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Assigning Nipple Piercing to Proper Joints


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Hi everyone! I do hope that I'm posting this in the correct place. I'm in need of a little help. I'm working on making a nipple piercing but the one thing I'm having issues with is figuring out which joint to assign it to. Originally I thought I would need to assign it to the spine but the piercings don't move along with the breast when manipulated in CAS. I then tried the b__CAS_L_Breast & b__CAS_R_Breast. That looked a little better but it still didn't move properly to me.


With the breasts in the default CAS position/setting it looks the way it should, however whenever I move or expand the breasts it gets a little wonky:




Would any of you know which joint is the most appropriate to assign the piercings to?

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14 hours ago, Kritical said:

Spine 1 and respective nipple. The precise weights will differ bodytype by bodytype basis. Start off 0.5 0.5 and tweak it until you find the sweet spot.

Thank you so much! I didn’t realize I needed to assign it to Spine and the Breast bone (I also realized I was fiddling the weights all wrong as well) fingers crossed I can get this to work :)

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