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Sexy mods for total war warhammer 3

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On 9/30/2023 at 10:44 PM, Sulivar said:

it will still take me a little more time, for the frame and the animations I had to start again with a custom frame then I retouched everything for the three sword animation, I actually spent a lot of time above, doing something nice with so little polygon available to stay at a suitable fps level is not easy, I probably took a level or two in mesh optimization by force, still some editing to do at the mouth and skin textures then finish the armor.

I also started a rework on these combat stats to stick to the character, I also made another version in parelle for the four-sword fight based on the animation of the keeper of secrets.







Very impressive! I can't wait to see the version with some more armor parts.


Any chance you give her a more alluring/temptress idle animation? 
like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3197/

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Sorry for the delay, I was quite busy with something else, for Karia I spent the weekend on it, I started from scratch, well almost, I kept the body and redid the rest and I almost finished it I still have some adjustments to make, available in two or three days with procedural textures made in blender then export with a baking adjuster specially for the game. I also redid the weightpaint for more flexible animation, there remains some slight incorrect deformation on this point but only for a few fps on the joint of the rear arms and visible if you pause at the right time but it remains very light.

I would correct this for a new version but this one works well and is much more pleasant to look at.

For optimization I have no slowdown but I have a big machine so for my part I see no difference with the basic model, if it gets stuck with you leave me a note.

Karia 01.png

Karia 02.png

Karia 03.png

Karia 04.png

Karia 05.png

Karia 06.png

Karia 07.png

Karia 08.png

Karia 09.png

Karia 10.png

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Good evening,

Here is a first version, the main file there are two modes, the main part (Beta) and the statistical part (stat) if you use radious or any other mode of the same kind, only install the Beta mode otherwise both.

Still some distortions to correct, I will do that in the updates file.

Ah yes, I received several messages asking me to use the resources of my previous modes, I always accept, but this time I took more time and care so that the great visual quality is this which differentiates my creations from other creators otherwise what's the point of going to all that trouble if it's to find what I've done everywhere so from now on it's a no for this mode as well as those that will follow, especially that I want to monetize my creations.

That being said, I open all my previous modes, you can take what you want and include it in your modes without permission as long as it is cited.

I hope you would understand.


Among the last modifications before publication I only made optimizations, such as reducing the number of poly on certain parts, etc... so from now on it should work without problems.



Edited by Sulivar
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I've been quite busy lately with work but I have a bit of time, I'm thinking of finishing the armor soon but it's a bit long because unlike the previous ones I haven't used any procedural generation, just science, I have finished the static parts with UVs and textures, I am going to do the animated parts, I am still hesitating between fabric or chains.

There will also be three versions, one for nexus and two others for LL with a little inspiration from beastman mode, one of them will be a futa version, I will take a small step towards the dark side of the force.

For the next mode, I'm still hesitating between dark elf witches or staying on slanesh and playing lords.





Edited by Sulivar
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23 minutes ago, zeta0080 said:



Zeta, do you have any interest making models that are not fully nude but skimpy? I personally love your Khalida because ther is a skimpy version available and therefore it's much easier for me to include in my headcanon. Full nude models just break my immersion unless there is some good background explanation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/25/2023 at 8:46 AM, ASDASDASD_Smasher said:

Zeta, do you have any interest making models that are not fully nude but skimpy? I personally love your Khalida because ther is a skimpy version available and therefore it's much easier for me to include in my headcanon. Full nude models just break my immersion unless there is some good background explanation.

There are a few reskins that are not fully nude. Check the discord or the community hub here. 

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Thank you, for the next model I now know what I am going to do, it will be a mod similar to this one for skarbrand with the voices of valkia, the animations of the blood drinker and a model of my design like habit.

For Nkaria, there are two new versions available on the nexus, one with the reworked and naked body and another with the armor.

For the futa model, I would post two additional versions, the same, naked and with the armor adapt those evening or tomorrow when I would be satisfied with the movement of the "material", then I would do the other two but it will take more time since I have to adapt new models for trophets but not too much either, I already have what I need, I have already made HD versions of archmages for future creations.

Edited by Sulivar
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