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Nvidia's "A New Dawn" Nude Mod


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Thanks to a script I found at Xentax, modding Nvidia's "A New Dawn" demo is pretty easy. I've added nipples to Dawn's nude skin (still working on her nether regions), and added some key commands to remove her clothes and the Nvidia logo at the bottom right.

Also attached is the source .psd file I made when adding the nipples. Please feel free to improve on it and/or make your own skin.

Please see the included readme for installation instructions and more detailed information.
The current version is 1.1.1, released August 11, 2013.



A New Dawn Nude Mod

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QuickBMS is crashing for me.

Just after "- select the BMS script or plugin to use" it puts out the following and then a buch of hex code

An error or crash occurred:

*EH* ExceptionCode 800706b5
*EH* ExceptionFlags 00000001
*EH* ExceptionAddress 76e44b32
*EH* NumberParameters 00000000

I run Windows 8, if that means anything.

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I extracted all of the .npk files. After that I moved the .npk files and added the mod files. When I try to run the demo, I get error message saying "Cannot read InitLauncher.txt".


Ah, I forgot that I moved some files into the "bin" folder. Try locating those .txt files and moving them there, alongside the .exes.


I'll have to update the mod to account for these problems, or maybe look for a way to run things without extracting the .npk files...

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I extracted all of the .npk files. After that I moved the .npk files and added the mod files. When I try to run the demo, I get error message saying "Cannot read InitLauncher.txt".


Ah, I forgot that I moved some files into the "bin" folder. Try locating those .txt files and moving them there, alongside the .exes.


I'll have to update the mod to account for these problems, or maybe look for a way to run things without extracting the .npk files...


I moved all .txt files except readme to bin folder and now it's working fine. Thanks for the help and the mod  :)

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