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Trails of Cold Steel 4 (Mod Request)

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19 minutes ago, amorrow28 said:

Wow, that was fast!  (also I love that 4 other people downloaded your frame dump, go fellow modders! - if you want to edit Rixia, she is index 46-49 or so in that dump.)


Rixia actually has a pretty complex model, so I did the best I could considering I can't see the model in-game.  (Normally I would edit, refresh, edit, refresh, etc until I'm happy.)  I cut the drape pretty short but one panel shy of the belt because that would leave a hole in the model.


I don't know what photo mode is, I assume it's something new to hajimari?  If this doesn't work, the pixel shaders may be wrong (costume menu and in-game have separate shaders for example).  I put two different versions; the models are the same but the shader code is different.  Please try v1 first, and *if* it doesn't work then try v2.  Report back, and I'll upload a final version with just the working code.


Rixia - EXPERIMENTAL - NOT FINAL.7z 414.17 kB · 1 download


If it looks good, post a screenshot!

version 1 and two work well just has the metal end from her sash remaining but thats not a deal breaker for me the important thing is Rixias ass is out for all to see !

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I actually deleted the metal clips, but the pixel shader hash must be wrong.  It's only loading part of my mod.  The fact that both version 1 and 2 work means that the first pixel shader is also probably wrong but another mod is overriding the correct shader.


Can you send me another dump, but this time in game mode instead of photo mode?  This time I don't really care if it's a complex scene, the one you have above would be perfect.  (I know the index buffers I'm looking for, so it doesn't matter if there are 5x the objects.)


PS - Nice screenshots!  I can understand the urgency to the mod now, haha.

Edited by amorrow28
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14 downloads, people are downloading your frame dump faster than they downloaded my CS3 backport.  ?


Unfortunately it looks like you had the wrong costume on when you took the framedump.




Also, the reason the dump was so big was because you included texture files (which was the only reason I was able to find her at all, since none of my index buffer hashes were matching, since the correct model was not in the frame).  Be sure to either use my d3dx.ini file, or edit yours to exclude textures.  ("dump_ib txt" is sufficient and will make for very small frame dumps, since it will not even include the models, only hashes.)

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1 hour ago, SirDoge said:

This looks awesome,so this is a work-in-progress right ? 

Haha this is our attempt to have me mod a game I don’t own and have no access to. ? But it looks pretty good, right? You’re welcome to download the in-progress mod, it’s at the base of page 8. Don’t ask me how to use it, though, @dafalln1 is the one who managed to get my CS4 mod to work in hajimari.

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Thank you for the offer, but I'm still in CS4 and I plan to buy it next year.


Ok, I looked through your frame dump, and the pixel shader for the metal dress bottoms is the same (1e3517a8daa9144e).  I looked through the render log and didn't find a second call to the same index buffer, which is what usually happens when the engine is applying the same mesh to more than one pixel shader.  So I'm pretty baffled.


I need to check something really simple, real quick.  Can you try this version for me?



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no change but like i told you before it doesnt matter i mean randy is just a head and arms in his defaulkt outfit and shareazard or whatever her name is is missing mesh as well and idc lol i told you ass wins out even nadia is missing mesh in her default outfit but its ok lol she has other costumes you would probly have to get the game to accurately and correctly do alll the no skirt mods lol i could send you a dump of nadia if you wanna try her and sharezard as well found out if you zoom in you can see a ghost of the missing mesh if that helps

Edited by dafalln1
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30 minutes ago, dafalln1 said:

no change but like i told you before it doesnt matter i mean randy is just a head and arms in his defaulkt outfit and shareazard or whatever her name is is missing mesh as well and idc lol i told you ass wins out even nadia is missing mesh in her default outfit but its ok lol she has other costumes you would probly have to get the game to accurately and correctly do alll the no skirt mods lol i could send you a dump of nadia if you wanna try her and sharezard as well found out if you zoom in you can see a ghost of the missing mesh if that helps


Honestly that sounds pretty broken to me.  I'm guessing that porting the full mod is going to be a fair amount of work.  The CS4 mod is designed to be modular though, you can delete any meshes you don't like and that shouldn't break the other meshes.  I'm guessing that there must be models with overlapping hashes, so I would delete any folders that don't work.  That will probably fix the weird broken models you're experiencing.  (Better yet, just copy over the ones you want specifically, rather than the entire folder)


Scherazard is actually in CS4, and will be included in my next update to the CS4 mod.  I've attached it here, feel free to see if it works.


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Yes, it's because my mods activate the pixel shader overrides specific to the game (if you compare the CS3 and CS4 mods, you'll see the texture hashes are often the same, but the pixel shader hashes are completely different).  Many models share the same pixel shader though.  So one of your hajimari mods is activating the correct pixel shader hashes.  What's strange is that I can't even do a manual override, which is what v3 was testing.  So I'm at a loss for what to do next, other than to have you cycle through pixel shaders manually to see if there is one I'm missing, but I suspect that's not the problem because it really should show up in the render log.  If you don't care about how it looks, it's not worth us chasing down, especially since the mod looks pretty decent as is.


Share the mod on the hajimari thread, I bet someone there can solve it!

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Yeah, that's a bummer.  Honestly your offer of the game for free is tempting, but I don't want modding to be a job or obligation.  Also, there's no debug room apparently due to savefile encryption, which means I have to play it through to mod anyway.


In regards to backporting, at least with 3dmigoto I don't think it's possible.  Or at least, I haven't figured out how.  Same with nude modding.  Injecting a completely different model into a character makes a giant mess.  I suspect there are buffers we don't have access to, etc.  But I've seen on the CS3 thread that people have changed out models for other models in game (but not from a different game) by messing with the .inf files.


In case you're curious, this happened when I tried to give Rosine a butt.  ?



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