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TamagoClub 1.15c / HiyokoClub1.10a stuff ENG

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scn a4tcfAddTamagoData

ref me
string_var idx

short i
ref r
array_var data

Begin Function { me idx }
	SetFunctionValue ar_Null

	if (me.IsActor == 0 && me.IsContainer == 0) || me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude
	;Need initialize?
	if 0 > ar_Size a4tc.aTamago
		let a4tc.aTamago := ar_Construct StringMap

	;Cleaning container
	let i := me.GetNumItems
	while i > 0
		let i -= 1
		let r := me.GetInventoryObject i
		if r >= a4tcItemBegin && r <= a4tcItemEnd
			me.Call a5cSetItemCount r 0

	;Add TamagoData
	let data := Call a4tcfGetInitialTamagoData me
	let a4tc.aTamago[ idx ] := data
	SetFunctionValue data
	me.Call a4tcfDispatchEvent "OnLive" 0 ar_Map "Me"::me "Data"::data

        ;Get a womb?
	let i := 0
	if me.GetIsCreature
		if Rand 0 100 < a4tc.FemaleCreatureRate
			let i := 1
	elseif me.GetIsSex Female
                if 0 == me.IsActorRespawning
		    let i := 1
	if i
		let i := ar_Size data->Wombs
		let data->Wombs[ i ] := ar_Map "step"::0
		me.Call a4tcsWombOne data i

	Call a4tcsTamagoOne a4tc.aTamago[ idx ]




So this is how the script should look like for removed wombs for spawnable NPC?


About no wombs for creatures:


if me.GetIsCreature


I don't know how to fit in that piece of code.

;Get a womb?
let i := 0
if me.GetIsCreature
elseif me.GetIsSex Female
                if 0 == me.IsActorRespawning
      let i := 1

It should look like that?


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scn a4tcfAddTamagoData

ref me
string_var idx

short i
ref r
array_var data

Begin Function { me idx }
	SetFunctionValue ar_Null

	if (me.IsActor == 0 && me.IsContainer == 0) || me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude
	;Need initialize?
	if 0 > ar_Size a4tc.aTamago
		let a4tc.aTamago := ar_Construct StringMap

	;Cleaning container
	let i := me.GetNumItems
	while i > 0
		let i -= 1
		let r := me.GetInventoryObject i
		if r >= a4tcItemBegin && r <= a4tcItemEnd
			me.Call a5cSetItemCount r 0

	;Add TamagoData
	let data := Call a4tcfGetInitialTamagoData me
	let a4tc.aTamago[ idx ] := data
	SetFunctionValue data
	me.Call a4tcfDispatchEvent "OnLive" 0 ar_Map "Me"::me "Data"::data

        ;Get a womb?
	let i := 0
	if me.GetIsCreature
		if Rand 0 100 < a4tc.FemaleCreatureRate
			let i := 1
	elseif me.GetIsSex Female
                if 0 == me.IsActorRespawning
		    let i := 1
	if i
		let i := ar_Size data->Wombs
		let data->Wombs[ i ] := ar_Map "step"::0
		me.Call a4tcsWombOne data i

	Call a4tcsTamagoOne a4tc.aTamago[ idx ]



So this is how the script should look like for removed wombs for spawnable NPC?


About no wombs for creatures:


if me.GetIsCreature




I don't know how to fit in that piece of code.

;Get a womb?
let i := 0
if me.GetIsCreature
elseif me.GetIsSex Female
                if 0 == me.IsActorRespawning
      let i := 1
It should look like that?


My mistake... Get rid of the endif after the return and you should be fine.

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So the final code for no wombs for respawnable npcs and no wombs for creatures should be like this:



scn a4tcfAddTamagoData

ref me
string_var idx

short i
ref r
array_var data

Begin Function { me idx }
	SetFunctionValue ar_Null

	if (me.IsActor == 0 && me.IsContainer == 0) || me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude
	;Need initialize?
	if 0 > ar_Size a4tc.aTamago
		let a4tc.aTamago := ar_Construct StringMap

	;Cleaning container
	let i := me.GetNumItems
	while i > 0
		let i -= 1
		let r := me.GetInventoryObject i
		if r >= a4tcItemBegin && r <= a4tcItemEnd
			me.Call a5cSetItemCount r 0

	;Add TamagoData
	let data := Call a4tcfGetInitialTamagoData me
	let a4tc.aTamago[ idx ] := data
	SetFunctionValue data
	me.Call a4tcfDispatchEvent "OnLive" 0 ar_Map "Me"::me "Data"::data

        ;Get a womb?
	let i := 0
	if me.GetIsCreature
	elseif me.GetIsSex Female
                if 0 == me.IsActorRespawning
		    let i := 1
	if i
		let i := ar_Size data->Wombs
		let data->Wombs[ i ] := ar_Map "step"::0
		me.Call a4tcsWombOne data i

	Call a4tcsTamagoOne a4tc.aTamago[ idx ]





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This should be enough.




scn a4tcfAddTamagoData

ref me
string_var idx

short i
ref r
array_var data

Begin Function { me idx }

    SetFunctionValue ar_Null
    if 0 == me.IsActor || 0 == me.IsPersistent
    if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsSex Male || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning
    ;Need initialize?
    if 0 > ar_Size a4tc.aTamago
        let a4tc.aTamago := ar_Construct StringMap

    ;Cleaning container
    let i := me.GetNumItems
    while i > 0
        let i -= 1
        let r := me.GetInventoryObject i
        if r >= a4tcItemBegin && r <= a4tcItemEnd
            me.Call a5cSetItemCount r 0

    ;Add TamagoData
    let data := Call a4tcfGetInitialTamagoData me
    let a4tc.aTamago[ idx ] := data
    SetFunctionValue data
    me.Call a4tcfDispatchEvent "OnLive" 0 ar_Map "Me"::me "Data"::data

    let i := ar_Size data->Wombs
    let data->Wombs[ i ] := ar_Map "step"::0
    me.Call a4tcsWombOne data i

    Call a4tcsTamagoOne a4tc.aTamago[ idx ]



so the above script does this. If the target is a persistent actor, they pass the first check.

From there, they should pass another check that tests if they are a female, they don't have any exclude token, not creature, won't respawn. Otherwise they will be ignored.

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@ Justinof - Yes, thank you for your above posts. I'm adding that to my notes for when I return to having Tamago/Hiyoko enabled.


My biggest issue in the past is I'm always experimenting, editing MODs or adding more or deleting some. 


I agree PerfectionCat's last bit of work on this has tremendous potential, but I just couldn't make much sense of the translations either. (After reviewing the video I DLed this again today to have it on hand for when it happens.)


The default generator ( and my version so far) uses Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm and x117race.esm as masters; if you have added new hiyokos to the generator using different races that have another .esm/.esp as master, these master files have to follow the same rule about the LO number.


Yeah, this is where I screwed up my existing saves. I also feel have to go back and do some cleanup around MBP++ and x117. I built this (MBP++ and x117) setup years ago from scratch as there were no easily installed OMODs or even collected MODs sets for it at the time. It was A LOT of trial & error, and no doubt some errors crept in and still exist today. Still, the headless occurring is not.


The head missing issue, best I can tell is when the LO changes the save game loads and looks for it, from either a ESM OR lower level ESP and cannot find it since the LO changed numbers. But bodies are stored else where and are much less affected by LO changes. I think merging head mesh data higher up, maybe in ESMs and do away with ESPs will do the trick. That is mostly just theory. I need to rebuild my Hiyokos and retest. It also seems to be localized to just a couple or few race types. Not all have this issue.


One day I'll revisit and dig deeper into it.





Edited by varenne
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@NekoTerra - You can do some changes:

Hiyokos can be disabled removing their umbilical cords, this free up a slot for another one to be born.

The default lifespan is 300 days, you can change this value for every single hiyoko using the spell of HiyokoGenetics that display their stats.

Or you can change the default value for all the hiyokos whit a console command:


set a4hc.hiyokolife to 300*24*60


just change the 300 to another (lower) value, once reached this value, the hiyokos will be disabled.

For an automatic removing of hiyoko children once reached the cap, this shoudn't be hard to script, but the author decided not to follow this path, and i agree whit him.


Just a reminder....the default cap limit is 100, not 400 hiyokos. The max limit has to be set whit another console command:


set a4hc.hiyokolimit to 400


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This should be enough.




scn a4tcfAddTamagoData

ref me
string_var idx

short i
ref r
array_var data

Begin Function { me idx }

    SetFunctionValue ar_Null
    if 0 == me.IsActor || 0 == me.IsPersistent
    if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsSex Male || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning
    ;Need initialize?
    if 0 > ar_Size a4tc.aTamago
        let a4tc.aTamago := ar_Construct StringMap

    ;Cleaning container
    let i := me.GetNumItems
    while i > 0
        let i -= 1
        let r := me.GetInventoryObject i
        if r >= a4tcItemBegin && r <= a4tcItemEnd
            me.Call a5cSetItemCount r 0

    ;Add TamagoData
    let data := Call a4tcfGetInitialTamagoData me
    let a4tc.aTamago[ idx ] := data
    SetFunctionValue data
    me.Call a4tcfDispatchEvent "OnLive" 0 ar_Map "Me"::me "Data"::data

    let i := ar_Size data->Wombs
    let data->Wombs[ i ] := ar_Map "step"::0
    me.Call a4tcsWombOne data i

    Call a4tcsTamagoOne a4tc.aTamago[ idx ]



so the above script does this. If the target is a persistent actor, they pass the first check.

From there, they should pass another check that tests if they are a female, they don't have any exclude token, not creature, won't respawn. Otherwise they will be ignored.



Thanks I will test the code. :)


Wouldn't this code exclude all spawnable males from producing the sperm? I would like to exclude only female spawnable actors and spawnable/all creatures from getting a womb.


So if I delete

me.GetIsSex Male ||

In line 16 the I should be good and have fully fertile respawnable male NPCs?


From this:

if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsSex Male || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning

To this:

if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning

Something like that?




Justinof - lol  :D :D :D

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Yeah, this is where I screwed up my existing saves. I also feel have to go back and do some cleanup around MBP++ and x117. I built this (MBP++ and x117) setup years ago from scratch as there were no easily installed OMODs or even collected MODs sets for it at the time. It was A LOT of trial & error, and no doubt some errors crept in and still exist today. Still, the headless occurring is not.


The head missing issue, best I can tell is when the LO changes the save game loads and looks for it, from either a ESM OR lower level ESP and cannot find it since the LO changed numbers. But bodies are stored else where and are much less affected by LO changes. I think merging head mesh data higher up, maybe in ESMs and do away with ESPs will do the trick. That is mostly just theory. I need to rebuild my Hiyokos and retest. It also seems to be localized to just a couple or few race types. Not all have this issue.


One day I'll revisit and dig deeper into it.






I simpatize whit you about the MBP++ and x117 stuff, i had to do the same because of some issues, the OMOD version available in this site is a lot better than the previous versions scattered everywhere.


I am experimenting whit my generator as you do, the current version i am working on has an additional .esp as master (bad idea!) so the next step will be make an .esm instead, and get rid of useless dependencies.



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Wouldn't this code exclude all spawnable males from producing the sperm? I would like to exclude only female spawnable actors and spawnable/all creatures from getting a womb.


So if I delete


me.GetIsSex Male ||
In line 16 the I should be good and have fully fertile respawnable male NPCs?


From this:

if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsSex Male || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning
To this:

if me.GetItemCount a4tcExclude || me.GetIsCreature || me.IsActorRespawning
Something like that?


EDIT: Justinof is correct in the next post.

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@NekoTerra - You can do some changes:

Hiyokos can be disabled removing their umbilical cords, this free up a slot for another one to be born.

that part i did not know


i have already played with numbers in there before and make an explosion of kids that turned the game into a slow crawl, like oops, having a full cycle in less then a day can be a little crazy


I've been working on the idea of a sexchange spell but i hit a road block at generating a womb trying to see if it would work, is there a way to give or remove a womb from an npc after the tamago does it's setup?

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@NekoTerra - You can do some changes:

Hiyokos can be disabled removing their umbilical cords, this free up a slot for another one to be born.

The default lifespan is 300 days, you can change this value for every single hiyoko using the spell of HiyokoGenetics that display their stats.

Or you can change the default value for all the hiyokos whit a console command:


set a4hc.hiyokolife to 300*24*60


just change the 300 to another (lower) value, once reached this value, the hiyokos will be disabled.

For an automatic removing of hiyoko children once reached the cap, this shoudn't be hard to script, but the author decided not to follow this path, and i agree whit him.


Just a reminder....the default cap limit is 100, not 400 hiyokos. The max limit has to be set whit another console command:


set a4hc.hiyokolimit to 400


Alternately they can make use of the HiyokoClub.ini I wrote (specifically for HiyokoClub V1.10a & HiyokoClub_400) in post #363


We, or LL members using Tamago/Hiyoko could add more commands to it as they choose. I find it saves time and you don't have to remember which commands do what, and as important what I set them for.

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I've been working on the idea of a sexchange spell but i hit a road block at generating a womb trying to see if it would work, is there a way to give or remove a womb from an npc after the tamago does it's setup?



Uh, are you playing Transexual Oblivion? :lol:

The wombs can be removed using an inventory spell like in MCS or LST and given to a male.

Be aware though, don't keep them in your inventory for long or they could mess up your menstruation cycle badly.


They keep the original owner's name, they make a full menstruation cycle even when put inside a container. :s

I have never tried to generate a new womb, i have tried whit ova whitout success.



I don't have the scripting skill to make a sexchange spell that works whit Tamago, sadly.

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I'm not sure a sex change spell may work, especially on NPCs. I believe that info gets stored in the save game. It'll depend on the level of persistence insisted on by Oblivion save game coding.


I recall a while back installing a MOD (Dremora Elf) that changed existing Dremora from mostly male to mostly female, of course this is an entire race being affected. With existing save games, the only time it would apply (male to female) is after a PC level up, and sometimes not always. Supposedly that is when the save game gender info is updated. The only way to get 100% conversion is by starting a new game.

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Uh, are you playing Transexual Oblivion? :lol:

The wombs can be removed using an inventory spell like in MCS or LST and given to a male.

Be aware though, don't keep them in your inventory for long or they could mess up your menstruation cycle badly.


They keep the original owner's name, they make a full menstruation cycle even when put inside a container. :s

I have never tried to generate a new womb, i have tried whit ova whitout success.



I don't have the scripting skill to make a sexchange spell that works whit Tamago, sadly.



actuly it's more like i want to zap every male in the game and do stuff to them, cause it's fun being evil in the game has long has you can keep the guards off you >:)


I've tried messing around with that before and it just got weird, not only that but the birth goes to the owner of the womb and not the holder if you move it that way


and on what you were trying to do before, i would love to see better support for that cause i would love to get something like breeder for oblivion


I'm not sure a sex change spell may work, especially on NPCs. I believe that info gets stored in the save game. It'll depend on the level of persistence insisted on by Oblivion save game coding.


it does work actuly there is a console command 'sexchange' and it's pretty easy to use has long has you make sure the npc is outside the same cell that you are in otherwise the game will instantly crash, i did my testing by using MCS to teleport them out, use the command on them and then pop them back in front of me


so basicly writing that into a spell would be:

teleport target into a test cell

sexchange them

teleport them back

then add or remove womb

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Nepro, that script only check who will get a womb, the males don't get it, but whit your editing they will have it :shy:


Thanks. I used the code from movomo's post#458.



It works fine. I tested and I don't find anymore wombs on female respawnable actors. I tested on bandits & marauders so far.

The creatures don't seem to produce wombs as well. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm not sure if I'm missing something but I've looked everywhere and can't find the download link for many of the optional mods listed in the OP.

Post #7 in this thread has links to some of them. Most of the rest can be found at:





I think they need to be more specific than just implying that a DL link for ANY optional MODs is not in the OP. I know Movomo updated that OP recently, what exactly was missed?


I feel if we send members trying to set this up with optional MODs to the main DL they're bound to install something no longer current or compatible with this set.

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I feel if we send members trying to set this up with optional MODs to the main DL they're bound to install something no longer current or compatible with this set.

Yeah... finding the latest has always been a problem. Even when I know where the odd links are, I still find myself reading through every post in case someone has posted something newer. I did the same thing myself with the 1st-person skeleton.


The ability to attach files to individual posts is definitely a mixed blessing.

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