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skyrim, CHSBHC-Body-Physics mod


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I have used the textures you said and no help, I looks like when I use CHSBHC armors, it makes the breasts larger, but I have scretched nipples on the top side of my characters breast. this is getting frustrating. do you know of a page I can download working textures? nothing I try works

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Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition, I found a page that helps, i'm still trying to fix this prob.  http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12994/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D12994%26preview%3D&pUp=1


I've tried using that mod but with nothing working. installed in that same order, i'm using temptress as my race. when installing these other mods do I overwrite all files when installing? when I take all cloths of my character it's just the standard calientes body not chsbhc.

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your body based on CBBEv3, the armor you want to use based on CHSBHC (CBBEv2)! it is impossible to use this armor, you will always get graphic errors. you only have one chance, you have your body on CBBEv2 "or get it on CHSBHC" switch.
there is still a chance, but I can not promise anything, I have a texture that makes v2 and v3 compatible, try the off operations?


zip.gif chsbhc_norm_spec_fix00.zip


german \ deutsch !


dein körper basiert auf CBBEv3 , die rüstungen die du verwenden möchtest basieren auf CHSBHC ( CBBEv2 ) ! es ist unmöglich diese rüstungen zu verwenden , du wirst immer graphik fehler erhalten . du hast nur eine möglichkeit , du mußt deinen körper auf CBBEv2 " oder auf CHSBHC " umstellen .
es gibt noch eine möglichkeit , aber ich kann nichts versprechen , ich habe eine textur die macht v2 und v3 kompatibel , versuche das eimal ?

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It's more likely the basebody is unp from the shape, I also remember CBBEv3 on CBBEv2 bugs where different (long time ago^^)


There are two solutions

1. Switch to CBBE as base and use CHSBHC/CBBEv2 and CBBEv3 compatible texture they should be still be nexus

2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37546/ set up this so you use CBBEv2 body textures when using your CHSBHC/CBBEv2 body armor mods

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