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how many of you actually like and enjoy sub mods?

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I like sub mods like SD+, SL Defeat, or SL Kidnapped etc, I ain gon lie. it's fun watching my character being dominated, kidnapped and abused in a game, yes ONLY in a game, ONLY IN A FUCKIN' GAME GODDAMMIT!!!


That being said, I just wonder how many of y'all are sick-fucks like me lol

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Nope, hate 'em.


OK, OK, I love them.  So I lied ... so spank me.


More seriously (slightly), I always have some of these mods in my LO, though I tend to turn any "chances" down low so my gameplay has lots of risk, but is mostly "plain".  And some (SL Kidnapped) sound awesome but break too many things for me in practice.  Still, when my heroine is caught alone and thoroughly used it makes for some great RP.

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