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A list I can't define.


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Well, first of all, I want to thank Grumpf for the assistance in the mangled account removal, so I could register and watch it work.


I guess, next would be me, I'm a "coder", so to speak, been writing code since I was 11 (look at my profile, please, no dying).  I'm here to basically enjoy the additions the modders here have done and aid and even assist in other projects.  Perhaps aquire some people to help me with finsihing some of mine.


I'll let you all know about my "failings":


  • I haven't moddeled anything since the mid '80's in 3D, so I'm mostly lost there.
  • I can't draw (stick figures require ruler and measurements)
  • I'm artistically dead weight
  • I write code, often late at night and do the stupidest mistakes (people who used Unholy Darkness know)
  • I'm stubborn (just installed SKSE like 2 days ago, had Skyrim the day it came out).
  • I can't get anyone to help me with mods, mainly because I try to fly through them too fast.
  • I have projects on the go and they sit there usually for a year or two before I release them.
  • I can't get scenes to work, can't stand them, they drive me nuts.  My dialogue designs aren't better.

Things I'm "decent" at:


  • Writing scripting, designing scalable scripts to help with usage.
  • Transformation Mod (WIP) allows 128 "victims", NPC and player, mostly accurate, needs art work, etc.
  • I can help others out with their code and improve on them (Curse of Hircine [original]), Unholy Darkness.
  • I'm a sucker for good mod RPing (YAWUW in Oblivion, look it up on the Nexus).
  • Apparently, people seem to jump at my code when I write stuff, some Nexus moderators are shocked at how little people notice them.

Well, I'll stop listing stuff off, because, well, I'll probably cause the forum count to drop to half of what it was either those dying laughing or dying from having read this, most like most of my Readme.txt files, which nobody reads anyways.  Instead, I'll comment on what I'm doing at the moment and list a few things I need help with and perhaps, I'll get lucky and someone (who hasn't died from above) will actually have the strong stomach/heart enough to say hello and offer help.


I'm trying to reproduce the "whole werewolf" from Curse of Hircine (I had my original list of changes still and I'm trying to follow them).  This is what I have so far:


  1. Werewolves change according to moon phase (time changes depending on phase duration)
  2. Werewolves in human form can "meditate" to change faster.
  3. Hircine's Ring helps reduce the "pull to change".
  4. Werewolves/wolves nearby will "urge" you to join the pack sooner.
  5. NPC werewolves (partially working) will feed on kills (makes it harder for you to do so when they get to it first).
  6. Werewolves who feed, level their stomach to keep satisfied.
  7. If satisfied (WIP), going from attack to standing still, will cause you to "relax" enough to change back.
  8. A full werewolf stomach (WIP) will grant % bonuses during the night and day, maintaining the level keeps the bonuses.
  9. All werewolves are independant, are capable of chasing, killing and eating people/animals (this goes for in-town, especially companions).
  10. Companion werewolves WILL attack and try to kill/eat the player who isn't a Companion, they will hunt at night.
  11. Extra strong Werewolf hunters roam the roads looking to kill them.

Things I need:

  1. Someone to help with the dialogue situations, also a redesign of the Companion's escape route, to make it easier for werewolves to sneak back in undetected.  (I tried, it *kinda* works, see my 3d modelling above.)
  2. A way to "infect" others (I believe I found a way, though I think the animation calls something, not sure).
  3. Help with a transform back transformation (because it looks weird going *pop* to normal).
  4. Help with a new transform to werewolf, perhaps one that drops you to the ground on all four and makes you scream in pain and anguish as you change.
  5. (And this one is purely, umm, primal:  Werewolves *getting wild* in the wild.)


My newest mod, is what I'm "code naming" XForm:


  1. A quest that tells you to visit a cave (works, but the dialogues don't, and it's a mess).
  2. Evil wizard turns you into a Draugr Warlord and demands of you to help him get the scroll to turn you back.
  3. Finish the quest in a multitude of ways and you end up with a re-leveling scroll which you can read for spells.
  4. You can transform yourself or up to 127 more NPCs into creatures (sadly, gender-dumb).
  5. These transformations are *glued* to the vicitm for a minimum of 4 hours before another change can happen.
  6. Leaving them unchanged, they permanently stay that way.  (Sadly, their dialogues won't SHUT UP.)
  7. The base transformation code is designed to be subclassed to allow add-on mods to include additional spells.

My original idea was to have a wizard run in, turn you into a horse, get on you, ride you hard to the forest, avoiding his attackers, he'd then hop indoors and leave you tied to a post outside.  You'd yank the post out and, well, run off.  Problem is, you're a horse!  Well, only 2 things you can do, run around and carry someone.  So you'd have to come up with a means of getting the wizard to turn you back, but since he's using you as a ride, you kind of are trapped, so staying with him would help you out.  The biggest problem I found is, people can't climb on a horse player (no idea how to get that to work), so I scrapped it for the "visit the wizard at a cave", where he turns you into his puppet, makes you protect him to get to the final cave room where the scroll containing the magic, can return you to normal.  Well, things he leaves out is, the spell is only held if the caster stays alive, kill the caster and the spell breaks (but doing that is mostly suicidal, since the enemies in there are meant to face a Draugr Warlord).  What I did do, is account for him dying at any time, so if you continue on, you have to face the 3 guardians of the scroll fragments (Draugr Warlords), then when you're done, get the fragments and see the statue, answer a skill testing question and the statue binds the fragments together.  Make 1 mistake, a Draugr Warlord spawns up to kill you.  Make 2 mistakes, 2 show up.  Make a third, the statue removes the fragments, deems you unworthy, turns you into a Draugr Warlord again and spawns 2 more up, who join you to protect the cave from looters.  18 bandits (chief level) come in, then some Vigils (15 of those), then 15 Necromancers show up after that, the problem is, the next group shows up only after you defeat the previous ones, but the Vigils and the Necros like to resurrect the dead before them, making it harder, plus the Necros like to scare the undead away, leaving you to be the only undead to fight.  Thankfully, the dungeon has sections that make it easier to defeat them (time consuming at most).  Now, the regular ending, the wizard would collect all 3 fragments, go to the statue, answer the question, turn around and laugh at you (not working, all the dialogue is broken horribly, I'm just so bad at it), he then transforms into a Draugr Warlord and the two of you have a fight, *BUT*, the race has a bonus, if your health drops below 50%, your spirit will will others to return to their bodies and take up the fight with you.  (Think about that, all those strong undead near you, spawn up to help you out, he dies, you turn back to normal and, umm, they all HATE you!)  So neither way is easy, it's not meant to be!


I'd just love to figure out why the Draugr races make people cringe in town when you're human (but were one, must be an engine bug), would like to get the dialogues working, would like to get a better transformation bubble than the spawn one, because it's too short and you can see through it, would love to see about getting the mod to support or include gendered creatures, since it's annoying not knowing.  Walk up to a horse and a male voice comes out, or a female voice comes out, but they all look the same...  That and the *going wild* idea for this would be a benefit too.  Could see turning a male guard into a big stallion and watching a female guard strip down and play with him, "Didn't see that one coming!"  Or, make npcs into animals so you can watch them breed more.  The possibilities here could be endless.


Like my YAWUW in Oblivion, I was wanting to make these two mods "stepping stones" for others.  And with this being as far as I've seen, one of the only few, widely know modding communities out there other than the Nexus and Steam (sleep zone), I was hoping someone would know how to help!



Oh, on a side note, I was messing with that Niruin's Business Plan, put it from 4pm to 8am on everything, including Auto (meant editing 2 scripts).  I also had the idea of adding "sex coin" objects to the "hooker", to determine how "long the date was", and not using ffHTimeScale.  So your hookers could go off for a quickie or a 3 hour love session.  But there is a script missing and I don't want to go anywhere with it until I solve that.



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Welcome GuruSR, always great to see a modder join the community, especially one with your experience.
The concepts you describe sound very interesting and while I can't offer help at this point I'll certainly keep an eye on this thread. Good luck with your projects.

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It strongly sounds like you are modding for Skyrim, please confirm so I can move this to the relevant game section so it will get more views.


I guess you could, though at one point I do want to return and finish off some of my Oblivion items, but sure, I guess putting this into the Skyrim only section may be better.  I really wasn't sure where to put it, since it really didn't fit into the topics (or at least I didn't think it did and wasn't wanting to ruin my first post on a rule smash).



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