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A bad light on Loverslab


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i didnt expect so many rsponses in such a short time. unfortunately, the very most are just flames with no Content. most Responses have no other comments than "you dont have read the instructions" and " you did not get the requirements".


First,  YOU insulted every member here and didn't expect responses?  Give your head a shake.


Second, The very most of the replies, are actually people who are still trying to help you out despite your attitude. It's just too bad you have your head jammed so far up your ass that you can't even see that.


I'm actually more surprised at the FACT that most of the posts are trying to be as helpful as they can (although veiled in well deserved wrath); when clearly you don't deserve any pity or help, than the fact that an admin/mod hasn't locked this thread, and sent you on your way.


Seriously, someone needs to lock this troll/flame fest thread before it gets any worse.



Where above insults thats why LL is such great forum :)


I agree this topic should be closed its going nowhere only nasty way down.



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As the saying goes " first impressions are important" I think it's safe to say that the people who have posted here have a very poor impression of you based on your posts and insults.


My personal impression of you is that I think you're just a little kid who is claiming to have more experience with the game and mods then your truly do and you're blaming everyone else for something that is all on you.


I generally try to help who ever asks for it when I can but in some cases (like this one) I find I have no desire to help you in the slightest bit.


I guess I'm just in my Bitchy phase at the moment. >_< 

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i have over thousand hours playtime for skyrim. i experienced hundreds of mods. using standart below 50.

discovering loverslab a week ago, i was amazed about the Quality of the resources. on the other Hand, there are only few mods, that use these resources and brings them to live. resource modders like zaz and sl should create simple mods to bring their resources in action.

i played with the loverslab skyrim mods for about a week now. i did not found one single mod that works as it should do. the best result ended in a game, i could not even pick a flower anymore or sitdown from my horse without logging out and in again. weather the modders dont have the skills to perform those mods or they loose interest very soon and dont repair their bugs.

its disgusting, because this does not only loose Passion for loverslab, but also for skyrim in general. i call for a Quality watch in whatever way, otherwise the gamers leave loverslab angry.


Maybe similar to this problem explained below.


Just a HINT dont post if your not sure how you end up screwing your game :P


First of all, almost all problems happen because of things you did to your game

or OS, various fake memory tweakers, boosters are at first place. Antiviruses, bad drivers,

overlay monitoring, capturing, overclocking, etc etc etc prevent normal functionality.

Also if you configured game incorrectly by modifying skyrimprefs.ini, it's also lead you to

nowhere. This prooved many times, not just by one user, you all do the same mistakes.

1) If you have crashes at startup, run as admin and make sure no other

software hooking in to game process, for example some antiviruses, screen capturing tools, videocard monitoring or overclocking. Afterburner, D3D Overrider, EVGA, ATI Tray Tools,

DXTory, Fraps, XFire - some versions of these software incompatible with

wrapper version of ENBSeries, so use injector version or disable those utils.

Also Skyrim Performance Monitor may produce this behavior, try without it or

set in it's options D3D9 mods compatibility.

2) Lower performance when borderless window mode turned on together with vsync,

to fix disable any of them.

3) If stuttering bother too much, edit enblocal.ini file vriables ExpandSystemMemoryX64, ReduceSystemMemoryUsage(especially this one), DisableDriverMemoryManager.

4) ALT-TAB not work in fullscreen mode when EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=true

5) Game by default forcing vsync to be on, in enblocal.ini parameter exist which

toggle it, so modify if you have issues with screen tearing.

6) Infinite loading happen when frame rate is too high, use fps limiter or vsync

vua EnableFPSLimiter=true or EnableVSync=true in enblocal.ini.

7) (obsolette issue for latest version) Creation Kit (CK) is not work properly, delete d3d9.dll (or don't run injector

version if it used instead of wrapper) or use another enblocal.ini which don't have

memory fixes enabled. Future versions may work, not sure yet.

8) Pixelated screen means that you have borderless window enabled in enblocal.ini. This is good feature for those users who know what to do with it.

9) Strange behavior of game physics, flying objects - you have too much high fps, turn on VSync or FPSLimiter in enblocal.ini, this is game bug.

10) ALT-TAB not work, amount crashes not reduced, stuttering and textures are

missing. This probably because enbhost.exe process not started by the mod because of

admin rights issues. This problem not occur when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false set.

11) Red text message appear in the left top corner. So, why the hell everybody say

it's error message? If you don't see "error" word in it, then it's not an error, but important

notice or warning.

12) Graphic effects do not work after installing this. To turn on ENBSeries as graphic

mod (ENBoost use only patch of it), set parameter UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false

in enblocal.ini.

13) Stuttering with newest versions or low performance at some locations means

that your VRAM is full, press F4 key to free it (can be assigned to another key via KeyFreeVRAM

in enblocal.ini file). Also you may change ReservedMemorySizeMb to fix stuttering. Later i'll

do tweaks against this issue.

14) Process enbhost.exe not working, so memory reduction is not effective as with it, if hdtPhysicsExtensions mod installed.


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i did not found one single mod that works as it should do. the best result ended in a game, i could not even pick a flower anymore or sitdown from my horse without logging out and in again.
This part was pretty funny. since you later reply that:


i just had a conversation with my languages translator from Animated Prostitution on Nexus site. a modder himself. i just wanted to tell him thatloverslab exists to have a look at. he answered that he knows of it, that he played some mods from here and that they distroy the game. i was quite surprised to get such an answer.
Even though it has been known for a long time that animated prostitution was pretty unstable and would actually do what you blamed on the mod you downloaded from here. be sure to check the animated prostitution section on nexus and you will see many members who are till today try to make this mod function right in there game.
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i just had a conversation with my languages translator from Animated Prostitution on Nexus site. a modder himself. i just wanted to tell him thatloverslab exists to have a look at. he answered that he knows of it, that he played some mods from here and that they distroy the game. i was quite surprised to get such an answer.



What a blanket statement.


*insert any place one can find and download a mod* can destroy the game, etc.

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Judging from the other topics op started it looks like his whole problem can be summed up as user error.  He lacks other necessary mods or just didn't install something right.  Of course, a load order is usually helpful.  Do you think he's not starting the game using the script extender?  I'd find it kinda funny if he was just trying to run skyrim as normal.

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I've used most of the mods from this website over the past year or so and the only problems I encountered were due to a personal lack of knowledge on how scripting works in Skyrim. That's really about it. 


If you're experiencing that many issues, you should probably consult the STEP guide and read it thoroughly. Attacking modders on this form for spending shit loads of time trying to make content to please themselves and other members of the community here isn't the most "intelligent" way to offer criticism. 


Regardless, I smell a troll. Either that or this guy is genuinely ignorant, to put it politely. 

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My friends, Welcome to the world of the internet. Where you can go to if you are sane or insane (yourself or declared by others). Where at one point you turn from one to the other (by yourself or by others). Where everything is (un)limited even (in)sanity.


That is the nicest way I can put this thread together.^^


BTW now that we have a light even if it is a bad one it is at least not so dark here anymore on LL.^^


BTW BTW and yeah I'm bored right now...^^

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i have over thousand hours playtime for skyrim. i experienced hundreds of mods. using standart below 50.

discovering loverslab a week ago, i was amazed about the Quality of the resources. on the other Hand, there are only few mods, that use these resources and brings them to live. resource modders like zaz and sl should create simple mods to bring their resources in action.

i played with the loverslab skyrim mods for about a week now. i did not found one single mod that works as it should do. the best result ended in a game, i could not even pick a flower anymore or sitdown from my horse without logging out and in again. weather the modders dont have the skills to perform those mods or they loose interest very soon and dont repair their bugs.

its disgusting, because this does not only loose Passion for loverslab, but also for skyrim in general. i call for a Quality watch in whatever way, otherwise the gamers leave loverslab angry.


I got 99 problems and a loverslab mod ain't one.


Kidding aside, man that attitude of yours is the only thing around that needs a quality watch. You are the worst kind of people that can be found in a modding site. 


People like you who contribute absolutely nothing mod/community/idea wise and yet act like you deserve everything in a gold platter are the real reason why some modders lose motivation. 

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I don't think op was a troll, or at least, I dont think he's a successful troll. Reading all the replies I cant see any really mad more than laughting, or hurt feelings, I cant really see that, that can justify a trolish acomplishment. It's more something between 'dont hit the door' and perplexity for such a naive post like op's...


If he is a troll he wants to provoke a reaction, of which he got plenty. That's pretty much all there is to trolling - it doesn't necessarily include flaming or hurting your feelings. The goal is to get a reaction out of you. There are some long winded replies to the OP, so he was successful. And as a bonus there was also quite a bit of rage here. So yeah, mission accomplished I'd say.



Isn't trolling like so 2005?

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i didnt expect so many rsponses in such a short time. unfortunately, the very most are just flames with no Content. most Responses have no other comments than "you dont have read the instructions" and " you did not get the requirements".

if i would be so unable i wouldnt spend 1100 hours in skyrim with hundreds of mods. that those comments do not see this, shows unqualified ignorance.


i just had a conversation with my languages translator from Animated Prostitution on Nexus site. a modder himself. i just wanted to tell him thatloverslab exists to have a look at. he answered that he knows of it, that he played some mods from here and that they distroy the game. i was quite surprised to get such an answer.


i spend now over a full week try to get the mods and the game work appropiate. the Errors repeat. its not a single game, actually i had about 5 new game starts with total new Installations.

dont understand me wrong. i value the work the modders do as long as they show Support for their mod and try to do their best. some of them do so. i really dont like to deinstall LL and forget all those great animations and sceneries.


I hate to hop on the bandwagon here, but here's the thing: other people are getting the mods to work just fine, the quality is there and usually if there are any problems they're worked out pretty fast, so your demand for "quality watch" is not only unfounded, it's insulting to both the community and every modder whose work you claim to value. That you do not understand why so many people reacted negatively to your post is shocking, I can only hope it is because something is being lost in translation rather than some deep character flaw on your part.


If you have a problem, go to the thread of the mod you're trying to get to work, post your load order, and work your way from there like everyone else who has "thousands of hours" of experience modding Skyrim when they run into trouble. Being a "veteran" at modding does not make you infallible, at most it just makes you overconfident, a trait you are exhibiting in spades.

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I have almost no playtime in Skyrim. I have played for more hours than I care to admit with FO3 and FNV.


I read the instructions if needed I ask polite questions and install the mods.




In Skyrim I don't have the 1000's of hours you have yet I was able to load over 50 mods using an brand new manager which I knew nothing about and get each and every mod to work properly as described by the creator. I have played about 15 hours or more on that build. Still NO PROBLEMS. NO CRASHES.



If someone with a little over 100 hours in the game and is just now staring to mod it with no experience in the various mods and bodies and armors can read the instructions and get a game to run properly as described by the mod creators surely someone with 1000's of hours could do the same if they had a little patience.




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A bad light? Darn it, I told Ashal about that weeks ago! I told him:

Hey, slight problem we need taken care of. One of the lightbulbs in the ReadMe room went out. Some users don't carry flashlights, so they won't be able to look up the instructions.

And he told me he'd take care of it! Well, no matter. Just go get a flashlight and poke around the room anyway. Everyone else seems to be getting along just fine so I'm sure you can handle it, and if you've poked around and still have a problem we'll see what we can do.
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A bad light? Darn it, I told Ashal about that weeks ago! I told him:

Hey, slight problem we need taken care of. One of the lightbulbs in the ReadMe room went out. Some users don't carry flashlights, so they won't be able to look up the instructions.

And he told me he'd take care of it! Well, no matter. Just go get a flashlight and poke around the room anyway. Everyone else seems to be getting along just fine so I'm sure you can handle it, and if you've poked around and still have a problem we'll see what we can do.



Ah that is the reason everything is so dark here. ..

I think I found the answer. There seems to be a switch on the bottom of this page that says "Change Theme". When clicking on that and choosing "light" it brightens up the page quite a bit.. :P


That ought to help shed a better light on Loverslab... :D Hope that helps..


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