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[mod] [outdated] RJW Sexperience (Ideology update)

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In the description of the drug orgy ritual it states you use either a burnbong or incense shrine, however it instead requires you to use a "lustbong". This means that there's no other way to have a drug orgy in your idealogy with the lewd precept even through editing the idealogy with dev mode as having an incense shrine isn't considered compatible

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Just now, NVPD28 said:

In the description of the drug orgy ritual it states you use either a burnbong or incense shrine, however it instead requires you to use a "lustbong". This means that there's no other way to have a drug orgy in your idealogy with the lewd precept even through editing the idealogy with dev mode as having an incense shrine isn't considered compatible


It's two different buildings, so you need to add the modded version of the burnbong that uses both smoakleaf and humpshroom for the ritual. If you ALSO have the drug-meme you'll need both types of bongs among your sacred buildings.

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2 hours ago, Kashked said:


It's two different buildings, so you need to add the modded version of the burnbong that uses both smoakleaf and humpshroom for the ritual. If you ALSO have the drug-meme you'll need both types of bongs among your sacred buildings.

Yes but I am saying that the description is off when it states you can use the incense building for your ritual. The description was probably just copy/paste of the normal drug ritual where an incense was used for drug rituals which came from religion rather than high life.

Edited by NVPD28
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Having a bit of a hiccup with cum as an item--

I've got a prisoner on a diet of exclusively the stuff, like it's the only ting allowed in their food restriction, but they aren't eating it. I'll even try to prioritize my Warden to feeding them and it just says "No Food." Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I tried anesthetizing the prisoner and I think the doctor fed it once before the operation, but I can't figure a way to do it now.


Rest assured I've had my colonists throat-fucking her as a means of building up that addiction instead, but it seems like an odd glitch. Anyone have any idea if there's a way to fix it or if anyone's had a similar issue?

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3 hours ago, TheFatManInTheBack said:

Having a bit of a hiccup with cum as an item--

I've got a prisoner on a diet of exclusively the stuff, like it's the only ting allowed in their food restriction, but they aren't eating it. I'll even try to prioritize my Warden to feeding them and it just says "No Food." Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I tried anesthetizing the prisoner and I think the doctor fed it once before the operation, but I can't figure a way to do it now.


Rest assured I've had my colonists throat-fucking her as a means of building up that addiction instead, but it seems like an odd glitch. Anyone have any idea if there's a way to fix it or if anyone's had a similar issue?

Okay update-- they only eat it/are fed if they have absolutely no hunger bar. Is this deliberate?

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Getting errors when colonists do fellatio, guessing it's a conflict with some other mod, but I can't really make heads or tails of it.


Exception in Verse.AI.JobDriver.TryActuallyStartNextToil: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RJWSexperience.Thought_AteCum.get_CurStageIndex () [0x00000] in <2d0d6869857842e3981bc1ed5b01cf2d>:0 
  at VanillaTraitsExpanded.TryGainMemory_Patch.Prefix (RimWorld.MemoryThoughtHandler __instance, RimWorld.Thought_Memory& newThought, Verse.Pawn otherPawn) [0x00167] in <c81d737e344e43c8adb175854a20738d>:0 
  at RimWorld.MemoryThoughtHandler.TryGainMemory (RimWorld.Thought_Memory newThought, Verse.Pawn otherPawn) [0x00048] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0 
     - prefix rimworld.erdelf.alien_race.main: Boolean AlienRace.HarmonyPatches:TryGainMemoryPrefix(Thought_Memory& newThought, MemoryThoughtHandler __instance)
     - prefix com.pawnmorpher.mod: Boolean Pawnmorph.HPatches.ThoughtHandlerPatches+TryAddMemoryPatch:TryGainMemoryPrefix(Thought_Memory& newThought, Pawn otherPawn, MemoryThoughtHandler __instance)
     - prefix OskarPotocki.VanillaTraitsExpanded: Boolean VanillaTraitsExpanded.TryGainMemory_Patch:Prefix(MemoryThoughtHandler __instance, Thought_Memory& newThought, Pawn otherPawn)
     - postfix Helixien.ReGrowthCore: Void ReGrowthCore.TryGainMemory_Patch:Postfix(MemoryThoughtHandler __instance, Thought_Memory& newThought, Pawn otherPawn)
     - postfix OskarPotocki.VanillaSocialInteractionsExpanded: Void VanillaSocialInteractionsExpanded.TryGainMemory_Patch:Postfix(MemoryThoughtHandler __instance, Thought_Memory newThought, Pawn otherPawn)
  at RimWorld.MemoryThoughtHandler.TryGainMemory (RimWorld.ThoughtDef def, Verse.Pawn otherPawn, RimWorld.Precept sourcePrecept) [0x00021] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0 
  at RimWorld.MemoryThoughtHandler.TryGainMemoryFast (RimWorld.ThoughtDef mem, RimWorld.Precept sourcePrecept) [0x00012] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0 
  at RJWSexperience.Utility.CumDrugEffect (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x000b0] in <2d0d6869857842e3981bc1ed5b01cf2d>:0 
  at RJWSexperience.RJW_Patch_TransferNutrition.Postfix (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x0002b] in <2d0d6869857842e3981bc1ed5b01cf2d>:0 
  at rjw.xxx.TransferNutrition (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x00604] in <b00441fbab334c0bb95b5ddea4820fa2>:0 
     - postfix RJW_Sexperience: Void RJWSexperience.RJW_Patch_TransferNutrition:Postfix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, rjwSextype sextype)
  at rjw.SexUtility.Aftersex (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, System.Boolean usedCondom, System.Boolean rape, System.Boolean isCoreLovin, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x002d8] in <b00441fbab334c0bb95b5ddea4820fa2>:0 
     - postfix RJW_Sexperience: Void RJWSexperience.Ideology.RJW_Patch_Aftersex:Postfix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, Boolean usedCondom, Boolean rape, Boolean isCoreLovin, rjwSextype sextype)
     - postfix LL: Void LicentiaLabs.ProcessSex_Patch:Aftersex(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, Boolean usedCondom, Boolean rape, Boolean isCoreLovin, rjwSextype sextype)
  at rjw.SexUtility.ProcessSex (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, System.Boolean usedCondom, System.Boolean rape, System.Boolean isCoreLovin, System.Boolean whoring, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x000d3] in <b00441fbab334c0bb95b5ddea4820fa2>:0 
  at rjw.JobDriver_SexQuick+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<MakeNewToils>b__11 () [0x00016] in <b00441fbab334c0bb95b5ddea4820fa2>:0 
  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.TryActuallyStartNextToil () [0x0023a] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0 
     - transpiler net.pardeike.rimworld.lib.harmony: IEnumerable`1 VisualExceptions.RunloopExceptionHandler:Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions)


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Exception ticking hediff (RJW_pregnancy torso ticksSinceCreation=21067) for pawn Karina. Removing hediff... Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.RJW_Patch_PostBirth.Postfix (Verse.Pawn mother, Verse.Pawn father, Verse.Pawn baby) [0x00017] in <2d0d6869857842e3981bc1ed5b01cf2d>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.PostBirth_Patch2(rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn)
  at RJW_Menstruation.Hediff_MultiplePregnancy.BestialBirth (Verse.Pawn baby, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] siblings) [0x000c9] in <6f91bdf8f6774b20a3d9da9cce5b9d9d>:0
  at RJW_Menstruation.Hediff_MultiplePregnancy.GiveBirth () [0x00076] in <6f91bdf8f6774b20a3d9da9cce5b9d9d>:0
  at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.Tick () [0x00368] in <8aa81974ebab4c25bf56e7aaeba8c17c>:0
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.HealthTick () [0x00033] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker:HealthTick ()
Verse.Pawn:Tick ()
Verse.TickList:Tick ()
Verse.TickManager:DoSingleTick ()
Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate ()
Verse.Game:UpdatePlay ()
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()



Happens every time, cancels multiple Pregnancy births.

Everything is updated.

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1 hour ago, Nexusshmexus said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Exception ticking hediff (RJW_pregnancy torso ticksSinceCreation=21067) for pawn Karina. Removing hediff... Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.RJW_Patch_PostBirth.Postfix (Verse.Pawn mother, Verse.Pawn father, Verse.Pawn baby) [0x00017] in <2d0d6869857842e3981bc1ed5b01cf2d>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.PostBirth_Patch2(rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn)
  at RJW_Menstruation.Hediff_MultiplePregnancy.BestialBirth (Verse.Pawn baby, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] siblings) [0x000c9] in <6f91bdf8f6774b20a3d9da9cce5b9d9d>:0
  at RJW_Menstruation.Hediff_MultiplePregnancy.GiveBirth () [0x00076] in <6f91bdf8f6774b20a3d9da9cce5b9d9d>:0
  at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.Tick () [0x00368] in <8aa81974ebab4c25bf56e7aaeba8c17c>:0
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.HealthTick () [0x00033] in <00638943358e4807bd44cd7bc8f572da>:0
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker:HealthTick ()
Verse.Pawn:Tick ()
Verse.TickList:Tick ()
Verse.TickManager:DoSingleTick ()
Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate ()
Verse.Game:UpdatePlay ()
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()



Happens every time, cancels multiple Pregnancy births.

Everything is updated.


I had the same problem. For me it had to do with attempting to assign an ideology to non-humanoid pawns. Or maybe the guest status, I'm not quite sure.

I fixed it by adding a simple check into the PostBirth patch at the bottom of RJW_Patch_Ideo.cs. I've included my changes below.



    [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Hediff_BasePregnancy), "PostBirth")]
    public static class RJW_Patch_PostBirth
        public static void Postfix(Pawn mother, Pawn father, Pawn baby)
            if (!mother.IsAnimal())
                baby.SetFaction(baby.GetFactionUsingPrecept(out Ideo ideo));
                if (!baby.IsAnimal()) // RimworldCD: Stops the red error that blocks multiple pregnancies
                    if (baby.Faction == Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer && !baby.IsSlave) baby.guest.SetGuestStatus(null, GuestStatus.Guest);


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4 hours ago, RimworldCD said:


I had the same problem. For me it had to do with attempting to assign an ideology to non-humanoid pawns. Or maybe the guest status, I'm not quite sure.

I fixed it by adding a simple check into the PostBirth patch at the bottom of RJW_Patch_Ideo.cs. I've included my changes below.


  Reveal hidden contents

    [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Hediff_BasePregnancy), "PostBirth")]
    public static class RJW_Patch_PostBirth
        public static void Postfix(Pawn mother, Pawn father, Pawn baby)
            if (!mother.IsAnimal())
                baby.SetFaction(baby.GetFactionUsingPrecept(out Ideo ideo));
                if (!baby.IsAnimal()) // RimworldCD: Stops the red error that blocks multiple pregnancies
                    if (baby.Faction == Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer && !baby.IsSlave) baby.guest.SetGuestStatus(null, GuestStatus.Guest);



That worked, thank you.

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Would like to suggest an option to toggle whether your female slaves can rape other pawns (whether they're apart of the ideology or not). As it is now, all slaves have a x300% multiplier to vulnerability which pretty much guarantees they will have at least 300% vulnerability at all times. Even if you set the "girls go raping" setting in RJW to 300%, they (female slaves) won't rape other pawns. Haven't tested whether it's the same way with male slaves, as I don't currently have any.


Pretty sure it would be the same. I think by RJW defaults you need to have a low vulnerability in order to be able to rape other pawns.

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On 8/16/2021 at 10:25 AM, Tempmania said:



I second (or third) this. It could be as simple as converting cumfilth to a "dirty cum" raw food resource when sweeping the floor (assuming the engine supports resource creation in the cleaning action). I think raw "dirty cum" should have a decent chance to make the colonist sick but it slowly reduces based on experience eating that resource until they are completely immune.


I would also like it if the cumfilth splatter in the environment produces a mood buff (large enough to override the default decoration debuff) based on the colonist sex experience & exposure to such environments.

Yes, I think so too. Manual cleaning is too troublesome. A work process should be designed so that they can clean the collection automatically

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Hi, quick question - does bestiality precept modify frequency of animal x pawn sex? I have a zoophile colony with 5 pawn and 2 male huskies and nobody does anything but fuck with animals (multiple times a day, no action between pawns, sex need perma-filled, nobody designated for animal breeding).

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I still can't get the animal gangbang ritual to work. Still says "Disabled: You need a breedable animal...". I have the latest, latest RJW etc. Tried juggling load orders.

Have tried setting the precepts: bestiality to various settings such as encouraging, acceptable, also sex type is set free. Bestiality is enabled in RJW settings.

Am I missing some setting ?

How do you tag an animal as a "breeder" ? I have used the RJW widget to "allow this animal to mount breeders".

I have a mixture of free-roaming and penned - makes no difference.

Have tried using venerated and non-venerated, again no difference.

All my RJW mods are set at bottom, not using PC.

The "social festival", "leader speech", "convertion" events work ok.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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36 minutes ago, lot3kwizadora said:

I still can't get the animal gangbang ritual to work. Still says "Disabled: You need a breedable animal...". I have the latest, latest RJW etc. Tried juggling load orders.

Have tried setting the precepts: bestiality to various settings such as encouraging, acceptable, also sex type is set free. Bestiality is enabled in RJW settings.

Am I missing some setting ?

How do you tag an animal as a "breeder" ? I have used the RJW widget to "allow this animal to mount breeders".

I have a mixture of free-roaming and penned - makes no difference.

Have tried using venerated and non-venerated, again no difference.

All my RJW mods are set at bottom, not using PC.

The "social festival", "leader speech", "convertion" events work ok.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Did you set the victim to be a breedable by the animals as well ? 

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I had yes, I don't know what made me think it, but it seems that you also need to have rape enabled in RJW settings as well. I did not have this enabled. ?

I'm guessing it is more non-consensual rather than the likes of an orgy.

Anyway, enabling rape makes it work so all seems fine now as interface is opening up and I can select the breeder etc.

Perhaps a suggestion for a future update to include this, otherwise great mod and thanks.?

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Small problem with the sex ability trait. When a pawn has no sex ability (unconscious, etc) and they are raped, the rapest never has their sex need fulfilled. So they end up raping the pawn until they pass out.  This seems unrealistic.


I think there should be a minimum amount of sex need recovered (25%ish), even if the sex ability of the partner is 0.

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10 hours ago, lot3kwizadora said:

I had yes, I don't know what made me think it, but it seems that you also need to have rape enabled in RJW settings as well. I did not have this enabled. ?

I'm guessing it is more non-consensual rather than the likes of an orgy.



It's not the ritual itself, it's RJW. All bestiality actions are considered rape, since animals can't consent.

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So as I ran an errand today I realized something... the gangbang ritual only works if rape is enabled. I turned it on and... it worked. So can we get another gangbang ritual that is for conversion? Cause my ideology is about futanari, the conversion to, and the exalting their supremacy over those who aren't and converting those they find worthy to their ways.

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21 hours ago, LL_PW said:

Small problem with the sex ability trait. When a pawn has no sex ability (unconscious, etc) and they are raped, the rapest never has their sex need fulfilled. So they end up raping the pawn until they pass out.  This seems unrealistic.


I think there should be a minimum amount of sex need recovered (25%ish), even if the sex ability of the partner is 0.

Yeah I agree.  Should be minimum then plus sex ability bonuses.  I think sex ability is a RJW thing so we might need Ed to change it and sex ability is turned off in vanilla RJW now.


I also think "that's my fetish" should be worth way more than a +1, depending on the fetish.  Some are hard to happen.  Like footjob guy goes a long, long time between footjobs and then when he finally gets one he's 1/5 as happy as eating a fine meal for a few hours?

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20 minutes ago, Rimworld Traveller said:

Yeah I agree.  Should be minimum then plus sex ability bonuses.  I think sex ability is a RJW thing so we might need Ed to change it and sex ability is turned off in vanilla RJW now.


I also think "that's my fetish" should be worth way more than a +1, depending on the fetish.  Some are hard to happen.  Like footjob guy goes a long, long time between footjobs and then when he finally gets one he's 1/5 as happy as eating a fine meal for a few hours?

Yah, but a real good meal is, like... really good tho.

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