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K-Lite Codec Pack Mega Installation Problem

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During few years, I have error messages during installation K-Lite Codec Pack Mega.

The error says:
Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x5.
Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x800700C1.
There are three options:
Try again
Ignore the error and continue (not recommended)
Cancel installation

If I try again, it doesn't work.
Ignoring the files that cause the problem is the only solution.

The files that cause the problems are:
LavAudio.ax, LAVVideo.ax, LAVSplitter.ax, MpcVideoRenderer64.ax, BassAudioSource64.ax, MPCImageSource64.ax, ffdshow.ax (code 0x5 error)
madVR64.ax (code 0x800700C1 error)

I tried to install LAV Filters separately, I got same LAV .ax errors.
I ran installer as "Run as Administrator". It didn't work. I tried to install it in safe mode. I got same errors.

I've installed all files related to Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version, such as vc_redist.x64.exe, vcredist_x64.exe, vc_redist.x86.exe, vcredist_x86.exe.
They didn't make any differences.

I'm out of options.
If you can help me anyway, I'll appreciate.

Here are some screenshots:

LAVFilters64LAVAudio_ax.jpg.8b06383d6269816c1cdb1d200fc9a573.jpg LAVFilters64LAVVideo_ax.jpg.ff54bad4d5b74c2c380a43bb68804094.jpgLAVFilters64LAVSplitter_ax.jpg.6d4599de45cd6e19bfeda9f47938e13c.jpg madVRmadVR64_ax.jpg.f281bbe1bb125f8dfac9ebbcb9b6cb00.jpg

MPCVRMpcVideoRenderer64_ax.jpg.d0255f43cedb8f7d0af6c87b9f607f2c.jpg BassAudioSource64BassAudioSource64_ax.jpg.3e61b424a8f552ea4f9af4828c0a4b84.jpg

MPCImageSourceMPCImageSource64_ax.jpg.deecf4a9600b1716ff547e9ead349627.jpg ffdshow64ffdshow_ax.jpg.fe4bc5b721f70c64ecf26b6497398a9b.jpg


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On 9/4/2024 at 6:39 AM, fejeena said:

I only installed K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1850_Basic

No problems. Windows10

But I don't even know if all the codecs you mentioned are included in the base package. But it seems that LAV, Mpc, ffdshow are included. Not madVR64.

madVR64 might be one of the a Mega pack's codec.




I had the same problems with the same files.


I have Windows 7. Actually, it shouldn't  be a problem. Because, all of the K-Lite Codec Pack versions are compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Both x86 and x64.


The problem should be something else.


I have a computer that has Windows 10. I'll try to install the last version K-Lite Codec Pack Mega.

Let's see if I get the same problem.



I installed Mega 1055 (the last version), and I had no problem.

It seems, there is a problem with Windows 7 version,  and/or Windows 7 itself.

LAV Filters do the same error.

It installs only x86 versions, not x64.

Something's like 32 bit - 64 bit conflict of the Codec Pack/LAV Filters with my PC. My Windows 7 is 64 bit.

It's confusing.




I asked the same question to codecguide.com. It's the website of K-Lite Codec Pack.

Nobody hasn't answered me.




Edited by nehaberlan
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