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Sex Mod Framework - Development Discussion

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I'll be brutally and completely honest
With how bad the game turned out, will there be a real market for sex mods here? 

Like, go foward if there's people willing, but i'm seeing a shitton of non-lewd modders giving up on the game, not only because it's basically dead in the water rn
But i've seen on reddit some discussions of modders saying that the code they could access feels like "unfriendly" to them, almost as if the game were made thinking on helping Creation Club mods and difficulting the creation of real Mods.

With that, what's the mindset of folks here about this? 
Will it be worth the trouble creating from 0 a new sexlab framework just for starfield?


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  1. Modding without any tools but xEdit is really, really, really, very hard........................................... and boring
  2. I agree the code is not for now modder friendly but consider the new features are not documented for now, as I've seen the FO4 ones works as intended (just sometimes some differences in the number of parameters, just forcing us to look at the vanilla script to verify
  3. Rarely, some things reacts strangely (I've problems to perfectly clone non-unique NPCs) but nothing unmanageable

On the contrary it's seems Bethesda have a new generation of devs and they discovered the exceptions management. For now I've never got a CTD due to scripts, it's very cool compared as previous games.... ?


Anyway when you look at the Nexus catalog for now 95% of mods are just some copies of existing items with some modified values and the most endorsed ones are the ones showing some tits. I'm sure that if anyone create a liquid container with tits where you can breastfeed it will gain the mod of the month award ?


The impression I have is that the real modders did not begin to work or are working in the backgroud, waiting the adequate tools to finalize their mods. To see.

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Steam reviews aren't really indicative of how the game is truly faring.


For example:


of the total 87,887 (mixed) reviews, steam placed only the last 7,392 into the mostly negative category according to that screenshot.

Worse yet, they don't break those numbers down further to give an accurate assessment of the state of the game. So you're left to

"assume" that the game is doing horribly based on that limited information. So, of that 7,392 negative reviews, what percentage is

positive? And of the total reviews, "including" the last 7,392, what percentage is positive vs. negative? Which would be a more

accurate indication.


And as far as I know, Steam's reviews are derived solely from PC players. So what are XBox players saying? Can they even use mods

yet? I think not without a CK capable of creating them.


I said earlier in this thread that I don't believe Bethesda was ever looking for any game awards or the like. They're building, patching,

and planning new content with an eye on "longevity". They're in it for the long haul. And they know mods are the key to that longevity.

And not just the mostly R and PG shit on Nexus. Seriously. Who plays a non-adult, un-modded Oblivion, Skyrim, or FO4 anymore?


In 6 months to 1 year's time, Starfield will begin it's path to becoming no different.

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On 12/29/2023 at 10:13 AM, FuzzyDuck said:

I'll be brutally and completely honest
With how bad the game turned out, will there be a real market for sex mods here? 

Like, go foward if there's people willing, but i'm seeing a shitton of non-lewd modders giving up on the game, not only because it's basically dead in the water rn
But i've seen on reddit some discussions of modders saying that the code they could access feels like "unfriendly" to them, almost as if the game were made thinking on helping Creation Club mods and difficulting the creation of real Mods.

With that, what's the mindset of folks here about this? 
Will it be worth the trouble creating from 0 a new sexlab framework just for starfield?


Think of it as a canvas for the master scripters to make it what ever they desire it to be, i can see some slave trade, some brothel cantinas at various locations, and for my flavor i hope some sort of pregnancy, but no other brand that i am aware of offers a creation kit, with the depth and possibilities Bethesda offers, Starfield is not a bad game, its just not the scale most were expecting, nonetheless its their first venture into outer space, i think they will listen to feedback and gain insight, add to it with DLC, and with mods, just as  Trykz stated, in time it will be enjoyable and repayable, just my 2 cents worth.


P.S Cyberpunk 2077 had a bad start also, and look where it is today.

Edited by blue1820
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Vor 10 Stunden sagte blue1820:

PS Cyberpunk 2077 hatte ebenfalls einen schlechten Start, und schauen Sie, wo es heute steht.


In my opinion, this comparison is completely absurd.

CP had massive problems at the beginning with bugs and a lack of performance (on the consoles) - but the designed world and the story were simply great from the start.

CP has now corrected these errors and is therefore rightly praised for the follow-up work it has done.

"Starfield" has significantly fewer bugs than feared - but the game world is not only boring but also incomplete (see 2-D oceans) ... and the main story (the "Starborn") is completely crude.

But even if things like fixing non-functional spacesuits or adding an underwater world to planets with oceans... the game still remains completely boring.

CP can easily exist in the future without sex mods... whether SF has a future at all - is not even guaranteed with extensive sex mods!

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13 hours ago, Miauzi said:


In my opinion, this comparison is completely absurd.

CP had massive problems at the beginning with bugs and a lack of performance (on the consoles) - but the designed world and the story were simply great from the start.

CP has now corrected these errors and is therefore rightly praised for the follow-up work it has done.

"Starfield" has significantly fewer bugs than feared - but the game world is not only boring but also incomplete (see 2-D oceans) ... and the main story (the "Starborn") is completely crude.

But even if things like fixing non-functional spacesuits or adding an underwater world to planets with oceans... the game still remains completely boring.

CP can easily exist in the future without sex mods... whether SF has a future at all - is not even guaranteed with extensive sex mods!

Some just can not be happy or see potential in a new release, i get you, not everyone is into the space theme, i been around gamming long enough to realize, Starfield is early access without the early access stamp on the cover, and many big name gamming company's do it, but for the many of us that see the potential in this, will enjoy it, and with sex and non sexual mods, my 4 cents worth and case closed.

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Vor 18 Minuten sagte blue1820:

Manche können einfach nicht glücklich sein oder das Potenzial einer neuen Veröffentlichung erkennen, ich verstehe, nicht jeder steht auf das Weltraumthema, ich bin lange genug mit Spielen beschäftigt, um zu erkennen, dass Starfield Early Access ist, ohne den Early Access-Stempel auf dem Cover, und viele Große Glücksspielfirmen machen das, aber viele von uns, die das Potenzial darin sehen, werden es genießen, und mit Sex- und nicht-sexuellen Mods sind meine 4 Cent wert und der Fall erledigt.


I honestly think the bogus argument is too cheap... I wouldn't like space themes.

Sure - every critic has to be vilified by the fan boys... the pattern is all too familiar.

Sorry - my first computer game was -> "Elite" ... on a C64 ... almost 40 years ago!

Yes - I've been playing computer games for 40 years and "space" has always been part of it... so as a child who watched the "Apollo 11" moon landing live on TV... I can probably form my own opinion .

Since then I've been reading SFI stories and watching SFi films... there are hundreds of books from this area in my bookcase behind me.

And no - this game is BORING and has NO potential whatsoever... I personally played it extensively in the first 30 days after its release... more than 200 hours!

"StarField" would have needed at least another 1-2 years of development work...then it might have been a not-too-bad game...but as it is, it's a complete disaster


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23 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


I honestly think the bogus argument is too cheap... I wouldn't like space themes.

Sure - every critic has to be vilified by the fan boys... the pattern is all too familiar.

Sorry - my first computer game was -> "Elite" ... on a C64 ... almost 40 years ago!

Yes - I've been playing computer games for 40 years and "space" has always been part of it... so as a child who watched the "Apollo 11" moon landing live on TV... I can probably form my own opinion .

Since then I've been reading SFI stories and watching SFi films... there are hundreds of books from this area in my bookcase behind me.

And no - this game is BORING and has NO potential whatsoever... I personally played it extensively in the first 30 days after its release... more than 200 hours!

"StarField" would have needed at least another 1-2 years of development work...then it might have been a not-too-bad game...but as it is, it's a complete disaster


You do know that people said the same about both No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 right? You'd be a complete and utter fool if you think Bethesda is going to abandon a game they've already spent so much time developing

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Cool, a C64 makes me feel less aged (I started on a VIC20 :) )


You are right saying ""StarField" would have needed at least another 1-2 years of development work..." but you forget that there is now Microsoft in the dance... (I remember how they did kill Ascheron's Call 2, and Turbine by the way, hope they won't do the same with Bethesda)


You are false saying "this game is BORING and has NO potential whatsoever" and enforcing this with caps won't change this. You played 200hours? Peanuts.


The announcement that the 1st DLC (in reality a patch to fill in some holes) will focus on the story show evidently that they are conscious this part is lame as it is.


Without the fact that digging in the esm and the code showing that a lot of things are in and not used clearly indicates that they stopped the advancement and got a few months to "finalise" an intermediate version at least playable without too much problem. Generally honest non-commercial people name this a beta version.


It's not the first time Bethesda deliver an incomplete version of a game and this discussion will be far more adequate in 6 months, at last it's my opinion.

Edited by Strec2
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39 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


I honestly think the bogus argument is too cheap... I wouldn't like space themes.

Sure - every critic has to be vilified by the fan boys... the pattern is all too familiar.

Sorry - my first computer game was -> "Elite" ... on a C64 ... almost 40 years ago!

Yes - I've been playing computer games for 40 years and "space" has always been part of it... so as a child who watched the "Apollo 11" moon landing live on TV... I can probably form my own opinion .

Since then I've been reading SFI stories and watching SFi films... there are hundreds of books from this area in my bookcase behind me.

And no - this game is BORING and has NO potential whatsoever... I personally played it extensively in the first 30 days after its release... more than 200 hours!

"StarField" would have needed at least another 1-2 years of development work...then it might have been a not-too-bad game...but as it is, it's a complete disaster


Then why are you here posting in a thread about the development and future of this title, if you have written it off, i see no logic in that, as for myself i think this should get back on topic it was created for.

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1 hour ago, lordkabal26 said:

You do know that people said the same about both No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 right? You'd be a complete and utter fool if you think Bethesda is going to abandon a game they've already spent so much time developing


It was so easy for many to write off Cyberpunk 2077. Saying it was a doomed game with little to no future potential.

I know. I was one of those people. And I still am. But not because it's a horrible game. Nor for it's buggy release or lack

of any feeling of real connection to the character you spend so much time playing. Cyberpunk's redemption tour was

implemented for a single purpose: to redeem CDPR's reputation PRIOR to their true flagship IP's next release:

The Witcher 4. Had they not done something for CP2077, there was a good chance Witcher 4 might never see the light of

day. Investors felt robbed. Devs felt betrayed and underappreciated. And fans felt deceived. And those feelings were

well justified even before it released.


That said, I didn't hate the game. But I didn't love it either. The world was outstanding. The side-quests were engaging and

fun. The important characters had depth and meaning. But the main story and it's outcomes sucked. I never felt like there

was any real connection to my V character when I was working through the MQ. It was ALL about Johnny Silverhand. I was

playing HIS story. He had unfinished business, and i was just along for the ride. I had more fun doing fixer jobs, side

objectives, and being chased by cops than I did playing through the MQ. It felt like a chore that I HAD to work on before

I could get back to the stuff I had fun doing.


The worst thing was realising that it really ISN'T an "open world" game.


Take Skyrim or FO4 for example. In Skyrim, you exit the cave after the intro and go do whatever you want. You can

set the MQ aside for as long as you wish. In FO4, you exit the vault and do the same. But in CP2077?


You finish the intro and save the girl, only to immediately go into the Watson Lockdown. Which "gates" the ENTIRETY

of the remaining game, and forces you into the MQ to access anything further. You can't even leave Watson to explore

the rest of the world. I cheated my way out of Watson, and could do NOTHING. No fixer jobs. No side objectives.

Nothing. That is NOT what an open world game is. It's just the opposite.


It's a "one and done" game because CDPR achieved their goal. Redeem themselves to salvage the potential of their

future Witcher game. I haven't bought Phantom Liberty. I don't know if I ever will. I'm just not that interested in it

anymore. And that says a lot coming from a once diehard fan. Maybe when I'm bored, or Steam has a giveaway

promo I'll grab it and check it out. But I doubt I'll spend any real money on it.


Anyhoo, @blue1820 is right. This should get back on topic.


So where are we at right now as far as tools go?


I haven't been paying a lot of attention as I've been working on Droids on and off for the past few weeks.


Anything for working with meshes and textures? Nifskope, GIMP, etc.... ?

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Back to the topic? Good Idea....


Let's see what we have got by now without a CK:


Animation framework

Multifollower mod

Enslavement mod

Restraining mod

Body mods for both genders


I'm waitig for the first animator, who creates a simple sex animation, so we can get a little simple sex mod. 

It will take more time to create a Starfield Sex lab, but something simple like Animated prostitution will come pretty quick, I think....


But that is not all:


Even without the CK we already have expansions for the ship builder and the outposts without sexual content. We will see quite a lot mods dealing with development and economics. We have a lot of abandoned outposts the player could take over and turn into whatever he/she/it wants.  





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39 minutes ago, Trykz said:

Anything for working with meshes and textures? Nifskope, GIMP, etc.... ?


Latest Nifscope dev 9 build works for Starfield. The meshes are in separate files but you can find where they are with Nifscope and edit the meshes with a Blender add on. SF1Edit edits .esm files, much as xEdit always has, except for a couple of things like Reflection data where it isn't yet clear where it's stored. Champolion will disassemble Starfield .pex files into .psc, and Capricia will compile them again. I'm using Inkscape and the Gimp for graphics, and Paint.net to export into dds.


We have a script extender, SFSE and folks are writing plugins for that, but it's a little limited since we can't link them to scripts yet. And there are folks doing UI edits, I assume using Adobe whatever-it's-called-these-days to edit the .swf files. I don't know much about either of those.


Basically we've got the tools to do pretty much anything. It'd all be easier with a CK, but it's doable right now.

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6 hours ago, Strec2 said:

Is this interesting for graphical modding? https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7830



Good point! Yes it is!


Materials are now all stored in a database file inside the materials ba2 file. But, this program  can extract them, and once extracted, they're actually JSON format, so they can be edited and with a little trial and error, edited.


Good catch.

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On 12/26/2023 at 10:04 PM, Miauzi said:


As a rule, the companions generated from mods are boring "decals" without their own character or backstory... with a few exceptions such as "Recorder" or "Sofia"

In Fallout 4, only "Ivy" - "Darlene" - "Heather Casdin" and "The Kit" (from "The Machine and Her") play in this "league".

I expect at most a "port of "Ivy" to this game in the next few years - the mod author is already working on a "transfer" scenario... i.e. "Ivy" will come from the Fallout universe to that of StarField.

So? People still love the "boring decals", that's why we have thousands of them, after all, you need them to use your sex framework. 

Edited by roohx
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On 12/29/2023 at 12:49 PM, Strec2 said:
  1. Modding without any tools but xEdit is really, really, really, very hard........................................... and boring
  2. I agree the code is not for now modder friendly but consider the new features are not documented for now, as I've seen the FO4 ones works as intended (just sometimes some differences in the number of parameters, just forcing us to look at the vanilla script to verify
  3. Rarely, some things reacts strangely (I've problems to perfectly clone non-unique NPCs) but nothing unmanageable

On the contrary it's seems Bethesda have a new generation of devs and they discovered the exceptions management. For now I've never got a CTD due to scripts, it's very cool compared as previous games.... ?


Anyway when you look at the Nexus catalog for now 95% of mods are just some copies of existing items with some modified values and the most endorsed ones are the ones showing some tits. I'm sure that if anyone create a liquid container with tits where you can breastfeed it will gain the mod of the month award ?


The impression I have is that the real modders did not begin to work or are working in the backgroud, waiting the adequate tools to finalize their mods. To see.

Oh fair enough.

I'll wait to see when the CEngine is released and the tools get properly set.
But each time i see more news, from people that LOVED all Bethesda games prior to this one, and they all seem extremely sad
It gives me low hopes for a recovery of this game ?
Unless Shattered Space is AMAZING, or they do a Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 where they update the base game AND release a really good expansion, i'm still skeptical. 

But you're right, at least for modding, we must wait for the tools to be out so folks can really dive into the code.

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Don't forget Ianpatt and the xxSE team motivation.


In my case, slavery mod needs a lot of informations text display and if there is not something like MessageBoxEx in FVSE it's discouraging, showing text in MCM like it's done in Skyrim mods is not something I like.

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15 hours ago, FuzzyDuck said:

Oh fair enough.

I'll wait to see when the CEngine is released and the tools get properly set.
But each time i see more news, from people that LOVED all Bethesda games prior to this one, and they all seem extremely sad
It gives me low hopes for a recovery of this game ?
Unless Shattered Space is AMAZING, or they do a Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 where they update the base game AND release a really good expansion, i'm still skeptical. 

But you're right, at least for modding, we must wait for the tools to be out so folks can really dive into the code.

The game isn't that bad, its just the scope that is too large. People are used to Bethesda games that are very dense, but given the setting of starfield, it never was gonna be that dense. Imo, its actually a perfect game for modding, due to how the game world works. The game is just so massive that it was functionally impossible to make it feel as lived in as Skyrim.

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On 1/7/2024 at 5:11 AM, modder focker said:

The game isn't that bad, its just the scope that is too large. People are used to Bethesda games that are very dense, but given the setting of starfield, it never was gonna be that dense. Imo, its actually a perfect game for modding, due to how the game world works. The game is just so massive that it was functionally impossible to make it feel as lived in as Skyrim.


I know this is not a topic to discuss the aspects of Starfield that many people don't understand and criticize, but I couldn't help but agree with you.


In Skyrim, and even Fallout 4, due to lack of space on the map, cities, caves, forts and giant camps were all crammed on top of each other. Many people, especially younger players, found this funny because it reminded them of the fantasy world they had seen at Disneyworld, where Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were Peter Pan's neighbors and Peter Pan was Bambi's neighbor. Fortunately, with Starfield, we're starting to see a better sense of the distances between points of interest on the map.

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The game has good moments, for example the UC questline is better than all the faction quest of Fallout 4. It has bigger nicer cities. Where they failed outside of the main quest writing is with the exploration. They could have atleast had more planets with more than one place of interest and procedurally generated bases. So that sense of just walking around the landscape and stumbling upon unique caves, radiant events, or even distress signals that were seen in skyrim and fallout 4 is gone which is a great loss. Also I don't understand how a game revolving around space doesn't even have a radio, such a missed opportunity especially not being able to explore around a planet a get a random eery distress signal. They dropped the ball hard there. 


BUT the body mods are looking great so far. The detail in tone depth on this one is fantastic.




Now if we can get some to start porting Skyrim/Fallout animation mods

Edited by vallixas
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Vor 25 Minuten sagte Vallixas:

Das Spiel hat gute Momente, zum Beispiel ist die UC-Questreihe besser als alle Fraktionsquests von Fallout 4. Es gibt größere, schönere Städte. Wo sie außerhalb des Schreibens der Hauptquest versagt haben, ist die Erkundung. Sie hätten zumindest mehr Planeten mit mehr als einem interessanten Ort und prozedural generierten Stützpunkten haben können. Das Gefühl, einfach nur durch die Landschaft zu laufen und auf einzigartige Höhlen, strahlende Ereignisse oder sogar Notsignale zu stoßen, die in Skyrim und Fallout 4 zu sehen waren, ist verschwunden, was ein großer Verlust ist. Außerdem verstehe ich nicht, dass ein Spiel, das sich um den Weltraum dreht, nicht einmal über ein Radio verfügt, was eine verpasste Gelegenheit ist, insbesondere weil man nicht in der Lage ist, einen Planeten zu erkunden und ein zufälliges, unheimliches Notsignal zu empfangen. Dort ließen sie den Ball hart fallen. 


ABER die Bodymods sehen bisher großartig aus. Die Detailtreue in der Tontiefe ist hier fantastisch.




Wenn wir jetzt einige dazu bringen können, mit der Portierung von Skyrim/Fallout-Animationsmods zu beginnen


If you have a little background knowledge of astronomy or geology (or biology) - you get a shock because of the many errors or inconsistencies... what you call "immersion" just falls apart.

But the absolute low point are the seas and oceans... they are 2D surfaces - but you have to "enter" them somehow in order to be able to scan the animals "underneath".

Why? -> because otherwise the data set about this planet is NOT complete - so you don't earn any money from exploring it.

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