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❗️Starfield NEEDS to have ALIEN RACES, This is WHY + Answered questions from an Media reviewer with already access to the game

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The most ironic thing about limiting the number of intelligent races for the sake of realism is that this does not apply to the so-called human 'races'.

Prolonged periods of living in a mono-cultural society would quickly eliminate variations in accented speech, languages and skin color. It would be more realistic for all colonists to be a vague beige/brown color and speak a hybrid of the more versatile languages.

Only separatist colonies dedicated to maintaining 'purity' would resemble the strains of humanity which evolved in Earth environments.

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5 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

If modders such as Myst42 start making mods for Starfield, one can anticipate race mods such as this finding their way over to it.


I thought we were talking about aliens here though. Not "humans doing cosplay".

I hope we'll be able to get all the nonhuman races we want into the game eventually so we'll get space dinos and space sharks and space wildebeest or whatever, and the universe will be a fun interesting place. But if Beth fucked up and all we get is humans in wigs and body paint, I instead hope an "Imperium of Man" mod is made so the filthy xeno scum* can be purged appropriately. Which... I guess gives me a bit of a different perspective on people wanting to do the same on actual anthro race mods, lmao.


*-> things considered filthy xeno scum: anything with a human face that isn't a human.

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1 hour ago, sen4mi said:

should Enhance! be given options to add alien features to our human character? (Or, for example, an option to have six fingers?)

Not sure if six fingers is actually doable due to all anims being made for 5 and all that, but to answer your broader question: yes, absolutely. Whole place brands itself as some cyberpunk-ish transhumanism "be whatever you want" schtick but falls massively flat since it has zero nonhuman/wacky/cyborg options.


If there is ever any place to have as the location for random people to legally give themselves unusual/unnatural/artificial looks (i.e. as opposed to "mad scientist in a hidden lab" or whatever), then Enhance! is the best option there IMO, at least in vanilla.

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6 hours ago, Blaze69 said:

Not sure if six fingers is actually doable due to all anims being made for 5 and all that, but to answer your broader question: yes, absolutely.


The problem would not be the anims, unless we wanted some anims where the extra finger could move independently. (In real life, most people can't do that with their little finger, though some people can. (If you are someone who can, try bending your little finger and then moving the last joint on that finger.))


The problem would be finding gloves that fit.

Edited by sen4mi
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  • 4 weeks later...
Am 14.09.2023 um 23:01 Uhr sagte sen4mi:


Das Problem wären nicht die Animationen, es sei denn, wir wollten einige Animationen, bei denen sich der zusätzliche Finger unabhängig bewegen kann. (Im wirklichen Leben können die meisten Menschen das nicht mit ihrem kleinen Finger tun, obwohl manche es können. (Wenn Sie jemand sind, der das kann, versuchen Sie, Ihren kleinen Finger zu beugen und dann das letzte Gelenk dieses Fingers zu bewegen.))


Das Problem wäre, passende Handschuhe zu finden.


Spacesuits do not automatically have 5-finger gloves.

As in diving, there are also variants with 3 fingers for reasons of thermal protection - i.e. from the middle finger to the little finger, everything is in one sleeve.

A 6th finger also fits in there.

By the way - there are people on earth who have SIX fingers on both hands.

And nine - they do not have a modified gene ... but the formation of the fingers (also how many are formed) is a process in the foetal phase in the womb.

In other words - six fingers in humans are something like a prenatal "developmental disorder".

but this is only background information

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On 9/7/2023 at 4:30 AM, FauxFurry said:

The most ironic thing about limiting the number of intelligent races for the sake of realism is that this does not apply to the so-called human 'races'.

Prolonged periods of living in a mono-cultural society would quickly eliminate variations in accented speech, languages and skin color. It would be more realistic for all colonists to be a vague beige/brown color and speak a hybrid of the more versatile languages.

The Starfield timeline isn't really long enough to homogenize human appearance like that, although it might be long enough to do so with human accents and languages within the factions (but maybe not across the factions). The evacuation of Earth only started around 2150 and ended in 2203 in this timeline, so that's only about 180 to 120 years in these new colonies. The preservation of accents could've been possible if there had been various cultural diaspora colonies, but there are no such things in the game (probably for good reason because Bethesda's story writers aren't skilled enough not to badly fuck that up). Handling of accents is something that Bethesda seems to often get wrong from Fallout to The Elder Scrolls, so screwing it up in Starfield just comes with the territory.

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Vor 3 Stunden sagte Pashax:

Die Starfield-Zeitleiste ist nicht wirklich lang genug, um das menschliche Erscheinungsbild auf diese Weise zu homogenisieren, obwohl sie möglicherweise lang genug ist, um dies mit menschlichen Akzenten und Sprachen innerhalb der Fraktionen zu erreichen (aber vielleicht nicht zwischen den Fraktionen). Die Evakuierung der Erde begann in dieser Zeitlinie erst um 2150 und endete im Jahr 2203, das sind also nur etwa 180 bis 120 Jahre in diesen neuen Kolonien. Die Beibehaltung von Akzenten wäre möglich gewesen, wenn es verschiedene kulturelle Diaspora-Kolonien gegeben hätte, aber so etwas gibt es im Spiel nicht (wahrscheinlich aus gutem Grund, weil Bethesdas Geschichtenschreiber nicht geschickt genug sind, um das nicht völlig zu vermasseln). Der Umgang mit Akzenten scheint Bethesda von Fallout bis The Elder Scrolls oft falsch zu machen, daher gehört es einfach dazu, in Starfield Fehler zu machen.


We have considerable and very clear SOCIAL stratification/segregation in StarField - much more pronounced than in the TES_ or Fallout universe.

Factually every major colony has ... SLUMS and the associated criminal gangs.

Clear linguistic differentiations aka demarcations emerge within a few years ... "Slang", however, is not an actual linguistic dialect.

But here, too, not even a hint of approach is at play ... I don't even want to think of "cyberpunk" - where "slang" is an essential element of the design of the environment (the immersion).

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