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Rune Factory 5 modding

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15 hours ago, silverhawk83 said:

Is it a secret information? I would really like to go through on my own to experiment the whole creation process.


Sorry, I've been working intensively on Unity Assets again, and can therefore give you precise instructions on what you have to do to edit a mesh.

Step one, you need the asset bundle extractor, 32 bit here


64 bit




First, click "File" -> "Open" and select the bundle file
Second, select "Assets" in the directory hierarchy, in order to get the list of all asset files.
Select a asset file (here the mesh face), and then Export Dump <-> Import Dump for import/export the json dump,
the last step is File -> "Apply and save all"
and for the rest of the explaination, the pictures should suffice





Edited by Werder7
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7 hours ago, Werder7 said:


Sorry, I've been working intensively on Unity Assets again, and can therefore give you precise instructions on what you have to do to edit a mesh.

Step one, you need the asset bundle extractor, 32 bit here


64 bit




First, click "File" -> "Open" and select the bundle file
Second, select "Assets" in the directory hierarchy, in order to get the list of all asset files.
Select a asset file (here the mesh face), and then Export Dump <-> Import Dump for import/export the json dump,
the last step is File -> "Apply and save all"
and for the rest of the explaination, the pictures should suffice





Yes I know that, but how can I get the .json Dump file of the meshes I have modified with Blender?
Should I re-import the mesh created with blender into Unity to create another .bundle?
That's what I've tried previously but the mesh appeared transparent...
Or is there an importer/exporter of the .json Dump directly in Blender?

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On 9/3/2022 at 3:13 PM, enamelbag said:

I used translator, sorry.


The marriageable heroine nudity mod is now largely complete.

I also applied Alice's nude mod to her default outfit.


This is The MOD of replace default costume portraits with full nudity.
Place the file at the following address.


Rune Factory 5\Rune Factory 5_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64


I haven't checked it works very well, so let me know if there are any problems. I haven't even met Scarlett yet... 
Also, they don't support special poses now. I will add them when I am ready.


Next, I've got a commission and I'm going to make that, and after that I'm going to make mods for other NPCs.


Sample ( No screenshots )

  Reveal hidden contents





Heroine_Nude.zipFetching info... Alice_Nude.zipFetching info...


Is this a mod we can put on Switch, yet? Downloaded already but not sure if we can - and if we can, don't really know how to.

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Here's a blend file with a new topology body mesh (you can splice the body with basically every woman in the game as long as you match up the neck and retexture the body, sculpt a bit of the body to match the old body of people)


This is the body used for the first MC nude mod, you're free to edit and change it all you want. Export the model into substance painter to paint body textures, then use the MelonSpeedScript method to copy SkinnedMeshRenderer compenents from the default game mesh onto your new mesh in Unity. If you don't know how to do any of that, sorry.



Rune Factory 5 2022-07-27 00-06-14.png

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14 hours ago, silverhawk83 said:

Yes I know that, but how can I get the .json Dump file of the meshes I have modified with Blender?
Should I re-import the mesh created with blender into Unity to create another .bundle?
That's what I've tried previously but the mesh appeared transparent...
Or is there an importer/exporter of the .json Dump directly in Blender?

Yes I know that, but how can I get the .json Dump file of the meshes I have modified with Blender?

I don't know directly a answer to your question, but i can showing you a way you can go.

Here is a way for you:

Just a moment please. I think what you really want and need is the obj(wavefont) file, this file you can directly import into blender. You can get this file with asset studio. here is a example, how you get a obj file from a mesh. Export selected assets -> Select Folder and done, then you get a folder "Mesh". In this folder is your obj file.

To your question, you can export the file to a obj file with asset studio. Then import it into blender and make your changes, and then go to asset bundle extractor -> Import Raw -> Select your new obj file and done :)

Should I re-import the mesh created with blender into Unity to create another .bundle?

Yes, you must and should use the asset bundle extractor, in order to create a new package bundle.

I hope, i can help you :)

How do I import OBJ files into Blender?
Select File > Import > Wavefront (. obj) to import the OBJ file




Edited by Werder7
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1 hour ago, laskolnr said:

fuukaunitystublehff.blend 4.6 MB · 3 downloads


Here's a blend file with a new topology body mesh (you can splice the body with basically every woman in the game as long as you match up the neck and retexture the body, sculpt a bit of the body to match the old body of people)


This is the body used for the first MC nude mod, you're free to edit and change it all you want. Export the model into substance painter to paint body textures, then use the MelonSpeedScript method to copy SkinnedMeshRenderer compenents from the default game mesh onto your new mesh in Unity. If you don't know how to do any of that, sorry.



Rune Factory 5 2022-07-27 00-06-14.png

How to move a skinned mesh renderer over to another model - Unity Forum

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1 hour ago, Werder7 said:

Yes I know that, but how can I get the .json Dump file of the meshes I have modified with Blender?

I don't know directly a answer to your question, but i can showing you a way you can go.

Here is a way for you:

Just a moment please. I think what you really want and need is the obj(wavefont) file, this file you can directly import into blender. You can get this file with asset studio. here is a example, how you get a obj file from a mesh. Export selected assets -> Select Folder and done, then you get a folder "Mesh". In this folder is your obj file.

To your question, you can export the file to a obj file with asset studio. Then import it into blender and make your changes, and then go to asset bundle extractor -> Import Raw -> Select your new obj file and done :)

Should I re-import the mesh created with blender into Unity to create another .bundle?

Yes, you must and should use the asset bundle extractor, in order to create a new package bundle.

I hope, i can help you :)

How do I import OBJ files into Blender?
Select File > Import > Wavefront (. obj) to import the OBJ file



AssetStudio.net472.v0.16.47.zip 10.09 MB · 0 downloads

To your question, you can export the file to a obj file with asset studio. Then import it into blender and make your changes, and then go to asset bundle extractor -> Import Raw -> Select your new obj file and done :)

I had a doubt this method would work, and indeed it is not working!
You cannot import raw and obj file, it has to contain raw data (and there is no obj importer to raw file in


If you (or someone else) wants to test to create a mod requiring to change mesh, here is the first trial I've done to undress Ludmila in Blender based on her swimsuit model so the proportions are respected.


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1 hour ago, laskolnr said:

fuukaunitystublehff.blend 4.6 MB · 3 downloads


Here's a blend file with a new topology body mesh (you can splice the body with basically every woman in the game as long as you match up the neck and retexture the body, sculpt a bit of the body to match the old body of people)


This is the body used for the first MC nude mod, you're free to edit and change it all you want. Export the model into substance painter to paint body textures, then use the MelonSpeedScript method to copy SkinnedMeshRenderer compenents from the default game mesh onto your new mesh in Unity. If you don't know how to do any of that, sorry.



Rune Factory 5 2022-07-27 00-06-14.png


Thanks for the .blend file!

Same as Werder7, I don't know MelonSpeedScript, nor I could find any explanation by googling it. Is it related to Melon Loader?

At least that could confirm that you need to use Unity in order to bundle your modified mesh, in order to get the raw to replace the original raw in the original .bundle file. But that the step I'm actually having trouble with.

Do you have more details on this part of the process?

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I have no idea who to credit for this, so I'll just go ahead and throw pseudo credit towards DanteMds here in this thread, as he/she seems to be the first to release mods for the game.


Step 1. Import both your custom rigged FBX model and the original rigged model you want to replace in an empty Unity project.

Step 2. Add a folder in your unity project named "Editor" and add a new .cs script file with this as the content

Step 3. Drag & Drop both your custom model and the original model in the Unity Scene.

Step 4. Click on Tools -> Mesh -> Generate Skinned Mesh Component

Step 5. For the "Base Mesh" option, put the object holding the Skinned Mesh Renderer component from the original model. (It should be named something like "pc0001_12_baseSkin")

Step 6. Expand the "Components" section by pressing the little arrow, and set the size to "1" then press Enter.

Step 7. In "Element 0", put the object holding the Skinned Mesh Renderer component from YOUR CUSTOM model. (It should be named something like "pc0001_12_baseSkin")

Step 8. Press "Generate" and point it to the "Assets" folder of your project.

Step 9. Install the Unity Asset Bundle Browser Tool to your project (Follow the steps here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AssetBundles-Browser.html )

Step 10. After it's installed, go to Window -> AssetBundle Browser and a window should open.

Step 11. Simply drag & drop the new mesh created from the "Assets" folder in the middle of the window.

Step 12. Go to the "Build" tab and click on the "Build" button.

Step 13. A folder called "AssetBundles" should have been created next to your "Assets" folder in your project. Open it, then go inside the "StandaloneWindows" folder.

Step 14. You should see a file in there named something like "pc0001_12_baseskin" (not the manifest!) This file is an asset bundle and can be opened with UABEA. Do so!

Step 15. In UABEA, export the "Mesh" object as a Dump somewhere on your desktop by pressing the "Export Dump" button.

Step 16. Open the original game's file with UABEA, and simply replace the "Mesh" object with the one you put on your desktop by pressing the "Import Dump" button.

Step 17. Save the file like usual.

Step 18. ???

Step 19. Boot the game and enjoy!

STEP 20: MAKE SURE YOUR MODELS ARE THE SAME EXACT SIZE AS THE ORIGINAL. You can check this when copying over the skinnedmeshrenderer, if the size of the original fbx is the same size as your custom fbx that you're skinning to, then you shouldn't have an issue.


Script used in Unity:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class SkinnedMeshComponentWizard : ScriptableWizard
    public SkinnedMeshRenderer baseMesh;
    public List<SkinnedMeshRenderer> components;
    [MenuItem("Tools/Mesh/Generate Skinned Mesh Component")]
    protected static void CreateWizard()
        DisplayWizard<SkinnedMeshComponentWizard>("Skinned Mesh Component Generation", "Generate");
    protected void OnWizardCreate()
        foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer component in components)
            Dictionary<int, int> boneMapping = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < component.bones.Length; i++)
                Transform compBone = component.bones[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < baseMesh.bones.Length; j++)
                    Transform baseBone = baseMesh.bones[j];
                    if (compBone.name == baseBone.name)
                        boneMapping.Add(i, j);
            //remap the bones
            BoneWeight[] weights = component.sharedMesh.boneWeights;
            for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
                BoneWeight weight = weights[i];
                weights[i].boneIndex0 = boneMapping[weight.boneIndex0];
                weights[i].boneIndex1 = boneMapping[weight.boneIndex1];
                weights[i].boneIndex2 = boneMapping[weight.boneIndex2];
                weights[i].boneIndex3 = boneMapping[weight.boneIndex3];
            Vector3[] vertices = component.sharedMesh.vertices;
            Vector3 scale = component.transform.lossyScale;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                Vector3 vertex = vertices[i];
                vertex.x *= scale.x;
                vertex.y *= scale.y;
                vertex.z *= scale.z;
                vertices[i] = vertex;
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh
                name = component.sharedMesh.name,
                vertices = vertices,
                uv = component.sharedMesh.uv,
                triangles = component.sharedMesh.triangles,
                bindposes = baseMesh.sharedMesh.bindposes,
                boneWeights = weights,
                normals = component.sharedMesh.normals,
                colors = component.sharedMesh.colors,
                tangents = component.sharedMesh.tangents
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, Path.Combine("Assets", "Export", $"{mesh.name}.asset"));
    protected void OnWizardUpdate()
        helpString = "Creates a new mesh based off the bone structure of a base mesh and ensures everything is in the correct order in the new mesh.";
        isValid = (baseMesh != null) && (components != null && components.Count > 0);


Edited by laskolnr
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6 hours ago, UltimaDanny said:


Is this a mod we can put on Switch, yet? Downloaded already but not sure if we can - and if we can, don't really know how to.


This may not be a message directed to me, but I received a notification and will respond.

I do not make mods for Switch. For someone else to make one, they can process it as they wish.


5 hours ago, Werder7 said:

thx , can you please make a nude mod for the portraits for the swimsuits (fuuka,priscilla,lucy,and so on)


We are willing to make those eventually. However, they are low priority, so please be patient.

Of course, you are free to make them using my edited portraits.

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2 hours ago, silverhawk83 said:

To your question, you can export the file to a obj file with asset studio. Then import it into blender and make your changes, and then go to asset bundle extractor -> Import Raw -> Select your new obj file and done :)

I had a doubt this method would work, and indeed it is not working!
You cannot import raw and obj file, it has to contain raw data (and there is no obj importer to raw file in


If you (or someone else) wants to test to create a mod requiring to change mesh, here is the first trial I've done to undress Ludmila in Blender based on her swimsuit model so the proportions are respected.

ludmila_nude.fbx 1.03 MB · 0 downloads

can you please add the original model too, it was faster for me to make a bundle from the file

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On 9/5/2022 at 5:41 PM, Dante91 said:

Ill release this since it was already done, sadly i removed her feet by accident so i kept the boots Lol, it goes on Swimsuit Slot, maybe this is my last mod for this game, enjoy

  Reveal hidden contents



NudeLucy.rar 2.69 MB · 109 downloads

I know I asked a month ago or so via DM but is it possible to have your Beatrice bikini model imported to the swimsuit slot?

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11 hours ago, silverhawk83 said:

This is the name of the bundle file for ludmila swimsuit: 87eb226c892f5f03f201c2d7759b8f3b.bundle

it,s impossible to convert your fbx, because your face mesh includes all. face,body,cheek . Here i add a blend file for you. Please use this blend file and please edit only the body mesh and if you are done with all, then please add the edited blend file here.


ch007_0004 (merge).fbx


Edited by Werder7
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On 9/4/2022 at 5:37 PM, RinMaru3 said:

it works on switch but undies are still on lol


How did you get those files to run on the switch? From what I've gathered so far the file names are different, so did you just rename the pc files to the correct switch file names? I really want to utilize the mods being made


If someone has a list of the bundle file names for switch, I'll test a few things. ie the bundle file name for Simone

Edited by irobert4532
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2 minutes ago, irobert4532 said:


How did you get those files to run on the switch? From what I've gathered so far the file names are different, so did you just rename the pc files to the correct switch file names? I really want to utilize the mods being made

no it doesn't work because, the mods are not ready for layeredFS . That use atmosphere to replace textures


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