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Want to create a mod - Chaurus Chimera

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I am trying to decide on a "Timer" of when i want the story line to trigger to the next event, as in, when the chaurus armour grows. But i can't decide on what kind of timer to use:

- 5 minutes in real world time

- 2-5 hours of in-game time

- Upon resting/sleeping

- (after hooking into Sexlab) When the player orgasms

- Increasing arousal to 100 then orgasm scene.


TBH i like the last idea the most but i am wondering how hard it would be to implement Vs a simple timer, if it's something i should change after i release the mod?

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I have been putting a little thought into this, i do want to get a sexlab aroused (sla) redux property to govern the events as they happen.


To that end, i think the core goal of the script would be something like:


- Create link to sla to keep a float of arousal

- Wearing the armour increases arousal

- Display a message during arousal increase (at a specific point)

- On reaching arousal level 100, player orgasms

- On orgasm, armour is removed and the next piece is attached.

- On orgasm, a message is displayed

- On equipping w piece of armour, a spell debuff is applied (movement speed decrease)

- On equipping x piece of armour, a spell debuff is applied (unable to equip weapons)

- On equipping y piece of armour, a spell debuff is applied (unable to use spells (drop mana to 0?)

- On equipping z piece of armour, a spell debuff is applied (unable to speak, shout, consume potions, eat, drink)


I am keen to get this out the door once this is done, the start of the quest will be simple for now, no faction changes, simple start etc. There will also be sexlab properties built into the initial release, ones that animate the orgasm scenes, validation of actor, and is active when doing so etc.


I am also keen after it's released, to change how the quest/mod starts, how the player interacts with NPCs and have some simple MCM controls, mainly relating to arousal.


So i think my next step is to study up on SLA and see how it can interact with my mod. I can see the functions to SexLab itself are straightforward and easy to do thanks to the pdf How To guide. I will have to dig deeper for the arousal mod though.


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ok, i have an equip and unequp event on the core armour piece now, the main script reads the equip, registers it as an integer, and via a function and if statement, registeres the ID for an auto re-equip.


The entire script is here:




Scriptname CC_Quest_Scr extends Quest  
{Chaurus Chimera framework}

int WearingPanties = 0    ; track if wearing panties

Armor CurrentPanties        ; Remember last panties (for re-equip)

SexLabFramework Property SexLab Auto
; Sexlab hook

SLAMainScr Property sla_Main Auto

Message Property Box1 Auto
; Box1 shows the first equip message, CC_msg_equip_vestments.

Message property CC_Quest_Unequip_Panties_Fail auto
; Message will show failure in taking panties off

FormList Property CC_Vestments_msg_stage1 auto
; Pick a random message while wearing vestments for stage 1

Bool Function IsWearingPanties()
  return (WearingPanties == 1)

Armor Function GetCurrentPanties()
  if IsWearingPanties()
    return CurrentPanties
    return none
Function OnEquipArmor(ObjectReference akArmor)
    CurrentPanties = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00800000) as Armor        ; Slot 0x00800000 is for panties
    WearingPanties = 1

Function UnequipPanties(ObjectReference akArmor)
    Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(CurrentPanties, false, true)



Armour script is:




Scriptname CC_Quest_Armour_A extends ObjectReference  

CC_Quest_Scr Property VestmentsFramework auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
      if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
        Debug.Trace("We were equipped by the player!")

; Stuff to do when the player un-equips the clothing
Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
  if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()



Next stage:


I want to start using sexlab aroused redux. I think i want to:


- Set a base arousal exposure by the "int WearingPanties = 0" line, so if actor has this set to 1, it increases arousal.

- Set up a monitor to watch for arousal thresholds (40, 60, 80, 100) and set a number of events when these are met (messages, orgasm, change out armor, reset arousal to 0)


I think that would be it for now.


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Must say i do like working with SSE better :)


Finally wrote my first test line for stripping the actor. There are so many possible ways to do it but eventually i settled on writing in "Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(32)" for simplicity sake, during a special function.


I will expand on this and change the slot number to SKSE numbering and will start an OnInit event to regularly run the stripping function (and pass it off via some message boxes).

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  • 3 weeks later...

As i learn more about this i am starting to form a solid idea of what i want the main script to do, but i want to release a simple but functional mod first before i expand on it and add in new things to it. To that end i think i need:


1) Putting on the main armour triggers a bool function to register the PC is wearing the armour.

2) Putting on the main initial armour triggers a 15 second OnInit event that: - Runs a stripping function to remove clothing by keyword (will expand that later to item slots), - Checks arousal and stores it as a float/int

3) (not sure how to enact this function but...) Once the quest stage is set to after putting the main initial armour, it will trigger a steady increase in arousal. I am thinking a flat number, or registering a keyword to send to SLAR.

4) Script an IF statement that checks arousal on the arousal float (or straight from SLAR?), once it registers "100", it triggers an orgasm event.

5) The orgasm event would be assembled from Sexlabs functions. It would be:

- A solo orgasm (meaning no NPCs)

- Need to use a 'Belted orgasm event' like what Cursed Loot uses

- Start/add to an integer count

- Link to another function that controlled removing and adding selected armour pieces onto the PC. i am not sure how this will be done as yet beyond a lot of IF and AND statements.

At this stage i am not looking at adding any factions, spell effects or disease effects. i think once i get this core script done i can revisit all that.


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  • 4 weeks later...

OK quick update;


- I have implemented a timed strip function that will unequip the player of (presumably) all clothing that can be sold at a vendor.

- Implemented a sex scene

- implemented a line to update the PCs arousal. This is (at the moment) in with the strip function but depending on how quickly or slowly arousal is updated, i will move it to its own timer or just adjust the values.

- Set the orgasm scene to not strip the player of the special armour i have (using the keyword sexlabnostrip) to keep it nice and simple but still functional.


To do:

- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases

- Implement an event to trigger the orgasm scene when arousal is 100

- Somehow trigger the orgasm scene to advance the quest a single stage (there will be about 20-30 stages in the quest, each stage will adjust the PCs armour to advance the storyline). TBH i am not sure how to do this yet, but once i do, each quest stage will have its own papyrus script to do the armour updates, debuffs etc


I am trying to keep this as simple as i can while still doing what i want it to do, just so i can get some feedback on it.

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- I have implemented a timed strip function that will unequip the player of (presumably) all clothing that can be sold at a vendor.

- Implemented a sex scene

- implemented a line to update the PCs arousal. This is (at the moment) in with the strip function but depending on how quickly or slowly arousal is updated, i will move it to its own timer or just adjust the values.

- Set the orgasm scene to not strip the player of the special armour i have (using the keyword sexlabnostrip) to keep it nice and simple but still functional.

- Implement an event to trigger the orgasm scene when arousal is 100


To do:

- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases

- Somehow trigger the orgasm scene to advance the quest a single stage (there will be about 20-30 stages in the quest, each stage will adjust the PCs armour to advance the storyline). TBH i am not sure how to do this yet, but once i do, each quest stage will have its own papyrus script to do the armour updates, debuffs etc

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- I have implemented a timed strip function that will unequip the player of (presumably) all clothing that can be sold at a vendor.

- Implemented a sex scene

- implemented a line to update the PCs arousal. This is (at the moment) in with the strip function but depending on how quickly or slowly arousal is updated, i will move it to its own timer or just adjust the values.

- Set the orgasm scene to not strip the player of the special armour i have (using the keyword sexlabnostrip) to keep it nice and simple but still functional.

- Implement an event to trigger the orgasm scene when arousal is 100

- Somehow trigger the orgasm scene to advance the quest a single stage (there will be about 20-30 stages in the quest, each stage will adjust the PCs armour to advance the storyline). TBH i am not sure how to do this yet, but once i do, each quest stage will have its own papyrus script to do the armour updates, debuffs etc


To do:

- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases

Timed messages will run off the main timer in the script (need to make each tick longer) and should be easy to implement.


I have decided to write and add in an additional script that focuses on:

- Advancing the quest one stage at a time

- Add in in and removing various armour assets to the player at each new stage

- Add in debuff spells/diseases at each stage. I am not sure if i should do this via faction membership or just applied directly to the player.


Right now i am setting up the new script with each quest stage, adding in the container reference then will have to check each asset out in game and draw up a list of what goes on and when. So...


To do:


- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases

- Test and document every asset and assign them quest stage numbers

- Think of some spells and how to apply them

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- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases - 100%

- Test and document every asset and assign them quest stage numbers  <- 100%


To do:

- Think of some spells and how to apply them <- 0%

- Categorise each piece of armour into its item slot and create a function

- Add each item slot to be used to a property for force re-equipping

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- Implement some timed message boxes to display as arousal increases - 100%

- Test and document every asset and assign them quest stage numbers  <- 100%

- Categorise each piece of armour into its item slot and create a core add/remove script - This is done for the most part, i have created a core event and a function to be called. I am trying to use a form list with the function.



Function Change1()
    Debug.Messagebox("Change function called")
    Int ListIndex = CC_List.GetSize()
           If Playerref && CC_List && ListIndex >= 0 && ListIndex < CC_List.GetSize()
               Playerref.AddItem(CC_List.GetAt(3), 1, true)

Note: Need to add an equipitem and remove line to that function as well (too late in the evening to focus)


To do:

- Think of some spells and how to apply them <- 0%

- Add each item slot to be used to a property for force re-equipping

- Create the remove/add list of items based on formlist index number.



Also, i feel quite a bit more experienced now and am pretty confident i can enact the estrus chaurus spit attack as the initiator now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to take a break for a few days as i moved halfway across the country lol

After trying to write a script in regards to adding/removing items based on a global counter and formlist, i decided to revert to my original choice of each "level" of armour change will be done via a new quest level.


That way i can easily do it and not have to climb a big learning curve.


Next up on the to do list:


- Write a message for each change

- Write a base function script to change the armour over



- Cemented the list of armour changes, what level they will be put on, when they will be removed.

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