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[mod] Stellaris modded species in the vanilla classes (with tutorial)

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Stellaris modded species in the vanilla classes (with tutorial)

Did you ever think "This mod adds humans, if only they were in the humanoid class, that would make sense." or "I am building robots or finished synthetic ascension, a shame that I only have the vanilla portraits as option despite all my mods."

This mod aims at helping you provide a way to add any modded species to the vanilla classes.


If you know your way around the Stellaris files, you may already have figured that this doesn't just work on it's own. 
Some mods overwrite the vanilla files (and I did that mistake too) to add them but this only works for the mod loaded after any mod that does that.


So this is the best solution I could think of: 
This mod here contains a copy of the vanilla species classes code.
The point is to add any species you want in a vanilla class (such as humanoids, machine, robots...)

and then load this mod last.

This way, the vanilla species classes get only overwritten once and you have control over how they are overwritten.
Of course this comes at the price of having to do it yourself, but modding Stellaris is rather simple and you just need a text editor.

It basically boils down to this:

- decide which species you want to add to a vanilla class

- get the exact name of that species

- insert it below the other species of your desired class



Now with an example and more detail:

- so you found your species that you want to add, I'm gonna call it HumanoidXX

- now that name may be different in game than in the code so you have to get the exact name

- locate your mods folder (documents/paradox interactive/Stellaris/mod) and find the mod with your desired species
- go to the folder of that mod and into  modname/common/species_classes

- here you will find a textfile, open it

- you should recognize a structure similar to the one in the screenshot above

- the important lines for you is: portraits = {}

- this contains a list of all the portraits of that class (you can regognize the class name on the far left a bit further above - code is ordered in a hierarchical structure, you should be able top regognize that)

- now you can simply compy the line with the species - with my example it would be "humanoidXX" (notice that it is always in quotations and it needs to stay that way)

- now go to the folder of this mod here, you should now be able to find the file with the species classes, it is called modded_in_vanilla.txt

- open it

- now go to the class you want to add it to, in my case it would be HUM which stands for humanoids

- so then I go to the last species under portraits = {} which in this case would be "humanoid_05"

- press ENTER to make a new line and paste the copied species name in to the new line

- this line should only contain a bunch of space in the front your species (in my example it would be "humanoidXX") and space behind it

- make sure your added line is in order with the species above, meaning the same indentation so everything is clean

- then you can do this with every species you want to


Additional advice and information:


Don't use this with "[Stellaris] Vanilla Framework" that mod edits a bunch of vanilla files regarding species and it doesn't work with this one

But if you understand the porcess that I explain here, you should be able to apply that knowledge and edit that mod to add your species into the vanilla classes, instead of downloading and editing my mod here, you do that to their mod


If you missed it earlier, this mod needs to be loaded last


When you want to add a machine species to the vanilla ones, make sure to add it to both ROBOT and MACHINE


The species classes names in the code are shortened versions of the in game displays
HUM -> Humanoids 

MAM -> Mammalian

REP -> Reptilian

AVI -> Avian

ART -> Arthropoid

MOL -> Molluscoid

FUN -> Fungoid

PLANT -> Plantoid

LITHOID -> Lithoid

NECROID -> Necroid


The classes with "PRE-" in front of it are for pre-sapients, by adding a species here, they should have a chance of spawning as pre-sapients too






I hope I can help some people with this

If you have any advices or questions, just ask them and I will try to do my best to help or improve this


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