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Oniki Kay’s Kinky World build 426 - LoversLab Edition (Updated 2024-05-14)

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17 hours ago, wubby901 said:

@Denton47 There seems to be script errors when woohooing I geta notification in red in the top left I tried screenshotting it but it does,nt show to notiification but the text is


woohooinstance.Changestage: Cant change stage
Setup Failed


there are others which it,s saving a log file which is


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScriptError Version="6" Type="MiniScriptError">
  <ExceptionData>Oniki.KinkyMod v0.7.0 (422)


Actor: Corey McWilliams
Target: Clyde Cooper

System.ArgumentException: The list is empty.
#0: 0x0000e throw      in Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Sims3.Gameplay.Core.RandomUtil:GetRandomObjectFromList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1) ([1114751744/0x4271c300] )
#1: 0x000c0 call       in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.WooHooSequence:FindObject (Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage,Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Sims3.Gameplay.Abstracts.GameObject&,bool) ([8874E310] [34392C00] [9218868438342157944/0x7ff000004271c678] [95DF13C4] [0] )
#2: 0x0099e call       in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.WooHooSequence:Setup (Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage,Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooPostures,Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim[],int,Sims3.Gameplay.Abstracts.GameObject,Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,bool) (3E1D7888 [8874E310] [1] [00000000] [0] [00000000] [vt:95DF138C] [vt:95DF139C] [0] )
#3: 0x0002c call       in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.WooHooSequence:Setup (Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage,Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooPostures,Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim[],int,Sims3.Gameplay.Abstracts.GameObject,bool,bool) (3E1D7888 [8874E310] [1] [00000000] [0] [00000000] [0] [0] )
#4: 0x001a4 callvirt   in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.Tease:PostSocialLoop () ()
#5: 0x004ae callvirt   in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.KWSocialInteraction:RunInternal () ()
#6: 0x000e4 stloc.u1   in Oniki.Interactions.Oniki.Interactions.KWSocialInteraction:Run () ()
#7: 0x000db stloc.u1   in Sims3.Gameplay.Interactions.Sims3.Gameplay.Interactions.InteractionInstance:RunInteractionWithoutCleanup () ()
#8: 0x00348 stloc.u1   in Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.InteractionQueue:ProcessOneInteraction () ()
#9: 0x0011c stfld.u1   in Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim:DoInteraction () ()
#10: 0x00015 br.s       in Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim:Simulate () ()
#11: 0x00022 ldc.i4.0   in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () ()


I need the whole error text, to take a screenshot with the whole UI press SHIFT+PRTSCR and paste it into Paint or something.


Regarding the ScriptError, this has something to do with filtering a WooHoo stage, I will need to take a close look at this.

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Build 423:
+[Fixed]: Kraken object reset issues.
+[Added]: Missing localization to texts and translated the French texts to English.
+[Added]: Reset Sim to Kinky World radial menu (was previously UnlockSim in Debug menu).


I have localized most texts now and translated the French texts to English using Google Translate, error messages and most DEBUG interactions are not localized and remain English, I have not changed any Rape or Bestiality stuff.


Some of the texts are still a bit generic, if there are any aspiring text writers who wants to contribute, please post suggestions in this thread.


I have attached a list of the keys and texts I have added.


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6 hours ago, Denton47 said:


I need the whole error text, to take a screenshot with the whole UI press SHIFT+PRTSCR and paste it into Paint or something.


Regarding the ScriptError, this has something to do with filtering a WooHoo stage, I will need to take a close look at this.

@Denton47 will do next time it happens.


Also there's an issue with the sims aging up and not being assigned traits.


Would it also be possible to hide the boohoo and try for baby in the menu like you can on WW ?

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12 hours ago, Denton47 said:

Some of the texts are still a bit generic, if there are any aspiring text writers who wants to contribute, please post suggestions in this thread.


I have attached a list of the keys and texts I have added.

STBL_EN.zip 3.86 kB · 3 downloads



There are/were many grammar errors in Onikikay's English texts, I remember shuddering each time I get a particularly botched text (like IIRC this bit when levelling exhibition to 5: "I have a beautiful body and I want everybody enjoy the view")


[Dumb whine about blank before ... deleted]


Now that I've succeeded in sounding like an asshole, uh, it'll be hard to create really good, fitting texts while having to guess when it will come up. So we'd probably want to come up with a more complete version of this file, then somehow playtest and polish it. I can help with some proofreading and try to come up with not-too-horrible strings, just not sure how you'd handle it if you get five different versions of the texts sent back to you :D 







Edited by Yotix
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i had some trouble with this 422 version, maybe someone has a tip for me: when i have more than 2 sims woohooing, they stuck in the same animation/ position for hours and it drives me crazy. I changed nearly every option but i just can't figure out where the problem is... 

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Hey, everybody.
I don't know what the problem is, but it started with the 420 version.
In an escort situation, when the prostitute and the client go to the bed, the woman has dangling interactions - follow and ask to be paid. As a result, the client stands waiting and the woman does nothing. The interaction queue does not change. After a while, the game hangs. I tried canceling the interaction to follow - the result is the same - hangs and the game crashes.  Unlock sim leads to reset the whole situation escort.
Tried to completely reinstall the mod (with deletion) - did not help.
What to do?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Current version 423

Edited by mrph
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4 hours ago, Yotix said:



There are/were many grammar errors in Onikikay's English texts, I remember shuddering each time I get a particularly botched text (like IIRC this bit when levelling exhibition to 5: "I have a beautiful body and I want everybody enjoy the view")


As for the attached file: Run the whole thing through any online spell check first?

"Oh, but. What is he doing... " contains two punctuation errors - "but" by itself should not be a sentence, and the fullstop between the word and the three dots is missing. (German never has it, English has it when the ... follows a complete word). And my initial reaction was that I'd rather have generic "accept fail" string IDs than having to read something like "No, I can't let you put your penis in my pussy, it would hurt your daddy. I love you very much my little darling, but I also love your dad very much and I don't want to hurt him." WTH :D (or this weird text about pretending to be asleep when the interaction is basically a roofie date-rape).


Now that I've succeeded in sounding like an asshole, uh, it'll be hard to create really good, fitting texts while having to guess when it will come up. So we'd probably want to come up with a more complete version of this file, then somehow playtest and polish it. I can help with some proofreading and try to come up with not-too-horrible strings, just not sure how you'd handle it if you get five different versions of the texts sent back to you :D 







Acually I it annoyed the hell out of me too there are ALOT of bugs not just with the text but the mod itself and I am hoping they can all be fixed

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12 hours ago, Denton47 said:



I have attached a list of the keys and texts I have added.


Feedback/suggestions. Caveat: I'm not a native speaker of English. I'll go through top to bottom and post fixes / suggestions:


Oniki.KinkyMod.Announce.WooHoo:Oraljob;Announce: WooHoo (Oraljob)

"Oraljob" seems unusual, should just be "Oral" I think (in all of KW).


Oniki.KinkyMod.CityHall_SetExhibitionSkillPrompt;Set minimun Exhibition skill level (1-10)


Oniki.KinkyMod.CityHall_SetNormal;Set all Sim states to Normal

More of explanation of what this does could be good, like maybe "remove all aroused and horny states" (if that is what it does?) 


Oniki.KinkyMod.CityHall_SetWooHooSkillPrompt;Set minimun WooHoo skill level (1-10)



Oniki.KinkyMod.OptionSettingTarifMultiplier;Tarif multiplier
"tariff" with two f in English for some reason


Oniki.KinkyMod.Services.Callgirl:HandSetPickedUp;Callgirl: HandSet Picked Up
The "handset" apparently is the part of a 20th-Century telephone that you hold to your ear. We could ask a native speaker of English if this really sounds old fashioned, or just change to "the call was answered" or something.


Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooParty:NobodyWillCome;WooHooParty: Nobody Will Come
Maybe something like "none of the invited guests feels like attending"? A woohoo party where nobody will come sounds disappointing :D


Kinky couch: I hadn't read as far as the second string earlier ... sorry. 

Oniki.KinkyMod.Couch_SleepOnCouch.StartWooHoo;"Oh, but. What is he doing... He is licking my pussy.\r... Hmmmm, it’s so good!"

possibly sth like "Oh, my ... What is he doing? Is he licking my pussy?\r... Hmmmm, this feels great!"


Oniki.KinkyMod.Couch_SleepOnCouch.IsTeasing2;I had a good time. I knew someone would notice my pussy and play with it.
Maybe shorten to sth like I had a good time. I knew someone would play with me.


"gropped" in all of KW should be "groped"


Oniki.KinkyMod.GetDressed.InteractionFeedback:Gropped;Get Dressed Gropped

-> Get dressed (groped)


Oniki.KinkyMod.HighSchoolSituation.ToiletUsed;Toilet Used

If this means "someone else is already using it" maybe change to "Toilet in use"


Oniki.KinkyMod.Feedback:TooManyPhotosInCellPhone;Too many photos in CellPhone
A lot of words are written with this capitalization ... ought to be just "cellphone" but this is throughout KW I think so too much work to change 


Oniki.KinkyMod.Sim_SetCASPProperties4;How much is this CAS part revealing?\rBodyType: {0.String}\rId: 0x{1.String}\r0: Not revealing\r5: Almost naked

Oniki.KinkyMod.Sim_SetCASPProperties4;How revealing is this CAS part?\rBodyType: {0.String}\rId: 0x{1.String}\r0: Not revealing\r5: Almost naked

How about just "Suggest % to increase school performance"? It gets the mechanics across and nothing else. (Not sure if players would like text where their sim appears to speak to the prof)


The same question for all the Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooLoop.Rejecting* strings: Not sure why I feel so strongly here but having my sim say something (when mostly they just use their nonsense language) seems immersion breaking maybe? So I'd argue for a version where you don't suddenly have sims speaking lines of text.

Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooLoop.Rejecting1;No sorry. I am a married woman. I don't want you to bang my pussy with your cock.
-> Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooLoop.Rejecting1;Woohoo stage rejected (married!)

-> "I prefer not to go any further than this." is also great

Then there's this really long string Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooLoop.Rejecting9;No, I can't let you put your penis in my pussy, it would hurt your daddy. I love you very much my little darling, but I also love your dad very much and I don't want to hurt him.

(It took me two reads of the sentence to realize it's about incest ... how about something shorter like "This is not a harmless cuddle anymore, stop it right now!" or something? Or, again, just the mechanics like "Woohoo (vaginal) rejected, reason: relationship (father)")


Oniki.KinkyMod.WooHooSequence.Answer:CuckoldRequestRejeted;Answer: Cuckold Request Rejeted

typo "rejected"



A KW text I didn't see in here was "start whoring" / stop whoring. I've been wondering for years if that is idiomatic English as a native speaker would use it, or a mistranslation from French. I suspected it should be "Whore yourself out", since I'd never seen "to whore" as a verb before despite having read a lot of smut :D but I'm not a native speaker, and "to whore" as in "to prostitute oneself" is in dictionaries. It's also shorter than any suggestion I could think of so uh.






Edited by Yotix
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@Denton47 New Error for 423 OutfitManager is Busy Sims freeze then game crashes


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScriptError Version="6" Type="MiniScriptError">
  <ExceptionData>Oniki.KinkyMod v0.7.0 (423)

System.ArgumentException: The requested value `Vagina' was not found ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
#0: 0x00017 throw      in System.System.Int32:Parse (string,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider) ([32D7E5C0] [7] [3259FED8] )
#1: 0x00009 call       in System.System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider) ([32D7E5C0] [3259FED8] )
#2: 0x0000e call       in System.System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider) ([32D7E5C0] [3259FED8] )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

#0: 0x00000 superop    in System.System.Enum:Parse (System.Type,string,bool) ([326C4C40] [32D7E5C0] [1] )
#1: 0x00068 call       in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooAction:.ctor (Oniki.Utilities.XMLRow) (34682600 [423E4078] )
#2: 0x00219 newobj     in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooActor:.ctor (Oniki.Utilities.XMLRow) (89F1D190 [423EAE58] )
#3: 0x00235 newobj     in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage:Parse (Oniki.Utilities.XMLEntry) (8AC53770 [325D1970] )
#4: 0x000a7 callvirt   in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage:Load (System.Xml.XmlDocument,string,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) ([40291360] [8A671DC0] [vt:32577BB4] )
#5: 0x001f3 call       in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage:Load (string) ([408138E8] )
#6: 0x0005e call       in Oniki.Gameplay.Oniki.Gameplay.WooHooStage:Load () ()
#7: 0x000dd call       in Oniki.Oniki.Settings:Apply () ()
#8: 0x000dc callvirt   in Oniki.Oniki.Main:Start () ()
#9: 0x0016d call       in Oniki.Oniki.KinkyMod:OnWorldLoadFinishedHandler (object,System.EventArgs) ([325588A0] [3C2312C8] )
#10: 0x00000            in System.System.EventHandler:Invoke (object,System.EventArgs) (3278DD70 [325588A0] [3C2312C8] )
#11: 0x00013 callvirt   in Sims3.SimIFace.Sims3.SimIFace.World:OnWorldLoadFinished () ()



Edited by wubby901
adding info
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6 hours ago, MrGrey said:

How do I use this?

Do I just replace the original main file or do I remove all the old files that say Oniki?

If you're already using version 409, which it looks like you are based on the file dates, then you keep all of those files and just replace the ONIKI_KinkyMod.package with the one from this version

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Something that I thought of in regards to a recent post about the KW repairman. With the repairman, when someone visits to repair stuff, sometimes one of the household sims will be pushed an interaction to tease the repairman, and that can lead to them woohooing the repairman, and (I think, it has been a while since it happened for me) not being charged for the repairs.


However, if you cancel that tease interaction, there is no way to intentionally cause it. You can interact with them, and you can even woohoo them, but you never get the discount unless the autonomous tease event happens. And, it isn't really the same as choosing "tease" from the "kinky..." menu. It is more like the "tease" when a sim is peeping through a window. Your sim will do a sexy dance while the repairman is trying to work, and will distract them.


Actually, now that I think of it, I seem to recall that my sim got woohooed, and then still got charged for the repairs. Doesn't seem quite fair.

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5 hours ago, Omicr0n said:

If you're already using version 409, which it looks like you are based on the file dates, then you keep all of those files and just replace the ONIKI_KinkyMod.package with the one from this version

Pretty sure that's the download date and that's from the Oniki thread and not the Denton47 thread, because I am a turnip, fell off the turnip wagon and found this recently.

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31 minutes ago, MrGrey said:

Pretty sure that's the download date and that's from the Oniki thread and not the Denton47 thread, because I am a turnip, fell off the turnip wagon and found this recently.

It's not, because I compared the dates with the files that I have. If you want to be sure then replace the files you have with this https://www.patreon.com/posts/kw-build-409-45406638 and then overwrite it with Denton's version.

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On 3/24/2024 at 7:13 AM, Denton47 said:


I need the whole error text, to take a screenshot with the whole UI press SHIFT+PRTSCR and paste it into Paint or something.


Regarding the ScriptError, this has something to do with filtering a WooHoo stage, I will need to take a close look at this.


Cant change stage.jpg

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Thank you very much @Denton47 for the new update 423 and for making the strings for localization available.

Work on an update for the German localization and have a questions for you :



On 3/24/2024 at 8:14 AM, Denton47 said:

I have attached a list of the keys and texts I have added.

The list you provided did not show the corresponding keys to use. At least my office software did not show it at all. (only the texts)

A list with the keys would be helpful, since to create the key by using the text did sometimes not work, resp. the string is already implemented in your latest update.



Please have a look to your following strings implemented in the last update. Those do not work as intended, at least in my game.


   [660] 0xA5FAD74EA4A8BE22: Can this CAS part be pulled down?\rBodyType: {0.String}\rId: 0x{1.String}\rCurrent Setting: {2.String}
   [661] 0xA5FAD74EA4A8BE21: Can this CAS part be kept during woohoo?\rBodyType: {0.String}\rId: 0x{1.String}\rCurrent Setting: {2.String}

   [663] 0xA5FAD74EA4A8BE27: How much is this CAS part revealing?\rBodyType: {0.String}\rId: 0x{1.String}\r0: Not revealing\r5: Almost naked


({0.String} or {1.String} show a key and {2.String} show nothing.)


Thank you very much for all your efforts you put into this mod.



Edited by Clydie
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On 3/9/2024 at 8:16 AM, Denton47 said:


I have done some testing and autonomous WooHoo is working as far as I can tell and I am not getting any exceptions, however you will need to wait for your Sim to get stuck (feedback message at the bottom of the screen), otherwise WooHoo wont work, only sharking,




The chance to get stuck depends on the size of the Sim, I have made some small changes to increase the chance of smaller Sims getting stuck.



Where do I find this item exactly? Is it in the buy menu?


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