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Whatever you like, it's fine, not bothered about credit either :)


Bugs wise, I note the enforcer doesn't seem to recognise if you redress after being stripped, and still considers you compliant.

Haven't investigated it too much, but it looks to me as if the clothing check is only being done on entering the enforced zone, and then cached from there on in.

The slaver strip call toggles the cached values, and boom compliant even when redressed.

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@Corsec ? I certainly was not calling you out. I look forward to your future contributions. But I am more appreciative for all the contributions to date. 

I had already thought to myself "If I have to build my own varied DD theme I will use the scriptless version". Just makes sense.  Actually my ZAP theme already removes many scripts. But  such a feature is a hard thing to advertise.

I hope you take as much time as desired to recharge your batteries. And appreciate your existing contributions towards this mods outfit themes.


@gollum007 I appreciate it. But I need someone to blame if it breaks things. You will get full credit. ?

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4 hours ago, kaxat said:

@Corsec ? I certainly was not calling you out. I look forward to your future contributions. But I am more appreciative for all the contributions to date. 

I had already thought to myself "If I have to build my own varied DD theme I will use the scriptless version". Just makes sense.  Actually my ZAP theme already removes many scripts. But  such a feature is a hard thing to advertise.

I hope you take as much time as desired to recharge your batteries. And appreciate your existing contributions towards this mods outfit themes.


I tried to make sets for Zaz outfits in the past but I was dissatisfied because there aren't many matching items, just cuffs and collars.


Here's the outfit theme for Non-Devious Devices, it was much easier to make than expected. It allows 3 sets to be assigned- chastity, restrictive and harness and each set has 3 colours (black, red, white) so there will be 9 variations. This is the same as in my other patches.


The 7z file has the plugin for Non-DDs included, it is the same one as on my patch download page, I just included it for convenience. The .json absolutely requires the Non-DD plugin.


Note that I picked only the outfits that allowed the hands and head to stay free, I didn't include gags, armbinders or blindfolds. This is because some of the NPCs who are given these outfits will still have to talk, fight and use idle animations, which will be inconsistent with the full bondage outfits. I usually only give armbinders, gags and blindfolds to NPCs who I can expect to do nothing else except look pretty. Otherwise you will see NPCs talk while gagged, shoot bows while blindfolded and break their armbinder animations when they use idle animations.


I also intend to expand the set of non-DDs at some point in the future, and when I do then this will also need to be updated.


Do with it what you like, I don't need credit but the original author of the Non-DD mod should probably be credited. Non-DDs are available for any modder to use, so feel free.


I used the xEdit script but it output an incorrrect FormID and EditorID so I had to correct it by hand. I don't have a game available to test this so hopefully someone else will test it and report back.


SES Outfit Theme - Slave - Non-Devious Devices Masterlist - No Armbinder Gag or Blindfold 30_10_2022.7z

Edited by Corsec
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@Corsec That. Is. Awesome!!!

It only just hit me how I must have sounded. The multiple times I asked for help with DD themes must have all seemed directed at you. ?They were not. I was mostly concerned I would get blowback for the new DD themes being kind of simple. Don't have to worry about that now. Appreciations.

Would you prefer I link to your Theme from the download page or put it in the FOMOD? Up to you. Either way I'll give credit to you, Kimy, and the gang.

The xEdit script used to export forms has thrice been updated. First to add a trailing quotation mark ". Then to output forms compatible with Oldrim. Those look like this:

"441300|Skyrim.esm",	/* 6BBD4 ArmorMaterialDaedric */

Were the corrupted forms you experienced possible a result of the Oldrim format using decimals instead of hexidecimal? Or were you missing a quotation mark? If it was something else I will revisit the script.

Speaking of Oldrim is your masterlist .esp usually the same between SSE and LE? If so I might do a teeny update to make this Oldrim compatible.

@gollum007 What a fine bug report that is. Led me right to the problem code. Fixed in v0.6. And I am now testing your events for inclusion in that version too.

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@Corsec Man this is an organized plugin file. If this in the FOMOD i think 90% of people are going to choose it.

I was thinking of adding a few Outfits and OutfitSet lists. Mainly I was thinking of colors. Perhaps also an OTFT to take advantage of your OutfitSetZazCuffsandCollar. With those outfits available to the game/json I would create an alternate version of this. It would have a set theme for a couple of cities. Make Markarth the Rope and Cuffs one. Make Winterhold all white. Mostly just to give an example of the city-specific themes. Others can imitate or be inspired to do something actually cool with that feature.

Edit: And to those who don't realize it Corsec's theme is installable and usable now. No need to wait for version 0.6 unless you are on LE.

Edited by kaxat
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I would like to give other mod authors the ability to add functionality to the Enforcer. And use the lists of SexLab available NPCs the Enforcer prepares. Primarily this is intended for xKnallAnder's Slaverun rewrite. He can add scenes specific to his mod like whipping events.

From a technical standpoint I am not sure the best way to do this. Ideally it would function like a mod event but would be syncronous. It would block the Enforcer from continuing to do its thing until the outside mod completes its routine.


So far my best idea is to create some stub scripts. Scripts that have a single function. Give it a name like ses_pre_enforcer_sex() and have it be an empty function that does essentially nothing. But it gets called during the Enforcer run. And an outside mod can override it and then do its thing. This not a very tidy way to go about things. But its the best I have come up. Further it would only allow one mod to inject functionality. Ideally any modder should be able to take advantage of this and not just xKnall.

Not sure where to ask technical questions like the above. Decided to start here. If you do not know the answer perhaps you know of a better spot to ask this question? Somewhere knowledgeable modders congregate.

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22 hours ago, kaxat said:

We are still waiting on people skilled with xEdit to add more outfit themes. At present the only outfit themes for Free woman do not give them interesting new clothes. Just prevent stripping of old ones. Sad face. But hopefully with a fe

Ohhhh, kk, sounds sweet, thanks for letting us know! Very exciting! 

22 hours ago, Corsec said:

Yeah, yeah, I get the hint but I almost didn't notice since you were being so subtle.

Also, lol

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8 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

Maybe you could release a version 4.5 where you fixed the guard approaches but don't modify the DDs. That should work on LE.

I already released a preview version of 0.6 that fixes all known LE issues.


I have since patched a couple more minor things in the upcoming 0.6. Some Papyrus errors that are harmless but present. The final version is still a bit away.


Supporting LE has ended up consuming a ton of time. I did not intend that. I fully sympathize with people who don't upgrade. A lot of work is involved upgrading. But a lot of work is involved in supporting a less stable, uglier, outdated platform. By supporting it I have unintentionally limited the features I can add for SSE users. That is not great. If I had clairvoyance at the outset I would have dropped LE support. Just offered to support some other modder who might want to maintain it. But now that I've spent 30% of my time supporting LE I have succumb the sunk cost fallacy. Might as well keep doing it. Which more or less punishes the SSE users.

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The first time I replied in this thread I was still playing on LE, but since then I have finally upgraded to SE and I'm so glad I did!

The game looks so much better, loads way faster, with better fps on top of that! Every mod (but one) I had on LE have a working, more up to date version on SE... 

So if anyone is on the fence about switching, I'd say just do it, it's worth it!



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@NoppaiKohai Sincerest apologies for that. Download this version: Slaverun Enforcer - Standsalone v0_6 Preview.7z It has seen a decent bit of testing. Turns out it would have been good enough for its own release. But I was hesitant.

I will release a newer version of it soon. And you should update when that happens. But no harm using this while we wait.


@Cleave That was my experience too. For the longest time I stayed on LE. Thought my ENB preset already gave me everything SE had to offer. I was deeply mistaken.

What impressed me most took months to appreciate. The stability of it. The .Net Script Framework creates a new timestamped crash log every time you CTD. On a heavily modded game I go months without crashing. Not bad for a save that is approaching 500hr of playtime. I have not had the best hygiene with this save either. Still never crashes.


@Onomatophobia I wish I knew. ? I will keep working at it. In the mean time I think most people will find that Reloaded is less likely to conflict with this installed. In my experience the majority of conflicts between Reloaded and other mods and quests was actually caused by the Enforcer. This is why I started working on it. Fixing bugs and preventing conflicts. Its not perfect but its a lot better.

If you don't want to wait an unknown amount of time until this fully stands on its own try it! You might be surprised. Obviously you do not want the story quests. So use the cheats MCM option. You will get offered the chance to skip all the story quests. Skip until Skyrim is fully enslaved. No quest bugs because you skipped those. Only thing left running is the Enforcer. I should write a tutorial for this. Do not think most people realize how easy it is to skip the entire story and just be left with the Enforcer.

Edited by kaxat
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It's OK, you prodded me into action, I was holding off because I thought that I'd have to manually add every item combo into the json rather than just link to an outfit.


Do what you like, there are no restrictions, feel free, no need for credit or permission from me (but probably should credit the non-DD author). Putting it in the fomod is OK, if you want, it seems like that'd be more convenient for users rather than to make it a seperate download. Just note that I'll probably update the masterlist at some point to include more stuff, but I'll keep the same outfit so only the masterlist would need to be changed and not the json. It should be compatible with future updates.


The DD outfit sets I made for LE can be easily ported to SSE in case anyone wants to use it. The downside is that they are scripted, but if anyone wants it I can set it up just as easily as the non-DD theme. Maybe users would like a chouice between DDs and non-DDs, but they should be warned about overloading Papyrus with too many DD scripts.


The non-DD masterlist should have the same name and FormIDs and EditorIDs in the SSE and LE versions. However the Non-DD and DD versions are different, DD doesn't have a masterlist for LE.


If you tell me what material/colour combos you want, and give me some info on what each city should have, then I can just build the levelled lists for them into the non-DD masterlist and setup the outfits ready to be used. I already have matching Zaz items setup, I didn't implement them already because I was annoyed by the lack of matching torso items.

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2 hours ago, ald134 said:

I tried the 0.6 preview and the zaz jason doesn't apply any outfit, free female don't strip even thought the option is on. Enforcer doesn't strip me either. I'm on se

Have you started the slaverun quest? Is any city enslaved yet? Nothing happens unless you progress the quest, or use the cheat in the mcm to skip everything 

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20 hours ago, Kunoichi Shiro said:

Don't know why but when I enable Slaverun Enforcer my game just crashes shortly after starting. I'm not sure what causes it, Slaverun Reloaded itself works fine.

Are there any mods Slaverun Enforcer is incompatible with?

No known conflicts. Could you share a .Net Script Framework crash log? That could help get to the bottom of it. Thanks.


15 hours ago, ald134 said:

I tried the 0.6 preview and the zaz jason doesn't apply any outfit, free female don't strip even thought the option is on. Enforcer doesn't strip me either. I'm on se


Would you mind enabling Papyrus Logs and trying this once more. If it still does not work could you share the Papyrus0.log file. As well as the SES0.log and SESDetailed0.log that can be found inside the "User" folder. Right next to where the usual Papyrus0.log is found.

Also would you mind sharing a screenshot of your MCM Nudity Law page? Then we can look at your settings.

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1 hour ago, kaxat said:

No known conflicts. Could you share a .Net Script Framework crash log? That could help get to the bottom of it. Thanks.

I would love to but Net Script Framework doesn't work with Skyrim AE or 1.6.x and upwards and I have 1.6.353. Is there another mod that logs crashes? 

OR is it because of 1.6.353 that the game crashes with the Enforcer?


All I can do now is to test it by slowly sorting out what causes the trouble

Edit: I have to many mods to just sort it out. oof

2nd Edit: Is Enforcer dependent on Net Script Framework?

Edited by Kunoichi Shiro
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@Kunoichi Shiro Ouch. That was a useful mod. Did not realize it was not AE compatible.

This mod does not rely on the .NET one. It is just great for crash logs. Without those we can still look at Papyrus logs. If you want to upload those 3 log files I mentioned in the last post they might reveal something. And a mod load order could help too. Unfortunately they might also reveal nothing.

Does v0.4 break for you too?

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20 minutes ago, kaxat said:

@Kunoichi Shiro Ouch. That was a useful mod. Did not realize it was not AE compatible.

This mod does not rely on the .NET one. It is just great for crash logs. Without those we can still look at Papyrus logs. If you want to upload those 3 log files I mentioned in the last post they might reveal something. And a mod load order could help too. Unfortunately they might also reveal nothing.

Does v0.4 break for you too?

Well I do have the papyrus0.log but no SES0.log or SESDetailed0.log files or even a folder called User.

Yes V0.4 also breaks

And I have no clue what "sethirelingrehire3dnpc" means


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@Kunoichi Shiro @kaxat I may have identified at least one alternative to the .Net script framework's crash logger, to switch to with a search on Nexus Mods. The alternatives are as follows: -

  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51230 (Crash Log SE)
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59596 (Crash Logger)
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 (Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB

These all provide crash logs for when Skyrim SE version 1.6 crashes, are all SKSE64 plugins but developed for the 1.6 family of the game. For all of them the source code is available, so that if you happen to be able to develop C++ you can supply patches to help development. Note though that the first option has the source code available on request, you will need to contact the author to obtain it, however the other two have the code available on GitHub. Easier to access and work with when aiding development, if you wish to do so.


@Kunoichi Shiro Though to get the new crash logs from one these mods then you will need to reproduce the crash you had, in order to trigger one of the above options to produce a log. The bottom option for crash logger may be your best option to choose as it's the most up to date and can gather likely enough information to really help pin down crashes.

Edited by Leoosp
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Did you once have a mod installed called Interesting NPCs? Great mod. Uses the "3dnpc" bit in most of its logs. This might be from an integration to that mod or the main mod itself. Either way likely unrelated.

Thanks @Leoosp One of those would be a good substitute.

The User folder will be created once the Enforcer starts its routine. If you don't have a User folder that's an indication the game is crashing before the mod really starts.

I would install a proper crash logger. I also suspect this log is not from a crashed game. You mentioned that it takes a few seconds before it crashes. This log does not contain a few seconds only 1. Very rare for a log to be that short unless you CTD within 1 second of opening the game. Usually it takes longer than that just to get to the main menu.

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33 minutes ago, Leoosp said:

Though to get the new crash logs from these mods then you will need to reproduce the crash you had, in order to trigger one of the above options to produce a log. The bottom option for crash logger may be your best option to choose as it's the most up to date and can gather likely enough information to really help pin down crashes.


@Leoosp Well thank you for your help

@kaxat and here are crash logs from the third mod @Leoosp sent here

No I don't use Interesting NPCs


crash-2022-11-02-18-38-20.log CrashLogger.log

Edited by Kunoichi Shiro
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