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Having Issue With the armor on Ningheim race Only [Have Nude Pics]


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Ok, I have a same character on 2 Races, one is Breton race and the 2nd is Ningheim. The one with the Ningheim Race is the primary and I'm having a issue with it. Everything (textures, nifs, armor) is the same.


1. Main Armor (default armor slots that covers the body)

2. Main Armor addon part (Boots and some Upper body parts)  (calves, feet and 59 slot)(also tried with the different slots like 48, 60 etc)


no issue with the rest i am using for the main armor parts.

No when i try wear both the armor parts i mentioned above on Ningheim race, the first one disappears when i equip the 2nd part in any order.

But when I wear the parts on Breton race then i get no issue both parts appear On.


Same thing happened to me before on the Ningheim race, When I made the Addon Top part of the main Armor (using addon slot like 48 or 59 or 60)

When i tried to equip the top part on different armor, it un equipped armor the character was wearing by equipping only itself. 

I made addon parts all the time and never get issue like this I am having on Ningheim race. Look at the pics

The first one is Breton race Character which is wearing both parts with skirt and gauntlets, and on the 2nd and third pic (Ningheim race Charatcer) Only equipping one of the two parts i mentioned above.







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I had the same issue and I remember being a specific cause for this because I did fix it a a while ago, but I just don't remember.


I believe it was the default race not being set up.


here's an excerpt taken from Ningheim race page.


Q: I'm using a mod that adds armor/clothing/necklaces/rings and some of them don't show up!
A: That mod's author probably did not include the Default Race to the list of races that can use his/her mod. Contact the author for a fix or do it yourself in the CK by going to Items->ArmorAddons and look for pieces that belong to the mod. Open such an item and on the right-hand you'll have a list of valid races. Click the race called "DefaultRace", press OK and save


But this doesn't account for why your main equipment, and mine, gets unequipped even though they take up different biped slots.

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I had the same issue and I remember being a specific cause for this because I did fix it a a while ago, but I just don't remember.


I believe it was the default race not being set up.


here's an excerpt taken from Ningheim race page.


Q: I'm using a mod that adds armor/clothing/necklaces/rings and some of them don't show up!

A: That mod's author probably did not include the Default Race to the list of races that can use his/her mod. Contact the author for a fix or do it yourself in the CK by going to Items->ArmorAddons and look for pieces that belong to the mod. Open such an item and on the right-hand you'll have a list of valid races. Click the race called "DefaultRace", press OK and save.


But this doesn't account for why your main equipment, and mine, gets unequipped even though they take up different biped slots.

I also sent the PM to seren, hoping that he/she will provide a reply that will fix this issue.

I am adding the default race when i made the entry in CK but I will check again. The issue I am having is not the one with the equipment is not showing, the issue is the equipment gets un equip.

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Do you have SOS installed?

Apparently because of SOS it causes some armors to become unequpped that involve slot 32 or 52.. I haven't tested it yet, but that's what I've heard.

Yeah i have, But i am using 59/60 slot and Its working for all default and custom races I have installed except Ningheim Race and I think the problem is with the Ningheim Race so I shifted back to the race i was previously using and no issue what so ever.

But to be sure I will check it by disabling the SOS and equipping the addon parts on Ningheim race character. Thanks for the info..

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Well I kind of fixed it in a roundabout way. I just saved, exited the game, and reloaded that same save, with the two equipments that aren't supposed to unequip each other in my inventory.

And whatdoyouknow, they don't unequip each other any more. But you have to have it in your inventory when you save or it doesn't work for that particular equip. Idk, don't ask me how I've figured it out, it just works.

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