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I'm on LE and so far everything works great! Granted, there's probably a lot before me, but so far - no problem whatsoever.

What a fucking awesome and creative mod. I love its concept and DD's going beyond the usual "lol, pretty chick in bondage gear."

So far I noticed few bugs - Dremora Servant suffers from face/body texture mismatch (brown face bug). The pillory disappears after sex (the dialogue suggests this shouldn't be the case). The dialogue with the altar that gives you the option to fuck Dremora after you're free does not cause any action, the player still needs to accept the original deal in order to proceed.

Also - the gag is invisible for me. I dunno why.

Another thing - I was able to solve all the puzzles on my own. It took some time, but was absolutely manageable. One thing however was counterintuitive and not in line with other puzzles - the harness.



While all the other puzzles require single, predictable action to remove them, the harness requires repetitive action. There are no actual indicators to suggest you need to do the action few times. Figuring this out took me too much time and was a little bit frustrating, as I felt there's a clue missing. Something you might want to address in the future @Frayed


Edited by kapibar
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18 hours ago, kapibar said:

the harness.

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While all the other puzzles require single, predictable action to remove them, the harness requires repetitive action. There are no actual indicators to suggest you need to do the action few times. Figuring this out took me too much time and was a little bit frustrating, as I felt there's a clue missing. Something you might want to address in the future @Frayed



While i already forgot the details...


The book says how daedric magic is unpredictable and the harness was enchanted with that spell. It says how it does random things so you just have to keep trying.


But i know it's a bit obscure to rely on reading books ?


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40 minutes ago, Zaflis said:


While i already forgot the details...

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The book says how daedric magic is unpredictable and the harness was enchanted with that spell. It says how it does random things so you just have to keep trying.


But i know it's a bit obscure to rely on reading books ?


I did read that. And sorry, it is NOT helpful or clear in this scenario. I had no problem with other puzzles, but this one was - in my opinion - counterintuitive and the instructions were rather vague and didn't suggest the proper course of action clearly.

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On 3/22/2023 at 10:12 PM, Frayed said:
On 3/22/2023 at 3:58 PM, Sir_SodaCan said:

I removed the belt, but after it was uneqipped and the animation played another belt was equipped, which I think is stopping me from removing the harness and progressing, any solution to this?

How bizarre. Is it the same belt from the quest? If so, spawn in the key again through the console and unlock it, I think that should be possible. If it's a different kind of belt, then it's some unintended mod conflict/interaction, and you'll need to remove it by whatever other means the originating mod provides.

I've got this happening too, I've played it before, but I'm wondering if the DD update broke something, I have the same issues with SLUTS redux now too.Ā  It "removes" items only to have them re-equip.Ā  Everything has been fine with all the prior items, and I came in with zero devices already on, just because I know it causes issues.


I unlock it, it drops on the ground yet as soon as I close the inventory, the belt re-equips on my body, yet there is still one on the ground.

Edited by RileyAP
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18 hours ago, RileyAP said:

I've got this happening too, I've played it before, but I'm wondering if the DD update broke something, I have the same issues with SLUTS redux now too.Ā  It "removes" items only to have them re-equip.Ā  Everything has been fine with all the prior items, and I came in with zero devices already on, just because I know it causes issues.


I unlock it, it drops on the ground yet as soon as I close the inventory, the belt re-equips on my body, yet there is still one on the ground.

Maybe you had a bugged chastity belt on before starting the quest?

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On 4/4/2023 at 10:30 PM, Naraku02 said:

sameĀ  for me.


The paralysis effect stays, even after the timer ends.

We need a lot more information about mods you have because it is a bug that cannot be reproduced easily, or i don't know how. Very likely you installed some dependency mod with wrong version or not at all. Maybe old version of this mod itself?


Have you used other DD furnitures (contraptions) with your mods?

Edited by Zaflis
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On 4/6/2023 at 2:14 AM, Zaflis said:

We need a lot more information about mods you have because it is a bug that cannot be reproduced easily, or i don't know how. Very likely you installed some dependency mod with wrong version or not at all. Maybe old version of this mod itself?


Have you used other DD furnitures (contraptions) with your mods?

No, I installed the most recent version, same for all others mods (The sexlabs, Devious Devices (Laura's Shop, deviously cursed loot, Stories, Lore and Helpers). I also have the last version of Zaz

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2 hours ago, Desiree42 said:

That was the first thing I tried.I just get the message that I can't interact with the device, and the demora servant just keeps saying generic lines

Did you turn camera towards the dremora? The crosshair might be invisible but you need to aim.

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Possibly a question you cannot answer because of spoilers, but I'll give it a shot anyway. This first part did a callback to the quest with Clavicus Vile and Barbas, and it seems like taking the deal will affect the story. So I'm wondering: are there any quests, such as other Daedric quests, that will influence the story in future parts?


Or am I overthinking and the only thing the Clavicus quest does is affect the dialogue and you still could take the deal anyway, just with a different dialogue?

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On 4/1/2023 at 1:13 AM, Devil Trigger said:

Bug report: I'm completely unable to move after getting down from a totally invisible restraint pole.
Its the exact same issue as @Evikleun

Got the same problem. while I don't know what causes it I found a way to get unstuck, just use the console command "pushactoraway 00000014 1" after getting off of the invisible pole and it'll ragdoll you, allowing you to move freely. my guess is that the player gets stuck on the rug? and then maybe its a rug replacer issue?(I'm using rugnorok) idk I'm just talking out my ass at that point cause I don't know shit about how mods work with each other.

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4 hours ago, Lilith Bloodmoor said:

Hey there,


short question: is there any forced sex in this mod?


Not forced forced, but you are kidnapped. And there is a part where:Ā 


You have to negotiate sex to complete a bit of the puzzle. The conversation can easily fall underĀ dubious consent, depending on sensibilities. There is dialogue path to leave the sex for "after the escape" but that conversation is kinda glitchy, at least on LE, and I don't remember whether it is actually possible to skip the sex. Hopefully an update will fix this part, because I'm not sure you can actually get away from "paying".


At the end, however, you can volunteer for more escape games, so future quests will apparently be consensual if you do that.


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Been a while again and I've been working hard on part 2, which is coming along nicely. I think I have about 30-40% finished now. Recently I spent some time on decorating some relevant rooms, a work-in-progress of which you can see in the teaser below:




Some commentary:

The playable space of part 2 will be much larger than part 1, which is intentional: for part 1 I deliberately kept it simple, but for this one I wanted to make some interesting environments to play in. This does bring some design challenges: the player will need more guidance on where to go, since there will simply be more possible places to go to. And of course it's more work to design these environments, but they're also just plain fun to make. I'm particularly enjoying playing with lighting to really make these scenes pop - the next teaser I post will probably show this off more.


Anyway, some replies:


On 3/28/2023 at 5:39 PM, kapibar said:

I'm on LE and so far everything works great! Granted, there's probably a lot before me, but so far - no problem whatsoever.

What a fucking awesome and creative mod. I love its concept and DD's going beyond the usual "lol, pretty chick in bondage gear."

So far I noticed few bugs - Dremora Servant suffers from face/body texture mismatch (brown face bug). The pillory disappears after sex (the dialogue suggests this shouldn't be the case). The dialogue with the altar that gives you the option to fuck Dremora after you're free does not cause any action, the player still needs to accept the original deal in order to proceed.

Also - the gag is invisible for me. I dunno why.

Another thing - I was able to solve all the puzzles on my own. It took some time, but was absolutely manageable. One thing however was counterintuitive and not in line with other puzzles - the harness.


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While all the other puzzles require single, predictable action to remove them, the harness requires repetitive action. There are no actual indicators to suggest you need to do the action few times. Figuring this out took me too much time and was a little bit frustrating, as I felt there's a clue missing. Something you might want to address in the future @Frayed



Thanks for the praise and the bug reports ? brown face bug might be - I play with the fix mod so I may not have tested for it properly after I modified something. Noted and will check at some point. Deal dialogue bug is known, will fix it next patch. Invisible gag could be a few things: if you're playing as a beast race you'll need the BRRF patch, or sometimes DD messes up a bit during quest start when all the devices are equipped and won't properly equip the rendered device. This is the infamous script load / script interrupt bug, I think, exacerbated by the fact I equip a lot of devices in one script call. I have an idea for (yet another attempt at) a solution, but it requires some rework and testing. The harness will get some changes next patch to make it slightly easier/clearer.


On 3/31/2023 at 12:08 AM, RileyAP said:

I've got this happening too, I've played it before, but I'm wondering if the DD update broke something, I have the same issues with SLUTS redux now too.Ā  It "removes" items only to have them re-equip.Ā  Everything has been fine with all the prior items, and I came in with zero devices already on, just because I know it causes issues.


I unlock it, it drops on the ground yet as soon as I close the inventory, the belt re-equips on my body, yet there is still one on the ground.


I personally still haven't seen this bug and don't think this is something on my end, but I'll check.


On 4/1/2023 at 9:13 AM, Devil Trigger said:

Bug report: I'm completely unable to move after getting down from a totally invisible restraint pole.
Its the exact same issue as @Evikleun


On 4/4/2023 at 9:30 PM, Naraku02 said:

sameĀ  for me.


The paralysis effect stays, even after the timer ends.


Paralysis is a bit fickle - I'm not sure what causes this, and it never happens for me. But since this has now been reported a few times I'll see if I can find the cause.


On 4/6/2023 at 6:55 AM, Desiree42 said:

Hey having a bug where the dremora servant just stands there after I enter the pillory


This part is admittedly a bit awkward: you should be able to start a conversation with him at this point, but for some reason it needs a few seconds delay after he stops before the conversation can trigger. I'm not entirely sure why this delay is here - I might change some stuff around to improve this part, since I'm not entirely happy with it anyway.


On 4/14/2023 at 8:57 PM, Viri1 said:

Possibly a question you cannot answer because of spoilers, but I'll give it a shot anyway. This first part did a callback to the quest with Clavicus Vile and Barbas, and it seems like taking the deal will affect the story. So I'm wondering: are there any quests, such as other Daedric quests, that will influence the story in future parts?


Or am I overthinking and the only thing the Clavicus quest does is affect the dialogue and you still could take the deal anyway, just with a different dialogue?


Spoilers mostly in terms of game design:


Sort of yes, but you are also overthinking it. Tie-ins to vanilla quests are fun, but I can't assume the player has or has not done them when they play my mod without building in a quest complete requirement (which I don't really want to have) - whatever I do has to ideally work for both cases. So the Clavicus dialogue is explicitly written ambiguously to be either before he split from Barbas or after he is reunited. Technically it doesn't cover the option where you killed Barbas, but let's be honest, I don't want to be accommodating those heartless bastards anyway ? (/s).


As for future parts: (Wait, then) Play And Find Out ?


13 hours ago, Lilith Bloodmoor said:

Hey there,


short question: is there any forced sex in this mod?


Short non-spoiler answer: probably yes.

Much muuuch longer more spoilery answer:


As Viri1 mentioned, the story involves getting abducted and having sex-related things (via Devious Devices) forced upon you. There is also a part where another character practically tries to blackmail you into sex, but this is designed both mechanically and lorewise to be avoidable. A bug in the current version apparently makes it unavoidable - this will be fixed next version.


In general, my approach is that some things are outside of your control, such as another character's motivations, or certain events that need to happen in order for the story to be told at all. In this sense, the kidnapping is essential to the story, the Devious Devices and their use are essential to the antagonist's story, and the character trying to blackmail you is defining of their character. You as the player should be able to react to these circumstances however you wish - this is reflected e.g. in the dialogue with the antagonist, and in the fact that a clever enough player/character should be able to talk their way out of the blackmail.


There is definitely room for improvement on this front. To be honest, some mods on this site treat consent, or rather lack of it in a way I personally find somewhat tactless and in some cases disturbing. I do not want this mod to be like that, but the story I want to tell inherently involves some level of non-consent.


At a mechanical level, the dremora is a good example: in earlier versions, you could talk your way out of his deal but it required a speech stat check. This bothered me at some point, because that meant I was not giving the player a way out - your character either had the stats or didn't. Sure, I could've just hidden a uber speech potion somewhere, but that felt like a cop-out. So now it's a dialogue puzzle (with infinite tries, actually). This puts the power in the hands of the player, while still maintaining the element of non-consent on a story level.


I'll admit I've been thinking about this more since playing through Laura's Bondage Shop which, no spoilers, has a very good story but not always a very fun story. With Trappings I try to walk the line of "always fun for the player, either fun or traumatizing for the character", which is a very thin and strange line to walk. We'll have to wait and see if it's possible.


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Update v1.2.0 (2023/04/23):
- Made harness puzzle less tedious by reducing incentive duration, animation duration and making the hints a bit clearer.
- Changed/fixed dialogue regarding a promise to a servant to give the player more options.
- Fixed a servant's forcegreet dialogue after you fulfilled your end of a bargain.
- Changed quest start to use a scene instead of one big script, hopefully making it run more reliably for people with high script load.
- Added check and behaviour for what a green statue should do when certain devices are already removed.
- Changes to Something Indented scripts to hopefully fix issues where it wasn't working for some people.
- Added short delay to a few more triggerboxes that were missed in the previous patch.
- Added a few more hints: one for when player has a certain key but a certain thing is still up, one for when player forgot to pick up said certain key.
- Small changes to hints dialogue for clarity.
- Nerfed HP of an enemy in A Snare to Loosen.
- Fixed missing facegen data for a servant.


I did not change anything explicitly regarding the permanent paralysis issue people have reported during the start of the quest, because I do not yet know for sure how it happens. If it still happens, let me know. I checked the belt device logic for the belt dupe issue people reported, but I didn't find anything. I strongly suspect it's another mod's interference.

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2 hours ago, Frayed said:


Update v1.2.0 (2023/04/23):
- Made harness puzzle less tedious by reducing incentive duration, animation duration and making the hints a bit clearer.
- Changed/fixed dialogue regarding a promise to a servant to give the player more options.
- Fixed a servant's forcegreet dialogue after you fulfilled your end of a bargain.
- Changed quest start to use a scene instead of one big script, hopefully making it run more reliably for people with high script load.
- Added check and behaviour for what a green statue should do when certain devices are already removed.
- Changes to Something Indented scripts to hopefully fix issues where it wasn't working for some people.
- Added short delay to a few more triggerboxes that were missed in the previous patch.
- Added a few more hints: one for when player has a certain key but a certain thing is still up, one for when player forgot to pick up said certain key.
- Small changes to hints dialogue for clarity.
- Nerfed HP of an enemy in A Snare to Loosen.
- Fixed missing facegen data for a servant.


I did not change anything explicitly regarding the permanent paralysis issue people have reported during the start of the quest, because I do not yet know for sure how it happens. If it still happens, let me know. I checked the belt device logic for the belt dupe issue people reported, but I didn't find anything. I strongly suspect it's another mod's interference.

I will reinstall this mod and later i put feedback.?

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