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Skyrim Utility Mod (AE)

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First, this mod (SUM) is a framework for all my other mods. This is to eliminate a lot of redundancy between all my mods.

Understandably, that makes this mod a dependency for all my mods. However, I have added a few features to this, that should justify the extra load order slot. Certain restrictions apply. Ask your doctor if SUM is right for you.





Install it using your favorite mod manager.

  • Installation Steps

         1. Install ‘SUM’.

          2. If you have UIE installed, (you must have it installed before installing SUM) , check the option in the SUM FOMOD to have the ‘SUM - UIE Patch’ installed as well.

  • Uninstallation Steps

          1. Uninstall ‘SUM’.

  • Updating to the Latest Version

          1. Follow ‘Uninstallation Steps’, for the existing version. 
          2. Follow ‘Installation Steps’, for the new version. 

  • Versioning

          For example, given version No. 1.2.3

          A change in,

             3 -> Patch, can be installed on the previous version (uninstall the old, then install the new version).

             2 -> Content update, clean save is recommended. 

             1 -> Major update, clean save required, new save recommended. 



(More details in post No. 2)

  • ZAP Posing System
    This is using the MCM and the UI Extensions (if installed) to store and use potentially all poses available in ZAP. It does this by using .json files to store all (entered) poses, then the MCM and/or UI Extensions mod to access and use the poses on the PC and NPCs.


  • Faction Management
    With this feature the player can manage all PC and NPC factions. The factions will be listed in the MCM. There the player can change faction ranks and/or membership. 


  • Stuff Transfer 
    Have you ever though to yourself “... I sure would like to try some new mod that just came out, but then I found out that it requires a new save, and to top it off a level 66 PC”? Neither have I; nevertheless, with this feature you can transfer stuff between all your saves. Yes you’ve guess it, it is all done through the MCM. There you can save and transfer skills, spells, shouts, perks, bounties, factions, stats, inventory, map markers(all locations you have discovered), game globals, game stats (like how many bunnies you have slaughtered), locations (works a bit like ‘Transfer Settlements’ from FO4) and quests (WIP) between your saves, you can even share them with your friends. Nothing sweeter than a digital sweetroll, no? Yum... yum!   


  • StorageUtil Terminal
    This is useful for troubleshooting mods that use the StorageUtil mod variables.


  • Game Stats Management
    With this feature you can manage shouts, perks, skills, factions, stats, map markers, game globals, game stats, actor stats, etc. Each value can be viewed and modified individually in the MCM.


  • JsonUtil Form Lists
    With this feature .json form lists can be created by clicking/selecting objects in game. Form lists can contain locations, furniture, doors, misc objects, etc.


SUM For Skyrim Legendary Edition (LE)


Update Log


Version 3.6.3

  • Patched .::. Some transfer options.
  • Added .::. Actors to the game values lists. 
  • Added .::. More game values lists options.
  • Added .::. Misc things.
  • Changed .::. Other things.

Version 3.3.3

  • Patched .::. Some duplicate records.
  • Patched .::. Log misprints. 
  • Added .::. Options to add or remove music to/from the game music queue. Yes, this should work with stuck combat music.
  • Added .::. Some sound files used by DDe.
  • Added .::. Transfer lists for NPCs stats, outfits and inventory. This will allow you to transfer outfits, stats and inventory to NPCs on a new save. 
  • Added .::. Transfer lists for containers. This will allow you to transfer container contents from your current save to a new save. 
  • Changed .::. Nothing.

Version 3.0.0


  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    See Description
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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Setup Page


Here you can setup the different options that will affect the mod operation. 



  • Important, you must have the ‘Use New SUM Lists’ selected otherwise, most features in the mod will not work. Only uncheck this option if you want to access regular .json lists from other mods. 
  • If this is the first time you have installed SUM 3+ and you have created some of your own .json lists (outfits, actors, forms, game, etc) or you have other mods that use SUM lists (POP, DDe, NADE, etc) you have to hit the ‘Update The Old Lists To The New SUM Format’ and allow it to finish converting all the old .json lists to the new format. You need only do this once and you do not need to do this for every update. 


  • How To Setup A Shortcut Key
    • 1. Select the option you would like to bind to a key. In this example ‘Select Actor/Form Key’.
      • Spoiler



    • 2. Press a key to bind to this option. In this example ‘Y’.
      • Spoiler


    • 3. Repeat for the rest of the options you want bound to shortcut keys. 
      • Spoiler


    • 4. Done
    • For the rest of the available options make sure you read their corresponding help by hovering your pointer over them. 


System Page


Here you can see what the mod can see and you can also set some system options.






Actor List Page


Here you can set actors lists, and choose the SUM selected actor. 





  • How To Make An Actor List
    • 1. First, go to the ‘Setup’ page and make sure you have set a hotkey for the ‘Select Actor/Form Key’ option. If not just follow the example above in the ‘Setup Page’.
      • Spoiler


    • 2. Back to the ‘Actor Lists’ page, make sure the actors folder is set to the default SUM location. Select the ‘Folder Path’ option, replace the existing text with ‘iSUmActors’, this will set the folder path to the SUM’s default folder. 
      • Spoiler


    • 3. Next, choose a .json name. Select the ‘Json Name’ option, enter a json name, in this example ‘My Actors’.
      • Spoiler


    • 4. Leave the ‘Storing Options’ option at ‘-1'. 
      • Spoiler


    • 5. Enter an actor list name. Select the ‘Actor List Name’ option and enter an actor list name, in this example ‘Some Actors’.
      • Spoiler


    • 6. The option ‘Prompt for Info When Adding the Actor’ will allow you to enter your own actor name and/or description when you select the actor with the hotkey. This info is only seen by SUM and only for this list.  
      • Spoiler


    • 7. To select your PC, exit the MCM, switch to the 3rd person view, open the console and select your PC.
      • Spoiler


    • 8. Exit console and hit your ‘Select Actor/Form Key’ hotkey from No. 1 above, in this example ‘Y’. Type a new name for your PC or leave the existing and hit ‘Accept’.
      • Spoiler






    • 9. Next, walk up to other actors you wish to add to the list. When their name appears in your crosshairs, hit the ‘Select Actor/Form Key’ hotkey ‘Y’ to have them added to the list.
      • Spoiler




    • 10. The actors will be saved in the selected list. To select an actor just click on the name. In this example I selected my PC named Ella which will became the SUM selected actor. 
      • Spoiler




    • 11. Done.


Form Lists Page


Here you can store and access all game objects (forms). You can also set the SUM selected form. 




  • How To Make A Forms List
    • 1. First, go to the ‘Setup’ page and make sure you have set a hotkey for the ‘Select Actor/Form Key’ option. If not just follow the example above in the ‘Setup Page’.
      • Spoiler


    • 2. Back to the ‘Form Lists’ page, make sure the forms folder is set to the default SUM location. Select the ‘Folder Path’ option, replace the existing text with ‘iSUmForms’, this will set the folder path to the SUM’s default folder. 
      • Spoiler


    • 3. Next, choose a .json name. Select the ‘Json Name’ option, enter a json name, in this example ‘My Stuff’.
      • Spoiler


    • 4. Leave the ‘Storing Options’ option at ‘-1'. Also, leave the ‘How to Store Forms’ at ‘Auto’.
      • Spoiler


    • 5. Enter a form list name. Select the ‘Form List Name’ option and enter a form list name, in this example ‘Some Things’.
      • Spoiler


    • 6. The option ‘Prompt for Info When Adding the Form’ will allow you to enter your own form name and/or description when you select the form with the hotkey. This info is only seen by SUM and only for this list.  
      • Spoiler


    • 7. Exit the MCM and walk up to the objects in game(forms) that you want to add to this list. When their name appears in your crosshairs, hit the ‘Select Actor/Form Key’, in this example ‘Y’. The form will be added to the list.
      • Spoiler


    • 8. Repeat for other forms you want in the list.
      • Spoiler






    • 9. All added forms will show up in the selected forms list. 
      • Spoiler


    • 10. To select a form, just click on its name. That will make it the SUM selected form. 
      • Spoiler


    • 11. Done.


String Lists Page


Here, you can view and edit the string .json lists that my(or others) mods are using.










Game Values Lists Page


Here, you can view and mod many if not all game values as globals, floats, ints, strings, skills, factions, shouts, perks, location markers etc. 










Certain game variables like ints, floats and strings get reset on every game load. On the second page you can add your values for these variables to json lists and they will be applied on every game load and will not get reset.   











UI Extensions Page


Here, you can setup lists and wheels to be used with the UI Extensions mod. The lists can be edited in the ‘String Lists Page’.









ZAP Poses Page


Here, you can edit and add ZAP poses to lists that are used by SUM, POP, DDe and SDP.




The lists can be edited in the ‘String Lists Page’ or by editing the .json directly here,







Here, you can see the factions the SUM selected actor is in. 




The factions that have the 'Enter New Name' for a name, do not have a name set in game. For these factions selecting and clicking that option will allow you to enter your own name. This name will only be seen by SUM and will persist throughout all your saves new or old, so this only needs to be done once. All factions can be renamed this way. Clear (leave blank) the new or the existing name to return the faction name to the default.  


Skyrim Misc Page


Misc Skyrim options are available here. 






Custom Outfits Page


Here you can save and load custom outfits and inventory to/from .json files.







The contents of the outfits can be viewed and/or edited in the 'Form Lists' page. 

  • 1. Go to the 'Form Lists' page and in the ‘Folder Path’ option enter ‘iSUmOutfits’. (you can edit any list here, 'iDDeOutfits' will edit the DDe outfits, etc.)
  • 2. In the ‘Existing Forms Json Files’ select your outfit .json, the default one is ‘iSUmOutfits’.
  • 3. Then, below select the outfit you want to edit.
  • 4. The outfit contents will be displayed in the list bellow that. 


Transfer Page


Here is where you can transfer game data between saves.









Have you ever setup a room in one of your houses by buying some CD BDSM furniture and then placing it just right, just to have to start all over again in a new save?

Are you some sort of a hoarder and you collected a shit ton of crap in your adventures and organized said crap in alphabetical order in a whole bunch of chests, barrels, mannequins and whatever else you found laying around your house but, then you decided to carry all that crap to a different save? 
Well, now you can. The ‘Locations Transfer’ option will allow you to do just that. 


For the rest of the options you can just hoover over them to get some info on what they do. 


StorageUtil Page


Here you can view and/or change the StorageUtil values. This is useful for troubleshooting mods that use the StorageUtil mod. 






To change a StorageUtil value.

  1. Select a container (usually an actor) in the ‘Select Actor’ page. 
  2. In the ‘StorageUtil’ page under the ‘StorageUtil Values’ option, select the type of value (INT, FLOAT etc.) you wish to modify.
  3. Pick a list/key name from the list or type it into the 'Value Key/Name' option. 
  4. In the ‘Existing Value’, type your new value for that key. Then hit the 'Save Value' to save the new value.  



If the POP MCM menu is empty. To check and/or fix the problem, 

  1. Select a global container. 
  2. In the 'Value Key/Name' under the STRING 'Value Type', type xpopConfigBusy (or select it from the list bellow) and look at the existing value to the right of it in 'Existing Value' field. In this example, anything other than an empty field there will indicate that the POP MCM is marked as busy. 
  3. Change the value to empty by deleting whatever is in there. 
  4. Save the game. 
  5. Load the save from 4. 
  6. The POP MCM should initialize properly.    



Debug Page


Here a bunch of debug options can be performed on the selected actor/form.











Help Page


This is the status/help page.







Edited by Inte
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Posting here because I'm fairly sure this is related to the new releases of SUM, DDE and POP (but only SUM is required for SDP). Also fairly sure this isn't going to cause any issues (it doesn't seem to, at least, beyond the message when loading a game), but figured I should post it. Note that this happens when upgrading an existing game, or starting a new game from scratch.



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16 hours ago, ChandraArgentis said:

Is it possible to have this in a legible font instead?


4 hours ago, ebbluminous said:



This is how the font looks for me. 



As you can see, it is quite legible. Are you getting something else? 

I'm using Comic Sans MS font. 

Edited by Inte
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4 hours ago, Scautura said:

Posting here because I'm fairly sure this is related to the new releases of SUM, DDE and POP (but only SUM is required for SDP). Also fairly sure this isn't going to cause any issues (it doesn't seem to, at least, beyond the message when loading a game), but figured I should post it. Note that this happens when upgrading an existing game, or starting a new game from scratch.




I have not updated SDP yet to work with the new SUM. 

You just need to move the SDP System.json to the new location here,




Edited by Inte
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8 hours ago, Inte said:


I have not updated SDP yet to work with the new SUM. 

You just need to move the SDP System.json to the new location here,

  Hide contents




I figured something along those lines but didn't know what file and how it needed editing. Appreciate the support and look forward to the SDP update!


I'll also pitch in for 'Comic Sans bad' side, both as a web developer, and someone who's worked with dyslexia sufferers, but I'll leave it at that unless asked further.

Edited by Scautura
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22 hours ago, Inte said:


I have not updated SDP yet to work with the new SUM. 

You just need to move the SDP System.json to the new location here,

  Hide contents




Sorry if I'm being dumb or something


But where exactly do I move System.json to? On the screenshot it says SKSE/Plugins/SD Patches/SDP. Which is where it already is for me


Again, I'm probably just missing something obvious, so sorry

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14 hours ago, PhiloLapis said:

Is this the post referenced above for changes between the current version?  I have that and was just curious what was changing.  I'm on AE 1.6.64 with the old sum and it works great!

No, it's this one, 


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22 hours ago, ebbluminous said:

Generally, people hate Comic Sans as a font:



17 hours ago, Scautura said:

I'll also pitch in for 'Comic Sans bad' side, both as a web developer, and someone who's worked with dyslexia sufferers, but I'll leave it at that unless asked further.


I had no idea that there is an online hate campain for the Comic Sans font. I could understand if it was for the mobile version where @ChandraArgentis has a point, it is not that legible. But, for the PC version, I found it a bit playful and informal; a perfect fit for a mod description and what's more, I like it.

I guess I'll look into Verdana or even Times Old Roman. IDK.

Edited by Inte
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3 hours ago, The Dragonwhore said:

But where exactly do I move System.json to? On the screenshot it says SKSE/Plugins/SD Patches/SDP. Which is where it already is for me

Hmm, if it's already in that location then, I might have changed some scripts in SDP. You'll have to wait for the update. 

Edited by Inte
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2 hours ago, Inte said:



I had no idea that there is an online hate campain for the Comic Sans font. I could understand if it was for the mobile version where @ChandraArgentis has a point, it is not that legible. But, for the PC version, I found it a bit playful and informal; a perfect fit for a mod description and what's more, I like it.

I guess I'll look into Verdana or even Times Old Roman. IDK.

It's not an online hate campaign, plenty of people hate it offline for being a shitty font :D

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