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(CBBE, 3BBB, BHUNP AND UUNP COMPATIBLE) PAHE Compat Patch for Bodygen/Racemenu morphs. WORKS ON SSE

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(CBBE, 3BBB, BHUNP AND UUNP COMPATIBLE) PAHE Compat Patch for Bodygen/Racemenu morphs. WORKS ON SSE

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Hey everyone. Recently the dear caretaker of pahe implemented a patch that """fixes""" the issue of pahe targets losing their NiOverride/racemenu morphs when enslaved. Couple things about that.


1: That's my code, line for line. You can check my old submission from 2018 for proof; I originally asked CliftonJD to put it in pahe, but they refused due to it only being compatible with UUNP at the time. It feels a bit odd that I was not credited in the patch notes, given that it's my code. But whatever, I would let that go if not for the fact that...


2: No attempt has been made to modify it for modern body standards, and it is entirely incompatible with CBBE morphs; both script files uploaded with that patch are only acting on UUNP morphs, despite what Clifton says about it working for CBBE and UUNP. It also does not include up-to-date BHUNP morphs, so the reality is this script really only works for UUNP. Which, to reiterate again, is because it's my code that I wrote in 2018 when I was still using UUNP. So either CliftonJD is so stupid that he thinks copypasting the same file twice and renaming one of them to "cbbemorphs" instead of "uunpmorphs" magically makes it compatible with that body, or he's deliberately lying to his audience about a feature that does not exist. Neither of these things inspire confidence, if true.


So, today I decided to just make a universal file. This should work with CBBE, CBBE 3BBB, BHUNP, and UUNP. To use it, replace your old RPnodes.pex file in your pahe install.


I do not use 3BBB, UUNP, or BHUNP anymore, so please let me know if you run into issues with those bodies! Everything should work but if it doesn't please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.


As one final note, CliftonJD does not have my permission to integrate this into the main pahe release. If that happens this will be taken down from the site.


EDIT: pahe has now been updated to fix a problem with this patch that I forgot to include (oops!). I noticed it about an hour after submission and was working on a modified pahcore.pex (with some other fixes included) but that has been done for me with the latest update.

As such, pahe lives on 7.4.1c beta or newer is MANDATORY for this mod to work. Full functionality is not guaranteed otherwise.

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  • Requires
    pahe lives on 7.4.1c beta or newer
  • Special Edition Compatible


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17 hours ago, RocketBun said:

1: That's my code, line for line. You can check my old submission from 2018 for proof; I originally asked CliftonJD to put it in pahe, but they refused due to it only being compatible with UUNP at the time. It feels a bit odd that I was not credited in the patch notes, given that it's my code. But whatever, I would let that go if not for the fact that...

  • my apologies for not crediting your work with the patch, it wasn't intentional. can't remember what went on at the time, think i had trouble searching for your post. iirc i tried contacting you prior to releasing it with regards to how to fix the problem properly and i got no answer
  • while investigating the rpnodes script an sse user reported a problem that came to the discovery that the rpnodes script in any form was creating a secret requirement for nilO that had to be fixed before considering morphs
  • i put your script into pahe cuz you requested for the feature and i'd already admitted to not having a clue in those regards so i was forced to assume that when you made a script for that, it was intended for pahe
  • by renaming your original scripts before integration, it made it so morphs were not a requirement after making previous fixes to the nilO requirement
  • posting your script now as an independant replacement script of rpnodes after i've already renamed your previous scripts for morphs causes your new script to be ignored when used with either uunp or cbbe morphs
  • since you now claim i never had your permission to integrate your script into the mod, i'll remove it immediately and post early release
  • once that's taken care of, your new post should work as intended and the added requirement listed with your post
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19 hours ago, Sensual Nautilus said:

It's unfortunate that this occurred when this could have been inconsequential given how easy it is to simply credit and acknowledge someone's work into a feature. Drama or no drama, I highly appreciate your patch, thank you very much.

Please let me know if you run into any issues! Especially if you notice any specific body parts or features that aren't transferring 100% properly. And be sure to update your pahe install for the new patch; this will work inconsistently at best, otherwise.

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4 hours ago, aulton1968 said:

I feel stupid here. I consider myself a veteran pahe user and modder. I really have no idea what this patch does. It sounds straight forward. This patch allows u to keep racemenu morphs during enslavement. How do you racemenu morph an npc in the first place?


I use the Manipulator mod from here:


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17 hours ago, aulton1968 said:

I feel stupid here. I consider myself a veteran pahe user and modder. I really have no idea what this patch does. It sounds straight forward. This patch allows u to keep racemenu morphs during enslavement. How do you racemenu morph an npc in the first place?


The original reason I made this was because I use Bodygen, which is basically a highly configurable body type randomizer included with Racemenu. It relies on NiO shit to work, and would attempt to re-randomize the actor's body when they were enslaved, rather than retaining their original randomized body. I highly recommend checking out bodygen if you haven't; it's a great addition to the game.

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1 hour ago, RocketBun said:

The original reason I made this was because I use Bodygen, which is basically a highly configurable body type randomizer included with Racemenu. It relies on NiO shit to work, and would attempt to re-randomize the actor's body when they were enslaved, rather than retaining their original randomized body. I highly recommend checking out bodygen if you haven't; it's a great addition to the game.

Thank you! I use NiO. I just started checking out bodygen. It does sound like a great way to make npcs random and unique! On reddit someone said you have to create ini files to get bodygen to work. I use bhunp like you. Any chance you could share your ini files here? 

The other part of bodygen that throws me off is that you have to start off with a "zeroed" body for the base body, but I have only found unp and cbbe zeroed bodies on nexus, not bhunp. I am sure this is like all of modding, where I will just need to take the time and learn and figure it out myself eventually. A jumpstart using bhunp+bodygen+mod organizer  would be much appreciated tho!

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23 hours ago, aulton1968 said:

Thank you! I use NiO. I just started checking out bodygen. It does sound like a great way to make npcs random and unique! On reddit someone said you have to create ini files to get bodygen to work. I use bhunp like you. Any chance you could share your ini files here? 

The other part of bodygen that throws me off is that you have to start off with a "zeroed" body for the base body, but I have only found unp and cbbe zeroed bodies on nexus, not bhunp. I am sure this is like all of modding, where I will just need to take the time and learn and figure it out myself eventually. A jumpstart using bhunp+bodygen+mod organizer  would be much appreciated tho!

Unfortunately, I don't use BHUNP. I use CBBE. BUT, you can use this tool to convert bodyslide presets into bodygen ones and then autogenerate INIs. I'm not sure how BHUNP sliders behave as i havent used it in a while, but you can probably get away with just pushing all the sliders to the left in bodyslide.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/24/2018 at 1:00 AM, RocketBun said:

is there still no fix for bodygen morphs not persisting when cloned?

that above is your request for this to be in pahe

On 9/24/2018 at 10:11 AM, CliftonJD said:

i haven't had an update since that was asked for and haven't a clue where to look for that type of info, requests like that are when i'd prefer to be working as a team with my predecessors cuz i have a feeling blabla would know that. i'm more of a fixer, tho i do have some more ideas planned on how to implement features from other mods to give more features for slave training and more ideas on how to fix some other stuff blabla created. body stuff is not so much my thing like the newer nifscopes that hide the slot numbers down some huge tree give me such a headache fixing other people nif's cuz 1 nif has to have the slot number assigned 3 times even if its the same slot and 1 of those 3 had the wrong slot causing a mesh collision when normal armor was worn with it cuz it no longer matched what was in the esp


sorry for the ramblings over what i've been dealing with lately while i'm trying to recover from my rl health issues, but a fix like that requires more than just a fix so nothing yet

here i even showed you i was in no condition to be working on it

On 9/24/2018 at 2:29 PM, RocketBun said:

what's the relevant cloning code? i might take a look at it, as inexperienced as i am.

here you asked for help and see next i supported you from the beginning:

On 9/24/2018 at 10:27 PM, CliftonJD said:


majority of pahcore linked to the encounter zone of paradise halls. there's also an rpnodes called by pahcore in the switch actor function that handles some body data that blabla came up with that does a similar function to what you're looking for. my best guess if we could do it that would be the place to look so i'd start reading over that and see if you can understand it before attempting the core. if you can understand the rpnodes and would like guidance thru pahcore to achieve rpnodes, send a message...the core is mostly english to me, but nodes are outta my league


both scripts are available in the scripts\source folder


On 9/25/2018 at 11:09 PM, RocketBun said:

Hey everyone, after fiddling with the RPNodes file for a while ive come up with something that should preserve bodygen morphs. If it doesn't work for you please let me know. I've attached the source and the compiled file.





next i told you what i would do to fix it:

On 9/27/2018 at 1:18 AM, CliftonJD said:

ok, thought up an idea on how to fix it now

make 3 copies of the script, 1 for cbbe, 1 for uunp, and the original rpnodes script then from the core i can run a check for the racemenumorphs cbbe followed by another check for uunp morphs and run the script that matches those esp's that are installed then if neither mod is loaded, the original script runs...

i've already made a new copy of the script for cbbe from my end, only had to pull the racemenu source files so next i'll rename the files and recompile..then to work them all into the core...but not tonite

figured it out, now i'm off to bed, lol


On 9/27/2018 at 1:51 PM, RocketBun said:

I've run into some problems with my script, I'm working on ironing them out tonight but I think everything should work fine cbbe wise. I think some of the nodes that use flipped sliders for uunp are registering magnitude wrong. The body is mostly correct, but for some bodytyles the thighs and butt seem to shrink a little. I'm gonna work on it tonight once I get done with things and hopefully post a new corrected version. If not, that script works "good enough."

EDIT: I've figured out the problem, its not flipped sliders. Solution coming as soon as i get home.

EDIT2: Still working on perfecting the function, but here's a WIP. Use either this or the one posted above at your own risk, they're incomplete.


EDIT 3: The script is complete. It should work as a flawless transfer from the original actor to the new one. The WIP in this post has been replaced with the final versions.






On 9/28/2018 at 12:55 PM, CliftonJD said:

ok, remember here i'm assuming everything is the same script-wise for cbbe as uunp once i change the script to import the cbbe script instead of the uunp script so i'm going to let windows change the name of this to reflect its different and still test both but expect that i'll need the new script as well.


due to other things going on in rl i still haven't had time to test it from my side yet...nor write the code changes for the core to decide who runs which script

you need to run fore new idles skyrim and install sexlab from the mod configuration menu, those 2 control animations this mod runs

practically bent over backword looking for ways to get your patch to work without causing problems for users who didn't have the required mods to run it:

On 8/16/2020 at 4:27 PM, CliftonJD said:


  • new config option to allow all slave names to mix with all races
  • checks for racemenu morphs and if present adjusts for cbbe or uunp body morphs
  • other stuff i can't remember

finally released an update with your patch and simply forgot who you were to credit you for it


On 10/28/2020 at 4:59 PM, RocketBun said:

(CBBE, 3BBB, BHUNP AND UUNP COMPATIBLE) PAHE Compat Patch for Bodygen/Racemenu morphs

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Hey everyone. Recently the dear caretaker of pahe implemented a patch that """fixes""" the issue of pahe targets losing their NiOverride/racemenu morphs when enslaved. Couple things about that.


1: That's my code, line for line. You can check my old submission from 2018 for proof; I originally asked CliftonJD to put it in pahe, but they refused due to it only being compatible with UUNP at the time. It feels a bit odd that I was not credited in the patch notes, given that it's my code. But whatever, I would let that go if not for the fact that...




now your users won't need to look for the proof its your code, i've quoted both submissions of your scripts along with your request for it to be in pahe as tho something needed to be fixed. notice before i added your script to pahe i made relevant checks for the required mods to be installed for it beyond just a different body type

On 10/28/2020 at 4:59 PM, RocketBun said:

No attempt has been made to modify it for modern body standards, and it is entirely incompatible with CBBE morphs; both script files uploaded with that patch are only acting on UUNP morphs, despite what Clifton says about it working for CBBE and UUNP. It also does not include up-to-date BHUNP morphs, so the reality is this script really only works for UUNP. Which, to reiterate again, is because it's my code that I wrote in 2018 when I was still using UUNP. So either CliftonJD is so stupid that he thinks copypasting the same file twice and renaming one of them to "cbbemorphs" instead of "uunpmorphs" magically makes it compatible with that body, or he's deliberately lying to his audience about a feature that does not exist. Neither of these things inspire confidence, if true.

everybody can see now that i never made such claims, but instead told you what i was going to do every step of the way. note that even tho i said i was going to copy the file and rename it, what really took place is that after verifying the esp is loaded, i then looked at the difference in the 2 scripts you had made and noticed your original was compatible with how the cbbe morphs source script was written and the second script you made was only compatible with uunp then used each script accordingly when i released it. yes, i verified that with the morph source scripts before release. what never made sense to me when i compared your scripts with the morph source scripts is why they favored uunp so much it didn't give both bodies the same features

On 10/29/2020 at 3:56 PM, CliftonJD said:




  • dialog fix/changes to "do this for me commands"
  • made several dialog fix/changes to respect this update (to me it seemed require new game to take effect, reboot on old saves might be enough)
  • dialogue changes for certain quests that blocked pahe dialogues
  • additional factions added to the cleaning process during enslavement, should cover some quests factions as well as creature replacer npc factions
  • racemenu morph support removed in favor of independent mod management


after all that work put into filling your request i still went the extra mile to favor your newer independent mod. now if you wish further support in future updates, i'd recommend cleaning it up

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 1/3/2021 at 2:33 PM, CynicalCore said:

So... i use 7.4.7, is it now implemented or not? Should i use the files from PAHE or these from here?

To my knowledge, it is not implemented natively. I've been away for awhile and I haven't kept up with PAHE, but I think this patch is still required for bodygen compatibility. If it isn't required, or this mod otherwise just doesn't work, let me know.


On 1/6/2021 at 2:34 PM, DeusAngels said:

anyone have try on SE ? if people check tell me ?

This works on SE just fine. I should probably update the description to make that clear. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 4/20/2021 at 1:11 PM, shrek555 said:

Doesn't work for me which sucks im using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32644?tab=posts

aswell as cbbe 3ba this is on SSE, can it be fixed? Also using mo2 there is no script folder unless I unpack the bsa which still doesnt work.


Hi there. As per the readme in the .zip, you install this by placing the new RPNodes.pex file where the old RPNodes.pex file is in PAHE. The zip is not formatted for automatic install with MO2 or other mod organizers. Also, I can't guarantee this works with anything but racemenu's official bodygen functionality, so I don't have support for that mod. If you have some ideas on how to modify the script to accommodate your install, let me know. Thanks.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
On 9/11/2021 at 7:10 PM, FriedTm said:

Hey I cant find my rpnodes.pex, where is this file located?

doesn't exist in pahe

On 10/22/2021 at 11:50 PM, skyrimbelongstothenords69 said:

Not sure how to get it working if it works?

support was removed from pahe when he kept his main page drama, i won't support nonsense drama. if this were some ploy to get credit, he simply could have asked for credit or more to the point reminded me it was he who made it. my memory's not that good and sometimes its not feasible to dig up old posts

On 10/24/2021 at 4:38 PM, skyrimbelongstothenords69 said:

It doesn't work can anyone please make a addon mod to fix this?

any addon mod to make this work now would require dirty edits to the core and become obsolete with every update to pahe

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