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I'm having trouble with this mod... every time I talk to a man with my female character, and get him to agree to have sex, when ever I say "I'm in the mood for anything." and then say "Let's just see where things take us." he does what the woman is supposed to do, and I do what he's supposed to do... In other words, then man keeps getting on his knees or bending over and sticks his face in my crotch and starts sucking a dick that's not even there, because I'm a woman. And then i start fucking him up the ass with my non-existing dick, when he should be fucking my pussy! I'm at my wits end and had to uninstall all of my mods, before I could track it to this mod. I'm begging you, somebody, please help me! it's driving me mad!


Hi Irarecelt, in the MCM of this mod, there is an option where you can set that Female player/ follower takes the victim role. Have you ticked that box?

However to me it sounds this is not a problem of SexLab submit, because that hasn't got dialog options (if I remember correctly). Could it be that you have Sexlab Romance or Approach? if you have Random Sex, there is an option in that that says "male takes male position". Make sure you tick that box as well.

I hope this solves your problem?



I have ticked it and unticked it. Nothing works. And it seems to only have this problem with the "Let's just see where things take us." option... well that and when I have a threesome. (with two men who don't even strip) anyway, the only sex mods I have installed. are Sex Lab Frameworks, Aroused, Defeat, and Submit. When I uninstall Submit, I lose the dialogue options. And, as I said before, I already uninstalled all my mods and reinstalled them, one by one, and tested to see if I would have the problem, and didn't even get the dialogue options, until I finally reinstalled Submit...

Razor rule: If you eliminate everything else, then no matter how improbable the answer, it is the only answer... It's the Submit mod that is enabling and causing this unwanted behavior.


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Read the dialogs carefully for the seduction options.  There are usually 2 options, 1 that puts the PC in the 'male' position, 1 that puts the PC in the female position, usually in that order (1st response=male, 2nd response-female).  Carefully read the dialog and you will see the difference.

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Read the dialogs carefully for the seduction options.  There are usually 2 options, 1 that puts the PC in the 'male' position, 1 that puts the PC in the female position, usually in that order (1st response=male, 2nd response-female).  Carefully read the dialog and you will see the difference.


That's really how it works?... So nothings wrong then, It's merely doing what it's supposed to do and I don't like it... That 's pretty odd, though... "Lets just see where things take us." is the first option and "Why don't you surprise me?" is the second... But they both sound feminine to me. But, "surprise me" also sound like your potentially setting yourself up for anal sex, scat, and water sports; which I don't like. Also, when initiating a threesome, the first option is "let's get more comfortable with each other" which also sounds feminine, and the second us "Now get over here and do dirty things to me." Which I originally thought sounded commanding, so I figured a man would be saying it, but now that I've considered the context (do dirty things to me) I guess that also sounds feminine....

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Hello friendly and helpful people :D This probably isnt a problem with submit but rather with Submit+devious devices follower friendly. I started crashing all the time every time a bandit is about to apply the restraints (after getting up from bleedout after sex). Was wondering if anyone could see whats happening in this log. 


I should add it was working for the longest time and im not sure what changed but it may have been getting put into prison (with prison overhaul) but im really not sure. This log takes place days after being released.


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I've also had a constant CTD yesterday when i tried submit with bandits when they tried to tie me after rape. Throwing in a wild guess: Could it be that in the newest ZAZ version 555 the hogtie animation was named differently or something like that changed? I updated ZAZ framework for the newest prison overhaul, and it is from early july, while submit is from late june.

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Hello friendly and helpful people :D This probably isnt a problem with submit but rather with Submit+devious devices follower friendly. I started crashing all the time every time a bandit is about to apply the restraints (after getting up from bleedout after sex). Was wondering if anyone could see whats happening in this log. 


I should add it was working for the longest time and im not sure what changed but it may have been getting put into prison (with prison overhaul) but im really not sure. This log takes place days after being released.



I've also had a constant CTD yesterday when i tried submit with bandits when they tried to tie me after rape. Throwing in a wild guess: Could it be that in the newest ZAZ version 555 the hogtie animation was named differently or something like that changed? I updated ZAZ framework for the newest prison overhaul, and it is from early july, while submit is from late june.

It was stated somewhere above that submit doesn't seem to work correctly with Sexlab 1.58b so if you're using that, there's your problem. 

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I sometimes get random crashes when I submit to creatures, I've attached a log of the most recent time it happened.

Edit: I just got a crash after I submitted to 2 bandits and pressed the submit key to try to undo my bindings (papyrus file included, it's the second one) 

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I just started a new game with the most recent build of PapyrusUtils here, and made a quick test of 5 successive rounds of submit with my nice friends of  Druadach Redoubt, who are always happy to oblige. No crashes. Hope it stays that way.


*edit* after lot of tests, still no crashes.

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I just started a new game with the most recent build of PapyrusUtils here, and made a quick test of 5 successive rounds of submit with my nice friends of  Druadach Redoubt, who are always happy to oblige. No crashes. Hope it stays that way.


*edit* after lot of tests, still no crashes.

I can confirm this as working with SL 1.57. I used to almost always crash when I surrendered to creatures (specifically wolves) right after I used the newest papyrusutils I successfully submitted to a group of 3 wolves twice! Thank you for posting this Aleanne  :D.  

Edit: I am having some issues with this new Papyrus conflicting with Schlongs of Skyrim though. It says <missing schlong> in the place of where all the schlongs should be after I load a game and I can't change the options of it. I'm also getting a bug were the draugr animations won't trigger at all even with matchmaker when I use the new papyrus, it seems a little buggy.


Edit to edit: I tried using papyrusutilv22 and that also seems to solve all of the crashing issues and I don't get the issues with Schlongs of skyrim or any of the creatures either. On a side note, do the multiple draugr/falmer/spider animation work with this mod? I can't seem to get them to trigger when submitting to a group of draugr. 

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I just started a new game with the most recent build of PapyrusUtils here, and made a quick test of 5 successive rounds of submit with my nice friends of  Druadach Redoubt, who are always happy to oblige. No crashes. Hope it stays that way.


*edit* after lot of tests, still no crashes.

I can confirm this as working with SL 1.57. I used to almost always crash when I surrendered to creatures (specifically wolves) right after I used the newest papyrusutils I successfully submitted to a group of 3 wolves twice! Thank you for posting this Aleanne  :D.  

Edit: I am having some issues with this new Papyrus conflicting with Schlongs of Skyrim though. It says <missing schlong> in the place of where all the schlongs should be after I load a game and I can't change the options of it. I'm also getting a bug were the draugr animations won't trigger at all even with matchmaker when I use the new papyrus, it seems a little buggy.


Edit to edit: I tried using papyrusutilv22 and that also seems to solve all of the crashing issues and I don't get the issues with Schlongs of skyrim or any of the creatures either. On a side note, do the multiple draugr/falmer/spider animation work with this mod? I can't seem to get them to trigger when submitting to a group of draugr. 


Belisario reported some problems with SOS and the latest Papyrusutil.

AFAIK, Submit only handles 1-on-1 action, be it humans or creatures.


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Running into a problem with my submit that I thought was fixed. I was having problems with Submit and the problem was "death proof" auto submit was not working. I would just die and then the bandits would strip me and the sounds for the animations would start then the game would reload. So I checked every thing on the forums for this and they said there was a problem with SL 1.58b so I went back to 1.57. Still did not fix anything. then I noticed my game keep crashing so I ran TES5edit and found my load order was shifted. I run Skyrim redone so I had to update my java cause the reprocer was not working. So after all that I tested it out and got a Submit once I got everything back and running. the next day my game refuses to do anything but the speech options (Which are awesome)  all enemy's refuse my surrender and I put my threshold up to 75 percent for auto surrender and nothing happens till I get to 0 health and then die and get striped. 


Does any body have any idea how I can fix this?

Also I'm a novice when it comes to Modding so if answer involves going into folders and messing with code. please answer like I have very little experience.

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I had a weird problem pop up...installed the latest version (it's been a while since I've played) and while the game doesn't CTD, I can't seem to use the Submit keybind. Before, I had the key bound  and it worked fine (I play on a gamepad), but for some reason pressing the Submit version does nothing, and also the option to ask for sex no longer appears. Anyone got any ideas what might be going on? Thanks in advance, people... :cool:

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I had a weird problem pop up...installed the latest version (it's been a while since I've played) and while the game doesn't CTD, I can't seem to use the Submit keybind. Before, I had the key bound  and it worked fine (I play on a gamepad), but for some reason pressing the Submit version does nothing, and also the option to ask for sex no longer appears. Anyone got any ideas what might be going on? Thanks in advance, people... :cool:

Other than to check the mcm menu to make sure everything is properly ticked (my default the ask for sex option is disabled for f/f and m/m) maybe try reinstalling. As for the key bind, the shout doesn't work unless you have your weapon out and, personally, I don't use a gamepad so I can't comment on if this supports game-pad. There have been some issues reported with the most recent papyrus including in sl 1.57 and sl 1.58b so I'd suggest going here http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/484-papyrusutil/ and downloading the v22 and overwriting the one included in sl. 

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I had a weird problem pop up...installed the latest version (it's been a while since I've played) and while the game doesn't CTD, I can't seem to use the Submit keybind. Before, I had the key bound  and it worked fine (I play on a gamepad), but for some reason pressing the Submit version does nothing, and also the option to ask for sex no longer appears. Anyone got any ideas what might be going on? Thanks in advance, people... :cool:

Other than to check the mcm menu to make sure everything is properly ticked (my default the ask for sex option is disabled for f/f and m/m) maybe try reinstalling. As for the key bind, the shout doesn't work unless you have your weapon out and, personally, I don't use a gamepad so I can't comment on if this supports game-pad. There have been some issues reported with the most recent papyrus including in sl 1.57 and sl 1.58b so I'd suggest going here http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/484-papyrusutil/ and downloading the v22 and overwriting the one included in sl. 



Oddly enough, when I went from having my character go from a lesbian to a bi sexual, the option to ask for sex re-appeared, but I still can't use the shout key bind (i have it as up on the gamepad). I think you might be on to something about the latest updates messing stuff up...I'll have to check your link and see if anything there can help me...thanks for that.

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