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Sacrificial Mods + Basemental Drugs & WW not compatible?


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I wish I could have a super adult experience of the sims 4, but the magic trio is not happening.

It looks like on the wheel of interactions only basemental and WW are there, while sacrificial mods only appear on the mobile phone, suggesting there may be an overlapping of mods going on. Is there a cap to the quantity of script mods available? Or am I doing something else wrong?

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WW uses a separate menu system called Wicked and no other mod should be invading in there.

Same thing for Basemental as it has it's own separate pie menu called Drugs.


When I used Sacrificial mods before the menus were usually in with the EA Romantic Menus, or in the main menus along with Drugs and Wicked.


So you will need to ask Sacrificial about it.


With the latest game patch and hotfix many mods were broken so it may take more time for all of them to get sorted with updates.


Not really a problem using many script mods together as long as they don't 'step on each others toes', but it happens sometimes.   

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