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Dragon Age 2 please


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Between the Oblivion and New Vegas mods on this site, I'm very spoiled when it comes to mods.  Texture mods are fun and all, but what I really crave is the ability for that charging monster to throw me to the ground, tear off my clothes, and fill my womb with whatever vile seed it has. 


I attempted to run Oblivion with adult mods, then play it like normal, but I ended up spending DAYS in spots where I knew I would make a good victim, or actively chasing down some monster that hadn't raped me recently.  Seeing other fantasy games like Fable or Dragon Age with really nasty monsters made me crave that same sort of "danger," but alas, they are not nearly as moddable as Bethesda games.  Maybe one day.


Tell me about it.

Hell, I'm still waiting for Skyrim to get some creature rape. ANY creature rape. I know the reasons why it's currently not possible of course.

But that doesn't stop me from wanting it, and yeah there are so many other games that leave me wishing they had something like this.

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Wouldn't mind a little of this either. B) Warning! It's porn! Adult...aww fuck it! It's LL. We all know what kinda content this has... ;)


Not that bad animated, but I didn't liked Lira since the rescue in the first game. But that you'd like an all-female race like the Asari was obvious. :lol:


@Thulas: Gruesome and funny at the same moment.


I want to draw these kind of pictures for some entcounters in my game, too. In the not so near future, when I actually get to draw the porn. :dodgy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you see it? Nexus recently added DA and DA2 to the NMM. You think maybe DA3 will be moddable afterall? I hope that's what this means. Otherwise, it just means that they were very late in adding these games. That would be embarassing...

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  • 6 months later...

AwfulArchdemon Just come across this today and only started playing and modding Dragon Age Origins a few weeks ago haven't finished it yet but didnt know NMM was able to install DA mods I'm a Mod Organizer user and use DAOModManager with two very new conflict checking mods  DirConflict and Duplkicate Search Tool both made since the last post here


One thing that wasn't mentioned here was many mods on Bioware Social Network only appear there someone mentioned Saphires Daughters by Corvus I. She has made many in the Sapphire series and if you like Lesbian content you will love her mods and She's still making and updating DAO mods now but mainly on Bioware Social Network.


Not looked at DA2 yet but from what I've read though it's not really a bad game it is nothing like origins and as it's a sequel fans of DAO hated it because they were sold it as a sequel.

Given that EA took over aroung then not surprised the fans were let down as these Big Publishers are all the same.


So check out the new content some modders are still making for DAO as for DA2 and DA3 there EA not BioWare.

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Guest airdance

And why does ^ this ^ stupid AdBot keep following me around!? DIE ADBOT!! :@


Because you probably have an Adblocker in place, because if you didn't, and adult oriented ad would appear there.

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AwfulArchdemon Just come across this today and only started playing and modding Dragon Age Origins a few weeks ago haven't finished it yet but didnt know NMM was able to install DA mods I'm a Mod Organizer user and use DAOModManager with two very new conflict checking mods  DirConflict and Duplkicate Search Tool both made since the last post here


One thing that wasn't mentioned here was many mods on Bioware Social Network only appear there someone mentioned Saphires Daughters by Corvus I. She has made many in the Sapphire series and if you like Lesbian content you will love her mods and She's still making and updating DAO mods now but mainly on Bioware Social Network.


Not looked at DA2 yet but from what I've read though it's not really a bad game it is nothing like origins and as it's a sequel fans of DAO hated it because they were sold it as a sequel.

Given that EA took over aroung then not surprised the fans were let down as these Big Publishers are all the same.


So check out the new content some modders are still making for DAO as for DA2 and DA3 there EA not BioWare.

You're running Dragon Age with MO!? Kiiiick ASS! Feel free to post how the hell to do that on my MO thread! ;)






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  • 3 months later...

Thread...resurrected! Yay reanimation!


So, DA III comes out this fall. If Bioware has a heart, and brains, it will be moddable. If they don't (it's coming out on Origin, so probably NOT), it won't be. If it's unmoddable, I'll be getting it on X Box, unless the PC version has controller support. Without controller support, I'd never dream of getting any game on PC, although DA games are still okay with a mouse and keyboard (or in my case, just a Naga Razer gaming mouse...gotta love that beast!).

I'm playing Mass Effect on PC (already beat the shit out of it on X Box), and I'm losing my sanity trying to pull off even novice battles. I have it on Casual, and it's still embarrassingly difficult to beat people without using the freeze menu all the time to look around and choose what to do next. Even shooting is a pain in the ass! A controller is completely necessary for ME. I only bought it on PC because I wanted to see a modded ME. Not impressed with the nude mod for ME 1. Missing nips and vaj.



Inquisition looks badass! If I'm understanding the video right, you can be elves and dwarves again. God I hope so! I want that goddam controller support so bad...


Anyway, here's Inquisition:



The graphics look a bit better, and the game is certain to be bigger. They claim to have added findable items just about everywhere. This could be good or bad. I can't stand walking a quarter mile to a lone chest, only to find it's got a master lock on it, and nothing but a moth-eaten scarf and 6 bits in it. Also, making the game bigger could also be more pain than prize. Origin was enormous, and I don't think DA III should be much bigger, but looking at older vids about DA III has hinted that it'll be way bigger than the others. Not looking forward to walking cross-country to speak to someone real quick, and then walking back there to speak to them again later. Hopefully, this thing's moddable. As the AwfulArchdemon, I am bound by name and duty to buy it, and beat it 6 times :P.


Cross your fingers, modders! (but don't hold your breaththumbsup.gif...fucking EA! Grrrr!)

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Thank goodness. So far, so good. It looks like a different game tbh. If it's moddable, it'll be fantastic on PC! No dlc characters kinda sucks, but not everyone will agree. I just like seeing Sebastian nail that assassination request letter out of the Grand Cleric's hand with an arrow, and being like "Aw shit! DLC time!". Oh well. The DLC missions in DA II were pretty cool, so I'm just worried about mods now. I like what I'm seeing so far. October, right? I just wanna climb into a time capsule and wake up in October so I can play it NOW! :cool:

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I'll be pre-ordering the digital deluxe version very soon. Hopefully, they don't push the release date back. DA is likely my favorite game series. If not, ME definitely is. Elder Scrolls games are great, but it takes mods for them to surpass DA and ME in my eyes. Mostly due to the (complete) lack of cinematic scenes. I need to see a movie from time to time in my games. No player voice, no headtracking without mods...it's like using a soulless marionette.


Long live Dragon Age! I still keep wondering if I'll see my character from DAO standing together with Morrigan in DA III. Now that would get my attention! Especially since it was a girl that walked through that Eluvian with her... :blush:

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One more thing I dislike from the new trailer, is that party based combat which you had in the previous games appears to have been removed and replaced with PC against opponent combat.

Yeah what's up with that? In no screens did I see someone 'on your team' fighting beside you. Well, we'll see how it goes. It could prove to an awesome new way to fight in DA. It could also suck ass, causing an uprising of pissed off DA fans. The game does look incredible though. I'm gonna stay optimistic on this one. Now I just wait patiently, and ask myself over and over "will it be moddable?" until October 7th :cool:. They said nothing about online play, so clearly that's out, which gives them one more reason to make it moddable. Also, I better get sex scenes at the damn whorehouses! I paid 2 sovereigns to look at Hawke's back as she zipped up her shirt, demonstrating that they utterly skipped a sex scene. Why would anyone at all pay to go to the Blooming Rose? At least some awesome guy added tons of sex scene's to the Pearl in DAO. You can even get high there :P.


Yeah, to have a whorehouse without sex is such a waste of time and money. :angry:

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Did some digging over at Dragon Age Wiki and so far the following characters will be in the game. However both your main character from DAO and Hawke will play important roles.


Returning characters:








Unknown character from Dragon Age Asunder


New characters:


Iron Bull





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  • 5 months later...


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