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2 hours ago, WreckedRonin77 said:

It was only a matter of time before someone thought " I wonder if i can make mod that will let me fuck a Lovander?"  Not to mention, it would be consensual as it is sexually attracted to humans.  Nude mod creators are like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, they will find a way.🤣

considering theres a raid in the game where lovanders invade your base and fuck everything (not litterally, but...?) theres totally a case where it could be a non-consensual encounter. just due to the nature of the game, what with being allowed to butcher your pals and whatnot,

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6 hours ago, Blehbreh said:

In case anyone wonders what I've been up to, I've been working on a new body model. I know people are excited for the complete nude armor set, but I wanted to start with a good foundation. One that I can apply all of my future outfit mods onto. Like everything in the modding process, it takes time and I have been physically fighting this mesh all day long. It's still not complete, but it's coming along nicely. The weight painting needs to be perfect, because it won't be easy to reformat all of the outfits if I make any changes to it in the future. Here's a screenshot of roughly what it will look like. It's a very ass-centric model.




Incredible work! I can't wait to see it done. Ass-centric, hm~? I see you've got superb taste~!

I'm currently trying to teach myself to rig and weight paint now. I feel like I've hit such a wall. Everything was fun up to this point. Modeling, blocking out and sculpting, retopology, it's all been very fun, but now I'm just not sure how to proceed personally. So if you don't mind, I was hoping to ask some advice. I know this forum's not the place for such long winded conversations, may I DM? If not, no worries! I just respect the craft, but have few people to talk to about it.

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1 hour ago, Alex Sears said:

image.jpeg.72f7a7222d9377025cbd80aa625b4f11.jpegwhat the hell is going on here bruh 💀

Did you figure out how to catch Zoe by herself or something? Hard to tell why there's a pile of her inside of a base...

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23 minutes ago, Drebin.58 said:

Incredible work! I can't wait to see it done. Ass-centric, hm~? I see you've got superb taste~!

I'm currently trying to teach myself to rig and weight paint now. I feel like I've hit such a wall. Everything was fun up to this point. Modeling, blocking out and sculpting, retopology, it's all been very fun, but now I'm just not sure how to proceed personally. So if you don't mind, I was hoping to ask some advice. I know this forum's not the place for such long winded conversations, may I DM? If not, no worries! I just respect the craft, but have few people to talk to about it.


What seems to be the problem?

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4 hours ago, LadyJade90 said:

thought it was worth mentioning the other palworld sex mod discord is asking for pictures of government id before you're allowed into the server. something even mainstream porn sites don't need to do. 



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Yeah I'm not about to send my ID to some random person on discord either. I'll stick to watching for updates from afar.



And yeah weight painting can be a real pain.


If you already have a model that is similar to what you are making that is weight painted appropriately, Blender has a way to transfer those weights onto a new model (The Data Transfer Modifier). Gets you about 90-95% there.

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7 hours ago, Galc said:

Yeah, that made me leave that server. While I really want a mod for palworld that lets you have sex with any pal, I'm not going to stay in a server for said mod's development if I have to show my ID. Especially since it's possible to unblur images!

Anyone going to make nude mods for the NPCs? I think there's at least 2 of them that could use a nude mod, plus we can capture them and have them in our bases as well

I'd be happy with just nude mods for them at least 😄

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11 hours ago, Blehbreh said:

In case anyone wonders what I've been up to, I've been working on a new body model. I know people are excited for the complete nude armor set, but I wanted to start with a good foundation. One that I can apply all of my future outfit mods onto. Like everything in the modding process, it takes time and I have been physically fighting this mesh all day long. It's still not complete, but it's coming along nicely. The weight painting needs to be perfect, because it won't be easy to reformat all of the outfits if I make any changes to it in the future. Here's a screenshot of roughly what it will look like. It's a very ass-centric model.




Take your time cooking it Homie.

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14 hours ago, Blehbreh said:

In case anyone wonders what I've been up to, I've been working on a new body model. I know people are excited for the complete nude armor set, but I wanted to start with a good foundation. One that I can apply all of my future outfit mods onto. Like everything in the modding process, it takes time and I have been physically fighting this mesh all day long. It's still not complete, but it's coming along nicely. The weight painting needs to be perfect, because it won't be easy to reformat all of the outfits if I make any changes to it in the future. Here's a screenshot of roughly what it will look like. It's a very ass-centric model.





Nice work. Have you perhaps solved the skin tone and morph issues that I see most other nude mods running into?



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1 hour ago, razar51 said:


Nice work. Have you perhaps solved the skin tone and morph issues that I see most other nude mods running into?



I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't doable until the modding tools come out

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10 hours ago, Blehbreh said:


What seems to be the problem?

Oh nothing is wrong. I was just looking for a bit of advice regarding the pipeline so to speak. I've been seeing conflicting things in the tutorials I've been watching. I know there's a million different ways to do one thing, so I was hoping to hear how you go about it! When it comes to rigging and weight painting a base body that will later have a variety of different cloths it can swap between, how do you go about the process? What's your step A-Z?

When I practice, I want to practice proper pipeline skills so as to avoid redoing more work tan normally expected with the learning process. Learn smarter and all that. ^~^

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3 hours ago, razar51 said:


Nice work. Have you perhaps solved the skin tone and morph issues that I see most other nude mods running into?




I wish, some users have gotten morph targets to work on things like faces and such. I saw one user getting them to work on a custom male target but the skin color issues persist and the physics no longer work afterward. We need data to be able to be exported from the game or a reference to the official developer's material layouts and morph target groups. Someone might try to build an in game scaler form scratch but who knows if it would mess with the game's scalers when used together. I feel like it will all be figured out in a month or so at least on the discord. I'm lurking there just to soak up info on what people are figuring out.


For me, I'm just going to stop worrying about it for now and just focus on making assets to use. I'm pretty sure the devs are going to implement a character re-edit soon, since it seems easy to do on their end. Once that happens people can switch their characters to fit whatever mod they want to use and most users will be less worried about it. Either way, people are in flame wars on my mod page for the original nude mod and it's got me caring less about what they want and more about what I want in the game.

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20 minutes ago, Drebin.58 said:

Oh nothing is wrong. I was just looking for a bit of advice regarding the pipeline so to speak. I've been seeing conflicting things in the tutorials I've been watching. I know there's a million different ways to do one thing, so I was hoping to hear how you go about it! When it comes to rigging and weight painting a base body that will later have a variety of different cloths it can swap between, how do you go about the process? What's your step A-Z?

When I practice, I want to practice proper pipeline skills so as to avoid redoing more work tan normally expected with the learning process. Learn smarter and all that. ^~^


Well funny story about the rigging of a body mesh and weight painting, the bone structure in Palworld is essential to make the characters do what they do currently, so messing with the skeleton is not going to be possible currently. That being said, the bone structure is pretty limited in some places. It's kind of torture to weight paint a mesh to work in the game and still look right. It seems like you have to trade one good looking aspect of the mesh deformation for another which might look more rough. I noticed when using the original model that there is still a good amount of distortion in some places.


There isn't much you can do to make it work a hundred percent for every model in my experience. You just have to keep messing with it until you are satisfied. It's a long process of weight painting a little than going into pose mode, moving some joints, looking at the deforms, resetting the pose, painting more, repeat. Mesh design and weight painting is usually up to artists, so it's an art form and entirely up to the opinion of the designer. Just be sure to keep backups files saved in case you mess up your weights and you need to go back a step.


If you're going to be making clothes for your model, you want to make sure that the body base is right before moving onto that because you do not want to repeat setting up the outfit to fit the body again. You can reference the deforms on your base model for painting the clothes, also you might want to design your clothing mesh to work well with where your deforms will be. Typically, developers need to be conscious of the animations and their effects on the meshes, which brings us back to the beginning with how the deforms might look in the game. I have not yet made entirely custom clothes in Palworld but I will probably get to it after all the stuff I'm doing is done.


Sorry for the dumb, long post. I won't be going on about it any longer, that's all the advice I can give you.

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13 hours ago, Obligitury said:

considering theres a raid in the game where lovanders invade your base and fuck everything (not litterally, but...?) theres totally a case where it could be a non-consensual encounter. just due to the nature of the game, what with being allowed to butcher your pals and whatnot,

Ironically, that's what happened to me in the first raid when I was trying to do a complete no armor run lmao. 😂

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29 minutes ago, LovelyLad said:



Just some work in progress work. Was my first import into Palworld... had to refamiliarize myself with the whole process. Still, looking promising I think.


Looks awesome. Will you make a reversed version to expose breasts and pussy?

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Man, it seems to me that I will have already completed the game by the time someone finally posts any normal nude mod. Half the game time I was forced to see this doll instead of some real cake😭🙏🏻image.png.ec554bc2f9fe8def06d07c5188bda545.png


Can't even change the color of my character so she will fit into any other mods. It doesn't look very nice :
I wish someone would replace the entire character to fix this kind of problem, including a head and not just a body (like all mods do)image.png.5c78a8c88701c6a2f433f19e757bd2d8.png



Edited by Alex Sears
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2 hours ago, LovelyLad said:



Just some work in progress work. Was my first import into Palworld... had to refamiliarize myself with the whole process. Still, looking promising I think.

Very nice


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59 minutes ago, Alex Sears said:

Man, it seems to me that I will have already completed the game by the time someone finally posts any normal nude mod. Half the game time I was forced to see this doll instead of some real cake😭🙏🏻image.png.ec554bc2f9fe8def06d07c5188bda545.png


Can't even change the color of my character so she will fit into any other mods. It doesn't look very nice :
I wish someone would replace the entire character to fix this kind of problem, including a head and not just a body (like all mods do)image.png.5c78a8c88701c6a2f433f19e757bd2d8.png



On the upside, given its success, it's likely to continue receiving support for years!

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