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Crusader Kings 2 Adult Mod Capabilities


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I'm done with version 1.1.0 of the Christianity Mod for Crusader Kings II. I put it in the downloads section, but I remember that nobody could actually see it when I did that for the initial release, so I'm also attaching it to this post. Here is the changelog:


* Fixed bugs with events missing options and decisions doing nothing.

* Fixed province names.
* Fixed events for gaining Jewish courtiers.
* Added more breast sizes.
* Added event chain for women with hunting dogs.
* Catholic women can now ask for council jobs.
* Updated lots of events to reflect Catholicism's different view on morality.
* Removed Your Personal Castle version from inside mod.
Pay particular attention to that last item--as of this version, the mod no longer includes a copy of the Your Personal Castle mod inside it. It is still fully compatible with the mod, but you should now use the official Your Personal Castle release found in the Steam Workshop.

Christianity Mod 1.1.0.zip

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I'm done with version 1.1.0 of the Christianity Mod for Crusader Kings II. I put it in the downloads section, but I remember that nobody could actually see it when I did that for the initial release, so I'm also attaching it to this post. Here is the changelog:


* Fixed bugs with events missing options and decisions doing nothing.

* Fixed province names.
* Fixed events for gaining Jewish courtiers.
* Added more breast sizes.
* Added event chain for women with hunting dogs.
* Catholic women can now ask for council jobs.
* Updated lots of events to reflect Catholicism's different view on morality.
* Removed Your Personal Castle version from inside mod.
Pay particular attention to that last item--as of this version, the mod no longer includes a copy of the Your Personal Castle mod inside it. It is still fully compatible with the mod, but you should now use the official Your Personal Castle release found in the Steam Workshop.


Any Chance of a version without viet? 

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No. I was able to separate out Your Personal Castle because there's nothing in it that needed to be changed for this mod's version of the Catholic Church. However, Viet is full of events that did need to be changed (and I'm sure there are others I haven't found yet), so it's not possible to remove it and use the regular version alongside this mod.

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I'm done with version 1.1.0 of the Christianity Mod for Crusader Kings II. I put it in the downloads section, but I remember that nobody could actually see it when I did that for the initial release, so I'm also attaching it to this post. Here is the changelog:


* Fixed bugs with events missing options and decisions doing nothing.

* Fixed province names.

* Fixed events for gaining Jewish courtiers.

* Added more breast sizes.

* Added event chain for women with hunting dogs.

* Catholic women can now ask for council jobs.

* Updated lots of events to reflect Catholicism's different view on morality.

* Removed Your Personal Castle version from inside mod.


Pay particular attention to that last item--as of this version, the mod no longer includes a copy of the Your Personal Castle mod inside it. It is still fully compatible with the mod, but you should now use the official Your Personal Castle release found in the Steam Workshop.

Don't mean to be a downer, but this version still includes the pacifist = yes and the jainism modifier.

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after looking through others peoples mods mostly HPT you realize how easy it is to mod crusader kings in a minimal level. However its all in a text like format with just a few commands to do some minor effects.


Some sort of program with a simple layout to organize them. Then when you finish write your mod out the way it needs to be for the game to read it, would might make it easy, kind of like a crusader kings 2 modding for dummies program. Instead of writing hours of script only to try and play and the game doesn't do what you intended to do because you forgot a space or you threw a capital letter in when it probably shouldn't be or wasn't aware of the range of other events that ran into yours or missed a variable or forgot the line "break = yes" the simple shit is what always gets you the most frustrated with coding.


If only we had such a program. More than actual mods for CK2 someone who knows how to make a program from scratch should try that. I have a tendency to jump ship when doing something on my free time like trying to mod this game when things don't work the first time


(God i need to proof read what I write more often so i don't post something then go "oh shit that's borderline gibberish) 


Edit: I thought i should look at some more known mods to learn opened VIET and my eyes caught fire it seems so hectically run on scripts compared to the events in the games files. How does it function looking like that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing with Better Gender Law Mod for a little while and thought genericlogin's mod would go well with it. It's my first time looking at the CK2 scripts but it wasn't hard to make a patch between the two. I've attached it here if anyone wants it.


I might give the breast size traits some love, this is good stuff. It really needs to be redesigned to use a character-scoped variable, it really wasn't designed for very many sizes. It'll be trivial to add EVEN BIGGER sizes, but I'm thinking more of mechanics like more bust size selection influences (average province/realm bust size, grandmothers' bust size, ruler's/ruler's wife bust size, special laws...), early and late bloomer traits... maybe a couple events.


I don't know if I'll ever get far though. I have the scripting skill but probably not the time.


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Inside decisions folder of the christianity mod there's VIET_easter_egg_special.txt 


Hidden Easter Eggs are not meant to be viewed by normal players
# Enable them by console triggering event "monogatari.0"
# Meant for our sick entertainment
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Ah, the VIET stuff was inherited from nadamod. A quick search reveals that there is no event "monogatari.0". I'll remove that file in the next version to avoid confusion.

Which verison of nadamod did you use for the Christianity mod?

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I'm writing my own rape mod because HPT is kindof wonky with misdirected text and other mishaps that show especially when in the female perspective. Like how it always says your rapist decided not to rape you even though he did cause you don't get pregnant from thoughts of sex.


Anyway does anyone know how to run an event to get a character pregnant based on the fertility value?



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I'm writing my own rape mod because HPT is kindof wonky with misdirected text and other mishaps that show especially when in the female perspective. Like how it always says your rapist decided not to rape you even though he did cause you don't get pregnant from thoughts of sex.


Anyway does anyone know how to run an event to get a character pregnant based on the fertility value?


Hook it to the event WoL uses to handle all it's pregnancies, which already does exactly what you want.


The event ID you're looking for is "wol.97" in the "wol_seduction_events" file found in the "Events" folder.

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I guess that could work although before I settle for working specifically the seduction event you listed which looks solid enough but i'm going to try a different kind of event with a little more flexibility with the fertility values of both characters. Instead of being only "if both characters are above this value than high chance" and "if one character is above this value but one is not than low chance"


Could anyone answer if a (chance = %) could be adjusted directly by something like (modifier = { factor = 1.2  FROM = { fertility = 0.6 } } )  I'd test it myself but with my luck it probably doesn't and it would just give a flat 50% and i wouldn't be able to tell if it worked or not.


EDIT: Nevermind after browsing other events files (notably the intrigue one) It can be seen that a chance = % can be effected by a modifier or several modifiers.


I'm sure i could get similar results by creating a lengthy code to account for ever possible variance that could occur based on what can be learned from the seduction event but I already spend way to much time writing events while getting distracted by every little thing I could only imagine my easily distracted work ethic would make it take all week and i still have other branches of choice to flush out.

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Still, with coding, you want to keep is stupid simple. If you don't have to make a new event, don't.


I just didn't like the way it worked but i like the way my code works though after i was finished with it




hide_window = yes
is_triggered_only = yes
immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
is_pregnant = yes
break = yes
random = {
chance = 40
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
FROM = { fertility = 1.0 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
FROMFROM = { fertility = 1.0 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.4
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.9 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 1.0 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.4
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.9 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 1.0 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.8 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.9 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.8 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.9 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.7 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.7 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.6 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.7 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.6 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.7 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.4 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.4 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.3 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.4 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.3 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.4 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.7
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.2 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.7
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.2 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.6
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0.1 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.6
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.1 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
AND = {
FROM = { fertility = 0 }
NOT = { FROM = { fertility = 0.1 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
AND = {
FROMFROM = { fertility = 0 }
NOT = { FROMFROM = { fertility = 0.1 }
if = {
limit = {
is_married = no
is_consort = no
impregnate = FROMFROM
break = yes
impregnate_cuckoo = FROMFROM

with this the effects are more definitive than that other event although i could be even more finite about it if I wanted the code to be twice as long but doing that for a .0001 change in chances of pregnancy that would not be even noticed is more tedious.
My event makes if one person is near infertile the odds of pregnancy are slim to none but everything above 0 has nice chances for its range. 
Also if anyone sees anything off about my code that i may not have noticed in writing or might not have experienced in my own testing in game let me know.
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After playing CK2 for sometimes...


Basically CK2 mechanism is for male ruler, while female ruler is just a temporary before back again to male ruler.



To maximize playing as female ruler is by creating a new custom religion of matriarchy and polyandry (multiple husbands).


Only female who can became a heir, and female can take multiple husbands (which you can seduce them for loyalty).



Because this is in loverslab, so the religion is an erotic cult one, the Pagan Cult of Beauty and Fertility!



There will be so many random events and festivals related to exotic events. Like: 


- In one of the cult festival ceremony, female ruler will be gangbanged by your male courtier on the altar, and there's a change to be fertilized by one of them randomly. Child born from this event, will have a Blessed Child trait (positive trait).


- In the hot summer festival, there will be a naked dance on the street, where the ruler and their grown up daughters are participating. The crowd get aroused, groping you and some of them manage to slip their penis to your vagina.


- If you or your daughters get pregnant, and have a son (instead of daughter), he will be get rid immediately after born. Only woman recognized in the dynasty.


- But, one of you grown up son can randomly enter the court as courtier, but you don't know he is your long gone son. You or your daughter, or your granddaughter sleep with him, one day will get an incest revelation. Children born from it, will get a Pure Blood trait (positive trait).


- Your priest occasionally traveling around the world, to find a strong male for you to sleep for. Like hairy Arab, muscular Black, wrestler Mongol for you. If you sleep with them and get satisfaction, they will be appear in your court as courtier. Multicultural court!


- Slavery exist and big in your kingdom. You can take a mission/event to establish a new slavery trading route and source. During the event, sometimes, you can find a potential male slave which you can make him as your lover and invite him to the court. You can choose where to establish the trading post, and slave ethnicity is based from the location.


- This custom religion mod is racist, every ethnicity is not the same... each ethnicity will get certain sexual traits that only for them. Like African get big genital trait, Middleeastern get hairy trait, etc.


- If your female ruler didn't have sex for sometimes, there will be a penalty to prestige, just like Norse pagan religion did for not having a war.


- Your priest give a puppy as a present. Which is he will be grow up in a year into a big strong dog as your loyal guardian... and the process events how you became his bitch and he being a loyal guardian for you.


- There's also sex education event for your children by their guardian... and a risk of pregnancy too. Children will get a special custom erotic trait after the education that have a huge impact on their future and sex behavior later.


- Only male can stay at the court (unmarried), female courtier will be filtered out and expelled immediately. Courtier can only have women, that is the dynasty ruler, which are you, your daughter and granddaughter. Random woman will be generated to be your courtier wife, but there will be an event of heresy and jail for the naughty courtier. During in the jail, you can seduce and rape him as punishment. There's a change he will have a positive or negative outcome. If positive you can release him back to the court with relationship boast, if negative you can just banish or just execute or sacrifice him for the goddess.


- You can also make a gladiator kind of competition, the winner will appear in your court as a strong male courtier (with gladiator champion trait), rewarded as your lover and sleep with you.


- You can also hold a festival to give reward to your soldiers after a war. Where entire dynasty, you, your daughter and granddaughter serve the soldiers in orgy event.


- You and your family can take a vacation to the forest. There a rumor of mystical creature living there. You can hunt it and the breed with him. There a very little change of knocked out, but a daughter born from it will be very special.


- You and your family can take a vacation to the forest. And then get captured by the bandit or rebel event. Some will get captured, some will manage to escape. You will get many message about how the bandit did to the captured woman. The daughter born from it, will get a Bandit Child trait (equal to Bastard trait). There will be a mission to liberate them later.


- The neighbor rulers surrounding your kingdom frequently visit you to make a homage and you welcome them with sex. Sometimes two appear at once... and there will be a conflict, but you settle it with a threesome. The daughter born from it, can claim their throne.


- There will be a love story too, among royalists of surrounding kingdoms. Like the kings, crown princes of surrounding kingdoms fall in love to one of your family member. Thing can get nasty where more than one person involved, war between kingdoms can happened. You can have fun to watch how they are fighting each other for you!


- If you get sick... you can visit or ask your family member to visit the temple and meet the priest. There will be a curing ritual.


- etc.




Maybe a bit of a random question since it was posted quite some time ago, but is there actually a mod like this? If not I can try making it if anyone is still interested. : ) (apparently I can't post smileys yet)

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There is a mod (Christianity) wich you can find in the downloads.

But of what i know...there isnt any mods that works like what GECK.O has writen there. (Dont hang me up on this)


But i for one would be intrested in such a mod yes! 

(But i have no skills in modding what so ever so im sadly not able to help with it)

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The problem with female rulers is that it is not well supported by the game.Some mods allows you to have an enatic succession law but even with that it will not really work. For exemple you will still get prestige penalty for unlanded sons in a enatic-cognatic (female preference) system, and only men of your dynasty will come bitching about beeing granted lands.

The AI is also stupidly eager to marry non-matrilineary, so your dynasty will soon be expelled from any realm you place it in.


I heard that the next DLC will fix some of those issues (like unlanded son prestige penalty in female preferenced kingdoms) but the regular marriage preferance is still hardcoded and other stuff like that that makes playing a female dynasty frustrating

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There is a mod  on steam workshop called: Crusader queens, wich removes the negative opinion for female heirs/rulers and allows females to lead an army and basicly the same stuff as males(you can even be a muslim ruling sheik as a woman...but due to the marrige restriction, it isn't rec).


So its not like there isnt any mod wich supports a fully Enactic play style.


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