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I'm liking the look of this new kind of breast physics HDT is working on


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I'm sorry but I can't get your point.

Yeah sorry about that...


I was speaking of the problem PsychoMachina had.


I checked myself and had somewhat different results. I used BodyChanger to change from CBBE to UNP then save the game. I then uninstalled BodyChanger, restarted the game and load the new save. My Monli reverted back to the CBBE body, but the head mesh is missing (only hair, eyes, and teeth are showing).

Ece permit you to store your changes in a slot (if it is not already), maybe this can be modified to add the path to the meshes and restore the face...

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I won't fight for HDT with sword, I'll win her heart with roses ♫


More seriously, I can't wait for the release... As for the face revert problem, doesn't ECE save your face info in some sort of slot? Couldn't it be reloaded?


I'm sorry but I can't get your point.



Excuse me
When can release
I  like this
I am sorry for my bad english
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<3 the ANK team; you guys have made a ton of awesome stuff! HDT's new work sounds quite exciting, especially since it seems like she is adding hair physics to the SG set before any release? Luckily I have a lot of patience..all good things come to those who wait. Thanks for all the hard work you and the rest of the ANK modders have been doing, Psy. :)

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  seeing some of the interaction from mod groups from 3dm and our members from here on lovers lab is great. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a decent amount of both admiration and respect going both ways. just thought I'd throw this in here. it's kind of refreshing to see.....




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i hope their next beta update come with those HDT body physic  :( 

really want it too....

u mean there is already a beta out?



yeah.. u can find it in nexus..., but it's still far from finish, only body change mod, not with the HDT physic installment..

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I hope when it's finished, it gets uploaded here, because that site will not take my log in, will not allow me to register (refuses to accept the verification answers), and refuses to accept my attempts at retrieving my password; in short, that site is completely fucked up atm.  

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Great mod "BodyChange) I already filled all the 9 folders lolz..


Increasing the selection from 9 to more would be more great and a spell to shift between bodies would also be awesome. It was my dream to shift among body mods without using race menu on a same character. And the modder of this mod is really great to make it happen. Thanks again

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This is looking great! What would make it perfect would be if they implemented deformations, so they breasts could squish/flatten/stretch also. But...that would require a ton of processing power. Maybe in the next generation of graphics cards and processors =P

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Agree with zaselim on that, its kinda annoy using just one type of body that makes entire game girls / boys look the same, ik theres pcea but too much trouble and sometimes that got random CTD.

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Agree with zaselim on that, its kinda annoy using just one type of body that makes entire game girls / boys look the same, ik theres pcea but too much trouble and sometimes that got random CTD.


CTD After Installing the BODY CHANGE MOD

Yeah i was also getting CTDs, to avoid it there are two ways you can do (what i am doing after installing body change mod)


1. Before quitting the game, shift back to original body then save the game (less Random CTD, like 1-2 times when you run game)

2. (more effective way, No CTD) when you run the game, first load the the save that you made before you installed the body change mod. When it loads, gives msg on the top left "loading body" then load your desired save.



Note: For me Skyrim was only crashing when i ran the game for the first time and loading the save after turning on my pc 

Note: No CTD when you have no follower(specially the custom ones) with you. 

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