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Red Triangles on Female characters when wearing vanilla armor

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So I've been updating my game, and whilst installing a large sum of mods a batch at a time, I run into an issue where various vanilla armor pieces appear as red triangles/exclamation points. I go through the motions, using wyre bash, tesv edit and researching what I've got my hands on. Backup doesn't work, uninstalling/re-installing what I think to be relevant mods doesn't work. I assume it to be an issue with Complete Crafting overhaul remade, as it comes up as the last mod to have edited the vanilla armor piece files. 


This however, turns out not to be the case, and I resort to using BSAdopt to restore my textures directly, one at a time. This worked for a time, up until I installed the Diabella Sisterhood mod, where the issue reared its head again. 


Burnt out and frustrated, I decide to do a complete system wipe and go back to reinstalling my mods one at a time. 


It wasn't until I had to install my final Nexus set of files, Nisetanaka's AWoBA mod and Bikini ascend do I run into this issue again. Forgetting my own lesson, I installed these mods along with a mod to seed the armors among npcs, as well as the necessary bodyslide morphs, where I was experimenting with standard CBBE meshes and how they compared to the bikini armor replacer mods.  Once again I've gone over the same routines and I'm at my wits end.

I'd prefer to not have to BSAdopt my entire female vanilla armor list  every-time this happens. 


If anyone has any advice for how to best remedy my situation, I'd very much appreciate it. I recently upgraded my hardware after the 3000 series announcement, and am looking forward to properly being able to cut loose in ESV. 


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Red Triangles mean that the game can't find the mesh file that the game or mod is calling from.  This can only be corrected by uninstalling the mod that is introducing the new meshes or from installing the mod and/or its requirements so the game can find the meshes.  


Installing mods more than one or two at a time without testing them in game is generally what leads to this.  Also missing a mods requirements can cause this.  There are a bunch of ways to go about tracking this down (TES5Edit is one), but if there are a bunch of red triangles it may be best to just start over and install mods one at a time, making absolutely sure you have all the requirements for that mod.  Hard to give much more advice without knowing what all you have tried to install.

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11 hours ago, gregathit said:

Red Triangles mean that the game can't find the mesh file that the game or mod is calling from.  This can only be corrected by uninstalling the mod that is introducing the new meshes or from installing the mod and/or its requirements so the game can find the meshes.  


Installing mods more than one or two at a time without testing them in game is generally what leads to this.  Also missing a mods requirements can cause this.  There are a bunch of ways to go about tracking this down (TES5Edit is one), but if there are a bunch of red triangles it may be best to just start over and install mods one at a time, making absolutely sure you have all the requirements for that mod.  Hard to give much more advice without knowing what all you have tried to install.

Thanks for the reply and the solutions! 

I'm fairly confidant that I've no requirement issues. I've tried checking for issues with the textures in game, but it seems that whatever mod that gave trouble-shooting and in-game logistics when I run console commands isn't there anymore, or I haven't installed it properly. 

The issue seems to affect vanilla female armors - specifically the gauntlets, boots & cuirass, though not in even combinations. The leather cuirass is unaffected, though the boots and gauntlets are fine. No helmets seem to be affected. 

I've been installing mods 5 or 10 at a time the entire time I was rebuilding my list after the restart, this is the first instance I've encountered such an issue.

As previously mentioned, I thought that I'd solved the issue with this texture/mesh problem with BSAdopt, replacing the vanilla textures one-at-a-time with my back up files. This worked nicely until it was undone (I'm not sure why) after I installed a few more mods (radiant prostitution and Sisterhood of Diabella, I think). 

I encountered the issue for the second time after installing these mods simultaneously (I also disabled the "Spells give off light" mod before doing so, but that should mean little):

I recall using the replacers over the Nexus CBBE file, as the OG bikini armor sets wouldn't show up in bodyslide, but the Ascend sets did (after installing the conversion). I think I also installed the Ascend replacer, for consistency's sake; though I'm not entirely sure. 

Nisetanaka's Amazing World of Bikini Armor and the accompanying CBBE HDT meshes https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383

The Bikini armor for NPC's file from Loverslab. The file did mention a dependency on Immersive wenches, but that was due to the file containing two .esm's, one for a load order with IM and one without.


Bikini Ascend files from Web Archive (from the link posted on the page) & Bikini Ascend CBBE HDT bodyslide conversions by Koffman77

& the basic Bikini Armor replacers posted by Grafenstein, here.  


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7 hours ago, Alessia Wellington said:


And here is your problem. This mod is for SE. SE meshes don't work for LE, that's why you get the big exclamation point.

Ah, so it is. Even in the tags too. How embarrassing. 

Nonetheless, thank you both for your time and advice.

One last question though (if you don't mind): once all properly cleansed of the mod, will the mesh issue resolve itself? Or should I get to using BSAdot to renew the meshes? Or is another clean slate restart what's best?

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9 hours ago, w0883g0ngz said:

I've uninstalled the armor replacers. The issue hasn't been solved, still getting missing meshes. 

I'll just install this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85739?tab=description instead, as per Grafenstien's suggestion. We'll see if there's any success there.

Might the issue be because of this? It's another "replacer mod"


Alright, that didn't work. Tried various "vanilla armor replacers" for bikini armor, even tried Immersive wenches and its patches to see if that worked, to no success. 

Gonna try installing the SSE armor replacer, see if I can't see what makes it tick, and go from there. 

Might try uninstalling/reinstalling Bodyslide, see if that works. If that's no good, I'll try poking around in TESedit/wyrebash, though I'm a bit inexperienced with the tools. 

On the plus side, the bikini armors themselves have integrated well and look good. 

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19 hours ago, Alessia Wellington said:

Once the loose files are removed, the game loads the assets from the archive automatically.


18 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

What Alessia said above plus if you install the LE version of whatever the mod was it will work correctly. Definitely no need for anything drastic.


On 9/18/2020 at 6:49 AM, gregathit said:

You have to be really careful about what you install.  LE only works for LE and SE stuff only works for SE.  

Hope that fixes you up.

Alright. Uninstalling/reinstalling/rebuilding bodyslide and CBBE didn't work. Legitimately considering a clean-restart at this point - it'd probably be faster; though I'll probably run into this issue again at some point. I'd like to bury this hatchet, and at the very least, leave behind a resource for other fools like me to learn from.

Perhaps some leftover SSE bikini replacer files are still left in the game? I've re-installed and uninstalled the SSE replacer and ran wyrebash+TESedit to double check that nothing remained, but to no effect it would seem. Perhaps I've entered something incorrectly?

I've been testing on the vanilla set of light elven armor, keeps coming up as a triangle when equipped. Tried new games, new sets of armor...no luck (armor came up as "FF00097e" in console commands, no-show in TESedit & wyrebash). Helmets are still green. I am running the Amidian textures, but they don't seem to be doing anything after a quick uninstall check. 

Maybe I'll just try uninstalling the bikini mods one-at-a-time, running the game and see what happens? I've already tried running the game without the files shortly after i ran into the mesh issue though. Doubt I'll fare any better this time. 

I'm legitimately at a loss at this point.

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Let's start at the beginning.


1. You shouldn't be using BSAOpt for installing or uninstalling anything.

2. Why do you keep posting the link for Corsec's patch? That is a patch, so if you do not have the mods it patches then it is useless.

3. If you are using LE then you should not be doing anything with SE mods.

4. Which mod manager are you using?

5. The problem you have with the red rhombuses is missing meshes.


If this is happening with every set of armour you try then you are doing something fundamentally wrong somewhere.


Post your load order.

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5 hours ago, gregathit said:

You are sure you have deleted all bsa files as well as any loose mesh files from the SE mods?

The only files that the SSE replacer had were Meta.ini (no sign of this in my mod manager, nor the data folder) and files for bodyslide/calintine tools. Of which, I un-installed and deleted their respective folders in both vortex and data. I'm fairly confidant that there's no trace left there.

I've done a quick search in data and vortex, revealing no .bsa's that stand out. I'm not entirely sure how to comb through meshes and determine one from another.

I've also gone over my plug-ins on vortex. Nothing jumped out at me there either. 

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Let's start at the beginning.


1. You shouldn't be using BSAOpt for installing or uninstalling anything.

2. Why do you keep posting the link for Corsec's patch? That is a patch, so if you do not have the mods it patches then it is useless.

3. If you are using LE then you should not be doing anything with SE mods.

4. Which mod manager are you using?

5. The problem you have with the red rhombuses is missing meshes.


If this is happening with every set of armour you try then you are doing something fundamentally wrong somewhere.


Post your load order.

I didn't use BSAopt for uninstalling, just replacing the meshes in my data folder with a backup copy. Apologies if I made it seem that way. 

Accidental on that regard. Site kept bringing back a discarded comment, along with the link. Didn't realize what was happening until now.

I am well aware that I'm not meant to use SSE mods in LE - learnt that 2 years ago. I simply made a mistake. 

I'm using Vortex mod manager 1.3

I came to that conclusion before my re-start, but I'm not experienced enough to know how or why this occurred, or if the same thing happened twice for the same reasons (save incompetence). 


The mesh issue is occurring on most (not all) vanilla female armor sets. doesn't affect male armors period.

It doesn't affect helmets, and seems to affect gauntlets and boots the most often. 

For example, all fur armor is left untouched, but elven cuirass, gauntlets and boots are missing textures. Meanwhile, iron boots and gauntlets have missing textures, but the iron & banded iron cuirass are untouched. 


I'll post the load order shortly. 

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34 minutes ago, RW311 said:

If you are not using a mod manager that prevents bodyslide from dumping nif files to data/mesh folder then you cannot fix this by removing mods you must find each and every offending nif file and delete it.


Okay, just for clarification so I don't bugger the game yet further ... I can browse my game folders for all .nif armor files of interest and delete them sure, but then what? 

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+ unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch.esp
  summermyst - enchantments of skyrim.esp
  amb glass variants lore.esp
  differently ebony.esp
  rebirth monster.esp
  zia_complete pack.esp
  wintersun - faiths of skyrim.esp
  immersive patrols ii.esp
  cco - permanent birthsigns.esp
  triumvirate - mage archetypes.esp
  skyrim flora overhaul.esp
  solstheim - the lost levels.esp
  character creation overhaul.esp
  andromeda - unique standing stones of skyrim cco patch.esp
  andromeda - unique standing stones of skyrim.esp
  cco - diverse races and genders.esp
  cco - dynamic skill progression.esp
  cco - oblivion carry weights.esp
  ks hairdos - hdt.esp
  sneak tools.esp
  sneak tools vanilla hoods.esp
  sneak tools vanilla masks.esp
  female mannequins in homes.esp
  immersive weapons.esp
  more interesting loot for skyrim.esp
  bikini ascend armors for npcs.esp
  apocalypse - the spell package.esp
  female mannequins.esp
  morningstar - minimalistic races of skyrim.esp
  dd - enhanced blood main.esp
  dd-dragonborn-dawnguard-ebt patch.esp
  dd-medium script range.esp
  better vampires.esp
  unique uniques.esp
  dd - realistic ragdoll force - high.esp
  dd - realistic ragdoll force - medium.esp
  dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp
  dd - realistic ragdoll force - reduced.esp
  obis dg faction patch.esp
  ordinator - perks of skyrim.esp
  apocalypse - ordinator compatibility patch.esp
  immersive citizens - ai overhaul.esp
  alternate start - live another life.esp
  alternate start -- new beginnings.esp
  immersive citizens - elfxenhancer patch.esp
  bashed patch, 0.esp

Current Load order

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4 minutes ago, w0883g0ngz said:

Okay, just for clarification so I don't bugger the game yet further ... I can browse my game folders for all .nif armor files of interest and delete them sure, but then what? 

If you delete the correct nif file, the one that is for se or whatever reason it's causing red x then nothing happens the game will revert to skryim bsa for the files like Alesia said.

If you delete the wrong one then you make another red x or worse if you start deleting important nif files.

Did you check that the bodyslide had put your armor nifs in skyrim\data\meshes? 

If this is what happened I think I would recommend  you dump everything and start over and use a mod manager setup that prevents this from happening because it can take a bit to figure out each and every nif that must be removed. 

If you want to fix it then find what mod you installed that gave you the SE nif files and follow it's folder structure and the name of the nif files it creates so  you know what to delete, if it only had bodyslide files then you will have to open and check each xml of each outfit to see the file path and output name. Or the really slow way is go in game, find red x, click on offending mesh and track it down using ck or tes5edt... this is a stupid slow way to do it just uninstall the game and start over if this is the only option

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You should've remove the culprit mod with Vortex for a clean uninstall. Going commando on your game files deleting nif files without knowing where they're coming from is dumb. If you can pinpoint the armors that present this issue you should identify which mods are related and reinstall/deploy? it again in Vortex so you get the proper mod files.

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What's already been said, above plus the simplest thing to do would be to disable all your armour mods in Vortex. Start a new test game and see what's what.

If that bashed patch is live I would disable that first.

1 hour ago, w0883g0ngz said:

dd - realistic ragdoll force - high.esp

You don't need this or the other 3. You were only supposed to choose 1 and XPMSE has dealt with ragdolling for a few years now. (Nothing to do with your problem)

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11 hours ago, Just Don't said:

You should've remove the culprit mod with Vortex for a clean uninstall. Going commando on your game files deleting nif files without knowing where they're coming from is dumb. If you can pinpoint the armors that present this issue you should identify which mods are related and reinstall/deploy? it again in Vortex so you get the proper mod files.

The SSE mod was installed using vortex, it was uninstalled using vortex. It would seem that bodyslide seeded the .nif files into the game folders, and I honestly don't have the ability to determine and replace the precise files. I'll try doing an uninstall of all armor related mods, but I'm not confidant in the result at this stage. 

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10 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

What's already been said, above plus the simplest thing to do would be to disable all your armour mods in Vortex. Start a new test game and see what's what.

If that bashed patch is live I would disable that first.

You don't need this or the other 3. You were only supposed to choose 1 and XPMSE has dealt with ragdolling for a few years now. (Nothing to do with your problem)

Thank you for your advice, I'll try doing that, see what's what.

Also, thanks for reminding me about XPMSE ragdoll .esp, meant to do that after the restart.

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