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Morrowind Sex/Slavery/Bestiality mods


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I was wondering if anyone knew of such mods as in the title for morrowind. From what I can find there was only a gorangas prostitution pack, friends and lovers and a slavery pack that did not get released.


Anyone know of others?





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Visual sex ?

Almost un-possible, at last using the vanilla engine..

As to text based, Almilia Daughters, and then, some npc, might want to make a tour over Wolflore forum as most (there has been quite some mods who get lost during the year) adult mods.

Account required that said, then, introduction post and at that point, hm, may be access to more than the basic section.

Otherwise, most mods are now over mw.modhistory, quite a big database at this point.

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  • 3 months later...

I know that this is effectively a dead thread and not to blow my own horn (yes, ha ha, puns etc.) but Simple Prostitution System  (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19592/?) is still up.  While SPS is only text based, it is (or was) the most downloaded actually adult, non-body replacer (like there is actually something other than BB), mod for Morrowind on the nexus. Though that is more likely due to the fact that most adult mods aren't allowed on the nexus. The Romance mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/6932/?) is also up and while it has more than twice the number of endorsements it has only half the downloads. But it is more realistic and allows for pregnancy. No bestiality in either as the nexus doesn't allow it, and NPC slavery was going to be added to SPS but a hard drive crash put paid to that plan.  Hope this ramble helps.

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