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Halp! I'm missing VoicesExtra.BSA!

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Ok so, I know that the solution for this is commonly to 'verify your cache'. Well, steam for me, is a  bit of a dick, and therefore verifying my cache rarely works (I did it; it didn't detect any problems). I confirmed skyrim was in the right directory, Reinstalled Steam to see if that fixed it, and even reinstalled skyrim... nothing works. For some reason voicesextra.bsa absolutely refuses to download / show up after verification. I believe my computer itself is the problem (It has a lot of problems, it's actually starting to die :( )


Anyways, can anyone upload VoicesExtra.BSA for me? It's about 12 MB. Not sure if this is against the rules, though- if so, just let me know in PM and delete this topic.

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