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"T posing" animals after getting some new mods and going over the animation limit.

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1. How i got here:
Just the other day i decided to get a bit more kinky and installed the Dark Desires Club and all of it's requirements. Which for me were the ZAZ 8.0 pack, upgrading from 7, Furniture Sex Framework, GS Poses and GS SLAL SE, Toys Framework and finally Devious Devices SE. Along with those i got some more animations which are Ayasato, and Billyy 5.4, which was an upgrade from my previous 2.91 version. And with all that i went from a 96% CTD to my current 114% CTD.  I do have the engine fix mod, and my game doesn't really crash when i do most things normally. It only crashes when i've had it turned on for a long amount of time, or when i play around with the GS Poses for too long or too much. I tried updating BakaFactory's ABC mod, in hopes that somehow the hkx files will fix themselves or something, and that didn't really do anything.

2.The Creatures Affected:

The first creature i noticed T posing was my horse, i can get on it, but it will not move, i can also get off. I tried using random AI commands on it, but all the horses act the same. I tried lowering my animations a bit further down, but that didn't work.

The next creatures i noticed not working were saber cats and horkers. Later it was a troll, then a dragon priest.

Other creatures such as deers, spiders, chickens and wolfs seem to work fine.

3. What i expect:

Nothing special, probably gonna have to reinstall my whole loverslab collection sadly. Which i don't really have the time or motivation for. I just really want to patch this up without giving up the new stuff i've acquired.

P.S. On a weird side note, i was stuck with not being sit, go to bed or use smithing, enchanting, alchemy tables etc, until i put on a bunch of bondage from the Toys mod, played around with them for a bit, and then i was able to use everything like normal again. The negative of that though is that my sneak is now -18, as there was a Clit Piercing thingy that was supposed to buff my sneaking . . . well i guess there were other items that did the same, but whatever, it was a weird thing i wanted to share for the fun of it.

Edited by ColinSkyhi
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9 minutes ago, ColinSkyhi said:

And with all that i went from a 96% CTD to my current 114% CTD. 

I'm assuming that you are using the Animation Limit Crash Fix by mrst. If this is the case then you can ignore the FNIS CTD warnings.


Does FNIS show any other warnings or errors?

Have you run FNIS since you updated and added the new animations?

Have you registered the new animations in SLAL?


13 minutes ago, ColinSkyhi said:

Nothing special, probably gonna have to reinstall my whole loverslab collection sadly.

Highly unlikely unless you have screwed up big time.


Which mod manager are you using? I'd assume MO2 or Vortex in which case look for any errors or warnings about files being overwritten. You could also deactivate/disable Toys and any other DD type mods while you concentrate on getting the creature stuff working.

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16 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Have you run FNIS since you updated and added the new animations?

Have you registered the new animations in SLAL?

I thought it was quite obvious i have. Since otherwise i wouldn't be able to get the CTD ratings. And no, im not using the Animation Limit Crash Fix, since i haven't had that sort of problem using the SSE engine fix mod. Plus the other mod seems kinda old in comparison, but that's just me comparing the release dates on each version.


18 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Does FNIS show any other warnings or errors?

Nothing new, aside from the too many animations warning, which excludes itself if i have fixes which i already do and seem to work fine . . . aside from the mentioned creatures.


20 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Which mod manager are you using? I'd assume MO2 or Vortex in which case look for any errors or warnings about files being overwritten.

I use vortex, which is VERY vocal about errors and files being overwritten. So i have no clues pointing towards that sort of problem.


Anyways, for now im just gonna play it as is, since i don't got the time to twiddle around. Tomorrow im gonna try disabling stuff, while using an earlier save and see how that goes.

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1 hour ago, MadMansGun said:

try clicking on "De-Install Creatures" in FNIS, after it's done running click on "Update FNIS Behavior"

Well mate, that did it. Horse is back to normal. Im quite impressed with how simple it was and how absolutely blind i am. Thanks for the help.

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