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Help a noob with boob mod plz

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Not new to modding but I don't mess with Bodyslide and such. Just installed SSE and thought I can just mod it the way LE works as well...Turns out SE and LE have different mod which is okay until the mod I installed in LE doesnt have SE version. So I have CBBE installed and in LE I used "I Love Cleavage" to give every female busty model which doesnt have SE version. And even though I try to search for one that can replace it for SSE, I don't think I find it. Some answer seems to suggest Bodyslide which I literally have no idea about and it looks like its pretty tedious to do, like, do I need to setup the body of each NPC 1 by 1? How does this work? Help me to make the NPCs in my SSE got big boobies and booties plz.  

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6 minutes ago, Clementh said:

setup the body of each NPC 1 by 1


Yes doing the bodyslide for approximately 6969 NPC´s left us scarred.



No and no fear of bodyslide. Its basicly the easiest tool out of the 3 you should at least have on your pc to use. There are also Presets outthere for it if you don't feel like doing all of the work

Edited by Gukahn
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There are video tutorials on how to use BS out there.

I would imagine that there are lots of CBBE presets in all sorts of shapes and sizes.


All you need to do is install a preset, tweak the breasts to how you want them then build the body to the preset and the armours and clothing to the preset.

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Not to mention there are tons of individual articles about how to use Bodyslide at the two (afaik) most popular skyrim SE sites (here and nexus) in the techc support sections. As well, here at LL, there's an entire thread devoted to Bodyslide issues available on the main Skyrim SE page.


having said that, IMO Bodyslide is the first step.


Build your nekid body using the physics package you've chosen for your body. 

a) choose a Bodyslide preset designed for use with the physics type you've opted to use. (ex: you use CBBE >> use a CBBE preset, Use a CBBE 3BA body >> use a CBBE-3BA preset, etc)

b) choose the physics package specified body from the body/outfit selector (I use the old CBBE-3BBB, so I choose the SE 3BBB Body Amazing)

c) check the Build Morphs check box in the  lower left corner of the app (this is important if you want to use racemenu on the body later...and you will so just do it!)

d) hit the  build button

Repeat for the associated hands and feet, using the same preset as before to complete the process.


I recommend saving the Bodyslide preset you've used (whether adjusted within Bodyslide or not) under a custom save name so you can refer back to it easily later on.


Now, what I didn't cover is creating a nekid vs clothed body model. When I create a new bodyslide, I tweak it some in Bodyslide (you don' have to)  then I save it under a unique and identifiable name ex: "sahjia naked CBBE-3BBB body" (sahjia was my first female character, fwiw)


once I've done that, I can go ahead and reduce breast size slightly, push up a little, widen the breast or push them together a little, reduce nipple length, and save that as ex: "sahjia clothed CBBE-3BBB body"


This second one can then be used to fit clothing and armor, or a least for clothing and armor that in real life would tend to cause breasts to be compressed, and hide nipples (trust me, something like ebony or plate steel armor with fat nipple puckers sticking out of the the material just looks dumb and amateurish)


you can even create additional variants, depending on how much or simply how a piece of clothing or armor affects breast shape and perceived size (I actually have three I'm using right now, the third that works only mildly on the breasts but packs in the "nether regions" for a bikini), and later on, if you use any Bodyslide capable followers, you can do the same for them... if you so choose.


Once all is said and done, again, presuming you've installed everything properly, you will now be assured of having the physics you installed, and you will be ensured the ability to use racemenu *in-game* for fine tuning or for *racemenu  preset* (not to be confused with Bodyslide preset, they're two different, albeit correlated items) loading and or saving. 


best wishes. again, there's a ton of info out there on using Bodyslide, from the many videos that @GreyCloud suggested to a wealth of written info to supplant supplement or enhance the value of  those videos.


Edited by anjenthedog
spelling and content
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