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The joys of fucking up your game...or yes, I'm an idiot

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“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” ~ Dean Wormer


Add complacent and lazy to the list. Like many, I've been playing heavily modded skyrim (LE) for years. Little by little, I've learned what to do and what not to do...then totally forget everything and spent a couple of days rebuilding the game back to where it was.


I use a lot of mods and am always trying new ones. The 255 limit is a constant presence and I've merged a bunch of mods. Lately, I've been hovering around 248 and added a couple new mods which came with some dependencies. It was time for some merging and editing.


So there I was, merging a bunch mods, when I did something. Now I use Mod Organizer 1.3.11 and can't ever see not using it. Its just too useful to me. I have no idea what I did, but suddenly I had a subdirectory and loaded half my mods into it (out of order) and I couldn't figure out how get it back, couldn't even move to mods out of the subdirectory.... well, shit. (There were a couple of things I should have done here, but didn't)


I've used MO long enough to learn a few things incase things go south, but I haven't been keeping up. (tip: once you get a stable mod order, add 001,002 etc to mods. Once I managed to deselect all my active mods and reordered the list along with inactive mods...fun times)


While 80% of the mods were renamed and sorted, being an idiot, I hadn't kept up. (maybe alpha 19 is rotting my brain,--- 3.2 gig update, jeez).


Ok, Updated some landscape mods. and changed enb....oh look, I overwrote my enb settings, yep an idiot...and...the last save of my current favorite preset was 4 months ago...


So a new start, no big deal. Good time to revisit some mods. Still need edit the various updated SL packs down... damn you DD dependencies. A mod uses 4 items from DD and I've got to load three plugins and 1000+ animations (*note I've got nothing against DD but I don't need or use 90% of it and it bloats my animation list)

SrtCrashFix hard CTD my game.(skse plugin conflict?) fixed


 The good news is my game seems more stable than before. I figured I had a bad landscape mesh somewhere causing a random ctd. Good luck finding that, but so far, New game - ctd = none. Of course I've got a few glitches old and new and a few things to sort.


1. (new) the lantern (known) glitch for the first time. plays leito animations on equip and/or teleport to last save location. Using it on followers for now.


2. Occasional (new) black screen in one direction and glowing green pubs with SOS Pubic Hair for Females Addon (AIO) (fixed I think)


3. the silver eye glich. Using these numbers in the enbseries.ini originally posted by boogieman335 fix it.



Actually, editing the eye nif seems to work. I changed what I was using to light the player/npc face and that with the new EMB caused my issue.


RANs Eye Reflection Extender




4. giant camp teleport. I know what to do but haven't gotten around to check if it has fixed itself.


5. adjusting the enb. Currently the nights are pitch black (which I like) but the lantern gitch...had to use the flame spell to light the way to Riverwood and would have experienced one of Billyys wolf animations except for an unexpected trip to the giants camp at 100ft.


So early game, low level mage character (again). Supposed to see the greybeards. (note: pc 100hp, followers ~200-300, frost trolls +9000 with regen) The trip up to High Hrothgar usually doesn't end well for the unlucky or the slow. BTW unadjusted Mortal Weapons And Armors and massively buffed wolfs = armor goes a flyin. lol


last note: does anyone play with more than 2 followers and does the third follower even trigger defeat-sexlab animation?.
I initally run with Este, Kokoro and Lydia for a bit and noticed the other would trigger events but Lydia would take a knee and be ignored.

Is that a thing and I never noticed?








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55 minutes ago, Joe_Oni said:

I have no idea what I did, but suddenly I had a subdirectory and loaded half my mods into it (out of order) and I couldn't figure out how get it back, couldn't even move to mods out of the subdirectory.... well, shit. (There were a couple of things I should have done here, but didn't)





You probably accidentally set the filter to something that wasnt 'No Groups"   I was so mad when I did it, WTF! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me give you some good advice.  Go get a second SSD like 500gb one and back up your current SSD every week or everytime you make big changes.  Backing it up takes like 30 minutes with Acronis backup.  Can't tell you how many times it has saved my game LOTS of times.

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Getting Drunk after work on a friday night installing a heap of mod's, fucking with all my settings, not backing up load order. playing about in Racemenu. then waking up on saturday for a lazy hungover day of adventures and having to spend all weekend fixing shit i have no memory of fucking with. 

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It happens. I use MO1 as well, but it's not setup for managing your ENB (and I don't think anything is.) I would like to go with MO2, but I haven't seen a profile management tool to move my 9 profiles over. I think your suspicions on defeat maybe correct and it was never written to consider more than one follower.

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On 7/18/2020 at 7:08 AM, Joe_Oni said:


You didn't fix shit, you just turned specular map strength to basically nothing.

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19 hours ago, 27X said:

You didn't fix shit, you just turned specular map strength to basically nothing.



May not be a fix but it happens make the problem less. I'm still shiny in the rain without the god eyes.  If you know of a real fix, do tell.


But anyway, thinking more about I remembered editing the specular in a item a while back so I  used a edit eye nif. Problem seems solved for the pc for now.

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