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Guardian Auto Assign Mod



I've made a small mod to automate the process of assigning guardians for all your kids and get rid of "Children lack Guardians" notification (for some time).

The mod is very simple. It adds "Auto Assign Guardians" option to the interaction menu of your own character (usually in the first "more" subsection section).
When you press this option, the mod will build the list of your kids without guardians and the list of potential guardians in your court. And then match one with another.

Some details:

  • Affects only kids in age range from 6 to 15
  • The mod will use more skilled and smart guardians first
  • Girls will get female guardians from devoted group (Mulsas or Paelexes)
  • Boys have a bit higher chance to get male guardians
  • The mod will try to give better guardians to kids with more claims but that part is not very reliable in the terms of how exactly that should work
  • There are no any setting in the mod itself for now
  • I recommend to save game before executing auto assignment. Your game state may be different from what I used to test the mod.

If somebody want to integrate any part of this mod into Regula Magistry, feel free to do that. However the code may be not the best for re-use.




Edited by Umgath
Version 0.0.2
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21 hours ago, Umgath said:

Guardian Auto Assign Mod



I've made a small mod to automate the process of assigning guardians for all your kids and get rid of "Children lack Guardians" notification (for some time).

The mod is very simple. It adds "Auto Assign Guardians" option to the interaction menu of your own character (usually in the first "more" subsection section).
When you press this option, the mod will build the list of your kids without guardians and the list of potential guardians in your court. And then match one with another.

Some details:

  • Affects only kids in age range from 6 to 15
  • The mod will use more skilled and smart guardians first
  • Girls will get female guardians from devoted group (Mulsas or Paelexes)
  • Boys have a bit higher chance to get male guardians
  • The mod will try to give better guardians to kids with more claims but that part is not very reliable in the terms of how exactly that should work
  • There are no any setting in the mod itself for now
  • I recommend to save game before executing auto assignment. Your game state may be different from what I used to test the mod.

If somebody want to integrate any part of this mod into Regula Magistry, feel free to do that. However the code may be not the best for re-use.


GuardianAutoAssign_0.0.1.zip 38.14 kB · 4 downloads

Nice, I'm currently using the Education Automation mod on the workshop atm, which works really well.
Its really well done, so I don't think I'll be building it into RM anytime soon

Also, putting out a smallish update, that coincides with chapter 3 preview!

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In a recent play season, a duchess in another realm with mulsa converted to magistri.

When I looked her up a few (ingame) months later, she converted back to the kingdom's Christianity.

The NPC probably had the event "demand to convert" from her king.

That is a normal thing to happen, but now that Fascinare converts to secret religion first instead to open I wonder if the mulsa did 

orthodox (secretly magistri)>openly magistri> orthodox 
orthodox (secretly magistri)>openly magistri> orthodox  (secretly magistri)
If not the second, it would be cool if it was.
I don't see a way to check that up in the UI.
It isn't shown as a hook, trait or modifier. 
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Bug report:

"The small panel to the left of the F4 (Council) panel that allowed me to switch the window between vanilla and mod council mode, has vanished in 2.9.3, as compared to 2.9.2."


I was struck by the mood to play some CK3 a few days ago. Downloaded the LL mods that I deemed viable for use with the 1.11 update. I always remove the old mods from the mods folder before I extract the new mods, so I consider the installs clean. I spend a lot of time looking at the instructions for all my mods to determine a load order. And I use Irony Mod Manager for sorting, and then I do a basic Merged Patch. It speeds up lead-times for Paradox games, and ensures that steam workshop updates to the mods don't interfere with a playthrough.


Today I noticed that RM2 had an update yesterday. I liked the patch notes enough to break with my usual protocol, and downloaded it, deleted the old files, extracted the new one, opened IronyMM, and created a new merged patch from the exact same modlist and load order. I realize that workshop mods might also have been updated. But the only intentional update was RM2, and I could find no files in any mods loaded after it with a Council_Window file in the GUI folder. I suspect the UnifiedUI mod might be to blame, but it has not been updated since January 9th. I'm posting this to help debug the problem in case others experience the same issue. A new save didn't fix it either. And characters with roles on the RM2 council have retained their roles in the character card describing their relations and roles. I suspect the effects of the council are retained, It's probably a GUI thing.


Load order attached in case it helps others, and let Ban10 quickly dismiss this report in case I've got something incompatible overriding the mod.


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3 hours ago, Alphanineteen said:

Bug report:

"The small panel to the left of the F4 (Council) panel that allowed me to switch the window between vanilla and mod council mode, has vanished in 2.9.3, as compared to 2.9.2."


I was struck by the mood to play some CK3 a few days ago. Downloaded the LL mods that I deemed viable for use with the 1.11 update. I always remove the old mods from the mods folder before I extract the new mods, so I consider the installs clean. I spend a lot of time looking at the instructions for all my mods to determine a load order. And I use Irony Mod Manager for sorting, and then I do a basic Merged Patch. It speeds up lead-times for Paradox games, and ensures that steam workshop updates to the mods don't interfere with a playthrough.


Today I noticed that RM2 had an update yesterday. I liked the patch notes enough to break with my usual protocol, and downloaded it, deleted the old files, extracted the new one, opened IronyMM, and created a new merged patch from the exact same modlist and load order. I realize that workshop mods might also have been updated. But the only intentional update was RM2, and I could find no files in any mods loaded after it with a Council_Window file in the GUI folder. I suspect the UnifiedUI mod might be to blame, but it has not been updated since January 9th. I'm posting this to help debug the problem in case others experience the same issue. A new save didn't fix it either. And characters with roles on the RM2 council have retained their roles in the character card describing their relations and roles. I suspect the effects of the council are retained, It's probably a GUI thing.


Load order attached in case it helps others, and let Ban10 quickly dismiss this report in case I've got something incompatible overriding the mod.


Yeah, I was a little worried about other mods overwriting the window_council.gui as well.
You might need to take the file "gui/window_council.gui" and merge / overwrite the Unified UI window_council.
This is what the council Screen should look like now (Vanilla on left, Regula on right)
Notice the tab in the top right to switch between the Regula Council and vanilla council.

I made this change to improve performance of this screen (the original version added a new window on top, which slowed down the game a lot).
Also it fits with vanilla styling.


Edited by ban10
Make the picture a jpg otherwise it was too big
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On 2/6/2024 at 10:30 PM, ban10 said:

Nice, I'm currently using the Education Automation mod on the workshop atm, which works really well.
Its really well done, so I don't think I'll be building it into RM anytime soon

Key difference that my mod (GAA) prioritizes Mulsas and Paelexes for girls and generally prioritizes girls.

However I understand that this is a matter of taste.



Btw, can you please make a list of mods that you consider useful in combination with Regula Magistri mod?


Besides "No Death Cascade" and Education Automation that already were mentioned.


I personally can recommend "Realm Ledger" to manage a big empire and "Advanced Character Search" to find good targets Fascinare scheme.



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I really like the new design of the council tabs. My initial plan is simply to make a small mod with the RM2 window_council.gui only, and load it after my merged mod.

Frankly the only reason I have the Unified UI mod is that there exist a LL mod that makes various LL mods GUI work together, and it requires it. I use none of the mods it was intended for. Overwriting it will work for me.


I hope Irony gets the conflict resolution tool updated to include CK3, as it makes locating conflicts really easy. But I won't bet on it happening.

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11 hours ago, idkwhattoputy said:

I have the council problem as well but have character ui overhaul do I do the same thing you recommend?


Making a small mod with only the gui/window_council.gui file and loading it at the bottom of my load order worked for me.

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Don't know what is caused disappearing a council, but i had the same problem there. solved by placing that mod the last in load order (everything is visible, played 50 years and fine). All i can say, not 100% sure but maybe something with other mods that overwriting window_council.gui file.

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On 1/31/2024 at 10:29 AM, nlihahaha said:

multicultural make game crash .here is logs without other mods.

ck3_20240131_182237.rar 10.85 MB · 3 downloads

I've forgotten what this is referring to now,
What do you mean by "multicultural make game crash", do you mean forming a hybrid culture or changing your current culture?
I checked the save but I couldn't see anything obvious that  you were doing that caused the game crash. There are no hybridise targets so I'm unsure as to what the crash cause is.
Please let me know if you have any more details.

On 2/9/2024 at 8:35 PM, Azidahaka123 said:

Bug Report 
idk but somehow everytime after choose to freeing the magistri, i died. i thought it was disease or others cause of. but i think its a bug

Emperor_Hasteinn_of_Flanders_940_01_30.ck3Fetching info...

It looks like you installed RM in the middle of a game, I checked your faith screen and I can't see any of the Regula faiths loaded in.
You'll have to start a new game to have RM faiths "load" into the world. Faiths are hard-coded so they can't be loaded after a game starts

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Is it possible to add some children / family management directly into RM ?


I'm thinking about a mod like NoDeathCascade (setting a rule to set how much stress a death of a family member will cause to people) and another one I love using (to clear all bastard or bad breed children) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2977869307. The second one could be an action or a decision if you are from the regula magistri that allow player to "remove" (litterally, the children doesn't appear anymore in the family tree). I've look over a similar mod that went missing but did the same job. The decision just set all dead children of the player to be the child of a fixed character of the game (to not break the game). That allow the player to have a "clear" family tree without having 10 or more children dead at a young age.


I've readed that you are going to take a break from developping the mod but that could be 2 small adjustment of the mod that doesn't break too much the mecanics of the mod but still providing the player some usefull tool when you're starting to breed a dozen of queens ^^

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On 2/11/2024 at 3:37 PM, JohnDWizard said:

image.png.1a040bc69a4e4a0520315f6deec79826.pngDoes anyone know why it's not counting my steppe provinces in the second condition? 



It seems to be bug at the moment in that it does not show the percentage correctly. However if you have enough counties it will still activate, so it is only the visual thing that is bugged.

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I wonder if you're going to use the disease system in the DLC for Infecta when that comes out.


Also, I'd like to request an extra game rule to have all Magistrati wear revealing clothing. I just think it'd be funny with the men too.

Edited by Gabe Lincoln
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