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Question about third person camera


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I'm trying to build my own mod using some animations from Torture Devices(https://www.loverslab.com/topic/68652-torturedevices/) and Real Handcuffs(https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8485-real-handcuffs/)


And when I use hands bound animation on player, third person camera comes closer than before so if I don't zoom out far enough it looks like first person camera view.

Of course you can avoid this by just zooming out further or zooming into first person view.


The problem is, I have to stick camera view in third person in my scene. Player is AI driven and some actions doesn't work properly in first person.

So I use EnableCamSwitch(False) and Game.ForceThirdPerson() if I was in first person view.  But the latter won't make the zoom far enough so camera stays near player's head. And I can't zoom out since I already disabled camera switch.


So I'm asking if there is a script that can force camera zoom out, or disable cam switch control without disabling zooming control.

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