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Dragon Age 2 please


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I wonder why the Dragon Age games aren't in the Lab. I can't find a single sex mod for 2, but Origins is covered fairly well. Am I looking in the wrong places for DA 2 sex mods? I checked Google and Chrome, but it's just a bunch of nude mods and sexy outfits. Basically just a tease... :( What good is a whorehouse if all you do is spend money and walk out without doing anything to anyone? Any awesome mods out there that I don't know about?

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I very doubt you will find any DA 2 mod simply because no one who mods is really playing it no more.


You could try dragon Age Nexus, they have some mods on there.

Just came from there, actually. 0 sex mods. Not even a friggin hug! :o I just got Dragon Age Bundle Pack for PC (already have them all for 360) because I saw all these sex mods for Origins, and naturally, I figured 2 simply HAD to have even more, not NONE! I would be all over DA 2 had I the modding skills... Thanks for the lightening fast reply though! :)

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Probably no sex mods for DA2 because DA2's sex mechanics were seriously lacking compared to DAO in fact the entire game was seriously lacking in comparison to it's predecessor we can only hope they make DA3 better and give modders a reason to want to make mods for it. 

I understand DA 3 is using a better engine this time. Frost...or something involving the cold...I forget what it's called, but when they switched engines for Elder Scrolls, just look how it blew up! I still really want a sex mod for DA 2 though, because I for 1 still love it! There's gotta be at least ONE...somewhere...anywhere...

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Probably no sex mods for DA2 because DA2's sex mechanics were seriously lacking compared to DAO in fact the entire game was seriously lacking in comparison to it's predecessor we can only hope they make DA3 better and give modders a reason to want to make mods for it. 

I understand DA 3 is using a better engine this time. Frost...or something involving the cold...I forget what it's called, but when they switched engines for Elder Scrolls, just look how it blew up! I still really want a sex mod for DA 2 though, because I for 1 still love it! There's gotta be at least ONE...somewhere...anywhere...

You're referring to the Frostbite 2 Engine, I presume?

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I'm pretty sure Dragon Age Origins was given a toolset to work with and DA2 was not. Therefore modding DA2 is exponentialy harder than modding Origins. Couple that with the fact that there was very little interest in DA2 due to all the negatives about it, and the amount of mods for the game is very limited. The Mass Effect games have very little mods outside of Texture changes using Texmod for the same reason of not having a toolset. If the devs don't really give you an easy way to mod their games, then it really eliminates 90% of the modding community from attempting to make mods for that game.


Hopefully DA:I will have a toolset, but it is unlikely because EA favors consoles over PC because they have more control over piracy and the like with consoles.

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I'm pretty sure Dragon Age Origins was given a toolset to work with and DA2 was not. Therefore modding DA2 is exponentialy harder than modding Origins. Couple that with the fact that there was very little interest in DA2 due to all the negatives about it, and the amount of mods for the game is very limited. The Mass Effect games have very little mods outside of Texture changes using Texmod for the same reason of not having a toolset. If the devs don't really give you an easy way to mod their games, then it really eliminates 90% of the modding community from attempting to make mods for that game.


Hopefully DA:I will have a toolset, but it is unlikely because EA favors consoles over PC because they have more control over piracy and the like with consoles.

You just gotta wonder why they gave no tool set for DA 2, especially with the way DAO blew up. I don't think there IS a more popular game than Mass Effect, so tool set or no, I figured people would pull out all the stops to get some kinky mods, or at least mods in general made for that magnificent series. It could be something simple, like lowering the camera juuuust a bit during sex scenes so it's not like a shampoo commercial (hate those!). Maybe some nude meshes for the strippers in Afterlife, or some really cool stuff with my favorite Citadel consort. Perhaps make some slight adjustments to Kelly in 2 when she gives you her famous lap dance to turn it into sex. Anyway, this is about DA 2! If there's a whorehouse, then dammit, there better be some sex (clearly)! Vanilla DAO had better sex scenes than vanilla DA 2, and 2 has Isabela, the filthiest slut in all of gaming history!

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The only reason Origins got a tool set was because the engine running it was made by Bioware. Dragon Age 2 also uses the same engine but it didn't receive the same support due to the fact they outsourced some work to third parties. Well, that was one of the excuses I heard. I know for a fact they stopped support for the Origins toolset well before they announced Dragon Age 2 which drove some modders off. It's why many of the bug fix packs available on the Nexus were stopped as Bioware/EA would refuse to at least to update the toolset. It's confusing too as on the official forums the devs even stated that the tool set helped drive sales even higher along with the DLC as it keeps people hanging around. EA probably doesn't agree.


Anyways I know that the new Dragon Age will be running on Dice's frostbite engine. Unfortunately, I don't think Dice is going to allow a tool set unless they have already released one for Battlefield. Folks were asking for it but the word is they are worried about opening the floodgates for hackers on their multiplayer servers which just sucks. I hope I'm wrong here but I wouldn't be holding my breath for a change on their new stance anytime soon.

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So they won't give a tool set to DA 2 or 3 because it uses the same engine as BF, a multiplayer game? Perhaps they screwed up when they decided to use that engine then. If that engine opens the door to hacking BF online, then they will likely get almost no sales on PC for DA 3 (I). Sales will likely happen on game consoles, but it's been so very long since DA 2 came out that they made DA a forgotten game series. If there's no chance of modding happening for 3, then there's no chance I'll be buying it. Period. PC or game console. Modding is the #1 I bought an Alienware instead of an average computer. Actually, it's 95% of the reason I bought a computer in general, and I most definately had the whole DA series in mind when I dropped that $1,000 at Best Buy. Mass Effect as well. How very disappointing. I suppose I'll no longer be "considering" going to the Art Institute to learn all I can about comp animation (modding). It's not the best reason to get a college degree, but fortunately, I was already considering going to school for that anyway, and SOMEONE has to release mods for games as good as DA and ME. The only reason that people hated DA 2 so much is because people could no longer be an elf chick (just admit it!), or change companion armor (which is completely rediculous). Also, the main reason mods aren't happening for DA is because people aren't playing it much. Ironically, that would never have happened if there were sex mods. The more mods a game has (especially sex mods), the more popular the game becomes. Skyrim isn't a better game than Mass Effect in my opinion, and it might not even be better game than DA, but Bethesda made it easier to mod Skyrim than any game out, so everyone keeps making mods, keeping the interest alive. I kinda stopped playing Skyrim and started playing the DA series again, because it is more fun, due largely to the fact that it has cinematic cut scenes, and Skyrim does not (for SOME reason...). That explains why I started this thread. If any pros make a sex mod made for this game, I will marry you. :heart: Thanks for all the replies, ladies and gentlemen. I'll keep searching and searching for the mods I seek until I keel over. I would have ME on PC instead of 360 if only they made mods for it, which probably explains why I haven't played 360 once since I got a PC. Maybe I'll check Japanese sites next. It's like the only stone I haven't turned over...

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Lets Face it EA and by extension Bioware aren't exactly known for making smart business choices ME3 is a prime example. ME and ME2 were both single player games ME3 is given a MP because EA likes to put MP on everything because they are trying to entice the COD fanatics so if they make an MP option on DA3 (which is likely given EA's track record) they will not release a toolset if they don't add MP we MIGHT get one.

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Lets Face it EA and by extension Bioware aren't exactly known for making smart business choices ME3 is a prime example. ME and ME2 were both single player games ME3 is given a MP because EA likes to put MP on everything because they are trying to entice the COD fanatics so if they make an MP option on DA3 (which is likely given EA's track record) they will not release a toolset if they don't add MP we MIGHT get one.

Actually, ME3 multiplyer was the best $ making decision Bioware ever had. And, MP is awesome and highly addictive! If they could simply make the multiplayer PCs unmoddable somehow (speaking mostly about DA now, since ME is know to be unmoddable aside from nudity and graphics retexturing), and keep the 1p game like it was in DAO, *moddably speaking of course (better believe spell checker caught that one!), then they'd have nothing to fear in MP. If you could hack the MP PCs though, it would be a disaster. It would be like playing Smackdown VS. RAW in MP. Everyone would be cheating there asses off  :angry:, so it would be no fun. DA does a fine job in 1p, so I don't think a MP is necessary at all. Leave MP to fighting games and shooters. I've never even played a MMORPG before, so no comment there. Go DA! In case you can't tell by my posts here, I got pretty obsessed with DA when it came out, and things haven't changed much, so please excuse me if I seem to be knocking other games. Skyrim is awesome, and so is ME (oh, and Fallout NVs fun too. THAT could be a good MP). Just always loved DA is all.

                                                                                                                       yours truly,





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I'm not going to lie, but the addition of multiplayer in Mass Effect was a huge success. I personally would never sink more then an hour of my time into a glorified "horde" mode but I'm in the minority with the rest of Bioware's old fanbase here. A great game is strictly single or multiplayer in my opinion. Never both. I wouldn't mind buying a spin off that was strictly multiplayer if I thought it was worth the price of admission. It's just I had bought both Mass Effect 1 & 2 under the assumption that they were single player rpgs that were part of a trilogy. If I wanted multiplayer arena action I could easily get my fix for that elsewhere. Anyways that's besides the point and there really is no need to beat that dead horse. The poor thing finally deserves to rest in piece.


Anyways more on topic, but have you tried the Sappho's Daughters module for Origins? From the looks of it it isn't a straight up sex mod, but it definitely seems to have a lot of sexual content. There are also several other modules that expand on it too. Never tried it myself but if your looking for more adult oriented content it's worth a look.

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I'm not going to lie, but the addition of multiplayer in Mass Effect was a huge success. I personally would never sink more then an hour of my time into a glorified "horde" mode but I'm in the minority with the rest of Bioware's old fanbase here. A great game is strictly single or multiplayer in my opinion. Never both. I wouldn't mind buying a spin off that was strictly multiplayer if I thought it was worth the price of admission. It's just I had bought both Mass Effect 1 & 2 under the assumption that they were single player rpgs that were part of a trilogy. If I wanted multiplayer arena action I could easily get my fix for that elsewhere. Anyways that's besides the point and there really is no need to beat that dead horse. The poor thing finally deserves to rest in piece.


Anyways more on topic, but have you tried the Sappho's Daughters module for Origins? From the looks of it it isn't a straight up sex mod, but it definitely seems to have a lot of sexual content. There are also several other modules that expand on it too. Never tried it myself but if your looking for more adult oriented content it's worth a look.

Actually, I haven't heard of that one yet, but it's OK. I already have plenty of sex mods for DAO. It's DA 2 I need sex mods for. Also, since this thread is now borderlining on a ME thread now, I had no problem with ME 3's SP. Everyone seems to hate it, and I agree that the little boy ghost made for an absurd catalyst, The whole game was a blast to play, online and off. The main reason I like the fact that that game had SP and MP is that MP had a direct impact on SP's military strength, which I think is genius. Just 1 sex mod for each ME would've been enough for me to buy that series on PC, since the sex scenes already included in vanilla were at least decent. Just a bit of better camera angles (lower) and an added few frames that allowed kisses to fully connect better would have made all the difference, and the same exact concept applies to DA 2. I don't need hardcore porn in ME. It may actually deminish the immersion, as I grew to majorly respect both male and female Shepard. DA 2, however, well, let's just say that I don't have the same respect for someone who does the things Hawke does. Things that you almost have to do to keep the game as interesting as possible. Like, there is a treasure chest in DAO and 2 that you can't get to if you don't bang a prostitute, because it's located in the "playroom". Porn mods are quite welcome in DA 2, and not so much in ME, except maybe ME 1, because you haven't actually gotten into a relationship yet. Also, don't forget about the consort... Anyway, I want sex mods for DA 2 :exclamation:



Edit! Fuck \/ you \/ AdBot!

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About those ME mods...this is what's up! ;) Any of those would do nicely!



This aren't even mods, those were made in some 3h modelling engine like poser or something. You can find this models on deviantart.

I know, but it was just a few suggestions. Saves me from having to explain what I'd like to see!

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It's confusing too as on the official forums the devs even stated that the tool set helped drive sales even higher along with the DLC as it keeps people hanging around. EA probably doesn't agree.


I like how EA is so asinine they can confuse solid facts with opinions. Its like talking to Fundies

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