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Obvious CTD's due to SexLab 1.15b

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Revert to the 1.14 version.  I also have problems with the latest update, not CTDs though.

If you happen to have a copy of that could you pm it to me by chance? I've been trying to get 1.15b working for the better part of a week and forgot to make shure I had an older version lying around before I updated.

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Revert to the 1.14 version.  I also have problems with the latest update, not CTDs though.

If you happen to have a copy of that could you pm it to me by chance? I've been trying to get 1.15b working for the better part of a week and forgot to make shure I had an older version lying around before I updated.


Lol you poor fellow i know you're looking for a downgrade.


but maybe you're having the same problems i WAS having because 






Long story short, it was def because some mods where overlapping(?) SOS, uninstalled SOS, ran a game... saved it... reinstalled SOS via NMM booted the save back up and HOLY SHIT IM WATCHING MY CHAR HHAVE SEX OMGGGGZZZZZZ




YEAH! pretty fucking stoked. although, im not TOUCHING it for now....

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100% absolutely nothing of significance changed between 1.14 and 1.15b that would cause any of this. 1.15b was entirely a hotfix release, fixing bugs that if anything, would leave you more likely to CTD if left unfixed. It's more likely you didn't update properly, or another mod your install changed between 1.14 to 1.15b resulting in a conflict.


Regardless, if having CTD issues, install 1.15b then try the 1.20 alpha test patch located here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/18708-sexlab-framework-development-updatesfeedbackdiscussion/page-14?do=findComment&comment=479400

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  • 2 weeks later...

The alpha test is no better than 1.15b.  As far as updating properly, I did a complete clean install. I completely uninstalled Sexlab 1.14 and then saved. Then I installed Sexlab 1.15. What else can I do? Did I miss something?


In any event, 1.14 was working fine. Does anyone have a link to 1.14? Or maybe someone has it on their computer and can shoot me a copy.


Here is my load order. For some reason the site is not allowing me to upload my Debug files. I says I'm not allowed to load that type of file???




I know I am running a lot of mods, but I was running the exact same mods with 1.14 and had no issues so I am not sure why 1.15 is having these problems.

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