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Show your Skyrim counterpart...

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Guest Plastrader

My Dovahkiin and some horse I stole.

That made me laugh hard, thank you.

And after a while I went to Zero Punctionation to catch up on the reviews.

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this.

Far Cry 3


Sorry for the off topic, I don't have a picture on my Skyrim char.

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My new character Yuki (my Skyrim really hates me so I have to start a new savegame all the time). The name is kinda unoriginal but if you think about it's meaning I think it fits pretty well.







And now I want your opinion: do you think she would look better with long or with short hair?



Great job on the hair coloring. Short for that look is better I think.

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Guest Lehshara


by any chance one of you knows the armor mod i used in this the linked screenshot?



Ask in this thread "What mod is this ?" - Actual advice mallard.

Link: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/2861-what-mod-is-this/




Just created new char.


[spoiler='Image Numbah 1'- BIG]2vje8so.jpg



[spoiler=Image Numbah 2 - BIG]29cbddv.jpg



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Guest Vendayn

What do you guys think? Both are Monli characters.


My new character, changed a bit from the original: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/203782

(^keep in mind the yellow skin is mostly due to the light, if I was to do a screenshot properly I would have found a better location. It was just a
quick screen grab.)


Or my original character: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/117835


So far one friend likes both equally, and another likes the newer one better.


The reason I ask is...well. To be honest, I feel like its like creating artwork. If I was to one day learn to properly draw or do 3d modeling, I would totally create the same kind of characters. Some pervertdness thrown in ;P but I think we all (most) have a bit of that here :P but since its artwork, I like to get feedback and what not. Since spending hours creating characters, takes some...well...heh...time. And its sorta my creation, my artwork in a way. Even if its not exactly the same.

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