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Nipple rings without full undress during sex

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I was trying to add nipple rings to a sim, but I didn't like how they floated over and poked through clothing. This behavior makes sense due to technical reasons, so the next step was figuring out how to apply the accessories only when naked. That's where I'm having issues.


I tried using scumbumbo's Outfit Tool to create a nude outfit with piercings and set that to the bathing outfit. While this works when completely undressing, it's a workaround that's incompatible with the dynamic undressing features of WW. I wanted to know if there was a way to go about this without losing that functionality.

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You could change WW's undressing behavior from dynamic to plain full undressing (meaning Sims will get entirely naked for any sex interaction), or use custom clothing that doesn't cover the nipples (that's what I do). Other than that, we can only hope that Nisa will one day add more piercings than those for the clit to her "Wicked Perversions" mod.

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