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THREAD ARCHIVED, SEE NEW THREAD HERE: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15202-loversbitch-05b/



Download at bottom of post.



If someone wants to take over, be my guest.



Oblivion.esm (Shivering Isles version)

Lovers with PK.esm


Lovers with PK.esp

OBSE v0020


(Download LoversCreatures here and the Lovers Creatures Anim Project here)


*** Make sure that LoversBitch is loaded anywhere after "Lovers with PK.esp" ***

*** If you use a Bashed Patch, place this after your Bashed Patch ***

*** You MUST have Shivering Isles for this to work ***

It took me a while to figure out the scripting for Oblivion and Lovers, but I finally put together my first public mod. LoversBitch adds the ability to get a canine companion, either through Rena Bruiant in Chorrol, or from a wild dog/wolf. Rena now runs a "Dog Shop" near Castle Chorrol. The companion is set up to work like one from any normal mod, except he'll get stronger/more commands through sex. Also, whenever a dog/wolf has sex with you, it will have a chance to knot. If it does, you'll be stuck at the 'ejaculation' animation for about 15-45 seconds. The only benefit from it is that you'll be healed. Knotting is also the only way to get a companion from a wild dog/wolf  (but might take a few tries).

Oh, and Rena Bruiant has an interesting way for you to make money...


I strongly suggest that you also download the extra Creature vs NPC animations found here. If not, the only dog/wolf animation you'll have is the dull default one.


None of the meshes were created by me. All extra dog/wolf meshes were created by RK9, AlienSlof, or were from OOO. "Bitch Collar" mesh is from KURESE, with a modified texture by Uriel. The dog penis mesh and one of the Kennel Irons sets are by GSBmodders. "Wet" mesh by WolfZQ.  Slave pose for the "Trapped in Oblivion" quest by Cha0slord.

Special thanks to Uriel for helping find models, modifying said models, editing textures, testing LoversBitch, and constantly providing me with helpful feedback.

Update v0.2a:

  - Stopped base dogs/wolves from magically teleporting from their cell.

  - Adjusted sex-activation code in scripts that were using error-prone code.


Update v0.2b:

  - Included prison iron meshes. Oops...

  - Changed dog penis to not use the Khajit texture.


Update v0.2c:

  - Fixed crashing for ATI users.

  - Fixed constant sound in Kennel for Unofficial Oblivion Patch users.


Update v0.3:

  - Added 10 new types of dogs to train (though only 5 of them are currently unlockable through normal gameplay)

  - Created a special \"Dog Shop\" to manage all of your dogs. It's next to Castle Chorrol.

  - Breeding Kennel was moved to the Dog Shop and expanded.

  - A new dog penis model/texture are used.

  - Male PCs can now enter the breeding kennels.

  - Using the \"Prison Iron\" clothes in the breeding kennels is now optional (off by default).

  - Added a 'LoversBitch Settings' object to Rena's desk in the Dog Shop.

  - Each canine has a unique ability that can be unlocked.

  - Canine upgrades are now more streamlined and less buggy.


Update v0.3a:

  - Fixed Rena trying to send you to the kennels before reaching the basement.

  - Removed the old basement door.

  - Males no longer try to equip prison clothes.

  - All textures are now included in the package.

  - Fixed typo in \"Training Your Canine\"


Update v0.3b:

  - Adjusted Rena's AI to visit the shop more often and for longer.

  - Added a marker for the shop, to make it more obvious.

  - Fixed \"In Heat\" effect to not make your companion stop following.

  - Added an option to not use the \"In Heat\" effect for Tamago users.


Update v0.3c:

  - Added a menu for wild companions (use the bone).

  - Added a \"Mount Me\" option to the companion menu.

  - Fixed Alpha Wolf visibility bug (hopefully).

  - Fixed \"Training Your Canine\" book bug.

  - Fixed wild companions not following the player (mostly).

  - Wild companions now get removed as the current companion when they get unreferenced.

  - Fixed users having access to all companions from the start.


Update v0.4:

  - Refixed Alpha Wolf.

  - Added new quest to unlock the Hellhound.

  - The player's canine is no longer affected by the player being \"In Heat\".

  - Added several options for Breeding Kennel outfits.

  - Fixed canines attempting to knot during the ejaculation step.


Update v0.4a:

  - Added missing textures.

  - Canines from other mods (MMM and OOO) now work with LoversBitch.

  - Updated dog penish mesh to GSBmodders's newest version.

  - Added fix for dog's walking forward during sex.

  - Hopefully fixed crashing at the start of the Hellhound quest.


Update v0.4b:

  - Fixed knotting/lust bug.


Update v0.5:

  - Added a new \"Bitch Training\" questline after saving Maera. There is still more to be done with it.

  - Added several breeds of dogs to various parts of each city.

  - Removed the ability to be mounted by your companion through the bone/menu.

  - Instead, you must use the new \"invitation\" system, which works with all canines.

  - Being \"shoved to the ground\" actually shows your character on the ground before being mounted.

  - Fixed the broken Oblivion doors.

  - Rewrote part of the Alpha/Horny Wolf scripts to include health in the calculations on when to rape.

  - Increased the Alpha Wolf chance of knotting and reduced the time to make it easier to tame him.

  - Added Horny Wolves to some leveled lists, meaning they could show up randomly in the wild.

  - Hopefully improved the breeding kennels to keep occupants there.

  - Fixed repeated quest messages to use the Bitch Bone, when you've already used it.

  - Fixed bugs with keeping track of wild companions when dead/lost.

  - Included a lower-poly version of GSBmodder's restraints to save resources.

  - Changed \"In Heat\" to work with the new \"invitation\" system, rather than being independent.

  - Added an option to disable Wild Companions.

  - Added a \"Pheromone Inducer\" to simulate the \"In Heat\" effect.

  - And probably more stuff, but I can't remember.


Update v0.5a:

- Fixed Breeding Kennel dialog bug.

- Fixed companion shoving you to the ground and being stuck there.

- Took a random stab at fixing the crashing issues people are having...


Update v0.5b:

- Slightly reduced companion lust growth rate.

- The play can now easily get back up when pushed to the ground.

- Fixed male dialog while being trained.

- Cleaned up the dog penis model (thanks, Uriel) and optimized some code to avoid crashes.



Known Conflicts:

- LoversJoburg/LoversLandE can cause problems with scripted sex scenes. It is suggested that you disable LandE and turn down the Joburg settings quite a bit or turn it off.

- Xeo (xeoex.esp) should be loaded BEFORE LoversBitch. Otherwise Xeo will break Rena Bruiant's script packages.




Known Conflicts:

- LoversJoburg/LoversLandE can cause problems with scripted sex scenes. It is suggested that you disable LandE and turn down the Joburg settings quite a bit or turn it off.

- Any mod that changes the AI packages for the vanilla NPCs might break Rena Bruiant's store packages.



Known Bugs:

- The "Trapped In Oblivion" quest crashes when captured for many users.

- Maera Sirius walks around strangely during training.



Message to modders/translators:

LoversBitch requires "Lovers with PK.esp" as a master. If you run LoversBitch through a translator, you will need to re-add "Lovers with PK.esp" as a master and resave the xLoversBitchQuestScript script in order for this plugin to work. You are more than welcome to modify/translate this plugin as long as I am given proper credit. I have tried to include the authors of the meshes/animations that I use so that you can also provide proper credit for their work, but many of the authors were unknown or anonymous. Also, if you change and redistribute this plugin, I would appreciate it if you sent me a PM at Lovers Lab letting me know where you posted it. It isn't required, but I like to see what people say about my work.





Q: Where do I find the dogs?

A: There is a new store in Chorrol, run by Rena Bruiant, that sells several canines. You can also earn new canines through quests.


Q: How do I start training my dog?

A: Read "Training Your Canine" in Rena's Dog Shop to start the questline.


Q: How do I get my dog to mount me?

A: Make sure that you have completed training with Maera. The old system using the Bitch Bone no longer works.


Q: I'm knotting with a wild dog/wolf and it isn't becoming my companion.

A: Knotting doesn't guarentee that it will become your companion. If after several tries they aren't being tamed, make sure that you don't already have a companion or that the setting isn't disabled. Also, a few canines are not able to be tamed.


Q: Can the Alpha Wolf be my companion?

A: Yes, but you can't keep him forever.


Q: I tamed a canine off of the streets, but once I get the spell to use their ability, it doesn't work. Why?

A: Only canines from the Dog Shop have abilities.


Q: Why do wild companions leave me when I fast travel?

A: If your companion was randomly generated by the game, they aren't meant to stay in-game forever. If the game loses track of him, so does LoversBitch. Nothing I can do about it.


Q: How do I get the Hellhound?

A: You have to find it yourself. ;)


Q: A Daedra captures me, but then my game crashes. How do I fix this?

A: It is a known bug. You can try stripping before fighting him. But otherwise, I don't know how to fix it.


Q: How do I stop my Lust from rising?

A: Either turn off "In Heat" in the settings (in Rena's shop) or use Pheromone Reducers from Rena.


Q: I finished a quest for Maera, but she doesn't have any new dialog. How do I move on?

A: You've probably reached the end of the quests so far. Just wait until the next version is released.


Q: Why isn't Rena Bruiant going to her shop?

A: Make sure that another mod that changes NPCs/AI (like Xeo) is not loaded after LoversBitch. If all else fails, move LoversBitch to the bottom of your load order.


Q: Why isn't my "Lust" rising?

A: It only rises under certain circumstances. Don't worry about it. If you really want it to go up, drink some Pheromone Inducer from Rena Bruiant.



v0.6 progress

Canine Pregnancy: IN PROGRESS

Shadow Wolf Quest: IN PROGRESS

Feed your canine: NOT STARTED

Horny Dogs Respawn: COMPLETED

Fix Male Dialog: NOT STARTED

New Kennels: NOT STARTED

Better ways to keep your canines alive: NOT STARTED

Fix dialog compatability bug: NOT STARTED

Extra "show" quests: NOT STARTED

Redo "In Heat" to benefit the player: IN PROGRESS



- Figure out how to call sounds from Lovers to fake Lovers-styled sex.

- Fix some of the damn CTDs.

- Remove old scripts/spells.



Download v0.5b

...or if you're German, Schalli1980 has a translated version.

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Nice one Chase, great mod. Sort've thing I'd make if I had a clue about modding. Tested both the buyable dog and wolf, and tamed one from the wild with no problems XD


I think I'm having the same issue as Uriel though. Whenever I'm locked in with breeding dogs, I get this really weird drone noise and my char's body (apart from head and hands) dissappears. I thought it might have something to do with the prison irons. Then once I step back outside everything is fine again.


Oh, and Mr. Bruiant has now taken up fist fighting with his dogs whenever they're in the house with him haha, don't know what causes this.


Great start tho, keep it up

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Oops. Well I've updated it to version v0.2b, which includes the proper meshes and textures. I also changed the dog penis texture. It was using the Khajit texture, which could look odd if you didn't have the default one.


This is where the prison irons are from:




paddy01, I had a look at the Mr. Bruiant issue and I'm not sure what's wrong. All I know is that it is from when I messed with the entire house to make sure that he wouldn't attack you. I guess it's better being them than you.

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Sounds awesome!  But I'm getting an error keeping me from downloading it, something about not being approved yet.  If that's so, how did everybody else get their hands on it?


Can I get an alternate dl link if I'm just glitched out or something?

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Try adding this skeleton to meshes\creatures\dog\. I really have no idea where I got this model/skeleton from, so maybe they need to go together.



But I still can't get the game to crash...



If anyone who is having crashing issues wants to help me resolve it, PM me with your information for whatever IM client you use. I seriously cannot replicate this issue, no matter what I do.

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LoversBitch v0.2b




It took me a while to figure out the scripting for Oblivion and Lovers, but I finally put together my first public mod. LoversBitch adds the ability to get a canine companion, either through Rena Bruiant in Chorrol, or from a wild dog/wolf. The companion is set up to work like one from any normal mod, except he'll get stronger/more commands through sex. Also, whenever a dog/wolf has sex with you, it will have a chance to knot. If it does, you'll be stuck at the 'ejaculation' animation for about 15-45 seconds. The only benefit from it is that you'll be healed. Knotting is also the only way to get a companion from a wild dog/wolf  (but might take a few tries).

Oh, and Rena Bruiant has an interesting way for you to make money...


I strongly suggest that you also download the extra Creature vs NPC animations found here. If not, the only dog/wolf animation you'll have is the dull default one.


None of the meshes were created by me. I don't know their source, but I only created the ESP.


Update v0.2a:

- Stopped base dogs/wolves from magically teleporting from their cell.

- Adjusted sex-activation code in scripts that were using error-prone code.


Update v0.2b:

- Included prison iron meshes. Oops...

- Changed dog penis to not use the Khajit texture.

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Buy the dog=Game crash

Buy the wolf=Game crash

Follow to basement=Game crash


Lol it really sucks since I love the idea and potential of you mod to expand beyond just the dogs. Currently unchecked your mod since Im worried the random "wild wolf to companion" kicks in and crashes my game again. Hope you solve the problem soon.

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I don't know if this is related, but when I'm editing the ESP in the construction set, I can't save the script "xLoversBitchBreedingKennelScript", despite not editing it. I get the errors "Script 'xLoversBitchBreedingKennelScript,' line 16: Unknown variable or function 'Bitch'." and "Script 'xLoversBitchBreedingKennelScript,' line 16: Missing variable name in set command." This script is the only one with a problem like this. I noticed line 15 is "set Bitch to getActionRef", so maybe "getActionRef" wasn't properly defined?


Also, this looks like a great mod and I hope you keep working on it and maybe extend it to include other creatures later on.

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I believe that is an unused script, so it isn't a big deal. I left a few garbage scripts and conversations in the ESP. Also, thanks to Uriel, the crashing is fixed! I'll have v0.2c up shortly. After that I'll start adding more content.


henvaz type "set xLoversBitchQuest.allowNonCanineCompanions to 1" and "set xLoversBitchQuest.allCreaturesKnot to 1" into the console. It doesn't work too well, but you'll have this working with any creature.

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