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I share this, cept not only books, sometimes I finish the book and decide to start reading the Dr. Pepper "nutrition facts"


When i buy a new video game, I read every single thing in the manual. Even to the point where they have comics in them Like House of the dead overkill did. If i buy them on steam they usually come with Digital manuals and i read that too XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I share this, cept not only books, sometimes I finish the book and decide to start reading the Dr. Pepper "nutrition facts"


I see I am not the only one.  Good to know.


That and the staying up until all hours.  Also good to know.

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Vodka. Nothing specific about it. I like it straight, I love it as a mix. Sadly, I haven't been able to get some for a while, but I love the stuff when I can get it.


Aside from that, I've been a Dr. Pepper fan all my life, and playing video games. Most of the time, the latter isn't a problem, but when I push of reading for one of my classes that I have the next day because there's always just "one more boss"...


As for staying up late, I enjoy doing that, but I also have been known to go days without sleeping. Then again, that's insomnia for you.

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Staying up late (as with many others), though I haven't been doing that as often recently. There's also excessive game playing. Oh, and getting involved in a task/subject/game so much that I forget about things around me or things I should be doing (ex: eating, answering my phone, studying, etc)

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  • 5 months later...

Cupcakes.... and porn. :P


Just kidding. My weakness is when I gain interest in something which isn't very often I become completely distracted and ignore all other projects. In a way I commit to various interests I have at a given time. I was never the sharpest pencil crayon in the toolshed. :s

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I use to smoke alot but gladly quit 4 years ago(best discision ever) so its stil coffee my most favorite drink even tho i don't drink to many cups maybe 2 big ones in morning one at lunch time and 2 evening, but i must have coffee when i wake up in morning thats for sure.

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Hm... Where to start....


Staying up way too late.

Caffeine, usually in the form of diet coke.

Gaming, both computer and tabletop.

"Playing" Skyrim, but not playing so much as taking screenshots. XD


And last, but not least, comfort foods.  

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with my broken arm and hand still healing from surgery (metal plating)  i still shoot my uncles .50cal sniper rifle here and there :D


that's not bad, really . . . well not as bad as it could be. I mean it may hurt a bit to pull the trigger, and the kick/shock will be jarring and hurt, and I'll bet it really fucking complains the next day . . . but really it's not that bad.


Now if it were a sprained shoulder or whatever. . . that'd fucking HHUURRTT.

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with my broken arm and hand still healing from surgery (metal plating)  i still shoot my uncles .50cal sniper rifle here and there :D


that's not bad, really . . . well not as bad as it could be. I mean it may hurt a bit to pull the trigger, and the kick/shock will be jarring and hurt, and I'll bet it really fucking complains the next day . . . but really it's not that bad.


Now if it were a sprained shoulder or whatever. . . that'd fucking HHUURRTT.



was told the pressure back could damage the plates and screws in my arm sense they arent fully healed yet XD

so meh its a bad thing XD

<_< fine uhhh


eating junky foods that im making for the holidays :3

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Heavy smoker.



Books. I have my head in a book 90% of the time, Wherever i go i'm reading. Toilet's, At the beach, before bed, at dinner, while having a bath, or at important events where i'm suppose to be listening


Have you ever watched The Twilight Zone (awesome 1950s series by Rod Serling)? There is an episode in the first season "Time enough at last". If you do watch it you'll see why you reminded me of that.



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