings seemed like they could be the deciding one. Neither woman was taking any gambles with this one, which ended up drawing this out even longer.

Are you two fucking serious!? Nega said after hour three had of their bout had ended. Just use your fucking flames, and scorch this bitch!

(Stiil! Dus!) Niyleen finally gave up her strategy and finally went on the offensive. This sudden change in the Redguard’s fighting paradigm caused Leijona to hesitate just enough for Niyleen to catch her with a swift kick to the side of the head, disorienting the Nord.








“Shit…” (Nunon med us, that’s not enough.) Niyleen thought. Even thought there was clearly an effect where there wasn't one last time, Niyleen was still upset that the Nord maintained her consciousness.

Go! Go now! Finish this while she’s dazed!
Niyleen ignored Nega and waited until Leijona seemed a bit more stable. Throwing off her shoulder pieces, Leijona looked at Niyleen quizzically. “Why didn’t you press your advantage?” she asked sincerely.

The Lion’s puzzled look had Niyleen questioning herself again. (What are you doing? Why are you even fighting her?) Niyleen shook these thoughts from her head. “I-I don’t know… you seemed to disapprove of me bullying the weak,” Niyleen said awkwardly. “So I didn’t. You got a problem with that?”
Niyleen didn’t know what she expected, but when Leijona smiled at her, she all but lost the will to fight. “Thanks.” 
It was simple and honest. Pure, powerful, albeit a bit awkward. That one word said it all and finally encapsulated Leijona for Niyleen. That voice gnawing at her had been right. Niyleen wasn’t mad at this girl, she was mad because her pride had gotten hurt, something Leijona probably didn’t know or care about… but not in a bad way.
Niyleen nodded and resumed the fight, only this time she went on the offensive. Each strike thrown met Leijona’s insane guard, and although Leijona was still suffering the effects of that kick, Niyleen wasn't able to break through. This soon Niyleen began to lose the feeling in her right arm. After a few minutes of this, Niyleen had to stop and catch her breath.



(She’s a fucking gol vund!! This is her in a weakened state?)

…Should have finished her when you had the—

When she goes for another overhead attack, go for her chest. Use one of Eolri’s special attacks.
(S-Second!?) The sudden extra voice in her head made her stop in her tracks and take an inhumanly wicked blow from Leijona that sent her flying. As she struggled to get up, a thought began to gnaw at her again. (Why do you still fight? Just stay down. Lose. And enjoy her company, you know you’d like that. Heck, she could even join your cause and fight with you against the Daedric—)




(NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID! I will NOT get her involved in my mess! Never again is anyone going to die because of me…) Niyleen glanced over towards Leijona who seemed to be waiting for something. “Why aren't you attacking? It's not over yet, I’m still able to fight!”
“I know,” Leijona said with a brilliant smile. “But I’m just returning the favor. N-not saying that you’re weak or anything!!!”

“Hahahaaa… This Nord…” (Are all Nord women so… vilokaal? Gods…)

Vilokaal?! You’re in the middle of a fight and you think she’s vilokaal!? That’s it! I’m going to take contr—

Do as I said, and this will all be over.

Niyleen shook her head and struggled to stay in control as Nega began to forcibly try and take over.
Although she didn’t know the source, Leijona could visibly see the agony gripping Niyleen. Rather than just watch it unfold, Leijona walked over to Niyleen and raised her weapon over her head. “I don’t know what’s happening to you, but I’ll end your suffering.”


As Leijona swung her massive weapon down to strike, Nega relinquished her hold and Niyleen quickly scrambled to her feet and before Leijona had time to react could blink, delivered an array of slashes across the Nord’s chest. Turning, she saw Leijona frozen with a look of fear on her face.
“I-I can’t move!! What… what did you do to me!?!”
(I feel kind of bad. It kind of seems like I tricked her...) Even so, Niyleen smiled knowing that she'd wrapped this fight up. “Nothing.” (Fah getiid.)
Niyleen then frowned as she realized she’d forgotten which move she had just used. (Was it ‘Ravager Style Secret Technique Number 568: Hurricane of the Daedra Slayer?’ Or maybe ‘Ravager Style Secret Technique Number 42: Lysada's Insane Dance of the Whirling Cyclone?’) “AAAAARGH!! Dammit Eolri! All of these stupid moves are basically the same! “

Niyleen thought a bit harder, and finally it came to her. “Oh right! Hah, how’d I ever forget this one?” She sheathed her sword. “Ravager Style Secret Technique Number 991: Niyleen Special: Child of the Flame’s Tempest! Maximum—”
Suddenly Niyleen was gripped by the throat viciously. “Haa… ha…. I-I don’t know what… foul spell you cast upon me Niyleen,” Leijona said her eyes filled with rage. She yanked Niyleen off the ground. “But this ends now!”

(She’s right you know. Just let her end this…) Niyleen smirked, and she saw Leijona’s eye twitch from anger. (Even if I don’t mean to, zu'u nis hiif nuz yormud ek.)

Tease her? Los hi tir do hin hah? End her! Fucking END HER NOW!!!
Niyleen’s provocation backfired as the Nord simply increased her grip on Niyleen’s throat. For someone who was so averse to fighting her, Leijona didn’t seem to have a problem using her full strength regardless. Just before she was about to pass out, Niyleen was able to mutter, “…Inferno.”







Immediately, Leijona dropped Niyleen as the effects of Niyleen’s attack began to wreck her body; causing her to collapse from the pain.


Fucking finally… You ever do anything that dumb again and I PROMISE you that I’ll take the reins and never let go!

(Are you satisfied?) “Yeah…” Niyleen looked at the sky above and her mind seemed to fall under the Calm effect as she peered into the calm endless sea of blue.

‘Yeah?’ What do you mean ‘yeah?!‘ And you won! Why aren’t you excited about this like you should be!

Niyleen tried to move but every muscle in her body screamed at her for doing so. “This… is a win?” She closed her eyes as she realized she couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on her face. “I know how wins feel, be they hard earned or shallow. This… this isn’t a win.”

Then I’d like to know what in Oblivion this was because if you just wasted over three hours fighting for nothing—

It wasn’t for nothing, right Niyleen?

“This fight… Felt like a release, a resolution. You could even say that it was a continuation of what happened on the Summerset Isles.”
Fos ko lein!?! There’s no trauma with her! You weren’t afraid or her or any barbarian like Nords!

Niyleen shook her head. “No, but I feel at ease now… At peace with the results of both this fight and the last…” She heard Leijona’s rough breathing as she began to stir, and glanced towards her. “Had a good nap, Cub?”
“Whatever you did… don’t do it again,” Leijona said as she got to a seated position. “Are you lonely?”
“W-what!? Why’d you ask such a stupid thing!?”

“Well… you were talking to yourself so I just assumed…”
Niylee could feel her cheeks burning as she couldn’t bear to look at Leijona. “O-o-o-oh, t-that!? I… I’m n-not lonely, got it!” Niyleen struggled to a seated position herself. When she composed herself, she smirked at the Nord. “That tone… You keep talking to me like we’re friends. Even after I beat you.”
Leijona’s face reddened. “T-there’s NO WAY you’re counting that as a win!” The Nord then averted her eyes “I shouldn’t have lost." She admitted. "I… You… you just shocked me is all.” Niyleen blinked, stunned by the lioness’s sudden bashfulness, and then let out a laugh that made Leijona turn ever redder. “W-what? I can’t get caught off guard every once in a while?”

Niyleen rolled her eyes playfully. “Again, you’re talking to me like we’re friends.”


Niyleen, got to her feet albeit uneasily. “Heh, I’ll admit that I didn’t win, but you didn’t beat me either.”
Leijona stood beside her. “So a draw?”

“No contest,” Niyleen said shaking her head. “This one just didn’t count.”
Leijona's eyes darted to Niyleen. “What!?! So we have to fight again?”

Niyleen laughed startling the Nord. “There’s no way I’m fighting a damn wall like you again. You’re too much, Lei. Far too much. Maybe the old me might have wanted a rematch, but the current me doesn't have a death wish. Besides, I’ve no reason to fight you anymore.”

“So… what now? Are we simply strangers to each other?”
Niyleen stretched a bit as she walked in front of the Nord. “No way! But to put a name on what we are, no idea. Also, I promise not to come at you like that again… As long as you tell me what really made you change so dramatically.”
“Oh!” Niyleen took a peek at the Nord who seemed a bit excited to share a tale. “You see, I was in the middle of training. I decided to do some heavy training for four days straight. On the third day, I came down with Bone Break Fever after deciding to tackle a bear den without my weapons. I should have just rested for the fourth day, but I pushed on.”

Niyleen smirked. “Heh, stubborn Nord.” As the Nord talked, Niyleen noticed that she sounded a bit comfortable and made some awkward movements here and there, but at the same time she seemed really enthusiastic about talking about her past. And now that she wasn't trying to beat the Nord's head in, there was something about her voice that made her crave to listen to her speak.

Leijona shrugged. “I guess you could say that. Anyway, although I felt sluggish I cleared out an ancient ruin up until the last chamber. Then I came face to face with a Dragon Priest, a trio of vampires, and a hoard of Draugr.”
“Sounds nasty.”

Leijona nodded. “It was. I ended up catching the Rattles from the Draugr and I was lucky to not catch Sang… Sangu… Sangui—”

“Sanguinare Vampiris?” Niyleen guessed. (The same disease that that bitch Teresa gave to Lucari...)

“Yeah, that one! I was lucky I didn’t catch that from the vampires. I would have been okay with a potion and some rest from Bone Break Fever and the Rattles, but the Dragon Priest placed a curse on me that drained my stamina and started to eat away at my fat and muscles. Luckily I was able to get to a healer before I was all skin and bones. But even though my life is no longer at risk, that curse is still active and is why I looki like this.”
(I don't know why she's so upset? Sure she doesn't look like a sex goddess now, but she's still plenty cute, and even more so tough.) “Haa… Well you're definitely faster and your power doesn't seem to have waned, but I guess if my body was forcibly changed I'd have issue with it to an extent.” Niyleen said trying to put herself in Leijona's shoes. “Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me Lei. I can honestly say that I'm glad I saw you again, but I’ve got to get going. Vonok Leijona. Aal faal Stahdim dein hi fen erei mu grind ontzos. See you around. Maybe I'll have a great tale to share.”
Leijona’s eyes widened and she beamed with happiness. “Lei... It's a bit strange but not too bad... And yes, hopefully sooner rather than later!”
Niyleen nodded and with an extra spring in her step continued on towards the lair.




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Flame-Child: Part Two
Chapter Twenty Seven: Understanding
Will help dissolve misconceptions...

Part One

After parting from Leijona, it took Niyleen less than ten minutes to arrive to the entrance to the lair. She stopped and stared at it as if the trapdoor was booby-trapped. “What if they’re dead? What if they couldn’t tackle their tasks? What if I sent Carci and my sister to their graad?!”

Then you’d be alone AGAIN. Big deal, so what? 
“So what?” Niyleen felt betrayed by Nega’s question.

Yeah, so what? The two of them are only going to hold you back. What you NEED to do is recruit the Dragonborn, that damn orc and Leijona. That’s a team that can easily handle whatever foolishness you get them into.

Niyleen clenched her fists and dropped her head. “We’ve all got to accept the haal we’re dealt, Nega…”
Even when that ‘haal’ makes the whole world turn against you?

“You did that to yourself!”

But did the Third?

Niyleen remembered the Third’s tragic cycle. From the beginning she didn’t have a chance to win. Abandoned and enslaved. Sure she enjoyed a pretty grand rags to riches story, going from a mere slave girl to the Jarl of multiple Holds, but for her to get played by Clavicus Vile like she was… Niyleen entered the lair and landed softly. “She was just unlucky.” 

Niyleen looked around and was refreshed. The lair was in the same condition that she left it, damp, unorganized and… “Empty… No Telind be snappy with me. No Nyleine slaving away over the alchemy table making another of those half and half potions or resting up because I was inadvertently tearing her soul apart. No Carciel giving me little looks here and there—!”


Niyleen sat down on the bed and sighed. “How could I have been so blind…” She said as she finally realized when she noticed that Carciel was acting differently towards her. It was in Markarth, after the fight with Teresa and the vampires. Carciel had been treating her roughly just that afternoon, but almost like the flip of a coin she did an instant 180. She was kinder to her, gentler, more understanding...
“I’m such a mey… fuck…” Niyleen realized she never settled things with Carciel about that kiss and just thinking about that moment made her heart race.

Again with your melodrama bullshit. Anyway, we need to talk. You are NOT okay.

“Fos los hi talking about?”
Listen to yourself! What did you just say!

Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “Huh? I just said…” She tried to remember but was coming up blank. However, she knew what she meant to say. “D-didn’t I say, ‘What are you talking about?’”

You said, ‘Fos los hi talking about.’ The fact that you don’t remember, that you have to ask means that you don’t even know it’s happening to you. Do you remember something that Trineiya so inelegantly said? About you being the glue that holds ‘you’ together?
Niyleen nodded. “I remember her saying something about that. What’s that supposed to mean?”

It was something the Second had said to her once she found out about me. A theory. Stop being a bystander and explain!
True… that would be for the best. The Second paused for a few moments. You see, when Nega became known to me I found out about everything all at once. Even some of the instances she’s failed to share with you. I explained this to Trineiya, who was an ex-Thalmor agent at the time and she said it’s possible that the final Cycle will probably be ended by a version of Niyleen that holds traits of all her past selves. It seemed so improbable but thinking about it now—

“Wait what? Zu’u los nunon zey! I don’t have any of you all’s traits!”
But don’t you? Nega said. Nothing that’s happened to you, to US, has been happenstance. You THINK that you’re on the wrong side of the law by chance? That’s the Second through and through. She never saw a pocket she didn’t like and never turned down a contract with money attached. You think that you being a slave or being a forced unpaid laborer at multiple points in your life was random? The Third—

“Okay,” Niyleen said as she rose from the bed anxiously. “Let’s say I korah hi. You and I have nothing in common Nega. Nid!”
If you only knew… Tell her, Second.

Fourth… Niyleen… To be totally honest, you’re more like the Fir—Nega than you think. Attitude, aptitude, fighting prowess, how you form relationships both romantically and platonically. It’s probably because of how long she’s been influencing you—

“What in Oblivion are you talking about!? I’m nothing like this stuck up, raging bitch! I’d never sell my soul to a Daedric Prince! I’d never kill my best friend! I’d never—”
Listen up hinzaal bitch, whether you like it or not, you’re my spitting image in terms of personality. Loner who attracts others? A mean, cocky, smart ass who’s extremely caring and understanding to the ones she cares for? The kind of person that doesn’t seek love, but when she finds it refuses to let go?

Niyleen was shocked. She knew that the person Nega was describing was herself, but for Nega to act like those words reflected her image as well. “You’re nothing like that!”
You wound me Flame-Child. Just because the Second and I decided to show you me at my worst, doesn’t mean I wasn’t exactly as I said I was. Don’t believe me? Let me take over and meditate. You’ll see I’m no liar.

(!! Why am I hesitating? Just let her do this, let her prove herself wrong so you can get past this!)
(You know she’s right) said that voice that had invaded her mind ever since the fight with Leijona. (You know she’s telling the truth and you’re afraid. Afraid that you could become like her… tainted, corrupted by the Daedric Princes and hated by those you love so dearly) 

If you hate the thought so me being in control so badly, then that’s fine. But until you let me reveal this to you, you’re going to continue to be blinded by your misguided judgments…

For once we are in agreeance…

And then both Nega and the Second went silent. “Nega? S-Second?” When they didn’t answer, Niyleen felt an eerie chill course through her body. “H-hello? Are... are you serious? H-h-hey, say something!!!” Something shattered behind her and Niyleen almost fainted. (What in Oblivion is wrong with me?) She slapped her cheeks trying to psyche herself up. (Alone or not, you’re still the Child of the Flame. You’re still your mother’s, Bandit Warlord Nanika’s, daughter! You’re still—)

“Inconsequential… you’re weak and feel like you’ll never belong.” Niyleen’s eyes widened as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She knew that ghosts existed, but she never thought that she’d see one suddenly appear before her without warning. Something about it was strange though. It felt familiar in multiple ways, reminding her of both Telind and... someone else...

“I’m… I’m not inconsequential!" Niyleen said defiantly. "I have somewhere I belong!”
“Do you? When have you ever felt at ‘home’? You’d probably want to say here, but you can’t. You were just acting like a leech to Nyleine, which made you not be around as much as you wanted to. What next, when you lived with your parents? You hated your father but craved his attention, you loved your mother but didn’t want to be anything like her. Your father killing you was probably the best thing that could have happened to yo—”
Unable to contain her anger any longer, Niyleen sliced at the ghost but to no avail. “Don’t you DARE say that!”
“What? Can’t handle the truth? What about how ever since you left your parents you’ve been roaming from bandit camp to bandit camp trying to find a place where you fit in? What about how you’ve NEVER been alone by your own volition, and even when you technically were alone you still had Nega to hold your hand and talk to you? You have to have people around, but you never feel at ease around any of them. THIS is why you hate Nega, not for what she’s done, but because that crazy bitch is possibly the only person who you can truly be yourself with. And that scares you. It scares you that now that even SHE’S abandoned you, you will simply go back to feeling alone and out of place in the world.”
Niyleen couldn't control herself, and attacked the ghost frantically until it disappeared and the Halfling had worn herself out. But she wasn’t satisfied for she knew her flurry did absolutely nothing and although it was invisible, that the ghost was still here. “Stop playing with me… If you want to fight, I’ll give you a fight!”







Part Two

“Always looking for an excuse to let loose. Typical. Just like your other incarnations.” The ghost’s taunts echoed throughout the lair, each word fueling Niyleen’s rage. “If I recall correctly that was supposed to mean that you are their ‘glue’? But no, you’re more like their last hope, they can’t help but have faith that you’ll be the one to end the Cycles because they both failed and it seems like you might just be able to do it.”

“I will do it!”
The ghost suddenly reappeared before Niyleen making her fall on her rear. “So you proclaim, but I’ve seen the truth. I know that there’s going to be a Fifth, a Six, and heck even a Seventh! You called Ruby crazy, you called her insane for joining the side of the Daedric Princes, but when your future is so hopelessly laid out where resistance equaled your demise… why struggle? Is it not you and your allies that are the insane ones? After all, you keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome.”
Ruby’s words echoed in Niyleen’s mind: “Try TO FUCKING STAY SANE when you see the same little girl die three times in front of you and no matter what you do, no matter how you plan to save her, you just can’t!”

Niyleen rose to her feet and sheathed her weapon. “You and Ruby may be right. Maybe my resistance really is all for naught. But how will I know unless I see this through?”
The ghost glared at Niyleen momentarily and then disappeared. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play it. When next we meet, your end will be at hand!”
Tension dispersed as the ghost said her final words and Niyleen collapsed from exhaustion. Now that she was able to think straight something was familiar about that ghost, but she couldn’t quite point it out. Letting out a deep sigh, Niyleen closed her eyes and said in a low defeated tone, “Fine Nega…you win…”

The all too familiar dark aura immediately wrapped itself around Niyleen and lifted her off the ground until she was back to a standing position. Stretching, Nega let out a relieved breath and said, “Aaaaah, it always feels great to be in control!” After moving around for a little bit, Nega got serious and sat down. “I win huh?” She smirked and closed her eyes. “I haven’t even begun to win. You’ll see.” And then she began her deep meditation.





“Niyleen? Niyleen!”
Nega looked at the Nord quizzically as she wrenched her blade from her fallen opponent. “What’s wrong, Love? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

The blonde Nord rolled her eyes. “You know I’m bad with skeletons and necromancy, Niyle. And I told you I didn’t want to come here in the first place!”
Nega went over to her and wrapped her up into a passionate kiss that left the Nord breathless. “Do you want me to make it all better then, Cari?”

Niyleen: Lucari!? W-what am I seeing?

Second: This is one of the Firs—of Nega’s memories. She, like you and I, fell for Ceolrianna. Unlike me however, the two of you became enamored with Lucari after her the Breton’s death.

Niyleen: So how is this supposed to—

Second: Just shush and pay attention.

“I-I-I think… I think you’re making it worse,” Lucari said with a smile.
Nega rolled her eyes and kissed her once more. She always loved the taste of the Nord and if she had it her way, it would accompany each of her meals. After she felt satisfied with how flustered Lucari had become, Nega backed away and smiled, until she took a better look at the Nord. “You… you’re injured?”

“It’s just a sprain,” Lucari said. “I’ll just walk it off.”
“Don’t try to mask this with a smile! You’re hurt! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“I-it’s not that big of a deal Niyle,” Lucari said while looking away. “You’ve told me plenty of times about how injured you guys get when out retrieving a bounty. I knew what I was getting myself in—!!”
Without a word Nega lifted Lucari into her arms and carried her off towards Solitude all the while ignoring her lover’s pleas to be let down.

Niyleen: Why... does she seem so protective of Lucari? Isn’t Lucari a skilled warrior in her own right?

Second: Wouldn’t you have acted the same way? Think about it. Listen to your heart, if Lucari had been injured because of you wouldn’t you act the same way?

Niyleen: …

Nega had made it to Dragon Bridge before having to stop because of all of Lucari’s struggling. After laying the Nord on the bed and then paying for the room, Nega returned to Lucari to see the blue eyed Nord’s cute face twisted with rage. “What in Oblivion was that!? I’m not some child! I’m not some defenseless little girl, Niyleen! And a room? Really? We’re almost at Solitude! Why waste your money like this?”


(Niyleen…) Nega felt wounded by that. Lucari had never called her by her full name, and hearing her say it with such disdain made Nega literally want to discard it completely. “I… I was only—”
“I love you Niyleen, but you’re going to have to understand, I’m not like your other traveling companions. I don’t need to be babied. Just because you’re with the Legion and happen to be Dragonborn, doesn’t mean that you need to act like I’m on the same level as everyone else. I am not beneath you!”
Niyleen: Lucari was kind of rough in this cycle. Is this her true self?

“I… you’re not like everyone else. You’re special…”

“Oh, so that’s it? I already know that you’ve had relations with all your other ‘friends’, and apparently Ceolrianna was cool with that. To be completely honest, even I’m fine with that. I mean you're the Dragonborn. With so much riding on you and your actions, I can't be mad if your feelings fly off to another person from time to time... But I’m NOT okay with you pretending as you need to act differently towards me just because I’m your only friend you haven’t bedded!”
Niyleen: I—Nega slept around?

Second: Yes. She used to brag about it all the time when I was with Ceolrianna. I was annoying to no end.

Nega pounced on Lucari and pinned her to the bed. “S-so, since I won’t give it up you’re just going to take it by force? Ha! And here I thought you were better than that.”
Nega gave Lucari such a fierce glare that even Niyleen shied off because of it. “I... You... You ARE special to me, Lucari! I wouldn't have noticed your injury otherwise until you started lagging behind if you were anyoneelse. Lucari... you make me feel things I haven’t felt since Ceolrianna died. Feelings that I was so desperately trying to replicate with everyone else... you made bloom so easily.”
“A-and,” Lucari said shaken by Nega’s sudden outpour of affection. “T-that still gives you no right to treat me like—”
“I love you,” Nega said bluntly.
Niyleen: That... lacked tact.

Second: At least she was honest and open about it. At least she let the poor girl know.

“I love you and whether or not I want to, I notice everything about you and take it all into consideration when dealing with you. I know you’re stubborn and have a few things to prove not only to the world but to yourself. I know that you’re strong, and hate being second to anyone especially me. I know that you hate being treated like a so-called 'damsel in distress'. And believe me I know you're anything but a child Lucari. You're one of the strongest warriors I've ever fought with and against. But... I don’t give a damn about any of that! If I see you in danger, I’m going to protect you. If I see you struggling, I’m going to assist you. If I see you hurting, I’m going to relieve your pain!”
She got off of Lucari and turned away from her. “If you can’t handle that, then we shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t want to see you get hurt, but if we continue having this relationship with each other… with how I am... I only see me hurting you further.” Lucari tried to get up but Nega stopped her from doing so.

“I see… Was Ceolrianna alright with this? Being babied to this extent?" Lucari asked. Nega stared at her without uttering a word. “I see… Then I guess you’re right. Let’s end our relationship now.”
Niyleen: C-cold…

Nega immediately fell to the floor and began bawling her eyes out. (I thought I was ready for this! I really did… but now…) Her tears just continued to flow and when Lucari didn’t try to comfort her Nega knew it truly was over between them.


When her tears had dried up, Nega got to her feet and with as much of a smile as she could muster said, “I-I-I… g-guess this w-was for the b-best…” 
Niyleen: This isn’t Nega! She’s... she's not this fragile! Where’s her usual strength? Where’s that arrogant 'better-than-thou' attitude she’s always flaunting? She acting like… she’s acting like…

Second: You when you were mourning Eolri’s death?

Niyleen: …

Nega somberly walked over to the door when she heard a sigh. “W-what’s wrong?”
“I can’t believe this… you were... serious? About loving me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be…”
“But I am… and you you are… I'm a cold bitch... An adventurer no one ever wanted to travel with. Heck they even chose Uthgerd over me when I visited Whiterun... Wasn't... wasn’t all of this just an act to sleep with me? To say that you tamed Skyrim's best archer before you moved onto some other conquest?”
Nega shook her head. “Ask anyone,” she said gloomily. “I’ve always been up front with everyone… even when I didn’t know what words to use… I truly love you Lucari. I'll... I'll prove it! I'll go to Riften, get an amulet of Mara, and confess to you in front of everyone so they'll all know that I am yours... and you are mine.”

Lucari sighed again. “Whoa... you're serious about this... I'm... Sorry Niyle, for making you cry...” She got to her feet and when Nega moved to sit her back down she stuck her palm out to halt the Halfling. “I-I get that you're protective of me and all, but as you said… I’m stubborn. I can't just immediately accept you doting on me”
She walked over to Nega and to the Halfling's surprise planted a deep wet kiss on her lips. “And I rescind my earlier exclamation. Maybe we can make things work out, huh?”


Unable to control herself, Nega lifted Lucari off the ground and pressed her back against the wall as she began to furiously kiss the Nord up and down her—



Suddenly Niyleen was back in the lair and back in control. “W-wait what!? Why’d you stop? What happened next?”

I’m not about to let you see what goes on behind closed doors between me and my lover’s, you damned know-nothing!
(But it was getting to the good part…) Niyleen sat back and stared at the ceiling. “What was that supposed to show me? That you’re more human than you let off?”

That, but it was also supposed to show you how similar we are... Didn’t you feel it, were you effected by Lucari’s words and my actions? That wasn’t a trick. I shared my memories, but your heart shared my feelings.
Niyleen wasn’t going to say anything about it, but she did feel like she was watching herself and not Nega for some time. Just thinking about it, she could easily have replaced Nega with herself and probably done the exact same things. Niyleen grit her teeth and closed her eyes. “Why did you hesitate? Did you find out something else by doing this?”

I did… but it’s none of your concern. Not now… Heh, but interestingly enough, you random bouts of Dovahzul have ended.

“This is frustrating…” Niyleen said with a sigh.
Tell me about it. It’s annoying to know that the version of ‘Niyleen’ that doesn’t excel in anything is not only the most like me, but probably the one that’s going to end the Cycles…

Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you hear that ghost? It said that what I am doing is—”
Me, the Second and now you have all seen her before. She always comes and tries to demoralize and threaten us. But it’s not worked yet, and it won’t now, right?

Niyleen didn’t miss a beat. “Right. If I was going to quit, I would have probably just let Ruby end it all. Heck, I would have probably let Telind finish me off.” Niyleen jumped up and smiled. “That’s right! Whether I was chosen by fate or happenstance, I’M the one the Daedric Princes are after! Running away would only mean that others would get hurt in my stead and I WILL NOT allow that!”
“Heh, now that’s the Halfling I remember…”



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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Eight: Reunited

Wasn't it supposed to feel "so good"...

Part One

Niyleen turned around and although she was dressed differently, she immediately recognized the Breton before her. “Carciel? You’re back already?”


 “Not quite.” The Breton walked over to Niyleen and gave her a moist kiss that tasted familiar but different than the last one they shared. Pushing the Halfling away, the woman flashed a grin at Niyleen. “So, how have you been soft-gut?”








Niyleen’s knees buckled as she realized who exactly this was. Her mind tried to keep up with her heart as emotions began to take hold of Niyleen. “H-how—wh-wh-wwhe—y-y-you…”


“Geez, stop acting like it’s such a big deal.” Niyleen looked at the Breton and saw that her lips didn’t move. “Anyway sis, did you do it already?”


“Of course I did, Ciel. I’m not that much of an ass to kiss your crush in front of you. Heck, I wouldn’t have done it at all if you didn’t say you were okay with it.”


 “I know Eoly. But it still brings up a major problem…”




 “W-w-w-w-wait a second!!” Niyleen said, interrupting the siblings who gave her a look. “Carciel! What is Eolri doing back!? I… I thought she was… I thought I—”


 “Haaa… you sure don’t seem to use your head much,” Eolri said with a disappointed tone in her voice. “Definitely a deduction of fifteen points. Don’t you remember what I said when we last met?”


“Five years ago?”


Eolri shook her head and sighed. “A few days ago. I told you that somehow I was alive again. Remember that you had a piece of my soul in you?”


Niyleen nodded and got to her feet. “Y-yeah… Sorry about that, I… seeing you suddenly was a bit much. But yeah, I remember. It’s great to see you Eolri.”


 “And I you, milkdrinker,” Eolri grinned as Niyleen laughed. “Though I guess now that you’ve beaten Ruby, I can’t exactly call you that.”


 “You can call me whatever you want to. Oh, Carciel. What were you saying earlier about there being a major problem?”


Caricel blushed and averted her eyes. “I-I-I-It’s none of your business idiot!”


“Don’t be so dishonest,” Eolri said playfully. “No one likes a dishonest lover.”


Carciel’s face flushed and she took a swing at her sister who dodged expertly. “EOLY!!”


“I joke, I kid.”


Niyleen looked at the two Bretons who were now wrestling each other and felt her heart feel fuller. (So this is how siblings act…) She watched them for a few more moments until Eolri knocked Carciel to the floor worrying the Halfling. “A-are you alright Carciel?”












 “Don’t mind her,” Eolri said as she looked down at her sister. “She’ll be up in sooner or later. Help me get her into the bed well you? I wouldn’t want her to not only wake with a sore head, but be sore from sleeping on the ground.”




Niyleen nodded and the two women placed the younger Breton on the bed and sat beside it. “Hmmm… so this is your place?” Eolri said as she looked around. “I must say, it’s about what I imagined from you.” Niyleen gave her a stern look and Eolri laughed. “No wonder you and Ciel get along so well. You’re both so easily irritable. I love it!”


Niyleen rolled her eyes. “I bet you do.” She remembered how Eolri would make her and Nanae do impossible tasks and just laugh at them when they came back to her empty handed with fear written on their faces. She didn’t think of it much then because she was Eolri’s slave, but looking back on it Eolri was kind of an ass, a lovable ass, but an ass all the same.


 “I do,” Eolri said. She relaxed and seemed to have a faraway look in her eyes. “I’m Hircine’s champion, you know.”


Niyleen looked at her and wanted to say something, but with Nega being Dagon’s champion she wasn’t about to judge. “I didn’t.”


 “Ciel told me you wouldn’t mind me helping with your little crusade against Molag Bal,” Eolri got up and walked to the center of the room. “But to be honest… something about this is rubbing me the wrong way…”




 “You remember everything right? That seems to be a perk of being a Champion that’s not an elf.”


Eolri nodded. “They tell you everything and then break you. From what I’ve seen, some require more breaking than others. It’s not… pleasant at all. Luckily I was a werewolf and simply had to fight my way to the top of my pack, but others weren’t so lucky.”


 “Why did you even tell me this? Are you threatening me?” Eolri turned to see Niyleen with her fists up. “Listen, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve been through way too much to be stabbed in the back by you now. Do if you’re going to betray me Eolri, just say so.”


The Breton glared at her and then gave her a motherly smile. “Ninety eight points, minus two for being too quick to fight. By Julianos, you’ve become exceptional, girl. I always believed you would, but you exceeded even my expectations.” Eolri shook her head. “Relax little Niyle, I’m not going to backstab you. But I need to know, why are you facing Molag Bal? It’s a sure death sentence and you know this.”




 “I’ve got to save Lucari if it’s the last thing I do,” Niyleen said unflinchingly. I did this. It’s my fault that Lucari became a vampire. Your sister told me she found out how to cure it from some guy in Morthal, and at the very least I’ve got to try and help her.”


 “I see…” Eolri waited a few seconds before asking another question. “If either Ciel or I got turned like that Nord did, would you do all of this for us?”


Niyleen blinked. “W-what? I-I—”



Part Two

 “She’d say that she would, but she wouldn’t because she’s just a liar,” said a voice near the exit. Niyleen looked over and couldn’t believe who was speaking those words. “Isn’t that right, dear Sister?”




 “Nyleine?” Niyleen looked at her sister and even she had changed. The younger Halfling looked like she was ready to take her life. “What are you talking about? Why would you hurt me so with your words?”


 “Did you have a good laugh about it? Did you like it that I was running around playing sister?”


 “Seriously,” Niyleen said reaching out to Nyleine. “I don’t know what you’re getting at. I love you, and I’ve never tried to hurt you since I’ve come here.”


 “Then why didn’t you tell me that were sisters!? REAL sisters, and not just two vessels sharing the same soul!!”


The lair fell silent as Nyleine’s words lingered in the air and an air of awkwardness fell over them.


“Hmmm,” Eolri hummed garnering the Redguards’ attention. “You know what? From what I was told and can now remember, that actually makes sense. Apparently you, especially Nega, used to go on and on about your cute little sister. How you wished you could have been a better role model, and how you longed to see her. It… seemed to have been endearing.”


Nyleine’s gaze fell back upon her sister. “You… I poured my heart out to you! Let you know how eagerly, how desperately, I wanted to see you. How I longed to be your flesh and blood sister and not just soul bound! W-why didn’t you just tell me…”


Be easy on herNega said with a bit of concern in her toneRegardless of her upbringing, she’s the most innocent person in all of this. Don’t make her—


“I didn’t tell either of you anything for good reason,” Niyleen said with a scowl. (By Julianos they don’t make it easy for me do they?) The Second and Nega. Now Eolri, Nega and Nyleine? She had had enough with being teamed up on for one day. “This amulet I wear, that I should have never stopped wearing, isn’t for show. Not telling either of you was the most logical thing to do.”




Nyleine looked at her with a bewildered look in her eyes and Eolri couldn’t help but grin. “Logical,” Eolri said. “Please, impart your so-called knowledge upon me.”


Niyleen rolled her eyes at Eolri’s weak sarcasm. “Nyleine, I know you and Carciel pretty well despite not knowing either of you long. Nega tasked you both with dangerous assignments, assignments that you both very well had a chance to not come back from at all.” She walked over to Eolri. “I know how both of them would react to such news. If I told Carciel that she was just a handicap given to us by the Daedric Princes because shit tends to hit the fan after you die each cycle, if I told her she was just a replacement, what in Oblivion do you THINK would have happened when she saw you?”




 “I ended up telling her anyway—”


 “You think that would have helped anything,” Niyleen said almost screaming. She knew that Carciel was resting but right now, she would not allow Eolri or Niyleen to belittle her judgment especially when she knew in her heart she was doing what was best for everyone. “If you would have told Carciel that I was right, that she was just a replacement, she would have died! Even if you didn’t kill her, she would have died inside! Don’t you know how badly she wants not to be anyone’s replacement? How hard she tries to be uniquely her? If I would have told her that, she would have ceased to be the Carciel I know and love!”




Niyleen let that hang in the air without adding, ‘as a friend’, like she knew she should have because what did it matter that she only loved Carciel as a friend? The ghost was right, Niyleen may not feel like she fit in anywhere, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have people she loved and depended on like family. That didn’t mean that she was without friends. Her love of Carciel, Nyleine, Eolri… and Lucari didn’t need to be labeled. It may not have been qualified as the same kind of love, but she loved them each equally in their own way.

“That… that doesn’t change why you didn’t tell me…” Nyleine said.


 “Look at me. Look at me!” She said turning her sister so their eyes met. “Tell me, HONESTLY, do you think I don’t know exactly what you would have done?”Pt2_Chp28_055.jpg


Part Three


 “W-what do you mea—”


 “You haven’t changed,” Niyleen said grimly.


What in Oblivion!! What are you doing!?! You bitch! Can’t you see that you’re upsetting—


Niyleen slapped herself in the face to drive her focus away from Nega’s voice. “You’re like the old me that I had to deal with on the Summerset Isles.”


Nyleine looked at her shocked. “You went to the Summerset Isles?”


Niyleen turned from her. “Yeah, and I became more… like myself,” Niyleen said with a nod. “Regardless, you’re eager to please. Too eager. You’ve told me stories of how fierce, merciless, strong, and sadistic you were. Stories where people’s lives meant nothing unless they could help you towards your goal. But when I look at you now, you’re none of that. Sure you can change your hair and the clothes you wear to try and look the part, but inside you’re still my little sister who cares so much about me that at times it’s insufferable, but always loveable.”




 “If I would have told you,” Niyleen continued without missing a beat. “That we were in fact siblings, that’s all your head would have been filled with. Not the hagravens you were supposed to defeat, not the Champion you were supposed to dispatch, heck, not even with the severity of the situation we currently find ourselves in with the Daedric Princes! All you would have seen was me.”




 “You don’t know that,” Nyleine said in a low hushed tone while casting her eyes downward.


 “Don’t I?” Niyleen looked her sister in the eyes and smirked.


 “‘Oh! Me and dear sister are actual sisters! I can’t wait to see her, and hug her, and basically do whatever it is she asks of me because I want to be the most perfect sister that ever lived!’”


She noticed that Nyleine’s face began to look more and more pained and dreadful with every word she spoke. So she stopped imitating her sister and gave her a stern look. “You would have become careless and took unnecessary risks to speed up us reuniting and would have probably gotten in way over your head. I wanted to protect you from that.”




Eolri looked down at the defeated Redguard and then to her former lover. “What’s wrong with you Niyleen? That was cold… way more than I thought was in you.”


“Cold?” Niyleen laughed. The whole situation was bogus and somehow because she was being overly blunt she was looking like the bad guy. “Cold, like saying you’re going to give someone a reward and then having them undergo the most painful torture they’d ever felt? I’m not cold, only my logic is. Why would I risk either of your lives with information that had a high probability to cost you your lives if shared?”


 “She’s right you know.” Everyone looked towards the bed and saw Carciel sitting there with a grin on her face. “It’s the one thing I’ve truly hated about Niyleen. It may not seem like it, but her way of doing things tends to typically deliver the best results… or at least the results that she wants. Save for the Lucari incident, but she could never have predicted our battle with Teresa.”




 “So do you understand now Nyleine? I was only trying to do what I thought was best for you at the time. I never meant to hide this from you.”


Nyleine stood up and faced away from everyone. “Ha… hahaha! I-I knew it was like this! I n-never doubted m-my sister’s love for me! Not one m-m-mo—!!!”


Niyleen suddenly embraced her sister from behind, making sure to hold her tight enough until she could sense that Nyleine was feeling at peace again. “You did well sister,” Niyleen whispered into her ears. “You did very well… So you can just let go now.”


And that’s exactly what she did. Niyleen turned her sister to face her and Nyleine didn’t have any shortage of tears. Niyleen continued to hold onto her bawling, trembling younger sister until she had let out every ounce of herself in tears, crying, ‘I love you’s, and ‘I’m sorry’s.


 “I’m sorry,” Nyleine said as she pushed her sister away. Her face was a mess, but Niyleen knew she was feeling better about everything. “I’m sorry that I showed you this side of me. And… I’m sorry for depending on you like a helpless child. You’re right. I’m the only one that hasn’t changed.”


 “And that’s fine,” Niyleen said reassuringly. “All we can ask is for you to be you.”


Niyleen tried to embrace Nyleine but her approach was blocked. “I… I need some time to think…” the younger Redguard said avoiding eye contact. “How long do we have until the battle?”




Niyleen backed off, sighed, and gave a knowing smile. “Ten days.”


 “Then I’ll be back in nine.” Without a word to anyone else, Nyleine swiftly exited the lair.




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  • 5 weeks later...

This is a something I cam up with while I was doing College work. This story is set in the same universe as Aria and Phoenix's story, if you guys like it I'll do more but for now this is the only one I have done. It follows 3 beautiful Dragon-slaying Warriors who do silly shit in Skyrim. So enjoy




Whiterun / Dragonsreach



Wow guys look how big this place is, its bigger then our house.


Yeah its really big.


I've seen bigger.tumblr_nxh104Ryq21ubpgn6o2_1280.jpg


Ok lets not forget why we're here.


To collect the bounty money.


Really is that why we're here, I though be came to see this handsome Jarl I have hear all about.



And thats exactly why your waiting here while we collect the money Sofia.


Wait so I don't get to see the handsome Jarl, Why not.



Probably because you got us in trouble the last time we saw a Jarl.


What I promise I wont take my clothes off this time pinky promise.


No way your waiting here you while we speak with the Jarl.


Preventus Avenicci

How i can help you lovely ladies today


Were here to collect the bounty's on lets see 7 Dragons 4 trolls and 2 bandit camps.


Preventus Avenicci

Ah I see well the Jarl will be please to hear this, you should tell him.


Oh really I thought I was meant to collect our reward from his steward thats you yes.

Preventus Avenicci

Yes but you see I have a important matter to attend to so you will have to talk to the Jarl yourself now good day.


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Well well well..Who do we have here then huh.


Cirilla your grace, Cirilla The Dragonslayer at your service.


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

(Look at her body gods the things I would to her, kiss her lips suck her tits and fuck her all night long...oh crap careful Balgruuf don't get a boner Irileth will notice)

Oh your a Dragonslayer well I do have a few issues you could help me clean up.


Actuality that why me and my companions are here your grace.



Were her to collect...were..hear to collect..er

Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Yes collect what



(Oh shes so cute when she nervous gods I could just kiss her)


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Yes lass your here to collect..what?



Ah..few ok, me and my companions are her to collect the bounty on 7 Dragons 4 Trolls and 2 Bandit Camps your grace...few that was a mouthful.


(Thats my girl)


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Really I could have swan I put had bounty's put out only yesterday and you two did all of them in one day.


Actuality there's three of us your grace my friend Sofia's a bit shy so she down by the door.


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Such a shame I would have loved to meet her as well, I hear some very interesting things about a Sofia maybe shes the one I keep hearing about.


Its probably another Sofia your grace

Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

Shame anyways I bet you lovely's want your reward yes.



Yes please your grace.

(I wonder what he'l give us, 10,000 gold no 20,000 gold or maybe a manor for all three of us to live in)



(This girl is so stupid what does Balgruuf see in her)


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

And you reward shall be.....









Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

100 gold now I thank you all of your kindness and will to protect my people from harm



Errr..your grace is that 100 gold for each bounty or just the bandits.


Jarl Balgruuf The Greater

No 100 gold for all of them now go and spend that money wisely you pretty little thing you.



Maybe you could throw a bit more gold in for me your grace.



(Ah hes even more handsome up close)


Maybe another 100 or 200 for each off us would do just fine



You should be happy he gave you that much, those bounty's were easy, child's play.


Easy we killed 7 Dragons on our own



So is he has handsome as Lydia says oh and how much gold are we getting huh I want to go shopping after this


Sofia im in the middle of dealing with it.


Were getting 100 gold.



What pear bounty or pear bandit killed because I killed way more bandits then you two.


Sofia not know


100 gold for all of us



Oh thats bullshit he should give us more make him Ciri


Yeah Ciri make him give us more gold.


Guys not now. I still haggling the price



What are they going the throw us in jail just for lollygagging


Sofia why did you have to go and say that!



Sounds like a perfect idea, guards arrest them and lock them in the jail.


Ahh crap.

Dragonsreach Jail Cell



What I though that would get us more gold.


Yeah well it didn't did it.


Guys not now im trying to pick this lock.



What with your boobs


It doesn't work I tried it



So maybe we should have taken the 100 gold


What after all the hard work we did to get all those bounty's done in a day, I think he should have gave us 500 gold



Hey cheer up Ciri and look at the bright side


Which is



At least they let us keep our armor on this time....remember that prison cell in Windhelm so cold it froze my tits


Yeah I guess..but at least i don't have to message them to keep them warm this time


Whiterun Guard

Damn why didn't we make them take there armor off.



Whats that sound



Oh gods I'm so hungry


Maybe we should have eaten before we stopped in to collect the bounty's.



Well its late im gonna take first bunk.



Buts there only one bed


Well look like we have to share


Oh i am not sharing a bed with you Bonney you fart in your sleep


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Chapter 2



Whiterun / Bathing House Of Beauty's



Wow we really stink good thing theirs a Bathhouse right next to Whiterun, right guys


Yeah who wants to smell of sweat and blood all day right Ciri....Ciri


Why are you staring at me with an angry face Ciri.


Bonney why don't you go find a nice place to rest I need to have a little word with Sofia.



Oh ok well no kissing you two ok. (Oh I hope they kiss that be so hot)


So Ciri you wanted a word with me.


Yeah, next time you think its a good idea to try and make a Jarl do something he doesn't want to do, don't drag me and Bonney into it ok



And another thing if you some how managed to unlock our cell why did you not tell me or Bonny we could have been out weeks ago. And what possessed you to sneak into bed with the Jarl and have sex with him.


I'm sorry I thought you knew the door was unlocked and I thought if I got a little friendly with him that he'd let us go early.


Sofia I wasn't born yesterday now bend over you need to lean whose in charge of this team.
















A Few Spanks later














Thanks Ciri now my ass is bright red.


:heart: Yeah sorry I think I might have over done it a but hun. Forgive me  :heart:


:angry:  :angry:  :angry:



Ok guys we have worked hard to get here, so lets enjoy ourselves and try not to get to drunk yes I looking at you Sofia.  :D


Yay naked time  :)


Hey you cant talk, you spanked my beautiful ass till it was bright red. So I'll have as much wine as II want ok  :dodgy:






Hey Sofia come join me we can massage each others boobs.. I mean each others shoulders.


Yeah sure thing Bonney just give me a few secs I need wine right now.



I feel like I have a forest growing between my legs so it looks like I needs a trim again, I hope they have people of that here. I hate having to ask Bonney to do it.


This is perfect Im naked in a warm bath now all I need is Ciri to join me and then I'd be in Sovngarde.


Rich Man

Ah there they are.


Rich Man

Excuse me are you Cirila, Leader of the Bikini Warriors.


Bikini Warriors huh, thats a first we have been called that but yes that is me. What do you want then.


Rich Man

I was sorry to hear that you were wrongly arrested and locked in the Dragonreach Jail for stupid reasons.


Yeah well my friend was kinda to blame but Its ok we wont be so rude next time.

Rich Man

Now I and many other citizens feel that the Jarl was unfair and so we have offer you what ever you want from our houses.



Did I hear you right we can take whatever we want.

Rich Man

Yes killing that many dragons on your own mean you should be rewarded not punished. We have many items of value and like I said there yours free of charge.


That sounds very nice of you thanks.


Wow guys what if its a scam or something. We dont know this guy


But Ciri free stuff.


Yeah free stuff and what ever we don't have want. We can sell and pay our rent.


Rich Man

You can trust me see I'll show you my own house that is full of riches that I wish you to have.


Ok come on guys lets go


Yay free stuff


Yeah Free stuff Ciri.










Whiterun / Rich Mans House



Wow this place is big


I've see..


Yeah you've seen bigger we get it Sofia


Rich Man

Here we are enjoy your self's and please take whatever it is you want


Thanks your house is so amazing thank you so much for helping us.



Ciri look food. free food


Yes Bonney I see the free food, Ok lets take what we need and then go ok I want to sleep in a comfy bed.



Wow theses look expensive are you sure we can take anything.

Rich Man

Those things ah take em I hate those things.



Wow Bonney, Sofia look at all this food, Oh I'm so hungry I could it all.


(Oh I know what I want to eat and it ant the food)


Whiterun Guard

Alright this little party's over your all under arrest.



What under arrest, I think theirs been a mis-understanding see he owns this place and he said we could take what ever we need.

Whiterun Guard

What because your The Dragon Armor Heros yeah and Im the Dragonborn now hands up all of you.




tumblr_o0qw5oziBu1ubpgn6o5_1280.jpgNot So Rich Man

Well looks like its my time to leave.

Whiterun Guard

You get back here you criminal.



Yeah you go get him guy...Guys door now we need to get out of here.








(Sorry I couldn't finish this part as my Skyrim is broken and I wanted you guys to read it, Its only missing 1 screenshot and the others are unused screenshots hope its ok)

Ciri , Sofia and Bonney exit the door to find a bunch of Whiterun Guards arming Arrows at them.

Whiterun Guard Captain

Alright all of you hands behind your going back to your Jail cell.



I'm sorry guys its my fault I shouldn't have believed him.


Well that could have gone better


Yeah we could be naked right know.



Well it looks like were back where we were only a few hours ago.


Do you think I could sneak out and try.

Bonney / Cirilla




Hehe we said that at the same time.


Sofia do I need to remind you what happen last time you did that.


No. Well what are we going to do.



We should wait for Tex to fix his skyrim so he can get us out in the next chapter.


Maybe your right


Of course I am.


I hope Tex hurry's up I'm so horny right now...er I mean hungry










To be Continued


Really thats how your going to end it, great were going to be here a while then.


Hey hes a very busy guy he cant do us all the time.


He he you said do us.


Gods help me












To be Continued (Without Sofia)


Hey what did I do.








I Joke she'l be back


Thats better


Sofia hun stop talking please


Yeah maybe a ball gag would shut her up








To be Continued (Sofia in a Ballgag)


Hey thats ni...


Right now thats done, thanks guys for reading this very long chapter enjoy the rest of your day.


Hehe you said very long hehe



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  • 3 weeks later...

Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty Nine: The Past Catching Up 


May lead to unthought of results...

Part One


A day after Nyleine left Niyleen couldn’t stay in the lair with the Breton sisters for more than moments at a time. Between her worrying about Nyleine and the Syliel siblings’ subtle advances towards her being, the lair was starting to seem less like a safe haven and more like a risk to her sanity.


And so to pass the remainder of the time before the battle, Niyleen had picked up her mercenary work once again. Considering time was of the essence Niyleen, in an unheard of move, took five contracts that all expired a day before the encounter with Teresa. The constant back and forth without a moments rest took Niyleen’s mind off of her worries and to her surprise with this last kill she had been able to complete four of the five contracts.


“Haa… haaa… Casndal, you A’likr fucker…” Niyleen crouched and looked down on her mark with a smile. “Haaa… hahahahaaa! Nice crew you gathered… must have cost you quite a bit of gold. Shame that in the end, they were just as useless as you were. Thought someone like yourself would know better.”


She stabbed the dead Redguard in the chest and used her sword to balance herself as she pulled out her last contract.


“Let’s see here… who’s the last—!”


As soon as Niyleen read her mark’s name, so many memories flooded her mind and she couldn’t help it when she began to feel a bit itchy. (His name has finally appeared… I’ve been waiting for rhis for so long…)


Crumpling the last contract into her pocket she looked to the west. “From here it’d take a day to get to the Reach and a day to both find my target and turn in all my contracts…”


I’ve got to tell you someth—You’re overworking yourself!




Niyleen began jogging at a quick pace. “I’m all set. Take out the Bandit Chief Endoen, collect my gold, relax for a day, fight Teresa. What’s the problem?”




You’re going to collapse. I can feel it, and you know you can too. This isn’t a matter of the mind, you’ve literally pushed this body past its limits. Dammit all, at least rest for a few minutes!!


But Niyleen had had enough of that. After the first contract she tried to rest back at the lair, but images of Nyleine, Lucari, and the Syliels kept plagued her mind making her almost break down. She didn’t want to feel that way, she didn’t want to face any of that. Niyleen knew she should probably meditate, but she couldn’t clear her mind for even a second so she could get in the mood to do so.


So she jogged, and continued to jog until she passed through Whiterun and into the Reach.








Finally arriving to her destination, Niyleen sucked her teeth. “Even if was supposedly abandoned, I never thought he’d be so fucking foolish…”


The contract said that Endoen had been last seen around Four Skull Lookout, the same place where Niyleen had been cheated out of her share of a major haul. She thought she had killed everyone responsible for giving her portion to the Forsworn, but thinking back on it there were still two people who needed to pay for screwing her over. It had been pushed to the back of her mind ever since she went to Karthwasten, but Endoen and a female Bosmer by the name of Dagger also needed to be held accountable.




Where’s the logic in this? Niyleen, stop! Stop and take some time to—


“I’ll make this quick.” Niyleen walked right into the lookout, right up to Endoen and drew her sword on him startling everyone. “Hey En, remember me?”




The Bandit Chief didn’t flinch. “Little Flame,” he said with a deep husky voice. “You were never one for formalities, were you?”


“Cut the crap!” Niyleen snapped. “You know exactly why I’m here! So excuse me for not being formal!”


Endoen sighed. “You can’t still be mad about the loot, right?”


“Damn you to Oblivion!” Niyleen said, the vemon in her voice dripping from her lips. “You screwed with my money... Luckily for you, you can pay be back when I get the bounty on your head!”


His men looked to draw their weapons, but Endoen signaled them to stay their hands. “If you were anyone else, you’d be dead, Little Flame.” He spread his arms as if inviting her to come at him. “It doesn’t have to be this way you know, but if it must… have at me.”


Niyleen lunged at him, and with Endoen only moving slightly she completely missed him and ended up on the ground grimacing in pain.






“Still fiery, just like your namesake.” Endoen said as he finally took hold is his blade. “But I must say, I never imagined you becoming a merc. Even that’s too noble for the likes of you.”


Niyleen quickly got to a knee and readied herself for her next attack. However, with heavy arms, weak knees, and the inability to keep her breath steady, Niyleen knew that if she couldn’t end this soon that she didn’t stand a chance.


Don't do this. You can barely stand! Just retreat for a bit, rest up and face him in a couple of—


Niyleen rushed at him and attacked in what was meant to be a flurry, but the Bandit Chief didn’t even bat an eye. “Guess it’s time to get serious.”




Endoen slashed downward with a fearsome amount of force, but Niyleen was able to deftly dodge it. Using her current positioning, Niyleen kicked off the wall and took to the air…




“Take this you son of a bitch!!!”


As she was falling downward towards him, Endoen readied himself and counterattacked with another powerful attack that fell Niyleen on her backside and made her limbs go numb temporarily. “You can’t beat me dammit! Just like I said before, you’re not up to snuff you brainless bitch!”




With Endoen’s blade pointed directly at her chest, it took everything Niyleen had to not audibly gulp to get rid of the lump that had formed in her throat. (Shit… my body… it’s too heavy…)


One of these days you’re going to listen to me… You can’t beat him! You need to run. Now!


Before Niyleen could think of a way out, Endoen lifted up his giant weapon and Niyleen was barely able to roll out of the way in time as he delivered yet another heavy downward slash that would have crushed her.


“This bastard… Damn it all…” Niyleen said in a low haggard voice. She had managed to create distance from Endoen and was racking her brain to see how she could get out of this but she didn’t have nearly enough time. The Redguard quickly closed the gap and after Niyleen dodge yet another of his deadly swings, he dropped his blade and landed a heavy kick that sent her flying out of the lookout…










After hitting the sided of the entryway caused her to turn midair, Niyleen landed face first into the stone ground.  Her bones, muscles, skin, heart… she felt aches from head to toe, and regardless of how much strength she put behind her limbs, she couldn’t move an inch.




She couldn’t see him, but it wasn’t long before Niyleen heard the heavy footsteps of her mark come closer and closer to her. “Such a shame…” she could almost see the hubris emanating from Endoen with each word.


Before she knew what was happening, Niyleen was then lifted off of the ground by her throat and Endoen peered into her eyes. “Did you really think there would be any other outcome? You were always weak, ‘Raging Inferno.’ You just caught a lucky break once.”




“Bastard…” Niyleen said through seething teeth. “I’m… I’m stronger than you… I… just…”


Niyleen gasped for breath as Endoen gripped her throat tighter, cutting off her air supply. “Excuses now? Is there no end to your shamelessness?” He squeezed even tighter until the Halfling’s eyes began to roll into the back of her head.


“I guess that’s good enough… Time to go night night!” Endoen then slammed Niyleen back into the ground, knocking her unconscious.



Part Two


(Where… where am I) Niyleen thought as she woke up. It was cold, dark, and something felt completely wrong. Niyleen tried to get up but couldn’t. Wriggling her hands, she quickly found them to be bound. (Shit… what in Oblivion happened?)




This is what you get for being boneheaded. You can’t function without rest you idiot! What if Endoen wasn’t lenient? What if he decided to kill you… or worse…


Niyleen tried to focus on Nega’s voice, but felt nauseous. There was too much going on around her. The lookout was in an uproar. People were being tossed to and fro and Niyleen kept hearing the all too familiar sound of flesh being severed. This continued for a while as she tried to free herself from her predicament. When she was finally able to get to a knee, the commotion died down.






(I guess Endoen handled whatever that was…) Niyleen looked around for the massive Redguard and when she found him couldn’t believe her eyes. She saw him kneeling in defeat to some Nord woman wearing… the garb of a Markarth City Guard.


“By the order of Jarl Igmund, I hereby place you under arrest, Bandit Chief Endoen.”


Endoen spat at her feet. “You really think I’m gonna let a woman, let alone a corrupt guard, take me to Cidnah? Piss off bitch!”


“So be it.” She then raised her blade over her head…


…And with a single slash made Endoen draw his last breath.


Glancing at his lifeless form, the woman looked around expectantly. “It seemed like they were celebrating something. But I didn’t see anything out of the ordinar—!!”


(Shit…) The woman turned around and saw Niyleen, who had just gotten free of her bindings, crouching there without a weapon. Niyleen prayed that the Nord didn’t recognize her, but when she saw the grin appear on the fair skinned woman, she knew the opposite to be true.




“Two of my targets for the price of one, it must be my lucky day!” Slowly the woman drew closer to Niyleen. “I’ll not slay a defenseless woman, ‘Inferno.’ Draw your blade and face me!”




(But I don’t have one…) Niyleen rose to her feet and took a step forward when suddenly a wave of nausea and fatigue hit her and she passed out once more.







*       *       *


When next she awoke, Niyleen felt weightless and refreshed. Whatever she’d been sleeping on had been soft, and smelled of juniper berries.






Niyleen rubbed her face into her makeshift pillow, when a voice said, “Finally awake?” before dropping Niyleen to the ground. Niyleen looked up and saw the woman from before glaring down at her. “Surprised?”






“A bit.” Niyleen massaged her head before getting to her feet. “I thought you’d want to turn me in?”




“I do.” The Nord tossed Niyleen her sword. “But more than that, I want to crush you. I want to make you rue the day you ruined my face, my eye, and tarnished my reputation!”




“Wait, do I even know you?” Niyleen said trying to put everything together. The woman’s face looked familiar, but that was it. (I didn’t remember ever messing up a guard’s face… Heck, my only interacts with the guards thus far have been either running from them or them taking hauling me off to jail…)


Her words only infuriated the Nord further. “Two… two years ago, I was part of a detail that was escorting a shipment of silver from Markarth to Solitude. Ring any bells?”


“Hmmm…” It took the Halfling a few seconds but the heist soon came to mind. “Heh, I remember that. Turned out to be a pretty messy job. It was supposed to be simple, ambush the shipment before it hit Dragon Bridge and a simple ‘smash and grab.’ But there was some crazy Nord bitch that just wouldn’t give up no matter—!”


Niyleen looked at the woman again and put two and two together. “Y-you’re her!”


“Exactly,” the woman said as she drew her weapon.


Niyleen looked at her a bit harder and then something else clicked. “You’re…. you’re that bitch that also got me imprisoned! The one from Markarth! Heilda… something or another… You fucking liar! You said that you’d help us out, but you only caused everyone trouble!”


Heilda shrugged. “It was on impulse. If I would have known that you would or could escape I would have never done so. Losing you after searching for you for so long… You don’t know how much that set me back.”


 “I WENT TO JAIL AND THOSE FUCKERS TRIED TO RAPE ME!!!” Niyleen lunged at Heilda who blocked her attack causing the two of them to lock up. “So excuse me if I don’t give a damn about you getting ‘set back.’”






Heilda used a kick to create distance and laughed. “There’s already a bounty on your head and you’re going to exacerbate things by attacking a public official? Not too bright are you? You’ll never be able to return to Markarth at this rate.”








“Who in Oblivion cares!?”


Niyleen jumped at Heilda again and this time was able to remain on the offensive. Heilda had a good defense like Leijona, however that little nap of Niyleen’s gave the Halfling a little more of a spring to her step. Coupled with the fact that Heilda wasn’t nearly as sturdy with her footing, it didn’t take long for Niyleen to take the Nord off her feet with a tackle that took the Nord by surprise causing her to release both sword and shield.












Pointing her blade at the Nord prone on the ground, Niyleen said, “Listen here, I may not always act like it, but I’m not the same person I was two years ago. Heck I’m not even the same person I was two weeks ago.”




She sheathed her sword. “Go home Nord. I’ve got more important things to do other than wasting my time here.”




As Niyleen walked away she heard Heilda say, “Wasting time? WAISTING TIME?! How dare you treat me like an insignificant pion?”


Niyleen stopped and turned. “But for me, in the grand scheme of things, you are. I’ve got to deal with more than you could possibly fathom. If I hadn’t been so stubborn, Endoen would have been dead and gone long before you arrived and the two of us would have never met. Our meeting was just plain luck on your part.”


She could see that her words were having no effect on the Nord other than agitating her further. With a sigh, Niyleen continued, “Look, I have to deal with vampires, Champions, and Daedric Princes. Some no-nothing guard that I have to probe my mind to remember isn’t worth my time or energy.”


“If that’s the case,” Heilda said as she struggled to her feet. “Then you’re going to have to kill me because I’m not going to stop hunting you down!”


Heilda rushed at Niyleen, taking the Halfling by surprise. The Guard Captain was ready to strike ready to finish this in one blow… and as she intended, it did indeed come to an end with one final and decisive blow…



Part Three


When Heilda began to stir, Niyleen saw how comfortable she seemed and smiled. “So you can make a face like that too… You Nord women are stubborn, but amazing… I’ll give you that.”


“Eh?” Hearing Niyleen’s words, Heilda opened her eyes and saw Niyleen looking back at her.


Seeing as the Nord seemed refreshed, Niyleen let the remaining magicka dissipate from her hands. Gripping her head in confusion, the Nord tried to come to terms with her current situation. “Y-you!? What are you—!! How… why am I alive?”


I’d like to know this as well. Letting her live is only going to cause more problems in the future.


(Like the future matters if I can’t stop the Cycles anyway.)


Haaa…. Fair point.


“Well… To keep it simple, I all but killed you. Then I healed you. No need to thank—”


“Why did you do that,” Heilda said interrupting Niyleen. “Are you insane? What were you… what happened to my clothes!?”


“Oh those? I had to remove them to stop some of the bleeding,” Niyleen said nonchalantly. “You know, Restoration might be an awesome school of magic, but with my lack of experience with it, even it has its limits.”


Heilda looked upward at Niyleen with a look that contained both her sadness and confusion. “Why… why didn’t you just let me die? Death would have been better than having to live with the knowledge that someone like you saved my life. Do you wish to further shame me!? I… I can’t face Igmund like this…”


“I think I’m remembering you a bit more now. Yeah… Now and then, you’re far too wasteful with your life.” Niyleen looked down at Heilda and frowned. “I’d know because I personally act the same way..”.


“But I know you have people that hold you in high regard, people that love you, people that would mourn you… If you’re going to be so free with your life, why not live it for them?”


Heilda took in Niyleen’s words but her anger wouldn’t subside. “You’ve shamed me twice, Inferno. You gave me these scars, ruined my eye… and now these wounds…”


“That may be so, but in both cases I also gave you time. Time to spend with your loved ones. Time to laugh, love, protect, serve. Your heart may not want to admit it, but you’re a bit glad that you aren’t dead. Glad that you get to see whoever it is that you love once again.”


“Look… I’m sorry that you tangled with me in the past and I messed up your reputation. I’m sorry that your hate for me has a chokehold on all that you do, and I’m sorry for my poor bandaging job. But you can’t stay like this. You’ve got to release your hate and anger towards me, else you may end up doing something you regret.”




Heilda was silent for some time before she said, “Then… what am I supposed to do about you? I’ve still got a mission to complete…”


Niyleen thought about it for a moment before tossing Heilda her blade shocking both the Nord and Nega.




What in Oblivion are you doing!?!


“…Tell them that I’m dead. Tell them that while fighting you, I fell from a cliff that’s impossible for anyone to survive from. Tell them that my sword is the only thing left of me. Even if no one else believes you, Faleen, the Jarl’s jousecarl should be able to verify that the sword is mine which’ll give some more validity to your story.”


Heilda couldn’t believe her ears. This wasn’t the same woman from the rumors or her memories. “Why are you doing this…”


Niyleen shrugged. “I’m… I’m getting tired of hurting people. I still believe that stealing from the rich to give to those in need and fighting to protect myself and the people I love are both noble causes. But fighting pointless fights… committing crimes wantonly…”


“Four out of my last six fights have made me realize, I may be strong and agile, but hurting people without just cause isn’t where my heart is. Not anymore.”


“Great! Good for you for turning over a new leaf! But then what about all the bounty hunters… all the men that were sent after you? Do their deaths mean nothing? If you were going to act this way, why resist at all?! And ducking your sentence… you think that’ll help those men rest in peace?”


“I’m not ducking anything,” Niyleen said adamantly. “I’ve got something to finish up. If I’m still alive at the end of it, I’ll turn myself in and do my maximum sentence. You have my word.” Niyleen didn’t wait for Heilda to respond before starting off back towards Whiterun.




You think that’s going to be fine? And what were you thinking giving her your sword like that? You’ve used that blade ever since you sent your mother the blade she gave you back…


(It’s going to have to be… I’m not about to shed another life that I don’t have to in order to get Lucari back and end the Cycles.)


I see… listen, I still have something to tell you. Will you finally stop blowing me off?


(Haaa… Fine… Now’s as good a time as any…)





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The Ice Princess Falls Prey to Orcs





Click to see full story








Elisa the Ice Sorceress was traveling through the northern wilderness of Skyrim in search of adventure and treasure. What she would get that day though would be far different





....Along the road she met an orc who silently looked her up and down before snarling something fierce and evil. She tried to walk quickly away...







...but soon noticed he and his buddies were now following her. They muttered and laughed among themselves. Elisa knew what these brutes were after...





...so she quickened her pace and snuck off the path. She looked back to make sure she had lost the group of orcs...




...but shivered with fear as she realized she had gone way off course and was lost...








...suddenly heard the harsh and guttural language of Orcish behind her!




The orcs from earlier were behind her fully armed! The way they looked at her as they gripped their weapons in their hand remove all doubt in her mind what they wanted to do...




...and they'd brought even more friends.



She was completely surrounded!




She knew she had no choice but to fight back!









Elisa unleashed her powerful ice magic on her assailants. The orcs were pushed back in a frozen stupor from her attack...




...and Elisa fled in terror. The enraged and vengeful orcs hot on her heels. But as soon as once got close...



..Elisa turned and blasted them with a cone of ice. For a while she thought her magic would be enough to beat back these lustful brutes...



...but with each moment of pursuit the orcs only became angrier and more determined to catch their prize...




... until finally Elisa was drained of all her mana, spirit, and stamina. She dropped to her knees in surrender...



...and the angry orcs wasted no time in taking what they wanted. The orcs tore her skimpy armor off, forced her to the ground, and had their dirty way with her.









All the orcish bandits had been thinking of all day was how Elisa's tight little human pussy would feel engorged on their massive orc cocks.





Elise was forced to pleasure the brutes in ways she'd never imagined before...




...and each orc looked on in anticipation. Each had their turn...





..and each fucked her more ferocity then the last!







The orcs made Elisa pay for her defiance with every violent and merciless thrust inside of her. Elisa begged and screamed but the orcs only gazed at her with cold merciless vengeful eyes as they furiously fucked her.




After each one was through Elisa prayed they were satisfied...




...but they were far from finished from her. The orcish men they lead Elisa to their lair...


...where Elisa's true torment was only about to begin...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Thirty: Taking the Castle 


When things seem too easy...

Part One


Niyleen returned to the lair with one day left until the battle with the vampires and she felt at peace. She was ready for the fight, ready to do what needed to be done. Her mind was clear, her body was sound, and her pockets were heavier.


After entering, she felt somewhat down when she didn’t see the Breton twins there waiting for her.  “Ah well, I guess they’re doing some last minute things to prepare themselves mentally.”




Does it matter? Have you forgotten what I told you?


“Not at all…” Niyleen sat down on the slab of stone she frequently called a bed. “I’m fine with that.”


This is going to be tougher than you realize, and if I take over—


“It’s going to be absolute. I know, I know. It’s okay Nega. I’m ready,” Niyleen closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Just let me be the one who faces Lucari… No matter what happens.”


Fair enough.


Niyleen then got up, and after taking one final look at the lair, departed from it for her final time. Nega’s plan was simple: go in alone, come out with Lucari. It was suicidal at best, but seeing as Nega would take over if things got out of hand… it didn’t seem too bad. The most glaring issue was that she didn’t have a weapon suitable to the task. She wanted to get Eorlund Grey-Mane to smith her something good with that SkyForge of his, but the chance of meeting the Syliel’s was too high… Far too high.






Instead she opted for Riverwood. Alvor, the blacksmith there was no slouch with the fire, and like it or not he was her best option if she didn’t want to alert the vampires to her actions. Alvor looked like he was finishing up with some final touches to whatever it was he was working on before packing up for the day. “What is it sneak thief?”






But Niyleen was all smiles and sunshine. “Alvy! It’s been a while! How’s the wife? Why the long face?”


She tried to keep up the act, but when the Nord simply stared at her completely deadpan, she discarded that mask. “Fine… I need you to make me a blade.”


“It’ll take a while…”


“It won’t take that long,” Niyleen snapped. She knew that for whatever reason, blacksmiths could roll out an armory within minutes with the right combination of materials, expertise, and coin. In fact, when she dabbled in it, Niyleen was able to start forging all kinds of stuff from forges, and those experiences never left her. “Just make this.” She placed a piece of paper on the workstation he was at that made him furrow his brow.


“This? Isn’t this something you people would typically take to the “great” Eorlund and his SkyForge?”


Niyleen nodded. “Typically, but I’m running out of time. Will you do it or not?”


“You made me look like a fool, thief. So no, I won’t be doing you any favors to—VAMPIRE!!”


“What!?” Niyleen turned around and saw a vampire standing in the middle of the town with a hungry look on his face. Her instincts told her to attack it on sight, but her mind wouldn’t let her body do what would have amounted to suicide. (What am I supposed to do? Without a weapon, I can’t hope to--)








Niyleen blinked as she saw some runes appear on her body and then fade. (W-what was that?)


I just taught you a little magic trick I haven’t used in years. Now, go destroy him!


Niyleen calmed her breathing and felt for the spell in her mind. It didn’t take long because other than the rudimentary novice ones, this one was of the few spells that was at the expert level that Niyleen knew. She smirked as the spell couldn’t be any more perfect for her. “Heh, you’re really something… Aren’t you, Nega?”


I try.


Gathering magicka in her hand as quietly as she could, the Halfling molded it into the shape she wanted… that of a flaming sword. She thought the flames would seem warmer to the touch, but that wasn’t the case.




Before she could completely stabilize her new weapon, the vampire saw Niyleen, and in a panic it tried to flee. However, Niyleen ran it down and was able to quickly pin it to a tree by driving her weapon through it.








“Where is Teresa,” Niyleen said aggressively. She had half the mind to kill the creature just to release some of her built up rage.


“Even if I knew, you thought I’d tell—”


Niyleen twisted her blade in him making the vampire howl in pain. “I’ve no patience for you, bloodsucker! Tell me where she is RIGHT NOW if you don’t want to—!!”




Suddenly a silver dagger flew straight into the vampire’s head, killing him instantly and turning him to ash.



Part Two


Niyleen looked at the dagger and could feel that rage boiing up inside of her again. “You’re so arrogant as to approach me again Duraza?”


“You sound as if you’re my better, Apprentice. Just as before, I hold all of the cards in this little exchange of ours. So, be a dear now and dispel that little weapon of yours so we can talk.”


Niyleen cursed under her breath and did as instructed. “Happy now?”


“I’d be happier if you’d face me with a smile, but that’s okay.” Niyleen could hear the sadness in her former Master’s voice. “What are you doing? There’s still a day before the battle. In fact I was going to pick you up—”


“Then what are you doing here now?” Niyleen turned to face the half-Orc. “You’ve been tracking me again, haven’t you?”


“Getting rid of your weapon to help that guard save face? Not a smart choice,” Duraza said mockingly. “It was clear that you’d either head to Whiterun or Riverwood to get a new one. I just waited to see whether or not you were going to head toward Honningbrew.”


Niyleen conjured her bound weapon again glared at Duraza.


“Calm down, calm down. It’s just a job by my last client, shorty. I didn’t hurt you then, and I won’t hurt you now.”


Just listen to her. She could have killed us numerous times and we wouldn’t have even known it was her. Don’t make things worse. Get the information we need from her, and then…


(I know.) Niyleen calmed her breathing and sighed. “If you’ve been tracking me, then you know what I want.”


Duraza rolled her eyes, and Niyleen secretly wanted to laugh. Whenever Niyleen was difficult in the past and Duraza didn’t want to aid her but would anyway, she would roll her eyes, sigh, and proceed to give Niyleen exactly what she needed. “I do… Damn it all… You’re lucky it’s nighttime and everything’s prepared!”


“So where is she?”


Duraza sighed. “West of here, past an abandoned shack. She’s in a big ass castle now. You literally can’t miss it.”


Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “West? Wasn’t she more south? Closer to Falkreath?”


“She believed that you may have gotten a bit antsy,” Duraza shrugged. “She didn’t want to take the chance of you getting a big head and trying to ‘rescue’ your little damsel.”


“The thought never crossed my mind…”


“I know, but you know how these Nords are.”


“Stubborn,” Niyleen, Duraza, and Nega said at the same time. The two former thieves looked at each other and shared a smile.


“Won’t you get in trouble for this?”


Duraza shook her head. “Not as long as I carry out my last duty to my client.” The Orsimer then waved at Niyleen before disappearing into the night.


(I wonder why she keeps calling Teresa by ‘my client’.)


Why do you always ask dumb questions? Let’s go, before she can get back to alert ‘her client’!


Niyleen started walking toward the west and could feel Nega begin to scream at her. “Listen, it doesn’t matter to be honest. If she was jumpy about me coming to rescue Lucari before, there’s no way she wouldn’t have her minions ready to attack me regardless of when I showed up. May as well not waste my energy.”


Haa… I can honestly say I hate you at times… Let’s just get there before sun up. Nothing’s worse than a cranky vampire.


Thirty minutes later, Niyleen arrived to the castle and couldn’t help but grin. “I wonder how many thralls it took for her to build this castle up in so short of a time…”




We’ve got company!!


“I know…” Niyleen took a deep breath and addressed her onlookers. “If you’re going to attack me from the shadows like the cowards you are, that’s fine. Just know that either way, I’ll take you all down!”


Suddenly ten vampires appeared in front of her with the look of hunger in their eyes. With a smirk, Niyleen brandished her flame bound sword and stood at the ready. “Come and get me, you blood-sucking bastards!”




On cue the vampires jumped at Niyleen and the battle was on. Weaving through their attacks… blocking, dodging, thrusting, and slashing, Niyleen made quick work of the rather dull welcoming party.














Are you alright? You don’t feel funny anywhere do you?


“If you’re worried about me becoming a vampire…” Niyleen said as she relaxed herself. “I’m still me. That was pretty easy to be honest. Way easier than I would have imagined.”


You should stop yourself before something bad happens…


“You mean like me jinxing myself?” Niyleen laughed as she continued onward. “Ha! I don’t believe in that nonsense. If something bad was going to happen, it was already in the works. ‘Speaking it into existence’ is the most idiotic notion I’ve ever heard—”




 “I’m glad we agree on sssomething, you pathetic ssslave!”


Niyleen froze at the speaker’s voice. (She’s dead! I saw her body, I saw Lucari kill her!!)


“Turn ssslave! It ssseems we’ve got some busssiness to attend to.”


Slowly Niyleen turned, and her fears were confirmed. Standing there, although a bit different than her previous self, was Nanae, the Forsworn that all but caused Niyleen’s phobia to the people as a whole. The Halfling could feel the blood drain from her face, and her body turn cold as she slowly shied away.


“You thought that I’d ssstay dead? Jussst because that bitch of yourssshot me with an arrow?” Nanae said with an insane looking smile on her face. “I’d do anything… ANYTHING to take… you to Oblivion with me and avenge my cell, you worthlesssssow!”


Aren’t you over this? Didn’t you train to prepare for Ruby against this very same thing? Nanae is dead! She has no power over you!!




Nega’s words weren’t getting through. The Nanae the she knew may well be dead, but the woman before her was alive and well. (I can’t… I can’t do this…)


Then move aside and give me control! I’ll be done with her in an instant!


“Now then, time…. To DIE!!!” Nanae lunged at Niyleen, who luckily tripped, otherwise she’d have been split in twain. “Every time I sssee you, you dissssappoint me… fuel me with rage! No matter. There’sss no one to sssave you thisss time! You came alone, and the archer is oursss. Now ssstop sssquirming, and let me enjoy thisss…”




Nanae inched closer to Niyleen, when suddenly a spear pierced the ground before her stopping her progress. In fury, Nanae let out a wretched screech.





Part Three


“That would be me.” Nanae looked past Niyleen and the Halfling could see the disbelief in her eyes. “Long time no see.”




“This is insane…” Eolri walked up and lifted Niyleen to her feet. “Niyle! Are you afraid of me?”


Niyleen blinked shockingly at her words. “Wait, what? Why would I be afraid of—”


“And aren’t you over that silly fear of Forsworn that had plagued you?” Niyleen nodded slowly. “Then what in the world are you afraid of HER for?” Eolri said pointing at Nanae.


“Misssstressss! Why are you on her ssside? Ssshe killed you!!”


“Niyle, listen to me,” Eolri said ignoring her. “You’re stronger than this! Better than this! You beat Ruby with no problem, so what’s she gonna do to you? As a matter of fact, has she ever beaten you?”


Niyleen stared at Nanae and something about the Breton had changed. She didn’t seem nearly as imposing or intimidating as before. In fact, Niyleen could actually see how weak and fragile Nanae looked and was shocked. (When did she get to be so weak?)


You’re done being delusional?


Niyleen conjured her flaming blade and answered Nega with a nod. “Hey corpse! How about it, a duel like old times? Winner gets Mistress!”


Eolri blushed. “W-wait, I’m a prize now?”




Before the Breton could brace herself, Niyleen was on her. That fear, that trepidation that had engulfed her whenever the Halfling thought about Nanae, about the Forsworn... was absent. In its place borrowed a deep hatred towards this particular Forsworn. All the pain, the fear, the agony, the restless nights, the trauma… Niyleen was letting Nanae experience her answer for all of that and more, and no she wasn’t about to make this short.










Nanae never even had an opportunity to defend herself. The longer The Halfling played with her, the more twisted the Forsworn could see her becoming.








 “P-pleassse! H-h-have mersssy,” Nanae said as Niyleen stepped on her head, burrowing it further into the ground.


“Mercy? MERCY!? Did you ever show ME any mercy? Did you ever once think about how what you were doing could possibly screw with my head forever?!”


 “You were taking… you took everything from me,” Nanae said through tear stained eyes. “All I had wasss the Forsworn… wassss Missstressss… YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME YOU BITC—”


Niyleen pushed Nanae’s head further into the ground, and was about to stomp on every part of the Breton’s body when a voice finally got through to her.


Regardless of the situation presented to you, remember your mission! Remember why you’re here! Stop wasting your time with this corpse and go get her!!


“What? Getting bored with the competition?”


Niyleen looked over, saw the grin on her former Mistress’s face and sighed. “I’m… content. More or less.” Niyleen took her foot off of Nanae and began walking towards the castle again. “Hey I need a favor.”


“Oh really,” Eolri said sarcastically. “Let me guess, want me to keep my pupil company while you go off gallivanting and saving your distressing damsel?




“Oh of course, Niyleen! Can I get you a warm meal and a mug as well?” Eolri looked into Niyleen’s eyes and her expression quickly changed. “Don’t worry about anything, my love. Just go get Lucari. I’ll hold down the fort.”


Niyleen nodded and then continued towards the castle without looking back. For her sake, and Eolri’s…





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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Thirty: Taking the Castle 


When things seem too easy...



Part One


Niyleen returned to the lair with one day left until the battle with the vampires and she felt at peace. She was ready for the fight, ready to do what needed to be done. Her mind was clear, her body was sound, and her pockets were heavier.


After entering, she felt somewhat down when she didn’t see the Breton twins there waiting for her.  “Ah well, I guess they’re doing some last minute things to prepare themselves mentally.”




Does it matter? Have you forgotten what I told you?


“Not at all…” Niyleen sat down on the slab of stone she frequently called a bed. “I’m fine with that.”


This is going to be tougher than you realize, and if I take over—


“It’s going to be absolute. I know, I know. It’s okay Nega. I’m ready,” Niyleen closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Just let me be the one who faces Lucari… No matter what happens.”


Fair enough.


Niyleen then got up, and after taking one final look at the lair, departed from it for her final time. Nega’s plan was simple: go in alone, come out with Lucari. It was suicidal at best, but seeing as Nega would take over if things got out of hand… it didn’t seem too bad. The most glaring issue was that she didn’t have a weapon suitable to the task. She wanted to get Eorlund Grey-Mane to smith her something good with that SkyForge of his, but the chance of meeting the Syliel’s was too high… Far too high.






Instead she opted for Riverwood. Alvor, the blacksmith there was no slouch with the fire, and like it or not he was her best option if she didn’t want to alert the vampires to her actions. Alvor looked like he was finishing up with some final touches to whatever it was he was working on before packing up for the day. “What is it sneak thief?”






But Niyleen was all smiles and sunshine. “Alvy! It’s been a while! How’s the wife? Why the long face?”


She tried to keep up the act, but when the Nord simply stared at her completely deadpan, she discarded that mask. “Fine… I need you to make me a blade.”


“It’ll take a while…”


“It won’t take that long,” Niyleen snapped. She knew that for whatever reason, blacksmiths could roll out an armory within minutes with the right combination of materials, expertise, and coin. In fact, when she dabbled in it, Niyleen was able to start forging all kinds of stuff from forges, and those experiences never left her. “Just make this.” She placed a piece of paper on the workstation he was at that made him furrow his brow.


“This? Isn’t this something you people would typically take to the “great” Eorlund and his SkyForge?”


Niyleen nodded. “Typically, but I’m running out of time. Will you do it or not?”


“You made me look like a fool, thief. So no, I won’t be doing you any favors to—VAMPIRE!!”


“What!?” Niyleen turned around and saw a vampire standing in the middle of the town with a hungry look on his face. Her instincts told her to attack it on sight, but her mind wouldn’t let her body do what would have amounted to suicide. (What am I supposed to do? Without a weapon, I can’t hope to--)








Niyleen blinked as she saw some runes appear on her body and then fade. (W-what was that?)


I just taught you a little magic trick I haven’t used in years. Now, go destroy him!


Niyleen calmed her breathing and felt for the spell in her mind. It didn’t take long because other than the rudimentary novice ones, this one was of the few spells that was at the expert level that Niyleen knew. She smirked as the spell couldn’t be any more perfect for her. “Heh, you’re really something… Aren’t you, Nega?”


I try.


Gathering magicka in her hand as quietly as she could, the Halfling molded it into the shape she wanted… that of a flaming sword. She thought the flames would seem warmer to the touch, but that wasn’t the case.




Before she could completely stabilize her new weapon, the vampire saw Niyleen, and in a panic it tried to flee. However, Niyleen ran it down and was able to quickly pin it to a tree by driving her weapon through it.








“Where is Teresa,” Niyleen said aggressively. She had half the mind to kill the creature just to release some of her built up rage.


“Even if I knew, you thought I’d tell—”


Niyleen twisted her blade in him making the vampire howl in pain. “I’ve no patience for you, bloodsucker! Tell me where she is RIGHT NOW if you don’t want to—!!”




Suddenly a silver dagger flew straight into the vampire’s head, killing him instantly and turning him to ash.



Part Two


Niyleen looked at the dagger and could feel that rage boiing up inside of her again. “You’re so arrogant as to approach me again Duraza?”


“You sound as if you’re my better, Apprentice. Just as before, I hold all of the cards in this little exchange of ours. So, be a dear now and dispel that little weapon of yours so we can talk.”


Niyleen cursed under her breath and did as instructed. “Happy now?”


“I’d be happier if you’d face me with a smile, but that’s okay.” Niyleen could hear the sadness in her former Master’s voice. “What are you doing? There’s still a day before the battle. In fact I was going to pick you up—”


“Then what are you doing here now?” Niyleen turned to face the half-Orc. “You’ve been tracking me again, haven’t you?”


“Getting rid of your weapon to help that guard save face? Not a smart choice,” Duraza said mockingly. “It was clear that you’d either head to Whiterun or Riverwood to get a new one. I just waited to see whether or not you were going to head toward Honningbrew.”


Niyleen conjured her bound weapon again glared at Duraza.


“Calm down, calm down. It’s just a job by my last client, shorty. I didn’t hurt you then, and I won’t hurt you now.”


Just listen to her. She could have killed us numerous times and we wouldn’t have even known it was her. Don’t make things worse. Get the information we need from her, and then…


(I know.) Niyleen calmed her breathing and sighed. “If you’ve been tracking me, then you know what I want.”


Duraza rolled her eyes, and Niyleen secretly wanted to laugh. Whenever Niyleen was difficult in the past and Duraza didn’t want to aid her but would anyway, she would roll her eyes, sigh, and proceed to give Niyleen exactly what she needed. “I do… Damn it all… You’re lucky it’s nighttime and everything’s prepared!”


“So where is she?”


Duraza sighed. “West of here, past an abandoned shack. She’s in a big ass castle now. You literally can’t miss it.”


Niyleen raised an eyebrow. “West? Wasn’t she more south? Closer to Falkreath?”


“She believed that you may have gotten a bit antsy,” Duraza shrugged. “She didn’t want to take the chance of you getting a big head and trying to ‘rescue’ your little damsel.”


“The thought never crossed my mind…”


“I know, but you know how these Nords are.”


“Stubborn,” Niyleen, Duraza, and Nega said at the same time. The two former thieves looked at each other and shared a smile.


“Won’t you get in trouble for this?”


Duraza shook her head. “Not as long as I carry out my last duty to my client.” The Orsimer then waved at Niyleen before disappearing into the night.


(I wonder why she keeps calling Teresa by ‘my client’.)


Why do you always ask dumb questions? Let’s go, before she can get back to alert ‘her client’!


Niyleen started walking toward the west and could feel Nega begin to scream at her. “Listen, it doesn’t matter to be honest. If she was jumpy about me coming to rescue Lucari before, there’s no way she wouldn’t have her minions ready to attack me regardless of when I showed up. May as well not waste my energy.”


Haa… I can honestly say I hate you at times… Let’s just get there before sun up. Nothing’s worse than a cranky vampire.


Thirty minutes later, Niyleen arrived to the castle and couldn’t help but grin. “I wonder how many thralls it took for her to build this castle up in so short of a time…”




We’ve got company!!


“I know…” Niyleen took a deep breath and addressed her onlookers. “If you’re going to attack me from the shadows like the cowards you are, that’s fine. Just know that either way, I’ll take you all down!”


Suddenly ten vampires appeared in front of her with the look of hunger in their eyes. With a smirk, Niyleen brandished her flame bound sword and stood at the ready. “Come and get me, you blood-sucking bastards!”




On cue the vampires jumped at Niyleen and the battle was on. Weaving through their attacks… blocking, dodging, thrusting, and slashing, Niyleen made quick work of the rather dull welcoming party.














Are you alright? You don’t feel funny anywhere do you?


“If you’re worried about me becoming a vampire…” Niyleen said as she relaxed herself. “I’m still me. That was pretty easy to be honest. Way easier than I would have imagined.”


You should stop yourself before something bad happens…


“You mean like me jinxing myself?” Niyleen laughed as she continued onward. “Ha! I don’t believe in that nonsense. If something bad was going to happen, it was already in the works. ‘Speaking it into existence’ is the most idiotic notion I’ve ever heard—”




 “I’m glad we agree on sssomething, you pathetic ssslave!”


Niyleen froze at the speaker’s voice. (She’s dead! I saw her body, I saw Lucari kill her!!)


“Turn ssslave! It ssseems we’ve got some busssiness to attend to.”


Slowly Niyleen turned, and her fears were confirmed. Standing there, although a bit different than her previous self, was Nanae, the Forsworn that all but caused Niyleen’s phobia to the people as a whole. The Halfling could feel the blood drain from her face, and her body turn cold as she slowly shied away.


“You thought that I’d ssstay dead? Jussst because that bitch of yourssshot me with an arrow?” Nanae said with an insane looking smile on her face. “I’d do anything… ANYTHING to take… you to Oblivion with me and avenge my cell, you worthlesssssow!”


Aren’t you over this? Didn’t you train to prepare for Ruby against this very same thing? Nanae is dead! She has no power over you!!




Nega’s words weren’t getting through. The Nanae the she knew may well be dead, but the woman before her was alive and well. (I can’t… I can’t do this…)


Then move aside and give me control! I’ll be done with her in an instant!


“Now then, time…. To DIE!!!” Nanae lunged at Niyleen, who luckily tripped, otherwise she’d have been split in twain. “Every time I sssee you, you dissssappoint me… fuel me with rage! No matter. There’sss no one to sssave you thisss time! You came alone, and the archer is oursss. Now ssstop sssquirming, and let me enjoy thisss…”




Nanae inched closer to Niyleen, when suddenly a spear pierced the ground before her stopping her progress. In fury, Nanae let out a wretched screech.





Part Three


“That would be me.” Nanae looked past Niyleen and the Halfling could see the disbelief in her eyes. “Long time no see.”




“This is insane…” Eolri walked up and lifted Niyleen to her feet. “Niyle! Are you afraid of me?”


Niyleen blinked shockingly at her words. “Wait, what? Why would I be afraid of—”


“And aren’t you over that silly fear of Forsworn that had plagued you?” Niyleen nodded slowly. “Then what in the world are you afraid of HER for?” Eolri said pointing at Nanae.


“Misssstressss! Why are you on her ssside? Ssshe killed you!!”


“Niyle, listen to me,” Eolri said ignoring her. “You’re stronger than this! Better than this! You beat Ruby with no problem, so what’s she gonna do to you? As a matter of fact, has she ever beaten you?”


Niyleen stared at Nanae and something about the Breton had changed. She didn’t seem nearly as imposing or intimidating as before. In fact, Niyleen could actually see how weak and fragile Nanae looked and was shocked. (When did she get to be so weak?)


You’re done being delusional?


Niyleen conjured her flaming blade and answered Nega with a nod. “Hey corpse! How about it, a duel like old times? Winner gets Mistress!”


Eolri blushed. “W-wait, I’m a prize now?”




Before the Breton could brace herself, Niyleen was on her. That fear, that trepidation that had engulfed her whenever the Halfling thought about Nanae, about the Forsworn... was absent. In its place borrowed a deep hatred towards this particular Forsworn. All the pain, the fear, the agony, the restless nights, the trauma… Niyleen was letting Nanae experience her answer for all of that and more, and no she wasn’t about to make this short.










Nanae never even had an opportunity to defend herself. The longer The Halfling played with her, the more twisted the Forsworn could see her becoming.








 “P-pleassse! H-h-have mersssy,” Nanae said as Niyleen stepped on her head, burrowing it further into the ground.


“Mercy? MERCY!? Did you ever show ME any mercy? Did you ever once think about how what you were doing could possibly screw with my head forever?!”


 “You were taking… you took everything from me,” Nanae said through tear stained eyes. “All I had wasss the Forsworn… wassss Missstressss… YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME YOU BITC—”


Niyleen pushed Nanae’s head further into the ground, and was about to stomp on every part of the Breton’s body when a voice finally got through to her.


Regardless of the situation presented to you, remember your mission! Remember why you’re here! Stop wasting your time with this corpse and go get her!!


“What? Getting bored with the competition?”


Niyleen looked over, saw the grin on her former Mistress’s face and sighed. “I’m… content. More or less.” Niyleen took her foot off of Nanae and began walking towards the castle again. “Hey I need a favor.”


“Oh really,” Eolri said sarcastically. “Let me guess, want me to keep my pupil company while you go off gallivanting and saving your distressing damsel?




“Oh of course, Niyleen! Can I get you a warm meal and a mug as well?” Eolri looked into Niyleen’s eyes and her expression quickly changed. “Don’t worry about anything, my love. Just go get Lucari. I’ll hold down the fort.”


Niyleen nodded and then continued towards the castle without looking back. For her sake, and Eolri’s…






I'm lovin that firesword, its fuckin badass.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yungelita: Plaything of the Titans.





Click spoilers for story.




Yungelita traversed deep into the mountains of Skyrim. She ignored the warnings of Giants and Dragons in these upper reaches...





...the more scared people are of this place...the richer the rewards!




Yungelita been traveling all day though...and was exhausted. These old ruins are as good a place as any...




'I'll just lay down a little while" She thought. She dozed off to peaceful slumber...




...but that peace was about to be violently shattered...




...by some gigantic and horny admirers whose turf Yungelita had so rudely intruded upon.





She was startled awake and confronted with a ghastly horror. She should have listened to those warnings...




...but now she was surrounded by vicious giants who were delighted they'd found a plaything.




Yungelita darted away with every ounce of speed and agility in her body...





...maybe she could lose her gargantuan pursuers down the mountain?




The giants weren't about to let a sexy little morsel like Yungelita escape so easily though...



She felt the sharp crack of a massive club against her back...



...and then massive hands hungrily tearing her clothes away...





Unable to stand because of the viciousness of the blow the she crawled away feebly...



...until one of the roaring drooling monstrosities grabbed her.






...and effortlessly pulled her to him. She silently pleaded with her eyes for the monster to stop...




...but no force on Tamriel would stop the beast from slamming it's mushroom tip into her tiny pussy...




She could barely took the pain of the penetration and veered close to passing out. After several minutes of powerful thrusts...



...gallons of stored up monster jizzm erupted like a volcano inside of her.




Satisfied for the moment the cyclops dropped her onto the ground. She shook with horror at being impregnated by such a horrifying beast...




...and mustered what was left of her energy to crawl away...




...but one of them stood in front of her...




...and lifted her up crushing her ribs in a lust frenzied death grip...




...until huge stony finger spread her pussy apart.




..she winced at the painful probing of the monstrous fingers...




...before it's throbbing manhood rammed itself inside of her with almost deadly force. She passed out during this lethal barrage of desire.



She awoke after a few moments wondering if she was dead...




...but the pain and the feeling of cum gushing from her confirmed she wasn't.



The giants were happy to see their prey still living.




She felt dawn break as she crawled to a nearby tree leaving a trail of monster seed on the grass beneath her...





...and she prayed to the divines for respite...




...but none of the divines would heed her call for help today...




...not a single one.






Her captors were ready for more action...





...and on it went...




...over and over...



...until nightfall came again.




Their lust wasn't sated yet...but the monsters had other needs to tend to...





...they'd been screwing with their new toy all day and had built up a monster apetite. As sexy as Yungelita's body was she looked just as savory to their stomachs...




...and she knew what was coming next. She only hoped their massive clubs would end it quickly before they tore her flesh apart in three ways...






...but strangely her tormentors were fleeing.




..and a massive roar which shook the trees around her and the swooping of wings filled the air...




....and the ground shook as something landed beside her...




Yungelita turned slowly to meet it...



...and the titan had it's gaze completely fixed on her. From that moment...



...she knew what it wanted and that her hell wasn't over.



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Evelyn the Slave Girl









Evelyn was born of high Imperial blood. Not only did she belong to one of the wealthiest families in Cyrodil she was a gifted sorceress as well. Now that the civil war was over with this year she would be traveling down to Winterhold to study with the Mage's Guild there...


However twisted fate would have something else in store for her...



Click for story





..as brutish slavers ambushed Evelyn's caravan on the road. They'd gagged, muffled, and blindfolded her with scimitars at her throat. She awoke to the dank filth of a dungeon.




The slavers spoke to her only in threats. As they walked by her cell they gave lustful stares and snarling commands as they dropped food in her cell. When she heard them talk amongst themselves it was about all the violent things they wanted to do to her body...




...She cried out for an explanation and to be freed but the slavers only brandished their weapons and spat when she did.




One day she woke to the harsh sounds of footsteps mixed with menacing shouts...




A guard entered the cell and motioned her to get up and leave the cell...


"How dare they order me around!?" she thought to herself..."Don't they know I'm Imperial royalty and a sorceress!"




"i'll get these rude brutes back! They can't keep a member of my esteemed bloodline locked up and in these awful quarters!"
The guards grabbed her...




..and brought her to a bedchamber...




...where their boss waited proud of his sexiest new acquisition.




He browbeat her "Listen girl! The only reason those men haven't ravished you a dozen times by now is because i pay them handsomely. And now you'll do as your told before I sell you for a good price on the Ali'kir slave market!




"Now get on that bed! I have a lot of ways I can hurt you sweety... and I've got a lot of eager men with free time and pent up anger...so make sure you do EXACTLY what you're told"


"Ok pretty little thing! Don't worry. I won't touch your precious high-value pussy...we're just gonna have a little fun..."


Evelyn reluctantly did as she was told...




...and stripped down. The slaver boss got into bed and ordered a footjob...


...Evelyn couldn't believe she was doing this. But she knew what men like this were capable of...


...so she did her best to please him.




The boss rubbed his cock against her breasts and snarled "You feel nice. Keep play nice sweety and I promise I won't have 50 of my men's cocks tearing you inside out!"




"Very good! You're already starting to know your place...keep this up and I'll make your stay here nice. i'll even let you leave with your virginity intact!"


His thrusting grew faster until...




...he unleashed a mighty load.


He put his clothes back on and smiled at her "Very good! You're going to make whoever I sell you to very happy! The pleasure harems will be making DOUBLE once they get ahold of a young fair skinned girl like you! 20,000 gold for a highblooded Imperial virgin! I've hit the jackpot!"


She was taken back to the cell...Evelyn wasn't going to simply wait here though...she was going to escape!



What the foolish slavers didn't know was that Evelyn was an accomplished magician. When the guards cleared out she used an unlocking spell on her padlocked cell.




If she could simply quietly sneak out. She'd never let these fools sell her body...




..and the memory of the headmaster's cock splooging on her still made her wince...




Some of the other prisoners called out to her. "Little girly...get us out of here too! We'll make it worth your while!"


Evelyn couldn't let them slow her down though...and she hated the way they eyed her body...Suddenly she heard voices down the hall...




... it was the guards!


"Get back in your cell bitch! Do it fast...or I'll cut that cute little body up into a hundred pieces and feed it to our hounds!"




Evelyn didn't take kindly to the threats...




...and unleashed her real power on them!




The men screamed as their eyes peeled, their skin charred, and their lips melted off...




...and she only stopped her spell when the screaming finally stopped.



Evelyn continued on her way out...




..until yet more guards appeared! "How'd you get out!? Doesn't matter, we're going to have some fun with you before we throw you back in!"


One of the guards whistled...




..and between the two guards their bestial companion appeared! A creature Evelyn had never seen before...




...it closed in on her with frightening speed. She could barely prepare her spell and her concentration broke...




"How could such an awful beast exist!" she thought to herself...




...and with a powerful headbutt she was knocked to the ground. She waited for the beast to snap her in two with it's powerful jaws...




...but it only stood there over her staring and drooling silently...




That's when Evelyn noticed...




...what the beast was really after...


Evelyn tried to squirm away but the hellish hound quickly got itself between her legs...




It thrusted powerfully inside of her and Evelyn felt her hymen tear as her virginity was destroyed by the hound...




...and Evelyn couldn't believe the feeling of the monster's cock ripping her up on the inside...despite the horror and violation...


...she could feel a tingle of pleasure as well..




Evelyn lay in shock from what had just been done to her. Her innocence lost to a hellish beast in a dungeon...




...and the beast continued to gaze still feeling desire for the young maiden's body




"Shit! And I wanted to be the one to break that little girl's cherry! That damn beast got to her first!" Exclaimed one of the guards...
"Well the prissy little Imperial got what she deserved! Was the beast good for you slut!? Did it tear you up nice!? Must've been horny..."
the other taunted




"And we're going to get the blame...the only reason we weren't allowed to enjoy this little morsel was because she was a virgin...Boss is going to be pissed!"




"Looks like she'd had the fight fucked out of her. hA! Can't say it wasn't fun to watch!"
The two guards laughed and moved towards Evelyn...


The guards grabbed Evelyn...




...and bound her ankles and ankles. After gagging her mouth they fondled her sexy body and taunted her "We'll be back soon! And when we are...we're going to make you PAY!"

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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Thirty One: Taking the Castle (2)


Obvious traps are obvious...



Part One



Niyleen made it to the main door and stopped. “It’s quiet… too quiet.”


“I’m glad your experiences haven’t betrayed you, little one.”


Niyleen turned around and stood face to face with Duraza once more. “So is this your task? To stop me from bashing Teresa’s skull in?”


“You’re really inelegant you know,” Duraza said with a frown. “Stop you? No, more like slow you down a bit. Ultimately Teresa wants you all for herself.”


“Then why all the obstacles? Seems like she’s just showing off if she really wants a true one on one with me.”


“You’ll have to ask her when you get past me.” Duraza drew her weapon, and Niyleen responded in kind. “Now then, let’s see just how much you’ve improved, little one.”


“Another time perhaps,” said a voice behind Duraza. Both the former thieves looked in its direction and were shocked.


“S-sis… what are you doing here?”


“We’re forever linked together in this life, whether we want to be or not.” Nyleine smiled at Niyleen who felt her heart sink. “You can try to hide it, but it was obvious that you’d try your best to protect us from this final battle.”


“And yet you all came anyway…”


“Touching, really,” said Duraza. “But if I may interrupt this little reunion,” She looked at Niyleen and grinned. “I know you’re in a hurry, but would you really let your ‘sister’ face me alone? She and I don’t have the past that we do, and I may not be as careful with her as I would be with you.”


She made a point. Neither Duraza nor Niyleen truly wanted to kill the other, and they both knew to an extent how far the other could be pushed before they got to their breaking point. Then when she looked at the match-up objectively, Duraza was an opponent that Niyleen didn’t really want to face on a good day, and she had no doubt about how one-sided the bout between her sister and the orc would be.


“Nyleine, draw back. I’ll take Duraza out and then we’ll—”


Nyleine jumped between her sister and Duraza and kept her back to Niyleen. “You both may believe that I’m weak, that I can’t hang with you both, but I’m much more resilient than you both know.” Nyleine drew her sword and fell into a stance that was unfamiliar for the necromancer. “Go on ahead sister, I’ll hold her off here.”


I know what you’re thinking, I’m thinking the same thing, but you said it yourself, ‘May as well not waste my energy.’ Regardless of if she can win or not, believe in Duraza. She won’t kill her, you’ve got to trust her on that.


Niyleen looked from the Orsimer to her sister and after a few moments nodded her head. “Don’t you dare die on me!”


Nyleine turned and had that same smile that made Niyleen feel wretched every time she saw it. “No problem Big Sis! Now get going! Lucari’s not me. She won’t wait forever for you.”


Wiping the tears from her eyes, Niyleen proceeded to enter the castle.


The Halfling thought that she’d have to go through a bunch more obstacles before having to face Teresa, but there she was. Standing across the grand hall, was the Nord Vampire with the woman known as Sevetia standing to her side.


 “Hmph, what’s the point of hired help of they can’t do what they were paid for? Useless.”


The haughtiness in the vampire’s voice refueled Niyleen’s rage. “You bitch! Where are you keeping Lucari!!”


“Ever the demanding type aren’t you?” Teresa said. There was something about the way she was speaking that made the Halfling feel like she was being talked down to. “This,” Teresa gestured around her. “This whole mess, the month, your struggles, all of it was and is futile, for the one you know as Lucari is no more.”


“Lies!!” Niyleen rushed towards Teresa, but her progress was impeded by Sevetia.


 “See, this is why I can’t stand mortals,” Teresa said as she rolled her eyes. “Did I ever say that Lucari was dead? She’s quite alive and doing well.”


“S-so she’s alive… Thank the gods…”


“I don’t know why you’re thanking them. You are dead to her, mortal. When she sees you, she’ll tear you to shreds!”


“We’ll just have to see about that,” Niyleen said as she brandished her weapon.


“Indeed… Indeed we will… Sevetia, go outside and prevent any of her cohorts from entering. They won’t wish to see what becomes of her.” Without acknowledging Teresa, Sevetia walked past Niyleen and within a few seconds the Halfling heard the door slam behind her. “Now then with her out of the way,” Teresa spread her arms out. “Come and get me!”



“What’s wrong lookalike? Getting cold feet already?”


Nyleine hadn’t moved since her sister entered the castle. It wasn’t because she was afraid, but rather she was still trying to prepare herself mentally for the task presented to her. She had heard stories of Malacath’s so-called ‘Chosen One’, but she didn’t know how much truth the stories held.


“Also, I can tell that you’re not a warrior. Your eyes give it away. So if you don’t want to, we don’t have to fight.”




“Yeah, you see, there are too many variables in play. If I so much as hurt you, Niyleen’s going to chase me down to the ends of the earth, I know her. Then since I already let Niyleen pass, I’m not even getting payed to keep you here…”


“Then back down calmly and quietly!”


 “If you don’t stop the tough girl act, I WILL hurt you lookalike. Just go back to your little lair, and wait for Niyleen to return, dead or alive.”


Nyleine knew the Orc meant what she said, that she could probably just turn around and that’d be it, but she wouldn’t turn and run from something like this. Not now, not ever.


Seeing the conviction in Nyleine’s eyes Duraza simply rolled her eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”


Nyleine attacked Duraza with an array of slashes that took Duraza off guard, but were too sloppy and slow to ever hit the Orc. After a few minutes of letting the Nyleine think she was backing Duraza into a corner, the Orsimer suddenly turned the tides of battle with a swift kick that felled the Halfling.
















“Hmph, not bad girl. Not bad at all,” Duraza said praising Nyleine’s effort. “If I hadn’t trained with or fought Niyleen on numerous occasions, you might have had a chance at winning.”


“There was clearly some growth on your part. I should know since I was spying on you guys for so long...” Duraza looked down at Nyleine and there as a glint of sadness in her eyes. “But those few days that you went off and did whatever training you did… it wasn’t enough to make up for years worth of experience. Well… maybe if your opponent wasn’t me it would have been. But fate is never kind…”


Not a moment after, the door to the castle opened and out came Sevetia looking rather displeased. She gave Duraza a vicious stare before grabbing Nyleine off the the ground and snarling at her.








“C-calm down you damned beast! I’ve got everything under control here!!”


Seeing that Sevetia wasn’t about to stop, Duraza give her a swift kick to the side, and got Sevetia to release Nyleine. However, the woman now held animosity towards the Orsimer.


“Back down beast!” Duraza said as she herself backed away from Sevetia.  However, Sevetia continued to trudge ever closer to the Orsimer. “I said back down dammit! If I have to put you down—”




Just as Sevetia pounced at Duraza causing the Orc to lose her balance and fall to the ground, a long sword zipped past Duraza’s head on her way to the ground and protruded through Sevetia’s heart, causing the Sevetia to fall to the ground motionless.





Part Two


“This sword… well damn,” Duraza said as a smile formed on her face her face. “You’re as heck a different animal aren’t you Syliel, even if you are the same beast.”


“…I guess you can say that.” The Syliel in question then retrieved her weapon and began looking about. “So where is Niyleen?”


Duraza shrugged. “She’s inside, probably still taking on Teresa.”


“Then I don’t have a moment to lose,” Carciel said as she hurried past the Orc…



“You… you can’t be serious… If this was all you had, if this was the extent of your power, then what was that month for?” Niyleen said as she descended the stairs toward Teresa. “I could have killed you then!”


To be fair, you’ve grown exponentially since then. I’d even dare to say that you’re at least twice as strong as you were before you met Trineiya. Not to mention you’re wielding a weapon that is the literal materialization of her weakness—


Niyleen looked down at Teresa and scowled. (Don’t you dare start trying to rationalize her weakness! That fight was so anticlimactic! Besides, shouldn’t a vampire as old as her like… have a plan against flames or something?)


She’s a vampire. Vampires regardless of how strong or how old are weak against flames. If you’re mad because you’ve too quickly breached her defenses and exacted your revenge, then just say that and move on…


“*cough* Ha! You *cough* mortals,” The vampire tried to get up, but didn’t seem to have the strength to do so. “You all think *cough* *cough* think that the universe revolves around each of you individually…”


 “What are you getting at?”


“I’ve already… already warned you Redguard… The girl you came for *cough* *cough* is no more… Me winning… or losing… was *cough* irrelevant from the start”


Niyleen stood over Teresa while placing her flame sword against the vampire’s face.  “I’ve not killed when it was avoidable in quite some time, vampire. I… I think Lucari would be proud of me for that.” The Halfling heard the sizzling of Teresa’s skin, and decided to continue with this torture for some time.


“Hisssss *cough* *cough* ssss… You bitch,” Teresa was able to make out while trying to avoid having her whole face burned. “S-so… you’re telling me this… why?”


That look of superiority even in this situation. Niyleen wanted nothing more than to dismember the undead bitch and look for Lucari on her own, but she didn’t know how much time she had left before someone came bursting through those doors to attack her. “Tell me vamp,” Niyleen said as she moved her sword away from the vampire. “Where are you hiding Lucari?”


“Kill *cough*kill me, mortal. KILL ME! For everything I’ve done, *cough* everything I’ve put your comrades through, you know you want me dead.” Teresa sat up a bit, looking completely unscathed, and peered into Niyleen’s eyes. “Do it! End this once and for all!”


(By the Nine, what’s this regeneration!? Was… is she holding back on me!?)


Does it matter? All you need to do is what we came here to do. End her life and retrieve Lucari.


“Shit!” Niyleen clenched her teeth as she struggled with this terrible feeling in her gut that killing Teresa would be the worst thing she could do right now.


I am a bit surprised that you’re hesitating this close to the end, but I can’t say I disagree.


(There’s something about her eyes… it’s like she NEEDS me to kill her…) Niyleen stuck Teresa through the arm and her shrieks almost caused the Halfling to pass out.




“Hissssssssssssssssss! W-what are you doing, mortal,” Teresa said as she hissed up a storm. “What are you waiting for!!!?”


“Like I said, I’ve not killed when it was avoidable in quite some time. Besides,” She flashed Teresa a grin. “I’d rather not assist my enemy.”


Turning from Teresa, she could hear the vampire hissing at her and struggling to no avail to remove the flame sword from her body. Just as she was about to head off to search for Lucari, the castle’s door opened and Niyleen went on high alert… until she saw who it was.






The Breton said nothing and simply went over to the Halfling and pressed herself against Niyleen. Before she realized what she was doing, Niyleen proceeded to hold Carciel close to her and the pair remained like this until the Niyleen finally broke the silence.






 “Hey Carciel,” Niyleen said as she ran her fingers through the Breton’s hair. “You… you cut your hair? I could have sworn you were growing it—”


Carciel suddenly pushed Niyleen away and hung her head. “You’re… you’re too nice to everyone, you know that! It may not be a naïve niceness, but you’re quick to give people exactly what they need in the moment…”


“Carciel… I—”


“Shut up!” Carciel’s sudden outburst caught Niyleen off guard and made the Breton chuckle. “Heh, way to push her right into her arms Caricel… As if you ever stood a chance…”


 “I just wish… N-nevermind. Geez, do you need me to hold your hand? Got to her already!” Niyleen saw Carciel try to force herself to smile, but it was obvious to Niyleen by her tears what Carciel really wanted.


She had a ton of questions for the Breton like: Was Nyleine safe? What happened with Duraza and Sevetia? How were the two of them supposed to move forward? And so on. Niyleen knew what Carciel wanted. Carciel wanted Niyleen to hold her again, to choose her over Lucari. If this was a matter for the heart, Niyleen in that instant would have obliged, however, her heart wouldn’t allow her to do as the Breton wished.


(I… I never wanted to hurt Carciel again. Especially not like this…)


With three women vying for your love, it was inevitable. You’ve got to be resolute now. If you don’t want her to hate you now, in this moment you have to act cold to her just like you were with Eolri earlier.


Following Nega’s advice, Niyleen went back to Teresa and felt something inside her break as she heard Carciel’s whimpers as she walked away. “One last chance vampire,” Niyleen said trying to maintain her composure. She took hold of her blade again and its flames rekindled again. “Where. Is. Lucari.”

“HISSSSSSSS! …Kill me you low bred bitch!”





Pt2_Chp31_069.png “Fine,” Niyleen sighed. “I’ll grant your request.”




Niyleen didn’t have to take her eyes off of Teresa to know who that voice belonged to, and luckily she didn’t. Otherwise she would have missed the fear traced on the vampire’s face.


“Y-you Orc!!! W-what are you doing!?”


“If you kill her, then Lucari, as you know her, won’t exist anymore,” Duraza said, ignoring her client. “She’ll become an insatiable ravenous beast who will want revenge on the person responsible for her ‘Mistress’s death! And once she attains that, she’ll just go around killing everything that’s in her path trying to sate her unending hunger!”


“Is this true?” Niyleen looked down at Teresa who had pursed her lips.


“Every word,” Duraza answered in the vampire’s stead. ”Anyway, the one you’re looking for? She’s downstairs, not too far from here actually. Take the path on the left of the throne and you should soon get to a room with a big opening.  Your Nord should be there.”


“Thanks.” Niyleen delivered a swift kick to Teresa that knocked the vampire unconscious. “Why are you helping me? You told me that in this life, ‘only a fool would turn down easy coin.’”




“I made too many mistakes on this mission to get paid anyway near the amount of time that I signed on for,” Duraza admitted. “That and… I’m sick of repeating the same events over and over again you know? Regardless of which side I’m on.”


(She knew!? Of course she knew about the Cycles! Orcs ARE Mer, and it was never specified that the elven Mer were the only ones to—)


Stop thinking so hard about this and get going! I’ve a feeling that this is may be it. That this is going to be the last time we’re caught up in these Cycles!


Niyleen nodded, to both Duraza and Nega, and then headed in the direction that her former mentor had mentioned. Like Duraza had said, it didn’t take long for Niyleen to come to room with quite a wide opening. There was an empty shrine and a pool of water that contained a fountain that seemed to flow with blood, however the one she was looking for, Lucari, was nowhere to be found.




Niyleen crossed her arms and Edged closer to the pool of water. “S-something’s wrong. I know Duraza wouldn’t lie to me, not when I was this close. Not even she’s that cruel,” Niyleen looked around for Lucari some more but her efforts were in vain. “But even so… Where in the world is Lucari!?”


There’s something—someone in the water!




Just as Nega’s words filled Niyleen’s head, she saw a feminine figure dressed in white rise from the pool of water with its back turned to Niyleen, and for a moment the Halfling couldn’t move. She knew who it was, who it could only be, but something deep within her stopped her from wrapping the Nord in her arms and never letting go.


This is it! What are you waiting for? Got to her! Don’t make everyone’s efforts be in vain damn it!!!


Once again, Niyleen knew that Nega was right, but she couldn’t—wouldn’t accept it as so. It felt like something was off, like this couldn’t be it, this couldn’t be the end. There had to be a catch. (This could be a trap… Maybe if I go into the water it’ll become acid. Or perhaps if I take a step forward even more vampires will come and attack me. Or maybe—)


“I… I can sense you back there…”


 “That voice…”


Do you think this is a trap now?


Niyleen shook her head and tried to contain her feelings from overflowing. “Lucari…” she said as she reached out towards her.


The woman in the water turned toward Niyleen and smiled, chilling the Halfling to the bone. “Ah, it’s you Niyleen.”


 “Shit!” Niyleen and Nega said simultaneously as they realized at the same time that Niyleen’s suspicions were correct. Unfortunately for the duo, they realized their error far too late.


Before Niyleen could make a move, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Looking down, she saw saw a bloody hand that was gripping something protruding from her. “Is that… am I—”




Niyleen! NIYLEEEEN!!!


Before she knew it, Niyleen fell to the ground and everything started to go dark. It wasn’t long before the feeling in her body went numb and it was getting harder and harder to breath. Niyleen knew this was the end, but she didn’t feel too bad about it. Seeing how Nega and the other versions of her ended the cycles, there was a feeling of invincibility that she felt. However, Niyleen wasn’t stupid, she knew from the start that death was a possibility, and since it was by her lover’s hands, she wasn’t all that upset about things…


“Sweet dreams, dear Niyleen~”



Shit I was too careless! Nega was doing all she could to keep their body alive, but without the heart, there was little she could do to prolong the inevitable. Maybe I could take over, yeah… If I gain control, I can probably use my influx of power to—!!




Something was wrong. As soon as Nega tried to make the switch she could feel their body failing at a rapid rate. This… this has never happened before! Why? Niyleen! Are… are you accepting this? Why? Did you think that THAT was the so called monster Lucari was suppose to turn into!? I can’t accept that! YOU can’t accept that! You haven’t even seen Lucari! We came all this way! We freaking beat Teresa! You can’t just die without doing—without telling Lucari anything!!! Niyleen, wake up! WAKE UP!!!






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