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Need some help with getting started with new mods


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So after some time not playing skyrim I wanted to pick it up again but some certain mods appeared to fucked up the game and my save files beyond repair and decided to completly uninstall and delete all the mods I'm no longer planning to use in my new game.


I decided to use the UNPB body mod from xp32 instead of the CBBE body due to the more natural look of the UNPB body.

So for the bbp animation I'm wondering which skeleton i should get.

But I also want to install several of his animation mods as well so I want to know in which order I need to install them to dont get any weird texture issues or the mods not working correctly. I'm familiar with using FNIS.


For the face mod I'm using either Coverwoman or Better females by Bella still doubting between each like i told earlier i prefer a natural look.


If you got any suggestions for good armor mods for the UNPB body and a good vanilla armor replacer mod I would appreciate any tips you guys can give me.


Thanks for your time if you are going to reply to this.

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Guest carywinton

XP32 is an excellent choice and it supports BBP.  I like Better Females by Bella myself, I think they look more "Lore Friendly" . UNPB has a wide selection of armors, there are several very good ones on here, just do a little searching and browsing for them. Here is a great topic that may be of some interest to you.



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XP32's Skeleton is the way to go. Supports BBP, TBBP, and also supports SoS (Schlongs of Skyrim) for men if you decide to use that. No compatibility skeleton needed. As well it supports Dual Sheath Redux if you want Staves and Shields on the back.


XP32 even has an Animation Pack for it all as well that is great too.


As for female textures, SG Female Textures Renewal is amazing. There is also Real Girls Realistic textures which look great, along with Mature Skin texture too.


There is a few UNPB armor replacers out there, nothing 100% yet though. You'll have to mix and match. But a good place to start is Killer Keos, as it has been converted to UNPB now. If you don't mind a few different body types, you can use UNP and SeveNBase armors as well since they are all compatible together. Stevierage has done an excellent conversion of the I Love Cleavage set for SeveNBase.


As far as install order, always install your skeleton last. Install your body, all your cosmetics, then your animations, and lastly, your skeleton. This way your skeleton doesn't get overwritten by anything, as it is the most important part.

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Thank you all for the fast responses!


So I can use the SeveNBase armor mods while using the UNPB body? And do I need to get the base UNP body mod first or isn't this required?


SG Female Textures Renewal if I'm going to use this i should just overwrite the texture files of the UNPB and it won't affect anything else right? And after reading it also changes the face textures so I guess I won't need Better Females by Bella right?


The XPMS requires me to get a certain mod for third person view play but the mod I can't get on the mod page because it's set as hidden is there anyway for me fix it another way?


And it's save for me to install some npc and follower retexture mods right without harming other mods I'm going to install right?


My last question for now is SKSE I wanted to use a hd Warpaint mod but would this should not harm any texture based mods right?


Sorry for all these questions I'm not a big expert with mods but I'm trying to learn it as fast as I can with the limited time i have at the moment.



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Thank you all for the fast responses!


1. So I can use the SeveNBase armor mods while using the UNPB body? And do I need to get the base UNP body mod first or isn't this required?

2. SG Female Textures Renewal if I'm going to use this i should just overwrite the texture files of the UNPB and it won't affect anything else right? And after reading it also changes the face textures so I guess I won't need Better Females by Bella right?


3. The XPMS requires me to get a certain mod for third person view play but the mod I can't get on the mod page because it's set as hidden is there anyway for me fix it another way?


4. And it's save for me to install some npc and follower retexture mods right without harming other mods I'm going to install right?


5. My last question for now is SKSE I wanted to use a hd Warpaint mod but would this should not harm any texture based mods right?


Sorry for all these questions I'm not a big expert with mods but I'm trying to learn it as fast as I can with the limited time i have at the moment.


1. Yes, you can use any armor with any body mod, but the armor will have the shape of the body it was designed for. So, if you have UNPB and equip a SB armor, you will look like SB as long as you wear said armor.

UNP is not required, if I understood correctly the question; UNPB is derived from UNP, but independent.


2. Exactly. SG textures cover everything by itself. This is the reason they are almost completely seam-free. So nope, no BF or Bella required.


3. XPMS only requires Realistic Ragdolls and Force. The hidden 3rd person mod is only suggested, so don't worry.


4. Yep, completely safe. Everything that replaces meshes, animations or textures is safe to install, modify and uninstall as long as it doesn't include .esp and .esm files, or scripts.


5. I am not familiar with warpaint mods, so I'll pass on that one.

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