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Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara nude mod

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Well from the start in regular game mode, it looks great, @orangy, but I've run into an odd issue with the expedition outfit.
It does what you see below when the scene changes. So, after a big cinematic, she ends up looking like this until you go to a campfire and switch to another outfit and then back again. Then it looks fine once more.
It is possible that this only occurs on low texture settings. 
They all seem to work perfectly in expedition mode, but in the regular game it keeps happening every time you go to the next part of the game.

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We need a way to pin posts to the top of a thread. So someone could go back to page one and the pinned posts would be the ones with files, which could be edited and updated as needed by the poster. Perhaps in order of posting. 
At least then when someone asked where the download was, we could just say page one. Or one through three. lol

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27 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

We need a way to pin posts to the top of a thread. So someone could go back to page one and the pinned posts would be the ones with files, which could be edited and updated as needed by the poster. Perhaps in order of posting. 
At least then when someone asked where the download was, we could just say page one. Or one through three. lol

Sorry,  I don't understand this.  

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5 minutes ago, lovegun said:

Sorry,  I don't understand this.  

Some sites have a way to pin a post in a thread to the top, so that it can be found more easily. It just means that important posts, such as the ones with a mod file attached and instructions, would be moved to the beginning of the thread. (the first page) so people would just need to go there to find everything.

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13 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

Some sites have a way to pin a post in a thread to the top, so that it can be found more easily. It just means that important posts, such as the ones with a mod file attached and instructions, would be moved to the beginning of the thread. (the first page) so people would just need to go there to find everything.

A very good idea, i think

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20 hours ago, liviaD34d said:

Well from the start in regular game mode, it looks great, @orangy, but I've run into an odd issue with the expedition outfit.
It does what you see below when the scene changes. So, after a big cinematic, she ends up looking like this until you go to a campfire and switch to another outfit and then back again. Then it looks fine once more.
It is possible that this only occurs on low texture settings. 
They all seem to work perfectly in expedition mode, but in the regular game it keeps happening every time you go to the next part of the game.

I have the same problem, too.



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I played again just now and got the same problem. I made sure to restore the game files and do a fresh install of just this mod. 
I did find a way to fix that error, though, @orangy
I copied the files from your outfits addon to the main jiggly mod folder and then installed it as one. Ran like butter. No error.
But still, this happened.

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1 hour ago, lovegun said:

I play this game on all settings on maximum. Every thing works fine for me.

Lara 1.jpg

Lara 2.jpg

But your mod only works on maximum.
One or two things show up here and there in high texture settings, but only in the highest setting does everything show up. And less than high, nothing shows up. Except the loading screen.

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2 hours ago, liviaD34d said:

Well from the start in regular game mode, it looks great, @orangy, but I've run into an odd issue with the expedition outfit.
It does what you see below when the scene changes. So, after a big cinematic, she ends up looking like this until you go to a campfire and switch to another outfit and then back again. Then it looks fine once more.
It is possible that this only occurs on low texture settings. 
They all seem to work perfectly in expedition mode, but in the regular game it keeps happening every time you go to the next part of the game.

Anyone else getting this error?  It is possible, if you are running at low setting, then you may not have the graphic requirement.  The textures are in an unusual large size, 8192x4096 format.  That's HUGE!  And its not in the standard 4096x4096 format, so that could cause this... I really don't know.


Unless this is caused by the game loading another texture I missed, nothing I can do.  You could try to mod the texture yourself, find the necessary programs and then reduce the size to like 2048x2048.  Maybe that'll fix it.

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4 minutes ago, orangy said:

Anyone else getting this error?  It is possible, if you are running at low setting, then you may not have the graphic requirement.  The textures are in an unusual large size, 8192x4096 format.  That's HUGE!  And its not in the standard 4096x4096 format, so that could cause this... I really don't know.


Unless this is caused by the game loading another texture I missed, nothing I can do.  You could try to mod the texture yourself, find the necessary programs and then reduce the size to like 2048x2048.  Maybe that'll fix it.

It is possible that your mod makes the game load the higher quality textures. Then, when the game automatically loads the outfit, it reverts to lower quality textures.

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I went back and let the scene start with very high texture setting. And it still did it.
Is anyone playing through the actual game yet, or just expedition mode? Because it works fine there.
I can play it with high settings. I just prefer the boost in frame rate.
By the way, the jacket doesn't do this. It seems, so far, that it's only the expedition outfit.

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2 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

It is possible that your mod makes the game load the higher quality textures. Then, when the game automatically loads the outfit, it reverts to lower quality textures.

Yeah that sounds plausible too.  One thing, this is really AlphaZomega's mod. :)  Technically speaking.

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2 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

I went back and let the scene start with very high texture setting. And it still did it.
Is anyone playing through the actual game yet, or just expedition mode? Because it works fine there.

Honestly, looking at the black area of the texture, it's going along the line of the 'seams'.  Originally, the mesh is made up of different parts.  I merged them all together and then welded the vertices together.  Maybe I shouldn't haven't done that.  Maybe they needed to be kept as separate meshes.


The seams I see are between the main body and the arms.  They were separate meshes in the original model.  I had to weld the vertices together because the skin weights were different and the seams were pulling apart...


I'll try to make a un-seamed model and put it up here, see if that fixes your problem..

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38 minutes ago, orangy said:

Honestly, looking at the black area of the texture, it's going along the line of the 'seams'.  Originally, the mesh is made up of different parts.  I merged them all together and then welded the vertices together.  Maybe I shouldn't haven't done that.  Maybe they needed to be kept as separate meshes.


The seams I see are between the main body and the arms.  They were separate meshes in the original model.  I had to weld the vertices together because the skin weights were different and the seams were pulling apart...


I'll try to make a un-seamed model and put it up here, see if that fixes your problem..

Cool. I just wanted to let you know about it. And thank you, if you get around to it. :)

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37 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

Cool. I just wanted to let you know about it. And thank you, if you get around to it. :)

Here's the tr2mesh with the seams separate.  There's a normal problem around the crotch area due to the programs I used... but lets see if this version works.


I assume you aren't getting the same texture problem with LovelyLad's mod?  The same textures are used, the big difference is that I welded together the seams instead of keeping them separate.

Mesh separate seams_Section 1071.7z

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6 minutes ago, gfjus said:

Beautiful! Hm it would be wonderful if we could also have this for the less muscular mod and probably the original mod mesh.

Well it is possible, but if you really want it, you may have to do it yourself.  You'll need Blender and Noesis, and use the modding tools from AlphaZomega.


It is quite easy, just select the objects in Blender, press Delete.

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58 minutes ago, orangy said:

Here's the tr2mesh with the seams separate.  There's a normal problem around the crotch area due to the programs I used... but lets see if this version works.


I assume you aren't getting the same texture problem with LovelyLad's mod?  The same textures are used, the big difference is that I welded together the seams instead of keeping them separate.

Mesh separate seams_Section 1071.7z 2.86 MB · 1 download

Wow. That was quick. Thanks.
I restored the tiger file and reinstalled the mod using this file and it happened again.
Tried in very high first then low.
I didn't have the problem with lovelylad's mod, no. But your version of the leather jacket is in the outfits addon, right? I don't get a problem with that either.

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43 minutes ago, liviaD34d said:

Wow. That was quick. Thanks.
I restored the tiger file and reinstalled the mod using this file and it happened again.
Tried in very high first then low.
I didn't have the problem with lovelylad's mod, no. But your version of the leather jacket is in the outfits addon, right? I don't get a problem with that either.

Here's one last thing to try.  This is a barebone version, that only has the nude mesh and the head.  All other objects like the hat is removed.

barebone version_Section 1071.7z

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(I'm new here and it´s my first post). 

Excellent work, guys! Especially, lovegun and orange! 
I went back to playing RoTR thanks to your work! 

That said, I would like to know how to put pubic hair in the athletic mod... 
In Nexus, there is no option for pubic hair, but I saw an image above 
(posted by lovegun: nude expedition jacket in the snowy scenery) that it was there... 
If there is this file here, could someone indicate it to me? 

Thanks and keep up the great work, guys! ?
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2 hours ago, ferrmath said:

(I'm new here and it´s my first post). 

Excellent work, guys! Especially, lovegun and orange! 
I went back to playing RoTR thanks to your work! 

That said, I would like to know how to put pubic hair in the athletic mod... 
In Nexus, there is no option for pubic hair, but I saw an image above 
(posted by lovegun: nude expedition jacket in the snowy scenery) that it was there... 
If there is this file here, could someone indicate it to me? 

Thanks and keep up the great work, guys! ?

As the guy that did the athletic mod - my comment on the pube version is; there are too many verticies for it to work properly. When I export the 3D pubes along with the body, it seems to be hitting a soft cap on verts on the model, and the result is missing faces on the mesh in the game, even though they don't appear to have that problem in the exporters. Also, even when I can get it working... the pubes are pixelated as hell due to the way the aliasing works.


And a textured pube setup is just... aggressively meh to me.


Finally, I can't figure out how to do alpha transparencies on textures, which would allow me to do a good version of the pubes with a much lower poly count.


If someone can figure out a work around these problems, I'll be happy to do the modelling for it.

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8 hours ago, lovegun said:

Martin Luther King "I have a dream"




This body onto Lara.




It kind of already is on Lara, this isint Jills body either, its Claire's nude body on Jill xD it was the first few nude mods for her by giving her Claire's body until many other new nude bases was made for Jill, now there is like more then 10 different nude base for Jill and same for Claire xD The nude body you see now on Lara is Claire's original nude base body and like how Todd Howard says, 'it just works' ?‍♂️?

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